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Annoying comments you hear all the time

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I'm one on those guys who have a beard a different shade than my hair. I've dark brown hair that might shine a bit coppery in sunlight, but my beard comes in red.

I was regularly asked if I dyed it.

My brother is like that. His hair is brown and so is his beard, except for a big ginger patch on his chin. I guess people ask if you dyed it because it looks strange to them.

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My brother is like that. His hair is brown and so is his beard, except for a big ginger patch on his chin. I guess people ask if you dyed it because it looks strange to them.


Which is odd because it seems like a fairly common thing.  My brother is nearly platinum blond, but he has ginger hairs scattered throughout his beard.

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I kinda do - but only if it does look fake. I mean, if it's the super neon colors, sure that looks fine to me - it's accomplishing what you want and those aren't colors human hair can usually pull off without some stylistic assistance.

Man, who knew dyeing hair was a hot topic? XD

tha'ts hysterical- because obviously neon colors are fake.  That's just so backwards.


I mean my hair color is no where near my natural color.

I guess I could have said- no one cares what you think of their died hair- but I wasn't trying to be snarky about it but that's the reality. My hair is far from natrual and I could care less what you think about it.  And I'm not trying to be mean- it's just a fact- I'm very MEH about other people's opinions of my style choices. 


This probably made me giggle for a bit too long for me to say this, but: This is a great idea.[quote[

I love this idea. seriously- best idea of the day.

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tha'ts hysterical- because obviously neon colors are fake. That's just so backwards.

I mean my hair color is no where near my natural color.

I guess I could have said- no one cares what you think of their died hair- but I wasn't trying to be snarky about it but that's the reality. My hair is far from natrual and I could care less what you think about it. And I'm not trying to be mean- it's just a fact- I'm very MEH about other people's opinions of my style choices.

Oh, okay - that makes sense. I totally understand where you're coming from. Thank you for clarifying - I was getting worried I had ticked you off or something.

And on that note, you're right and I share your opinion. I don't care if someone does dye their hair - and whatever they choose is totally their right.

I'm jealous of folks who can dye their hair easily though. I have super dark hair and I'm honestly scared to have it bleached to try another colour. Its not dangerous, right?

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Oh, okay - that makes sense. I totally understand where you're coming from. Thank you for clarifying - I was getting worried I had ticked you off or something.

And on that note, you're right and I share your opinion. I don't care if someone does dye their hair - and whatever they choose is totally their right.

I'm jealous of folks who can dye their hair easily though. I have super dark hair and I'm honestly scared to have it bleached to try another colour. Its not dangerous, right?

yeah no worries- I'm very short on the "give a fuck about what other people think" so I'm definitely coming off a little more crisp shall we say than normal- but it's hard to say "I don't care what you think" without sounding like an ass LMAO.  


I know what you mean about 'fake' but to be honest I think that has more to do with the quality of the job rather than the color.  And BAD die jobs... well they are just bad.   I think there is a difference between bad jobs and 'fake'. 


Depends on "dangerous" going lighter is harder on your hair- you have to bleach it a lot- but I know people who do a lot of bleaching and they are fine. I've been coloring my  hair for years and it holds up okay- but it's shorter and I don't swap boxes I use the same die all the time and I don't use a lot of chemicals on a daily basis to wash it.  So for me it's okay- but I know people who cry about the chemicals and how bad they are for you- friends mom got cancer and died from coloring it bla bla bla.  use at your own risk.

If you are going lighter- definitely go have it done at a reputable place (i.e. some one you know who has their hair done there and their colored hair looks fabulous)- they are pretty consistent. 

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My hair is "Shot with Silver."

Anyone who can't see the difference between that and grey is clearly lacking in higher cognitive abilities.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Omg, lol.



I get annoyed when someone complains that they have to "get up early", and their "early" is, like, 8am, which is anywhere from a half hour to an hour and a half AFTER I typically need to get up on a daily basis.  Argh.

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This is why, among my friends with real people jobs and lives, I've started referring, not to how "early" I get up (some weeks, 'early' is 10am), but by how many hours' sleep I got.  Maybe it doesn't really suck that I had to get up before eight, but it kind of does suck that I only got five hours' sleep.


Actually, I have the opposite pet peeve.  I get a lot of comments from friends and family members  being all "Have you been getting to bed on time?  I know I feel better when I get eight hours from ten till six than from three till eleven.  You should try it, imagine how much easier studying will be?"

No.  I do not operate in the morning.  If I wake up early, I clog up my morning with zombie-Vella time, and then I'm too tired to get my work done when I actually feel best doing it - i.e. the evening.  I've tried your schedule.  You've made me exercise before noon on your schedule.  Your schedule makes me unhappy.

And some people are going to have to learn to live with that.


EDIT: Not to say your annoyance isn't valid, ReachingForTheStars - I understand completely why you're annoyed.  I just get ranty when people try to shame my sleeping patterns.

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lulz- I used to have to get up "early"... like before 6- now early is 6.


But to be fair- I'm up super late- to my roommate early is like 9 PM.


'early' is just entirely subjective to your schedule. 


most people that get up at 4 AM aren't running till midnight 1 AM


Very true.  It's all relative, but I still want (and do) give them the evil eye and maybe a smack on the head if we're close enough.


If you work the night shift, though, I have all the sympathy in the world for you and offer my condolences no matter when you think "early" is, lol.

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EDIT: Not to say your annoyance isn't valid, ReachingForTheStars - I understand completely why you're annoyed.  I just get ranty when people try to shame my sleeping patterns.


COMPLETELY understood.


I'm just thinking back to a mere year and a half ago when I was still in college and my "early" days started at 9am, and I typically got 9+ hours of sleep every day.  My parents would roll their eyes at me when I would complain that I had to "wake up early tomorrow."  God, our younger selves are such brats! :tongue:

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You must have had an awesome schedule at college if you were able to sleep til 9am. I have to be up at 7:30am and I'm living pretty close to my college so I know a lot of people who have to get up around 6am or even earlier to get there in time. I'm not complaining though. Ihave one out of three tuesdays off and thurdays usually start at 8-9am for me :)

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Yeah, my campus was SUPER small, and our schedules were such that Tuesdays and Thursdays started at noon or later, and on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday class started as late as 10 or 11am.  Even if you had a 9am class, you could still manage to roll out of bed at maybe 8:45am and still be on time for class if you were quick about throwing on your clothes.

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You must have had an awesome schedule at college if you were able to sleep til 9am. I have to be up at 7:30am and I'm living pretty close to my college so I know a lot of people who have to get up around 6am or even earlier to get there in time. I'm not complaining though. Ihave one out of three tuesdays off and thurdays usually start at 8-9am for me :)


Arts student :P  I think, at my home uni, everyone's just grown accustomed to the English students and they don't even bother scheduling for earlier than 11am...Plus, we tend to have fewer hours of workload to cram into the week.


COMPLETELY understood.


I'm just thinking back to a mere year and a half ago when I was still in college and my "early" days started at 9am, and I typically got 9+ hours of sleep every day.  My parents would roll their eyes at me when I would complain that I had to "wake up early tomorrow."  God, our younger selves are such brats! :tongue:


Younger selves?  I still complain when I have to wake up an hour earlier than usual!


Mind you, having to run a Pathfinder game internationally means every Friday I need to wake up before dawn.

I swear, if I were doing this for longer than a few more weeks...

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I'm jealous of folks who can dye their hair easily though. I have super dark hair and I'm honestly scared to have it bleached to try another colour. Its not dangerous, right?


I have fairly dark brown hair and I bleached it completely blond twice now. Once because I wanted to and once to cosplay. Both times completely wrecked my poor hair.  It took several bleachings and it was fried until I grew it out. But I know some people who can bleach it and not get too much frying done. I believe it depends on your hair and what bleach is used.


I try not to mess with mine too much as I prefer it natural now. I don't even blowdry or straiten anymore, and try to keep my hair dressers from doing that. My hair works best if I let it do what it wants.

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You must have had an awesome schedule at college if you were able to sleep til 9am. I have to be up at 7:30am and I'm living pretty close to my college so I know a lot of people who have to get up around 6am or even earlier to get there in time. I'm not complaining though. Ihave one out of three tuesdays off and thurdays usually start at 8-9am for me :)

I'm going to one up you and tell you we had formation at 0700... so no rolling out of bed and showing up in PJ's- you had to be up and dressed nd have your hay rolled up and put away (hay =mattress).



This is why, among my friends with real people jobs and lives, I've started referring, not to how "early" I get up (some weeks, 'early' is 10am), but by how many hours' sleep I got.  Maybe it doesn't really suck that I had to get up before eight, but it kind of does suck that I only got five hours' sleep.


god that's genius- I have said it both ways but I never really put the thought into making it more simple. that's a great way to deflect that LOL.


I'm a self induced insomnica- I dont' get the sleep I need because I stay up to late because i don't WANT to go to bed- I'm exhausted- yes- but I still don't want to go to bed.  I'm by nature a night person- but this 1 AM shit is TOO MUCH!!!


shrug- I have issues. oh well. 

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god that's genius- I have said it both ways but I never really put the thought into making it more simple. that's a great way to deflect that LOL.


I'm a self induced insomnica- I dont' get the sleep I need because I stay up to late because i don't WANT to go to bed- I'm exhausted- yes- but I still don't want to go to bed.  I'm by nature a night person- but this 1 AM shit is TOO MUCH!!!


shrug- I have issues. oh well. 


Sometimes I have good ideas :tongue:


Oh, and I so know what you mean.  Oh, I'm not tired yet?  I'll just read a book until I am.  Wait, 3am?  When did this happen?


I mean, I'm definitely a night owl, but there's what your body naturally wants and then there's what I tend to make it do...

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I bet you were both like me and got on the opposite schedule from everyone else during the summer between school.


Unless summer jobs.

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Heard again today (as I was complaining that the bread crumbs from picking the croutons off my salad have made me sick in the guts for the last three days and I'm actually sick enough I'm calling off work tonight) "I couldn't live without bread I would rather die" wanted to say "I can't live with this intense searing pain and vomiting" but just ignored her cuz I've said it nine million times before

(sent by the phone. .. all mistakes are the phones fault)

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* This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice in it and be glad. God, The Bible. * Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda
* There are three options in this life; be good, get good, or give up. -- House * Never take counsel of your fears. Stonewall Jackson. 

* level 50 isn't gonna just POOF happen - alienjenn, NF IRC chatroom


* I'm not about to give up - Because I heard you say - There's gonna be brighter days… I won't stop, I'll keep my head up - No, I'm not here to stay ...  - 

 I just might bend but I won't break - As long as I can see your face - When life won't play along - And right keeps going wrong - And I can't seem to find my way - I know where I am found - So I won't let it drag me down - Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway - Mercy Me - Move



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I've complained about my colleagues before, but they really drive me up a wall. I was telling this lady today about my fitness quest; her reply?

"Well, you don't want to lose too much weight. It's dangerous for older women".


First: I'm 80 pounds overweight.

Second: I'm 31 years old!


Some people are just so negative about the whole thing. And then my colleagues wonder why I don't speak to them for months at a time. Jerks.


It's dangerous for older women. Tsss. Bulls**t propaganda... Why I oughta...

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