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    • Those look delicious, Sea-to-sky. I have never heard of them, but yum!
    • Yep. I am VERY understanding when there's some attempt at communication. This dude is not trying. And went to my neighbors' house before mine, when he was already an hour late.    Nothing that I can think of, unfortunately. I'm technically working, but reviewing this document is mostly me fuming and checking the clock.   (which it is now 9.10, for anyone else keeping track)
    • Have you got anything to do that can be easily put on hold? That way you get to be productive so Waiting Time™ doesn't feel like Waiting Time™, while still being available when if the guy shows up...
    • That is frustrating. I try to be understanding that jobs like that don't always go as planned and can end up throwing a crew's schedule off, but how hard is it to call a client and say, "Ran into some trouble on the current job, we'll have to reschedule you." A little communication goes a long way.
    • Yesterday I went to pick up my bike again from the bike shop where it got its yearly maintenance. To fit it in my schedule, I had to pick it up before work, but Mrs. Movieman needed the car, so I *walked* there. It's 6.9 km (4.3 mi) away, just over halfway on my 12 km (7.5 mi) commute. Still went on a lunch break walk, which is usually just shy of 3 km (1.9 mi). Had to pick up TimovieDaughter and a couple of her classmates from after-school drama class. Was 15 minutes early. Went for an additional walk. And as if that wasn't enough, I went for yet another long walk in the evening - as I regularly do on Thursdays.   Total tally for yesterday: 21.8 km (13.5 mi) in dedicated walks (which count on the Road to Mordor), and a total of 35K steps. Possibly the highest amount since I track them with my Fitbit. Definitely top-3. 🤘     Another office day today. Had a productive morning, but not feeling it all that much this afternoon. Still have 2.5 hours to go. Guess I'll go Oprah-parody on them...   Happy Friday, everyone! 😎     Will be an evening with just the kids. Mrs. Movieman is helping out at a quiz organised by several of the parents of TimovieSon's football team. The assistant-coach's youngest has severe disabilities, and the quiz evening is a charity event for him. I had originally intended to participate with brother-in-law, but he can't today, and I didn't want to be paired up with people I either don't know or don't really like all that much. So I'll be at home with the kids.   Will most likely translate to: I'll be playing Cyberpunk 2077 on the laptop while they're watching The Masked Singer on TV. 😅   Dinner will be akin to the carnivore diet. There's some chicken breast filet in the fridge that needs to be eaten before it expires, and there's a rack of marinated ribs that Mrs. Movieman took out of the freezer yesterday "because it took up too much space and would otherwise have remained in there until next summer". Her words, not mine. As a massive meat-eater, I'm not complaining. 😇     About Cyberpunk 2077: I've been going a bit overboard with it these past weeks. I've already racked up 70+ hours in 3 weeks! 😮 And I still have a LOT to do in the game, so I'll probably get to 150+ hours. The two main female characters (that are also in-game romance options) are very well-written. I immediately liked the Judy character. In my V's very first interaction with her, we both geeked out over some piece of technology, hitting it off from the get-go. Alas, the relationship is platonic. She's a romance option, sure, but for a female V, and I'm playing as a male V... 😅 Anyway, the main point I'm trying to make is that the game is friggin' brilliant! 😁
    • Also, I see the new forums are up. I'll have to give that some thought.
    • Why can people just not do what they say they will do?   We had a tree down in the back yard after Milton. Tree guy coming through the neighborhood took the actual tree on... Saturday and said he'd be back to handle the root ball with different equipment.. Nothing all week. Text him yesterday morning and finally get a response shortly after 2p that he'll be here in an hour. Great. At 4.30 I text him again and to find out if he's still coming, what's happening. "Just grinding this small stump for your neighbor 2 houses down and then I'll be right there." At 6p, I pop out and see that he's still down there, so I go back inside to wait. Between 6.30 and 7, I go out to see again and he's gone. Truck gone, equipment gone, not in the neighborhood.   Shortly after 7 I  have to text him to find out what the story is. he says he'll be here in the morning at 9.   It is now 8.45. I spent all yesterday afternoon/evening in Waiting Time(TM) If I have to spend today doing the same, I am going to be even more irritated than I already am.
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