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Hiya from holland!

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Hello everyone, 


Today I figured it'd be nice to actually comment on a topic instead of just reading blog and forum posts, so here I am! :)


My name is Naomi, I'm 25 years old and unfortunately still a student. (stressed and bummed about all things study-related) I've been working on my own epic quest. My fitness habits are coming along nicely, you can find me in the gym 3 of 4 days a week! Other good habits like not eating all the chocolate I see/smell/(hear?) need a lot of work...


As my name suggest, I have found a passion for kettlebell sport! Like all good obsessions, not a day goes by without thinking about them, talking about them, watching videos and occasionally actually lifting them ;)

The ranking system used in kettlebell sport seems like it was made especially for nerds, ready made level-up goals.. Gotta love it! After achieving rank 4 at a competition last year, this year I'm shooting for rank 3.


Thanks for having me! :)



KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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Hey Pretzle, yea I think i will be joining the next challenge :) Just having a hard time picking teams, because I'm not sure where my sport and goals would fit. 


Lauraleye, thanks for the words of welcome!  

KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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