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Adding one more thing:I've become a big tea drinker I buy flavored teas (right now I have a pumpkin spice and an herbal apple ) and have those when I feel like eating but not truly hungy. I think part of it is just that eating gives me a reason to slow down for a few minutes and take a break, so I try and do it with tea instead of food. And aother thought, do you track calories? After I started tracking, I realized  that when I felt like that, I really was low on calories, and could eat it no problem. 

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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On 10/13/2018 at 12:11 PM, Elastigirl said:

Adding one more thing:I've become a big tea drinker I buy flavored teas (right now I have a pumpkin spice and an herbal apple ) and have those when I feel like eating but not truly hungy. I think part of it is just that eating gives me a reason to slow down for a few minutes and take a break, so I try and do it with tea instead of food. And aother thought, do you track calories? After I started tracking, I realized  that when I felt like that, I really was low on calories, and could eat it no problem. 


That is one of my epic quest goals! To replace a cup of coffee (right now I have 2-3 cups per day) with a cup of herbal tea. Haven't incorporated it yet, but it's on the list!

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My Epic Quest: Faith Conquers Fear

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Sometimes progress is easier than results to see, but more difficult to appreciate. The scale is moving - slowly - but it's moving and in the right direction. I'm not seeing the numbers I want to see as quickly as I want to see them. But that's the scale.


Looking at the numbers from my workout tracker, there is a lot of progress. Yesterday I even did barbell squats for the first time - something I've been terrified of doing my entire life. "I'm not strong enough." "I don't have any balance." "I'm too top-heavy, any more weight up there and I'd topple over." LIES! 


And I decided to push myself just a little harder. "Do just one more this time!" Just one more rep of each exercise (minus the dumbbell row, will probably up the weight first). And it felt good. It was challenging, but not overwhelming.


In just a matter of a few weeks I've seen my balance improve, my rest times go down, my form become smoother/sleeker, and, according to the numbers, my strength increasing. I don't really feel it, and I don't really see it yet, but it's happening. It's like watching your kids growing up - you don't notice it's happening until one day their clothes are suddenly too small and they're climbing - and jumping from - the monkey bars all by themselves. 


A good friend once told me, "You diet to lose weight, you exercise to change your shape." Hopefully doing both will start to show results soon!


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My Epic Quest: Faith Conquers Fear

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Heck of a morning. Struggling to focus. I wish I had something profound or encouraging to say today, but my head is just spinning. The only update I have is that I've reached a level with my beginner workout where I need to stay and master it before I up the challenge. Wednesday's workout I found myself needing to rest in the middle of some of the reps. Post-workout was fine, definitely felt better than the day after day 1, but during the workout my body was nearly overpowered by my ambition. So I will stay at this level (workout 7) until I am ready to up the ante.


Have a great weekend everyone!





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My Epic Quest: Faith Conquers Fear

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"I've never stood up for myself ever in my life. I have always diminished my worth and told myself that, like, I'm okay taking a back seat, and I'm just not okay doing that anymore" (emphasis added).

- Jasmine Loveless, Strong - Season 1, Episode 4


I can totally relate with her! My attitude since childhood has been to put others' needs/feelings/ideas before mine - which is not a bad trait UNLESS it becomes an excuse to not act, to not take a stand, to not speak up, to not take charge, to not fight to win. I don't know if I said that right. I'm just sharing this because I found it inspiring and I hope you do too.


Happy STRONG day!





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My Epic Quest: Faith Conquers Fear

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On ‎10‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 8:06 AM, Ayrihn said:

I found a new show to binge watch on Netflix! Ok I guess it's not "new" since it's from 2016 and it doesn't look like it lasted more than one season, but talk about inspiration and motivation!


It's not about getting skinny. It's about being strong! :encouragement:



I just finished watching that. It was fun, I liked their challenges, and watching them get stronger each week.

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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OK here we go again. Several posts ago I brought up a rather personal topic related to the physiological nuances that affect willpower, diet, motivation and weight. The past two weeks I've been on the upswing - energetic, positive, "normal" appetite. Last night, however, I found myself to be hungrier than usual. Rather than fight it, I allowed myself to eat until satisfied without any guilt. This morning, however, the scale showed a 3lb gain. *It is important to note here that my waist measurement is unchanged from yesterday.* 


In addition to the 3 lbs I apparently gained overnight, and despite the fact that I ate at a ridiculous hour last night, I woke up very, VERY hungry.


This is the time I am most at risk for falling into unhealthy habits, reaching for things of low nutritional value, and losing sight of my health goals. The numbers on the scale are discouraging (mental battle), and my appetite is crazy (physical battle). Daily pressures and curveballs that are typically no problem to handle become exaggerated (emotional battle). All of these factors have the potential to become a fast track to a breaking point. 


So what to do? Here are the steps I am going to experiment with to see if I can come out of this stronger than when I went in:


1. Be prepared. Have quick, healthy snacks handy for those sudden surges in appetite. Boiled eggs, cheese slices, nuts, dark chocolate, etc. 


2. Reduce caffeine intake. The little bit of research I've done points to caffeine actually doing more harm than good during this phase - even though energy levels tend to go down and it's tempting to turn to coffee as the solution. Replace at least one cup of coffee with herbal tea.


3. Think before eating. I've mentioned this before, but it is especially vital now. Ask myself, "why am I eating this?" Is it an emotional response to stress? A physical response to actual hunger? A mental response to fatigue and reduced willpower?


4. Track EVERYTHING. I do a really good job of tracking the calories that are good for me, but not the ones that aren't. So I am setting a goal to track EVERYTHING (except the pizza I ate last night...) as a deterrent and also so I can look back and see my points of weakness and understand the circumstances surrounding them.


5. Don't give up on exercisingIt's super easy to fall into the "I don't feel like going to the gym today" rut. When that happens, I'll acknowledge it and then move past it.


6. Ignore the scale. Should be ignoring it for the most part anyways. But the inevitable bloating and water retention won't help either.


7. Drink more water. My 60oz goal is strictly water - I am not including other liquid intake (like coffee...) in that count. So for the next couple weeks I will increase the goal to 70oz and see what that does.


Side note - no gym today due to conference :apologetic:


Have a wonderful weekend all!


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My Epic Quest: Faith Conquers Fear

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Following you on all points. I like your mindset, here.


19 minutes ago, Ayrihn said:

1. Be prepared. Have quick, healthy snacks handy for those sudden surges in appetite. Boiled eggs, cheese slices, nuts, dark chocolate, etc.  


This. And on top of that, avoid having unhealthy snacks at hand. My cupboards are mostly empty of uncooked edible food but I do try to have what I need to do quick nourishing snacks (ham sandwiches, nuts or dried mango) at the ready (try, because I'm failing very often and choose not to eat at all instead, which is obviously not that good an idea either).


Have fun with your experiments! :)

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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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I can neither confirm nor deny that I was the one who broke into the trick-or-treat candy last night.


There's no proof on my calorie tracker, so there!




Moving on.


Today is gym day. Don't feel like going. But I must. The battle is more mental than physical today. I'd much rather skip it and go to the nearest Whataburger drive-thru instead.




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My Epic Quest: Faith Conquers Fear

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I've slacked off on posting! :ghost:


Things have returned to fairly normal. I think I'm just going to accept the fact that for once a month for 3-5 days I'm going to transform from Dr. Jekyll into Mr. Hyde The Treats Or They Will Be Mine All Mine BWAHAAHAHAHAHAHA.


Not only did I not care about the goals I set, I gleefully defied them. :grumpy:


Two steps forward, one step back. Two steps forward again.




I also increased the difficulty of the workout. Looking forward to a relaxing weekend venturing out to the mountains to see some fall foliage and knock out some of those Epic Quest goals :peach:




Have a great weekend all!




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My Epic Quest: Faith Conquers Fear

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I hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend!


Can I just say thank you for joining me on this journey? I ordinarily don't like to share, well, anything personal on the internet. Sure, I'll share a few photos here or there on social media with people I have met in real life, but otherwise I am more than content to keep to myself. Yet here I have found encouragement, motivation, advice and personal stories from people who were once complete strangers! So thank you. I am happy to call you friends.


I'd like to share some wins from my weekend. We went hiking up McKittrick Canyon as a family. This trail is famous in the region for its "fall foliage" this time of year. I saw people from South Korea and North Carolina signed in on the visitor's book even! 










The last time we attempted this trail almost 4 years ago to the day, I was 7 months pregnant with my youngest. "It's an easy trail," I thought. And it is for the most part - mostly flat and well maintained. But after only 1.15 miles/1.85 km, I was done and we ended up turning back before we got to the fall foliage area that makes the trail famous. 


I've done a little hiking here and there since, but nothing like the trails I've conquered in the past (Guadalupe Peak, South Franklin Peak). More recently I've sent my better half alone to take the kids out on the trails, because I didn't want to be the reason they turned back.


This past weekend, for the first time since the birth of my eldest in 2013, I felt alive in the outdoors. 


Win #1: In 2.5 hours (at the pace of 3 and 5 year old boys and with two major stops - one to play in the creek and one to eat lunch), we made it 2.4 miles to Pratt Cabin - the furthest we've ever been on the McKittrick Canyon trail! 




We were pressed for time because the park closed at 1630. We reached the cabin at 1330, giving us 30 minutes of wiggle room assuming we returned at the same pace.


The return trip only took 1.5 hours. This is because the little 3 and 5 year olds were all wore out and carried most of the way back.


Win #2: I spent most of the way back carrying a kid. That's 35-40lbs in addition to my day pack.




My better half and I would trade kids once in a while, there's only a 5lb difference but my 5 year old is taller than his brother and can be more tasking to carry.


While on my shoulders, my kiddo dropped my sunglasses. And my hat. As my better half was a little ways ahead of me, my options were to (1) put my son down and recover the items, then pick him back up OR (2) reach down and pick them up with him still sitting on my shoulders.


Option 1 is difficult for me to do. I like to find a boulder, ledge, fallen tree, hillside or something of that nature to bend down or lean in to so my kiddo can simply stand up off of my shoulders. This point of the trail was flat.


Option 2 scared me. One or both of us could easily get hurt if I lost my balance and fell, or more embarrassingly, if I got down and couldn't get back up.


But I thought about how far I've come since starting this journey. 


How my balance is better. How I can squat a weighted barbell. How I can perform walking lunges with weight. How I was surprisingly not winded or fatigued.


Win #3: With my older son on my shoulders, I knelt down on one knee, recovered my sunglasses and hat, then stood back up - almost effortlessly - without pulling any muscles or losing balance. I essentially performed a lunge with my 40lb kid on my back.


And I credit this website, the beginner bodyweight program, and my fellow Rebels for that win.


This is easily one of my new favorite family memories. Because of these wins, I now believe that so many more opportunities are possible. The adventures I had once upon a time that became fairy tales to relive with my kids are now within reach. Sure, we'll probably wait until they're older for the more difficult hikes, but now I know I CAN DO THEM.


These wins were not on my goals list. I've actually failed a lot of my goals lately. So I just want to encourage you to recognize those wins that you might not have written down, because those wins might actually be more significant than drinking 8 glasses of water, or staying within your calorie limit.


By the way, I definitely polished off a 3 liter camelback's worth of water and then some yesterday :cool-new:



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My Epic Quest: Faith Conquers Fear

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What a wonderful story, thanks for sharing! It's so fun when you see hard work paying off in real life like that. Woot! Loved the pictures, your son is adorable

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Due to circumstances beyond my control, there will be no gym today y'all. :( 


As the U.S. prepares to celebrate Veterans Day, and the world prepares to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, I'd like to say thank you to my brothers and sisters who answered the call to serve in the name of freedom.





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My Epic Quest: Faith Conquers Fear

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Super quick update! Gym schedule adjusted this week, will make it at least 2x. 


It is difficult to complete the circuit when multiple people are using the free weights. 


Increased squat weight but then decreased lunge weight. Discovered I was sacrificing form. 


Looking into joining a gym once I've completed the NF beginner workout. Our gym here at work has a LifeFitness system that uses pulleys, and the more I increase the barbell weight, the more difficult it is to maneuver into the ready position. It might be time to graduate to a real barbell rack.


Applying laser focus to diet this week. Need to look good for some events this weekend. So far, so good. Even starting to show on the scale, which I know doesn't matter much but it's a good start to the day. :tickled_pink: Might have even found the sweet spot for my macros! 

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My Epic Quest: Faith Conquers Fear

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Yesterday’s workout!




5 days between workouts is too long!


I almost didn't make it through the plank. Watching the seconds go by on the stopwatch does NOT help. For some reason though, the song "Immigrant" by Led Zepplin does help. It was featured in Thor: Ragnarok during the battle between Thor and Hulk and again during the ultimate battle against Hela and the first time I'd heard it was while watching the movie. So, naturally, now every time I hear it I associate it with these scenes. I'm just doing a simple plank, but hearing the song and visualizing the epic physical and mental strength along with the strength of character that are displayed during these battles REALLY pumps me up!







What song/quote/visualization motivates you to dig deeper?



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My Epic Quest: Faith Conquers Fear

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3 hours ago, Ayrihn said:

What song/quote/visualization motivates you to dig deeper?



I love the show America Ninja Warrior. I follow several of them on Instagram. Their agility and strength always motivates me

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Thanks for sharing, now is a very good time to dig into my strength stashes and summon some fighting spirit. :)



4 hours ago, Ayrihn said:

What song/quote/visualization motivates you to dig deeper?


I personally need to fall to the bottom to find my fighting strength so, putting myself into desperate moods is how I get the lion to get out.


Motivational video that has kept me afloat the most when facing overwhelming odds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRk4PE5GhoU


Songs that get me to reach the sun behind the mountains and make it rise into my days:

Brunuhville - Spirit of the Wild: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-jGHbkM8e4 (this one summons up my dreams and give me a clear vision to walk toward)

The Offspring - The kids aren't alright: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iNbnineUCI (reminds me of what I am fighting for and why dropping out isn't an option)

Two Steps from Hell - Final days of Rome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnqmdgUCPAQ (helps me to build momentum during my sessions)

Also, Megaman 2's Dr. Wily's Stage music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTbfpkByIM8 (because c'mon, let's be serious here)



And now to get up on my legs, down on my arms and do some homemade basic workout to get me started again. I wouldn't have gone for it without you so... thanks.



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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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It was not my intent to neglect posting for an entire week!


I am on a high right now!


I'm not a good singer, but I am grateful for the skills I have been given and so full of joy for God's grace and purpose for whatever is up ahead!





This past weekend I got to spend time with an incredible group of people taking photos out at White Sands National Monument and then again representing in our city's Celebration of Lights Parade. 







Today, I received notice of approval for my official Rebel Legion Princess Leia Organa kit. Things just got real y'all and I am so ecstatic I can't even begin to describe it!


There is so much I want to say. 


Praise God for placing the desire in my heart well over a year ago, for reasons known and still yet to be discovered, to make a dress. 


Praise God for this forum, the people here, and the guidelines for leveling up - mostly physically, but also mentally and emotionally.


Praise God for the Imperial Border Squad and the opportunities to reach out to my community! 


Praise God for the incredible work He is doing in me through this whole experience. There is so much more behind all this I can't put it all in one post. 


I am happy to share this win with this community! Part of me is motivated to work out to be the best (physically) "Princess Leia" I can be, and being "Princess Leia" is part of what motivates me to work out. 


Oh, and I hit a full 60 second plank on Monday! 





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Here we are! Two months since starting this journey. It feels like it took forever and yet at the same time feels like I just started. I kicked up my warm up a notch today. I chose to do the beginner bodyweight workout because running is hard on my knee and I flat out avoid it altogether. But today I thought I'd give it a try. At a 1.5 incline and 5.7mph - not an Army pace but good and steady - I jogged for a good 3.5 minutes or so. And for the first time in YEARS I can say that it felt GOOD. Maybe because I didn't try to run like I used to. Maybe because it was only for a short time. Maybe because it was only for a short distance. Maybe because it was a warm up and I wasn't tired yet.





Or MAYBE it was because, by the grace of God, I'm stronger. Granted, post-workout I'm huffing and puffing because the air here is so dry that any exertion of the lungs beyond sitting, standing or walking is like trying to breathe through a straw...but I don't loathe it like I usually do. I want to go back to the gym on Monday. 


Here are Before and After photos.




This is the end of just one chapter.  The real work is just beginning!




My Epic Quest: Faith Conquers Fear

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Nicely done! You can really tell the difference! Thumbs-Up.png

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TimovieMan: funnier than you think he is; not as funny as he thinks he is...

Active challenges: Don't log, remain sensible | Walk to Mordor - (spreadsheet) | DailyDare | Weight Loss PVP 10/12 lbs in 10/12 weeks - (spreadsheet)

Old threads: Battle log | Challenge I | IIIIIIV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVII | XVIII | XIX | XX | XXI | XXII | XXIII

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Wow, you look so much slimmer and healthier. And yay for being able to job a bit too. I've found that as I got stronger, my joints were able to handle more of the movements like jogging and jumping

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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