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Nips and tucks - how far would you go?


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We're all on NF because we want to better ourselves - but how far would you go for the body you want?

I'm quite averse to cosmetic surgery on the whole. All I'd want is medically necessary or helpful procedures - so sometime down the track I'd like a boob reduction and laser eye surgery - so I can see where I'm going, and get there jiggle free!

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To everyone his own I'd say.

Some people who routinely go under the knife might consider our NF style "healthy lifestyles" extreme.

Personally- hmm..if I get a green genie- I'd change my facial features a bit...a lil more mop on the head.

Nothing for the body though. I want strength -and I want my look to reflect what I lift.

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I had LASIK because I was advised I could no longer wear contacts, and I hated wearing glasses (especially when campnig/ swimming/ etc). I'll have laser hair removal because I really hate the time I lose to the razor. I cut and dye my hair and wear make up.

I've known people who have been heavily overweight who've had excess skin removed, and others who didn't need the surgery due to the way they lost the weight.

Much of it seems like an awful lot of risk for a purely physical payoff - I know one of the largest struggles I am having now deals with reconciling how I perceive myself in my head versus what's going on in the physical body, and it seems like indulging in surgery for that would actually end up messing me up even more because it's so abrupt. Factor that in with the dangers of surgery, and I don't think it's for me.

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I wouldn't go under the knife either only think i would consider getting done is my eye sight if it was bad it isn't so no bother there . My thinking is you are born what way you are bar being Fit and Strong i don't need to change anything physical , Maybe my nose :P but that is only cause i have broken it 3 times and really when i think about it it fine that way it is .

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I had LASIK - best $$ I've spent quite honestly. I had laser hair removal on my lower legs - I'd do that again - you just have to carefully research the provider. It also helps that I have extremely pale skin (I literally don't tan - just burn - so I ALWAYS use tons of sunscreen) so I was an ideal candidate for the hair removal process.

As for other nips & tucks - we'll see after I get the weight off. It's certainly going slow enough (I'm new here BTW) so I'm hoping my skin snaps back. If it doesn't and I have the $$, I might consider having some skin removed. Having extra skin can also be a problem and cause health issues (depending on how much) so it is definitely worth it for some folks.

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I have to say, my plan is to do everything as healthily as possible, but I also know that my body will change a lot after I have kids, especially since I have to have C-section due to stroke risk. From my own research and chatting to other people who are very fit but who have had C-sections, I know sometimes it leaves you with a little pooch you can't get rid of without extreme hard work. So I'd consider that. I'd maybe consider a boob lift too, if my chest exercises didn't do the trick.

I guess that makes me quite vain, but I figure if I put years and years of time and effort into getting myself healthy, eating right and exercising the best I can but it still doesn't make the differences I want to see, if I have the money, why not use the extra help?

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I would do it to get my breasts symmetrical: they are a few cup sizes apart and it makes me self conscious, although nobody except me notices when I have clothes on, and nobody except me cares when I have clothes off.

If I was already getting surgery on my breasts, I'd probably give them a lift at the same time. Gravity will do its work again, but while you're at it, won't really make much of a difference.

I would probably get surgery if I got lots of extra skin everywhere, but that hasn't been an issue so far.

I don't think I would change anything else even if there was zero risks involved. My body isn't perfect but I'm mostly comfortable with the way I look.

I wouldn't get any surgery at all until I'm done losing weight and gaining muscle, and I'm at a point where I only want to maintain. Otherwise, my body could change enough to make surgery pointless or require more surgery, and that seems counter-productive. Plus, just losing the weight and gaining the muscle could be enough to fix the asymmetry or make it smaller, if the bigger breast loses more fat than the other or something.

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I'd really like a breast reduction, but I've heard so many stories about how they can come back etc. that I don't think I'll ever do it. Put the money towards high quality bras instead I guess. And chiropractic care.

And I want laser hair removal. It would be so nice to not worry about shaving every again.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that leads to total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." -Frank Herbert, Dune

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I had a breast reduction last year, and it has changed my quality of life so much. I used to get constant neck/shoulder/back pain and that is just gone now. Not lessened, GONE. My recovery was crappy, and my scars are awful, but I'd still do it again, even knowing what it was like to go through.

It was major surgery (5 hours in surgery and 2 days in hospital) and I'd deliberated for a long time. Every time I lost weight, I'd never lose it from my breasts, I'd just go up and up in cup size. Surgeons who specialise in this are very good at identifying when breasts are oversized due to fat and when due to excess tissue (from the feel of them), and they don't recommend surgery if it is mostly fat. (Although I suspect you could find surgeons willing to be less scrupulous, my operation was for medical reasons & being partly funded by Medicare/private health so they were always going to make sure I really needed the surgery).

I don't think I'd do anything else though, especially as my recovery from the surgery was pretty icky - I had major problems with my scars and I don't ever want to get stitches again if I can possibly help it.


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Hair removal. And maybe LASIK, although my eyesight isn't awful (only have to wear glasses when driving or in class really).

For the longest time I wanted a boob job and I guess liposuction for my thighs and butt. That stopped after I went to college thank God.

"If you die, you die. A man must constantly exceed his level." - Bruce Lee

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I saw at least person say that their bodies aren't perfect, but they are comfortable where they are. I cannot say that, but I can say this. I'm not perfect, I detest my body, and I faintly know what I want it to look like. And most of all, I want to be sure that I have the body that I worked for, not paid for. Even if I don't reach the body I want, I won't resort to surgery or lasers or anything.

If it was for health reasons, I would have to sit long and hard to decide on it, but it is very likely that I would say "no" to any surgery.

Level 1 Woodwose

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And most of all, I want to be sure that I have the body that I worked for, not paid for. Even if I don't reach the body I want, I won't resort to surgery or lasers or anything

Couldn't have said it better. As for health reasons, I might but it depands, I wouldn't get it if I didn't need it

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I've only been at this 3 months, but in a year, I'll come back and see... I want implants to put my boobs back to where they were... I know that, and I'm hoping that my hard work will be able to deal with my tummy and thighs.

Apart from that, I would never get LASIK, because my glasses give me something to hide behind (I've tried contacts, and I can't hide in them), I don't really have to worry about excess hair anywhere, so really a boob job is all I really want.

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About shoulder and back pain, I used to have a lot of it too, and it stopped when I stopped wearing bras.

Now I'm working out so sports bras are a must during workouts, and I'm getting some shoulder pain again, but when I can afford it I'll look into getting some strapless plus-size bras or corsets (I love corsets). The weight really shouldn't be on the straps but on the band, that limits back pain so much.

I know people say corsets are uncomfortable, but from wearing corsets and bras, I assure you corsets are the comfier ones for me.

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I want both LASIK and laser hair removal for purely lazy reasons. As it is, I don't like putting in and taking out my contacts (and I usually nap in them which is bad) and I don't shave my legs as often as is socially acceptable. That's all for me, but I don't have the excess skin problems or oversized boobs or anything like that and I can understand those being maybe not "necessary" but helpful to body image, and that's fine by me.

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Despite losing weight the "right way", the skin on my stomach is a bit loose and I have the dreaded cesarean pooch :) I would absolutely, if I was in the correct mental state (I also have a problem reconciling new and old body in head), get a mini tuck or something to get rid of the excess skin. Additionally, I would get a breast lift no matter what. Losing a lot of weight and breastfeeding bebes has taken a toll on the girls :)

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The only surgery I want is that surgery where you get low-power electromagnets in your fingertips that let you sense electromagnetic fields by touch.

I'm keeping everything else. I have little enough fat that I can lose it the hard way, and my eyesight sucks, but I look good in glasses.

Level 4 AssassinStr 8.50, Dex 7.25, Sta 6.75Con 6.00, Wis 8.00, Cha 6.00

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I had PRK (think old school LASIK) a couple months ago. Now that I'm finally healed and see 20/20, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Contacts damage eye health and I don't like playing sports in glasses. I realize that it's technically elective surgery, but I guess I never mentally bucketed it in the "nip and tuck" category. And I certainly see nothing wrong with a woman having work done post-baby. Maybe having grown up in SoCal I'm desensitized to the surgical alteration culture.

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And most of all, I want to be sure that I have the body that I worked for, not paid for. Even if I don't reach the body I want, I won't resort to surgery or lasers or anything.

I really like that as a tagline or a snappy comeback. Of course since you work for your money (presumably) I think the body you pay for is still a body you work for! ;)

Seriously though, I love that kind of "love your body" attitude as a general thing, but when it gets into the specifics I can't fault anyone for feeling differently (not that you would, just thinking out loud). Like the line between someone who thinks they have an ugly nose and someone who is far enough from the norm to be perceived as deformed. Or someone who spends huge amounts of time/money on hair removal because they're genuinely hairier than average, I can't see how paying for lasers is any more invasive than what they're already doing.

But I've been turning the idea of LASIK around in my head lately - breaking and losing glasses on vacation a couple of times is converting me, I think.

Wood Elf Assassin
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I had a breast reduction last year, and it has changed my quality of life so much. I used to get constant neck/shoulder/back pain and that is just gone now. Not lessened, GONE. My recovery was crappy, and my scars are awful, but I'd still do it again, even knowing what it was like to go through.

It was major surgery (5 hours in surgery and 2 days in hospital) and I'd deliberated for a long time. Every time I lost weight, I'd never lose it from my breasts, I'd just go up and up in cup size. Surgeons who specialise in this are very good at identifying when breasts are oversized due to fat and when due to excess tissue (from the feel of them), and they don't recommend surgery if it is mostly fat. (Although I suspect you could find surgeons willing to be less scrupulous, my operation was for medical reasons & being partly funded by Medicare/private health so they were always going to make sure I really needed the surgery).

I don't think I'd do anything else though, especially as my recovery from the surgery was pretty icky - I had major problems with my scars and I don't ever want to get stitches again if I can possibly help it.

I've read a lot of accounts saying that breasts will "come back" if a woman has children/breastfeeds after having a reduction (and that a reduction can seriously affect her ability to breastfeed). This is the main thing that is holding me back from putting more serious research into this. Husband and I tentatively think we might plan on having children someday (we're so decisive) and I wouldn't want to have gone through that whole process just to have them... re-inflate. Any idea if this is affected by the amount of fat vs. actual breast tissue? Because I have the same issue you did, that I would lose weight and my cup size would go up.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that leads to total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." -Frank Herbert, Dune

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The only surgery I want is that surgery where you get low-power electromagnets in your fingertips that let you sense electromagnetic fields by touch.

Screw that, I want a high power electromagnet so I can create an EMP and shut all electronics down on command!

Level 1 Woodwose

STR 5 | DEX 2 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

WAR 0 | RNG 0 | SCT 0 | ASN 0 | MON 0 | DRU 0 | ADV 1

Current Challenge: Specialization is for Insects

Previous Chapters: 1


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The only surgery I want is that surgery where you get low-power electromagnets in your fingertips that let you sense electromagnetic fields by touch.


I've thought about doing some biohacking like this, but given my profession (working with sensitive electronics) having magnets in my hand might make it difficult to work with :D

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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