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12 minutes ago, Jarric said:

I've seen it both ways. Sometime you run the numbers on a recipe and it's like 250kcal per serving, and that's not a meal quite frankly. Other times you're looking at a recipe going 'you want me to add how much rice??'

And sometimes a recipe says something like "add plenty of water".

OK, what's your idea of "plenty"? 1 cup? 1 litre?  5 gallon??? ?‍♂️

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TimovieMan: funnier than you think he is; not as funny as he thinks he is...

Active challenges: Don't log, remain sensible | Walk to Mordor - (spreadsheet) | DailyDare | Weight Loss PVP 10/12 lbs in 10/12 weeks - (spreadsheet)

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8 hours ago, TimovieMan said:

2) if the recipe calls for low grade chili pepper, then the recipe doesn't know spicy, so definitely use strong 'piment d'Espelette' in the same quantity instead. ?


I'm all for strong meals but my palate tells my that I should maybe not have put it everywhere instead of letting the semolina play its soothing role and not pile up on top of the meat, sauce and peppers mixed with the vegetables. I mean, it IS delicious but at this point it is... a bit... agressive, shall I say.



8 hours ago, TimovieMan said:

3) recipes can be bad at basic math too.


Sure, but I was wondering why I couldn't finish my meals and ended up throwing away perfectly good couscous day after day. Now I know.



6 hours ago, TimovieMan said:

And sometimes a recipe says something like "add plenty of water".

OK, what's your idea of "plenty"? 1 cup? 1 litre?  5 gallon??? ?‍♂️

I've had "put in the oven", myself. I mean, how long, at what temperature, where in the oven and with what cooking mode? xD



I had an apero with ex-colleagues today. I set myself for failure by not doing my walk in the morning, leaving me only time for either the workout or the walk. I chose the workout. It's raining now so the walk won't happen.


    Week   Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
      09/22 09/23 09/24 09/25 09/26
Core Success%       60% 75% 100% 100% 60%
Walk       Yes Yes Yes Yes  
Breakfast           Yes Yes Yes
Hygiene routine       Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Workout           Yes   Yes
To bed by 10 pm       Yes Yes Yes Yes  
Reach Success%       67% 50% 50% 33% 33%
Batch cooking                
Financial accounting       Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Alumni meeting       Yes        



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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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I'm taking a 3 days break (today included) from tracking anything. This is taking too much space in my head and I want to let it drop a little and see if I can get a clearer mind to understand my longer term goals better. Have fun and see you on Monday!

  • Like 3

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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I'm taking one more day to myself. This seems to be working so far.

Of note, I have erred in regards to the walk: I've taken it as a fitness item while it's actually a mindset one. The purpose is not to go further and quicker each day but to empty my mind by slow pacing in nature. I'm redesigning the concept to make it match its actual purpose.

  • Like 3

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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8 hours ago, Jean said:

I'm taking one more day to myself. This seems to be working so far.

Of note, I have erred in regards to the walk: I've taken it as a fitness item while it's actually a mindset one. The purpose is not to go further and quicker each day but to empty my mind by slow pacing in nature. I'm redesigning the concept to make it match its actual purpose.


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@Sherry Marcini Thanks and welcome!



So, wandering around in my luxurious mind, I met this guy, nonchalantly looking in the distance, as if an echo of dreams long past:


He took a look if pity on me.




"A soul is a terrible thing to let on the side of the road, Jean.
I've been watching you from the forgotten place you'd let me. You go through the motions but you don't live them. You have no idea of why you do things and who you want to be anymore."


After a silence:


"You used to, you know?


I thought you were part of the people who marvel but you've decided to cast us aside and follow a path of exile instead. If you are feeling hollow, that's why."


I still couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing, which prompted another reaction from him.


"If you don't believe, there's nothing I can do. I'll stay here and enjoy a nice cigarette. Come and see me again if you find your soul back."




Folks, he's right! I used to have Corto Maltese as a role model when I was younger, more idealist and more hopeful. He is a confident man with an open mind, at peace with himself, living adventures and building relationships along the way. He's incredibly awesome but he's not arrogant. He's kind, strong and free and that's what radiates from him and drives people toward him. Corto Maltese is a whole man. Or a man who is whole. Let's be Corto Malteses.


So, folks, I need your help!

I want to make things real simple (not easy) and real fun. It seems I've lost my innocence somewhere on the way and it's time to bring it back. In order to nurture progress, I'll tackle this as a leveling up adventure.


I want to make an impact. In order to do that, I need to work on different spheres of awesomness:

* physical;

* mental;

* social;

* financial.


I've developed a set of attributes relating to those spheres. Some are to be developped as core, some are there to give the longer term picture and nurture my aspirations and anticipation of the great things to come.

Each attribute commands one or more activities that allows to develop them. Here's my character sheet:


Valesco Jean - Fighter/Mage - Lvl 2/1 Sphere Attribute Level Activity Schedule Progression plan
image.jpeg.a389f82dc9a5936d983f393694d60481.jpeg Physical Strength   Workouts Sun/Tue/Thu NF Coaching
Agility   Parkour 1h Sat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NL0HYcrQupE&list=PLYz7rudUmfJq-crhhi32HiUst8-V6mlYt&index=1
Endurance   Running Mon/Wed/Fri 4x(4+1)
Mental Equanimity   Sleeping 10pm->  
  Walking 20'/day  
  Meditation 15'/day Candle / Mindful stance
  Tai-Chi   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6w7IS8_UzHM&list=PL1KFAvN24Rswl_qyqyib3_vP2RQ3ZHiEJ
Knowledge   Learning 1h/week  
Social Looks   Grooming 15'/day  
Entertainment   Music    
Camaraderie   Get togethers 1x/month  
Financial Income   Work 9h/weekday  
  Hiking 2x/month  
Wealth   Investing    

Colored are the core ones I intend to tackle right away. Greyed are those on which I'll work later on. I need help for ideas for Willpower and Leadership. As of now, I can't find how to practice them. I'm also taking other ideas if you have some to share.

I'll be taking this slowly, the important part, for me, is to share things as they come and not let not being fully ready on them all stop me from putting what I have down so that I can free my mind for the big picture path and actually doing the core tasks.

If you want to follow along, welcome and have fun! Let's be charming adventurers and channel the Corto Maltese waiting inside of us!

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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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So, the plan is simple:

Physical progress is done through workouts. In order not to let things down on rest days, I'm separating running and walking. Running is the exercise I'm doing during rest days, walking is a daily mind centering activity designed mostly to help me stay grounded through work when I'll get back to it. Exercise phases are designed to take 20-30 minutes in order not to become time constraining, which tends to serve as an excuse for me to drop them.

Sleeping is still on the menu. I'm adding meditation to it, small slices to keep it from becoming time constraining. I've got two kinds of meditations:
* sit in front of a burning candle and focus on the flame;
* sit in a comfortable posture and let the mind flow.
I'll adapt my rituals as I build experience with them.

I'm not puting social pressure on myself. I tend not to take that well and it's going to happen this next month anyway. However, I want to look pristine and attractive. I'm taking 15 minutes out of my day for special grooming. Beard trimming, hairs cutting, caring for a nice piece of clothing or anything else. This comes on top of the hygiene routine which I consider basic maintenance.

I want to score 100% on that for 5 days. Here's the tracking sheet:

    5 days   Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
      10/02 10/03 10/04 10/05 10/06
  • Like 3

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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It's not a hard schedule per se but sticking to it is an important step. The meditation is a bit harder than I was expecting as time seems to last forever. I'm expecting progress will come with practice.




    5 days   Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
      09/22 09/23 09/24 09/25 09/26
Success%       100%        
Running       Yes        
Grooming       Yes        
Meditation       Yes        
Sleeping       Yes        
  • Like 3

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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I batch cooked some fried rice with added stir fried chicken.
The recipe is nice and I'll use it again but it needs more sauce. I'll double the quantity next time.


  • Like 4

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Grooming is starting to become a problem: past the low hanging fruits of trimming my beard/improving my hair, there isn't a lot that makes sense to do as a non-working/not going out much person.

I've decided to put preparations for getting back to work in this category. Finding the right style, right clothes, getting my jackets to the dry laundry and such stuff.


    5 days   Wednesday Thursday
      09/22 09/23
Success%       100% 100%
Workout         Yes
Running       Yes  
Grooming       Yes Yes
Meditation       Yes Yes
Sleeping       Yes Yes
  • Like 3

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Something I don't understand: I'm drinking 1 coffee per day and yet, I have the burning inside feeling in my stomach that I have when I drink 10 of them. I'm not eating particularly spicy either. Can't put my finger on what may cause that.


    5 days   Wednesday Thursday Friday
      10/02 10/03 10/04
Success%       100% 100% 100%
Workout         Yes  
Running       Yes   Yes
Grooming       Yes Yes Yes
Meditation       Yes Yes Yes
Sleeping       Yes Yes Yes
  • Like 3

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Our bodies change. Maybe you need less acidity. Try adding a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to your pot of coffee with the coffee grounds. The baking soda will make it less acidic as it brews and less aggravating to your stomach. It could also be that wou are having too much acid at once. If I add tomato to my morning meal after enjoying a cup of coffee, my stomach can disagree a little. 

  • Thanks 1
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@Sherry Marcini Could be acidity, thanks for the insight. I'll see if it's a temporary thing or if it stays and do some testing if it does. For example, I haven't felt it today and I did have my coffee. Could just be something related to random aspects of my environment, we'll see.


    5 days   Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
      10/02 10/03 10/04 10/05
Success%       100% 100% 100% 100%
Workout         Yes    
Running       Yes   Yes Yes
Grooming       Yes Yes Yes Yes
Meditation       Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sleeping       Yes Yes Yes Yes



If I go to bed on time tonight, I'll have those 5 days straight in the bag. I think I'll focus on nutrition next, that is, tracking it efficiently to make sure I eat enough and that my macros are not significantly out of whack.

  • Like 4

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Got a cold today. I don't exist. Don't poke me.


  • Like 2

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Same for today. See you tomorrow (hopefully).

  • Like 2

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Edit: on the plus side, I have recovered one nostril.


  • Like 3

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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I've been a good boy and I'm rewarding myself by allowing myself not to update anything today either.

This might become a problem at some point...


  • Like 4

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Ok, let's end this charade and wrap this up.

1a) I've found my role model for the time being.

1b) I've proceeded to thoroughly ignore it and pursue my own hidden objectives.


-> I need to break down my quest (be a Corto) into smaller chuncks with their own dedicated theme.



By the end of October, I want:

  • to have decluttered my current home; Done.
  • to have done mandatory repairs in my current home;
    To Do. I can do it. It just won't be part of an actual challenge.
  • to have the building permit for my future home ready or in a good way to be;
    That... doesn't sound realistic? I've given my architect up to February 25 to come up with the final documents for that. I don't know what I was thinking when fixing the October deadline.
  • to have a budget for the renovation works required on my future home;
    Same. The consolidated budget is due for March 2025.
  • to have finally filled my 2023 tax declaration (don't ask); Done.
  • to be exercising regularly, a.k.a. 3x/week, without cheating (no butchering of the exercises for the sake of wanting to be done with them quicker);
    Done and to be continued.
  • to be going outside daily for a walk of 1h on rest days, at least 10min on workout days;
    Changed for:
    * 20 min walks on all days;
    * 4x4min runs on rest days.

  • to be cooking delicious meals with joy;
    The habit is setting in but I'm still actively defeating it out of low energy more often than should be the case.
  • to be eating enough and regularly;
    Will be the main chunk of the next challenge.
  • to have practiced my engineering skills in order to be up to date when my new job begins;
    Got my book, now to practice!
  • to have met with the friends I enjoy and the professional contacts I want to keep in order to develop my support network and actual reach;
    I did way more of that what I'm used to and it's draining. I should keep it going and I'm adding my future new neighbors to the people I need to spend more time with.
  • to have explored whether I want to develop a professional activity as a mountain leader and to have set the steps to get there if so;
    This has dropped in the backgroung. Apparently, I kinda wish it if I could be teleported into it without doing any of the work required to get there? Sounds like it's not actually an objective of mine but I'll keep the door open.
  • to have my finances in order with expenses known and in check, investments planned for the future and tracking documents compact and ready. Done.


Nutrition will be my focus next time. I want to find my target caloric intake, so we'll track that.


Up, up and away!

  • Like 4

Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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