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I received one of those home brew kits for Christmas....far far far removed from craft beer but I've yet to use it.

I usually tend to just consuming tasty beers and not producing them

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My roommates have done it for a few years. Their stout was literally explosive. (Yes, we have to open them in the sink.)


We had a lot of cooking equipment already, so the startup cost wasn't that bad. But I think the costs rely a lot on the ingredients you're using too.

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My neighbor brews coopers green at home, reckons the kits are easy to use and come out with decent beer. I've seen them for sale in kmart. You can brew craft beer at boutique breweries with your own choice of ingredients too, I think there's one in western sydney.

         Endor, LVL 45 Half-Elf Ranger 

PR and Motivation Log | Current Battle Log 


                    Feb-March 2022 Challenge


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Hey guys, just wondering if any if you brew your own beer? The craft beer thing is finally taking off in Sydney, so I think it should be pretty easy to source decent hops, etc.

What I'd like to know is what startup costs/equipment are involved?

I'm not a huge drinker but it would be awesome to have some decent beer within arm's reach :)


Seth used to until he got a girlfriend and got all domesticated. He just sold all of his stuff. You could ask him.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
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"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Seth used to until he got a girlfriend and got all domesticated. He just sold all of his stuff. You could ask him.


Can I just say how pissed I was that I missed him selling all his equipment on Facebook by FIFTEEN MINUTES.


Oh man.  Was so mad.

RisenPhoenix, the Entish Aikidoka

Challenge: RisenPhoenix Turns to Ash


"The essence of koryu [...is] you offer your loyalty to something that you choose to regard as greater than yourself so that you will, someday, be able to offer service to something that truly is transcendent." ~ Ellis Amdur, Old School

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I just got into the craft brewing hobby myself, with my father-in-law. He bought all the equipment so I am not sure what exactly the price was, but all new equipment, including 75 bottles and ingredients (we got a setup for extract brewing) came out to around $400ish I think. He didn't get the cheapest options by any means though. We're looking at a full or partial mash this time, and there's definitely more equipment involved that we'll need to pick up.

This too, shall pass.

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@barefootdawsy THis is the place I was thinking of: http://thebeerfactory.com.au/what-is-brew-on-premise/ one of my friends got me a couple cases brewed up for my bucks party a few years back with a customised label, pretty cool. 

         Endor, LVL 45 Half-Elf Ranger 

PR and Motivation Log | Current Battle Log 


                    Feb-March 2022 Challenge


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Our culture certainly thinks so.


As for me? I'm not the dominant one, my wife is. She has been called 'masculine' because of her inherent dominance and competitive nature.  She is competitive in the workplace, I am not.  She is dominant in the work place, I am not.  We do discuss if we blur the lines of gender roles at times.


But again, our culture (at least in the US) certainly would side with your statement in general I feel.

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I agree with Panda, as society goes masculinity is viewed as being dominate and competitive. neither of which i am. unless it is in video games then i can get quite competitive especially when i get a couple of drinks in me and it becomes more fun that way!

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Level 1 Nord  Epic Quest

STR 3 | DEX 3 | STA 2 | CON 3 | WIS 3.5 | CHA 4

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"They wouldn't mind a corpse of you. Now, you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal, I swear, by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you." - Mal



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As for me? I'm not the dominant one, my wife is. She has been called 'masculine' because of her inherent dominance and competitive nature.  She is competitive in the workplace, I am not.  She is dominant in the work place, I am not.  We do discuss if we blur the lines of gender roles at times.


Give back my wife!

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The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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I agree with the above as well.  Although I'm horribly competitive with myself and with others.  I don't think I've been in a situation, especially at work (I have always worked in sales) where I haven't went in wanting to beat the person in the number 1 spot.  In any situation I think I should be the best or be moving in the direction to be the best.  Which has always been a bit frustrating for the GF.

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...unless it is in video games then i can get quite competitive especially when i get a couple of drinks in me...

Ditto! I've been known to drink and game, and it gets 'real'. LoL!

Give back my wife!

*hisses like a cat* My wife!! *hisses again* :)

.... should be the best or be moving in the direction to be the best....

I'll agree with that; on my end, maybe 'not the best', as I'll be the first to admit there are those that can do it better, but I strive to 'contribute positively' towards a goal. I dislike being considered deadweight, and in some things I can take #1 spot, other times; if I can push those into the higher levels? I derive pleasure out of that as well. :)


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As I am a very type B personality with C tendancies i never strive for the number one spot, but if i ever find myself near the back or end I beat myself up a lot and strive to be better. I am the type which would rather push someone to the top rather than be on the top myself, but not to the point of giving up all credit of the work itself.

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Level 1 Nord  Epic Quest

STR 3 | DEX 3 | STA 2 | CON 3 | WIS 3.5 | CHA 4

Original Challenge | 1ST | 2nd | joining the bebopReturn to the rangers |



"They wouldn't mind a corpse of you. Now, you can luxuriate in a nice jail cell, but if your hand touches metal, I swear, by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you." - Mal



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Hey men, settle a bet. Do you think being dominant and competitive is a natural part of masculinity?


It's a social stereotype; the "jock" or "alpha" male. A lot of advertising is targeted at men who want to appear more powerful, usually suggesting that women are attracted to dominant men. I think pretty much all men go through a phase of this, usually in their teenage years, but most grow out of it and realise that it's just as fake as any other sales pitch.


A couple of thousand years ago, the mark of a manly man was that he could weep openly in the face of tragedy.

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What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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I am only competitive when it doesn't really "matter".  I do a good job at work, but I'm hardly planning my meteoric rise through the ranks to end up a suspender-wearing corporate neckbeard (I work in resource engineering).  


However, when it comes to games, particularly strategy games or boxing/MMA, I am almost insanely focused and single-minded upon the task of annihilating my opponent.  My kids have now stopped playing strategy games against me. 

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The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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Hey men, settle a bet. Do you think being dominant and competitive is a natural part of masculinity?

I would have to say yes, you'll have women that are dominant and competitive, but overall I feel like men are more apt to have those qualities and yes, I do think it's natural. You can see it all over too, high school sports, elementary school playgrounds, and even into adulthood.

"Insanity - you make my world a better place man, you really do! That shit is awesome! :D" - Guzzi-

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I am competitive (lil bro complex), but I'm only dominant when I need.


I do find an event interesting, though, when I was doing a project between India and US, there were 16 people-- me being the only man in the group. Three sub-groups have a different ideas that they were debating back and forth. Then all in the sudden they all turned to me, stared (some aggressively,) and I realized they expected me to give the ultimate answer.


I made the decision, and they all acted based on my decision.


Maybe it was because I haven't spoken up? Maybe I was the only male in there? I don't know, but it all felt very strange and uncomfortable for me.  

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Hey men, settle a bet. Do you think being dominant and competitive is a natural part of masculinity?


I would say its up in the air.


Personally I enjoy helping others succeed. But that doesn't mean I want them to beat me. I want to compete with others who are better than me, so that I can eventually surpass them. So I guess I would say I am competitive.


I think as much as we like to deny it winning a competition always makes you feel good no matter what gender.


As far as dominant hell no. My ideal girl is someone who knows what she wants. I want an equal, not a follower in a relationship.


Would I say that as a species men have been more competitive and dominant sure. I mean going back to the whole hunter gatherer thing. 

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

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thanks for your responses everyone, but im not sure ive got enough to win this bet with the range of opinions coming through. lets try a slightly different approach:


if you could only pick one thing, what would you say is the core aspect of masculinity? "what makes a man?"

It's the moose on the inside that counts.

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