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    • Week 0, Sunday Forest Encounters - N/A, technically, skipping this today would mean an attack against me, but a turkey isn't going to do enough damage to be a problem right before a long rest. Also, it's zero week and I peopled (indoors) all day yesterday.   I baked some bacon cheddar oatmeal breakfast cookies so that's a Goodberry spell (+10 xp).   Exploration - N/A   Clearing the Safe House - Bathroom sink. Because I did this both weekend days, I get to use a bonus action to make an attack with my second shortsword. First was 8 which misses. Second was a natural 20, 12 damage, finishing the third spider (+50 xp). One left to go. She swung her first shortsword, missing, but then ran the spider through with her second shortsword.   Fletching/Songs/Short Rest - Blackberries, dex check of 20 is a success on the arrow attempt (Feathers 37). One more success and the DC will go down! Practiced songs. Candles and teeth for a short rest. But the one after that was straight and looked like it would fly true.   Tracker   I think instead of sharing the tracker every day, I'll just do it at the end of the week from now on.   Aside from no weekend workout, this was a good week as far as the challenge goes. I did the things.   Week 1 Plan Workouts M, T, W, Weekend. For Tuesday's stairs workout, I'll probably either do three sets or figure out some sort of pack thing to add weight (as long as I can figure out a way to do it without messing with the system I have for stuff I take to work). There's a part of me that wants to schedule a group hike for the weekend right now so I can't get out of it and another part of me that wants to procrastinate until it's too late for it to work. In spite of what my very nice tracker spreadsheet implies, I'm a real mess right now.
    • Hey Sov   How are you? How was your weekend?   I hope you caught many glimmers x
    • Hey Timo, you sound really well!!!   35k steps. Wow bloody hell!!!!!! Xx   Ps. I'm a poet.
    • Hey Harriet. Sending a lot of love to you.   Just read through your challenge and offering a big cuddle.   You're a wonderful person and I'm so so so glad to be your friend 🥰   I'm sorry you are feeling low. I hope you have been able to rest.   Print making is really gorgeous and relaxing. My favourite is mono printing and lino printing.   I think you would be amazing at both!!! If you want me to go into detail with tips just let me know   On the subject of children I'm definitely with you on how to react to others.   People showing you kid pics is because they adore them and yes it's an extention of them! They want to share their love and pride with you...   I get lots of photos of my friends two kids and I love it. Seeing them develop a personality even a few months old....it's crazy and mind blowing really.   Yes sometimes they look like shriveled prunes but it's my friends shriveled prune and my love extends to them now!!!!!   Xx
    • Morning AP   Your challenge is looking great.   I hope your offer for the new horse is accepted. What a life he will have with you.   What will you read to him?   Xx
    • Hey ROOKIEEEEE   Your three a day is a great idea and I hope it helps with you getting joy back in your day to day 🥰
    • Week Zero Summary    Initial progress after arriving at Moon Thegund was expectedly slow and cautious. Initial areas if control were established and reinforced. Kight Alis-art’h could sense that something was disturbed by their presence, like they were near the layer of a beast. After nearly a week of careful searching and preparation, the den of an enormous demon was found. Too close to the hard faught island of stability to be ignored, too strong and deep into the corrupting chaos to be fought on its own terf.   The Grivecks launched the attack, naturally swift and resilient, and augmented more my their status as Avowed, they were the only ones that could enter that corrupt area, but even they couldn't stay there long.   Sasha launched a feint directly at the demon's maw, while ShyAnn circled behind to swipe at its hindquarters with fierce claws. When it turned no her, Sasha launched an attack of his own. Other's might have used these attacks to goad the demon into following them into a trap, but the proud warriors would not retreat from a foe. They did not draw the monster after them, but drove it into a cleared area where Alis-art’h was able to join the fight.   The demon was as stupid as it was strong, as clumsy as it was tough. In the cleaned area, it didn't really have a chance of winning against a Knight if the Triplanets and her Avowed warriors. It took time and attention and freshly cleared ground torn back up again, but after a hard days fight, the demon was worn and then thrown down.   The fight finally done, Alis looked down on their defeated foe. There was no telling what poor creature had first formed the seed the demon had grown from; too much twisting corruption and chaos. The lands they had spent the last week working on were worse for the wear, but they could be set right again with a day or two's effort, and with the demon defeated, the path ahead was already looking half ckeared.   She turned to her tired, but clearly satisfied companions and said "dinner?"   Lots and lots of hard work today, but made some huge progress sorting first in the living room, and then dragging stuff from the bedroom to be sorted. Recycling bins completely full, and I've still got several more paper bags worth. Cleared a nice wide path to the closet, washed a bunch of laundry and got all of it hung or folded and put away.   Decided to get dinner delivered, but not tapping Argold for it, considering it a special reward for extraordinary efforts. 
    • Welcome to my internal dialogue!
    • W1D1:  one DrP.  I also had a Coke Zero and a DrP Zero while out and about in the early afternoon, but those have no calories so I'm not counting them against my goals.  For lunch I made a plate of stacked cheese enchiladas, and throughout the afternoon I snacked on some potato chips and a bit of cheddar cheese.  For dinner I made a big batch of oven-roasted chicken thighs with potatoes and a side of steamed fresh green beans.  The extra snacking ran my day up to 2411 kcal, but I'm perfectly content with that.  It's red on the grid, but it's green in whatever's left of my heart.   For unclear reasons (I'm not all that interested in exploring it right now) I seem to do okay most of the time, but going to church is really tanking my disposition.  Last week I was genuinely looking forward to it, then when I got there I hated it.  This week I was pretty averse to it before I even left the house, but I made myself go.  It only got worse once I was there.  I actually left early and went to buy groceries.  That cleared my mind up a little bit (it still sucks shopping without Amber), and once I was back home I was able to get on with the day.  I did a bunch of cleaning and laundry and the like (with only a little bit of crying on the toilet).  In the afternoon I took Butch to the home centers to buy lumber for his bed, so that project will be kicking off this week.  While cooking dinner I checked in with Boomer just to make sure he's back on track for the week ahead since his Fall Break is ending.  In the evening I gave Brick a haircut since he was home from college for Sunday dinner.  Pretty successful day for a single dad:  I'd probably be happy about it if it didn't hurt so freaking much.  I don't even need Amber here to do anything, I've got it all handled--I just want her back.   Hope y'all don't mind a broken record.  I think I'll be echoing that to my grave.   Tomorrow is going to be a struggle, but I'm determined to get my workout done despite all the other stuff that will be clogging up my day.
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