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It's also a good insulator and crumb catcher


Trillho ignore this

Just my two cents but kids really don't need to lift weights to get in shape; I was in fantastic shape in highschool and my daughter is ripped from just doing body weight exercises; but then again we both have different needs for our body than say a football player; I already have her convinced triathlons are fun

Between a rock and a hard place, use our finger nails to climb, it's all we know..........

Daily Mile

Perfer et obdura: Dolor hic tibi proderit olim

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Ain't nothing more manly than beards.


And nothing more nerdy than science!


I present to you men, scientific proof that beards are cool, and bigger beards are cooler!




My beard approves of this post.

Level 3 Bearded Assassin


Str: 10     Dex: 9     Sta: 6     Con: 7     Wis: 4     Cha: 3


Current Challenge: Respawn    Past Challenges: 1 2 3


Daily Battle Log   Album


"I'm not losing weight. I'm getting rid of it. I have no intention of ever finding it again."

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Trillho ignore this

Just my two cents but kids really don't need to lift weights to get in shape; I was in fantastic shape in highschool and my daughter is ripped from just doing body weight exercises; but then again we both have different needs for our body than say a football player; I already have her convinced triathlons are fun

I absolutely agree, my son is a special case and is using it therapeutically.  I encourage my kids (and explain to them the physiological reasons) to just be ACTIVE.  That's by far the most important thing.  My older girl REALLY wants to start weight lifting, because she sees us doing it and having fun, and I said that she can when she's older, but right now just getting up and moving is the best thing she can do. 

The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Have as much fun as possible at uni for the most part no one cares about your degree later on and I've never heard anyone regret having lots of fun at uni. Younger people these days are so competitive and serious. Let your hair down when you're a old fart with kids you can be serious and responsible.

         Endor, LVL 45 Half-Elf Ranger 

PR and Motivation Log | Current Battle Log 


                    Feb-March 2022 Challenge


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No worries, I've done a lot of research.  He's almost 12 years old, 95th percentile for height, 98th percentile for weight, and has lived most of his life with juvenile arthritis.  He gets tired very easily, he can barely run, his co-ordination is terrible, but weight lifting has been an enormous benefit in giving him SOME exercise and some muscle development.  Improving the muscles in his legs has greatly improved his mobility and his endurance.  His rheumatologist signed off on everything, and has praised the improved muscle strength. 

You sir are a great father on the active spectrum (can't speak for the others simply because I do not know you however if this is any idication I would say you are winning) I work with kids ages 9-18 and we have a rule at the house that no one under 13 can go to the gym and lift weights. When I do take the younger (13-15) they do very light weight stuff and concentrate more on form and moblility than heavy weight.

Level 0 Human, Monk

Lose 75 lbs

Startin Fresh

"Nothing is ever easy." Zeddicus Zull Zorander

"Do or Do Not, There is no try" Yoda

"Weak people face life obstacles with an excuse in their hand, strong peple carry a hammer."

Estemated 1RM

Bench: 195lbs

Squat: 245lbs

Deadlift: 295lbs

Total weight: 735lbs

Goal Weight 1000lbs



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I am a PhD student... I have finished many schools (also finished high school twice), but you have a point...

Celibacy until 30 it is. *sigh*


By the way, the kids are very adorable.


Also a graduate (and lifelong) student right here. I became very passionate about training and fighting in college, to the point of obsession, sometimes even self-destructively. I was trying to get my life together by also being good in school, but realized too late that it was just college. A Bachelor's is a Bachelor's, and doesn't really prepare you for anything (unless it's highly specific and you have a very precise 10-year life plan). They always portray college students as fun-loving adolescents who get laid left and right, and I felt like I didn't have time for that because I had training to do and studying to catch up on; I'll handle that and learn how to do it later when I'm more stable. Well, I never learned, and the people my age aren't as fun-loving as they once were, so it may be too late to start. (All those TV shows lied to me.) How it appears to me is that secondary and higher education is meant to teach you much more than academic lessons. You are usually exposed to other people, with whom you are supposed to learn to interact and build a social network. Graduate school becomes more technical and seems a lot more impersonal; most people seem to actually be there to study, not to have fun. Long story short, I'm almost 30 and I never learned how to properly interact with people, just enough that I can kind of fake it. Haha.


P.S. You might want to try working on a kid sometime soon if you want one.


You sir are a great father on the active spectrum (can't speak for the others simply because I do not know you however if this is any idication I would say you are winning) I work with kids ages 9-18 and we have a rule at the house that no one under 13 can go to the gym and lift weights. When I do take the younger (13-15) they do very light weight stuff and concentrate more on form and moblility than heavy weight.


This. The damaging of the growth plates is what most people worry about. It's not necessarily a rule (Governator started bodybuilding at 14), but we just want to be sure. So we can postpone the weights that are too heavy, as children have immature skeletons and endocrine systems that make it difficult to develop strength and power. They're also still constantly growing, and that's awkward enough without the added demand to learn motor skills.


Most of the initial strength gains we experience are attributed more to actually learning how to do the movement anyway, and neuromuscular efficiency is developed through constant supervised practice. Practicing quality movements and proper control (instead of concentrating on lifting heavy) could help them develop functional strength that they can utilize in everyday activities. I'm Autustic and grew up physically awkward. I literally tripped over my own feet, choked on drinking water, and kept bumping into everything within a one meter bubble. A walking calamity. I did my first set of pushups at 5, my first set of pullups at 10, and picked up my first barbell at 13. I was never able to play sports, but the added kinesthetic awareness allowed me to catch myself whenever I stumbled, and dodge people and glass doors who always seem to be running into me.

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Those lousy glass doors come out of no where!

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Level 25 Final Fantasy Rebel

My Epic Quest | My Journey | Currently on the Trial of Orthos
Str: 60 | Dex: 23 | Sta: 66 | Con: 28 | Wis: 55 | Cha: 14

Goals for 2021:

  • Build my brother a Destiny 2 Lamp
  • Learn how to do a Handstand
  • Play 1 song on the acoustic guitar
  • Clean up the Christmas Decorations and finish setting up my apartment (hang things up, plus some other few things that need to be organized)
  • Re-introduce Pull-ups into my routine
  • Build a shelving unit next to my Desk

"No matter what, if you can hold your head up high, you've done the right thing."

"When you stand with your family, your family stands with you."

"Write what needs to be written."

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Have as much fun as possible at uni for the most part no one cares about your degree later on and I've never heard anyone regret having lots of fun at uni. Younger people these days are so competitive and serious. Let your hair down when you're a old fart with kids you can be serious and responsible.

Actually, I regret having too much "fun" in school.  I blew off classes and work far too often :P

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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Actually, I regret having too much "fun" in school.  I blew off classes and work far too often :tongue:



Seriously though, I did good enough to graduate (albeit after quite a while) and get a stable job and career I'm very happy with, met my wife, and am still friends with a good number of my college friends.

currently cutting

battle log challenges: 21,20, 19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

don't panic!

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Have as much fun as possible at uni for the most part no one cares about your degree later on and I've never heard anyone regret having lots of fun at uni. Younger people these days are so competitive and serious. Let your hair down when you're a old fart with kids you can be serious and responsible.


I sort of fell into a mathematics degree because I simply followed my skills. I was always good at maths. One of the biggest things I learned during my course was that I didn't want to study it any longer, and that merely being good at something was not sufficient reason to do it.


I mostly regret not having as much fun as I should have done. I didn't know how at the time.

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What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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Seriously though, I did good enough to graduate (albeit after quite a while) and get a stable job and career I'm very happy with, met my wife, and am still friends with a good number of my college friends.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with where I ended up, I just could've taken a better route to get here haha

Long Term Goals:                                                                                                              



200# 245# Snatch                                                                                                             

300# Clean and Jerk                                                                                                         

380# 465# Back Squat

450# 500# Deadlift


Human Flag

Front Lever

285# Log Clean and Press

1k Row under 3:20

Back Flip

Bodyweight Turkish Get-up


For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

Never compromise.

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Sometimes I look back at the strange route my life has taken to get me where I'm at today and wonder if I could've done things better.  Then I realized instead of imagining what I'd do if I could go back knowing what I know now, I try to imagine what Me five or ten years from now would say if they could talk to me now.  That kind of imagining actually helps me out.  Instead of thinking that if I could talk to past James I'd tell him to eat better, play harder, and save up more money, I tell myself the same thing now.

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"Inside of me there are two dogs. One of the dogs is mean and evil. The other dog is good. The mean dog fights the good dog, all of the time."  When asked which dog wins, he reflected for a moment and replied "The one I feed the most."



Driftwood's Battle Log

First Challenge:  24 Feb - 6 April 2014

Second Challenge (Monks) :  14 April - 25 May 2014


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I would have to agree.  On those bad days, I will often think about how different my life would be.  And that if I took college more seriously I would be in a considerably better financial situation (I HATE Sallie Mae), but I quickly get over it because I likely wouldn't have met my girlfriend or moved to Chicago.


I regret working full time jobs and going to school full time.  I mean it taught me A LOT but it would've been more fun to be distracted or tired in class due to partying all night and having endless amounts of crazy college sex as opposed to work 40+ hours a week and doing papers...


Can someone say the grass is always greener?? lol

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When I look back, I can see such a fundamentally different path for myself. One that consists of not finishing high school, using adult entry tests to get into uni, and graduating with my 2 degrees 2 years earlier, which would have meant actually getting into the tech industry instead I standing on the sidelines watching it slip and stumble for the first time in this country. But i probably wouldn't have earned as much money as I have, even if I would have enjoyed my job more. And I would probably be even more unhealthy than I am due to the standard diet and lifestyle choices made by programmers across the globe. I believe it's important to look at both positive an negative things about the alternate paths i could've taken.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dwarf Warrior
I am today what I made myself yesterday, I will be tomorrow what I make of myself today.

Current challenge: Juni0r83 works on his Schedule-Fu

Previous challenge: Juni0r83 re-evaluates and refocuses

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I just say to myself "That which we are, we are" and then  carry on with life. I choose not to dwell on how my life might have been, down thata road lies madness lol. And I don't see the point of dwellinf on might have beens, life is what it is and the only way to go is forward.

The valiant never taste of death but once.


Battle Log:

100 Day Bench Press Challenge (64 Days)

Challenge: 1, 2


Estrix, level 1 Goblin Raider


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Hm.  Am I weird for not often thinking about the Road Not Taken?  I think about the path I took, and where the branches were, but beyond maybe double checking my decisions making skills at those branches, I don't pursue it further.  Granted, I've been known to be a cold-hearted logical bastard, so this may play into it.

RisenPhoenix, the Entish Aikidoka

Challenge: RisenPhoenix Turns to Ash


"The essence of koryu [...is] you offer your loyalty to something that you choose to regard as greater than yourself so that you will, someday, be able to offer service to something that truly is transcendent." ~ Ellis Amdur, Old School

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I look back and I'm pretty content. I feel like I had a proper balance of fun and work/school. Worked hard during the week so I could have fun on the weekends. 

Level 3 Bearded Assassin


Str: 10     Dex: 9     Sta: 6     Con: 7     Wis: 4     Cha: 3


Current Challenge: Respawn    Past Challenges: 1 2 3


Daily Battle Log   Album


"I'm not losing weight. I'm getting rid of it. I have no intention of ever finding it again."

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I made a decision when I was 18 that drastically change my life. Looking back, it shuts down many doors for me and my dreams, but it open a new exciting one. I have my regrets, but I'd do the same any time.


Oh, and I had a pretty wonderful life in college. It's just harder to rage now in PhD when you are older than everybody else in the bar. :P 

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