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Annoying comments you hear all the time

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"Come on, one won´t kill you", "You have to live sometimes" "You have earned it" and similar comments when I only eat "healthy" foods and people around me eat desserts. I´m trying to cut out processed food cause I don´t like the way I feel after I have eaten it. Also and I have a hard time eating just one bite, so I don´t eat it at all.


And why do people seem to think that I can´t be happy without eating processed food???


Because cupcakes. 


Just kidding. Peer pressure can be a problem. Most of the times, I hear these in my head... 

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Tell them something like "think about how you would sound if you were saying that about alcohol".

If that would work, I would. But they do the same thing with alcohol (i don´t drink either)…...


I need new friends… :)

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Level 3: Ninja

Current Challenge with the Druids (Nov 2nd-dec 13th)



Every man I meet, is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him. Emerson

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Wow... What if you were a recovering alcoholic? :/

I´m not, and my friends know this, but none the less, it´s annoying.... They have many good qualities, but this is one I´m not fond of. The thing is they all are so mainstream, and it´s sometimes cramping my style. I´m therefor very thankful for this forum, allowing me to be my self and not being seen as a weirdo (or at least not a total nutcase :) )

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Level 3: Ninja

Current Challenge with the Druids (Nov 2nd-dec 13th)



Every man I meet, is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him. Emerson

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It's annoying as hell to me that now everyone is an expert on nutrition thanks to the internet. Nutrition is now the new unmentionable along with religion & politics. Open your mouth on the subject and you'll get a civil war of unqualified opinions. (Aside, but it's a Godwin's Law type situation that all such arguments end with "All in moderation! :D")



What bugs me most about this isn't even that people get a Google education, but that they do such a piss poor job of it. People read a few websites and maaaaybe one real book and then feel qualified to discuss the subject like they know anything.


The human body is impossibly complex and varies significantly between groups AND between individuals. Being able to know anything about health or nutrition will require not only a detailed examination of ALL of the cute little scientific findings in the last 50+ years, but ALSO a detailed historical/anthropological analysis of how different food choices AND production methods plays out AND a detailed analysis of early man - not only in what he chose to ate, but how those foods he ate were produced.


Reading one little book will teach you jack, even if it's a really good one.


I am so sick of ignorant, infantile, entry level dietary dogma like "all animal products regardless of how they are produced are universally bad, and removing them from your diet is the single change responsible for all health improvements."


I'm also dismayed at the garden variety paleo types as they seem to not give a crap if their meat and veggies were produced in all kinds of horrible ways that dramatically reduce their quality and even introduce legitimate health risks so long as they can still be described as "meat and veggies." To see some of these people behave, they'd be perfectly happy eating lab grown meat or meat grown from one of those creepy GMO meat plants scientists are working on, because "our ancestors ate meat." I have less of a beef with them however because they're at least on the right overall path of what humans ought to be eating.


Just to bring this rant back into focus - I am sick and tired of entry level neophytes in the world of nutrition trying to discuss their opinions as if they are important. If your opinions and knowledge on nutrition are less than 5 years old I probably don't want to hear what you have to say. Lurk moar.

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[ Babby's Ferst Challenge ]

Veganism killed my gainz

Chasing 15 rep 2xBW deadlift


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I got told this weekend that I'm too old to start learning parcour, or get back into martial arts (along with other advice not to do "dangerous" exercises). I'm 25... *facepalm* 


If you can't have children, you are good for nothing. Boyfriend's grandma gems.

Wow... ouch, that's a worthless comment! That's a horrible thing to say, I'm so sorry she said that to you.

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Current Challenge: Developing Roots

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.....I'm a 5'3 125 pound chick, sure I'll look like Arnold.  :offended:


I gave up trying to explain myself. 

Best response :) let your results speak for themselves; they will speak loud and clear - that's what I decided to do :) Also, keep people around who are encouraging - totally needed on the bad days when people decide to give "helpful" tips

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Current Challenge: Developing Roots

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Apparently I broke some rules then... started my first martial art last month at the advanced, senior age of 26.  My one classmate began at age 47.   


But don't your walkers get in the way?
















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2016 goals: Hit goal weight. Build muscle.

2015 goals: Get stronger, stop loathing squats and get better at them - DONE!!!

2014 goal: Lose 52.5 lbs. - DONE!!! 12/13/14




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"You look muscular now, but when you stop lifting, your body will change your muscles into fat."


I heard this more than one time. My response: "Huh?"

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"You look muscular now, but when you stop lifting, your body will change your muscles into fat."


I heard this more than one time. My response: "Huh?"

I had someone at work try to tell me that last week... I didn't even bother trying to correct the logic though, he tends not to listen very well to logic when it contradicts his 'facts' (not the same person who told me i was old either)

Oh, here's one for us old people with walkers


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Current Challenge: Developing Roots

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I finally put my finger on the most infuriating, eyeball exploding, death rage inducing thing concerning fitness that I hear OVER and OVER and OVER.




It's the simple assumption that your fitness or strength is for doing others' grunt work. Because I look strong and have a reputation for being strong (I wasn't always as pathetic as my workout log indicates), I noticed that people always want to recruit me for moving, digging holes in their yard, doing other random physical work of the sort most people normally get paid sub minimum wage under the table in cash to do.


I didn't get jacked so I could do your bitchwork, I got jacked to improve my life - one critical component of which was to remove the need to put up with anybody's crap. I feel insulted by anyone who implies that spending 8 hours digging a tree stump out of their yard is worthy of use of my physical ability, much less its express purpose.


I'm starting to take pride in rocking the combination of peak physical condition plus extreme laziness and apathy towards any physical task that isn't either working out or doing my athletic endeavors of choice. If anyone asks me to help with some hard labor task my current policy is to bertstare them and then never do it, ever.


When I've been derping around on the internet in the nice air conditioning all day and I look out the window to see people far weaker than me doing heavy back work out in the hot sun, it fills me with a bitter retaliatory pleasure and a feeling that all is right in the world.


Then again, thanks to some recent events in my life combined with the fact that apparently everyone owns my summer vacation time except me, I feel extremely antisocial towards everybody on earth except for my father, wife and three best friends. I wouldn't be surprised to look back later and conclude that this isn't the healthiest and most balanced train of thought I've ever had, but for now it feels fucking dandy.

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[ Babby's Ferst Challenge ]

Veganism killed my gainz

Chasing 15 rep 2xBW deadlift


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I respect your anger, but very much don't agree with it.


I love when friends ask me to help because they know how strong I am. I LOVE when I can help my partners family move a fridge and they bring 3 other people and I say: "Oh no worries, I got this" and lift the thing myself without breaking a sweat.


This fit and capable body of mine came about thanks to the support of those around me, I owe it to the world to give a little back in forms of lifting, moving, and general labours of herculean proportion. 

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Currently lost in Fitness.

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Along the same lines:


I didn't get smart so I can debug everyone's computers for free.

I didn't become an engineer so I could design your house for free.

I didn't become a parent so I could give you advice for free.

I didn't get in shape so I could move your appliances for free.


But you know what? I will. Because we're friends.

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The cancer was aggressive, but the chemotherapy was aggressive, as well.

There was aggression on both sides. 

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