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Beer, Wine and Spirits


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I'm a big fan of the local, Yukon Brewing.  My fave is the Amber Ale (Yukon Red) but I also like their Strong English (Lead Dawg).  I prefer darker, maltier beers, although stouts are a one every couple of months kind of thing for me.


Liquor, I like rye, either on the rocks, with some water or a little soda water and gingerale.  Not many others though.


Wine - I prefer dry whites.  About a half glass into a red I get a headache.

Level 2 Half-Orc Ranger

STR 4|DEX 2.6|STA 5.8|CON 8|WIS 2|CHA 3

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Beers: Chimay Blue & other Trappistes

White spirits: mojitos, gin and tonics, martinis, margaritas (love Hendricks, but usually drink Tanqueray)

Brown spirits: cognac, scotch (esp Laphroiag)

I don't drink often, but tend to reach for the good stuff when I do drink. I'm gonna go out tonight for krupnikas, which is a Polish spiced honey liquer.


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I am a fan of a good old fashioned, or a rye whiskey on the rocks. Gin and tonic with fresh lime is a perennial favorite. Wine wise in summer I love a big chardonnay or a mine rally sav blanc. Reds I like big and full of tannin, leather and the kind of flavors that make you feel like you just grew a beard and need to punch a bear.



Yes to a good ole fashioned!

Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
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I'm a big fan of the local, Yukon Brewing.  My fave is the Amber Ale (Yukon Red) but I also like their Strong English (Lead Dawg).  I prefer darker, maltier beers, although stouts are a one every couple of months kind of thing for me.


Midnight Sun, Midnight Sun!  I'm a hops girl at heart, but I can't get enough of Midnight Sun.  My fav beer bar is having a "tap takeover" with Yukon in November.  It's so far away but I'm already excited.

Level Four Mandalorian Assassin

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I like most alcohol that's not beer (the best I ever did was finish a glass of pumpkin, but that was with cinnamon and sugar on the edge).  There's a winery called Foxburg a few hours away from me that has such sweet wine I'd rather have it than dessert.  Liquor wise I love me some tequila (Espolon), and Captain Morgan's Black Spiced Rum and Private Stock.  I used to be one for fruity mixed drinks (yay daiquiris!) but now I'm in love with savory.  A margarita cocktail (light on the sugar) and a bitter daiquiri cocktail are high on the list right now.  Anything made with chocolate milk is also good.  It's made worse (though I prefer to think better!) by the fact that my husband has a well-stocked mini bar in the dining room.


Sake is also good.  To quote a conversation on DnD night:
Player: "Is that water or light tea that you're drinking out of a sake cup?"
Me: "Neither; I'm drinking sake out of a sake cup."
Player: "Sometimes you are so fuckin' cool!"
Which just amused me to no end. :)

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Beer: I'm not super picky, but I absolutely love the craft beer scene here in Ontario.  IPA, bock, porter, stouts, wheat beer... all awesome.  And a good, well-made lager is also welcome.  But I love beer.  I'm drinking a raspberry wheat beer from Kawartha Lakes Brewing right now, in fact.


Wine: Red and dry.  I'm way nerdier about beer than wine, but I love a good red.


Other: I dig rum. I went to a rum distillery in Cuba, and they have some absolutely fantastic aged rum there.  Haven't taken the time to properly appreciate a good scotch yet, but it's on my to-do list.


In general, I don't really go for mixed drinks (though I've enjoyed the occasional rusty nail).  Rum and coke and I are no longer on speaking terms, let alone drinking terms.


5k - 21:29

10k - 47:26 43:29

21.1 - 2:05:26 1:44:21

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and no (sarcastic tone)- I didn't go to the sushi place tonight that's crazy talk... pfffta  don't judge me.

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Midnight Sun, Midnight Sun!  I'm a hops girl at heart, but I can't get enough of Midnight Sun.  My fav beer bar is having a "tap takeover" with Yukon in November.  It's so far away but I'm already excited.

I like the Midnight Sun - but I'll only have one every 2 months or so.  They are pretty good though.  They also have a chocolate porter...but I can't remember what its called.  Its not bad.


But Red is my go to.  

Level 2 Half-Orc Ranger

STR 4|DEX 2.6|STA 5.8|CON 8|WIS 2|CHA 3

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After that I stick with a rum and coke. It's almost always Bacardi but the other night I got a special with Captain Morgan that was pretty good. 


I'm really poor from being in college so I can't afford any good alcohol yet haha. 


Castillo gold is an inexpensive rum ($9 a bottle here) that makes a GREAT rum and coke.


ETA: I don't like beer, but I do like sweet wines and mixed drinks (appletinis are my favorite at the moment, but I also like screwdrivers with Grey Goose in them, and of course rum n coke). I also like to sip a shot glass of Kahlua once in a while.


I used to like margaritas but tequila and I haven't been getting along lately.

Anduril, level 3 human adventurer

(ranger wannabe)
STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 3.5 | CON 6.5 | WIS 3 | CHA 3.5

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I'm not a beer fan (too yeasty for my liking) but I enjoy the Strongbow Pear cider we get on occasion. We distill our own spirits so the majority of what I drink is a homemade rum (no bite and it's quite sweet) but I also love liquors like black anise, drambuie, and the fruity ones I mix up from homebrew like raspberry, strawberry, apple and peach. 


If we go out I love me some milky cocktails, especially one I found recently that was Chocolate Chili :)

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I'm a Guinness man most of the time. Tastes delicious and is full of tasty, tasty calories!


Partial to red wine, though I tend to select this depending on what's on special offer. :s


Will drink rum on a night out, though it can make me boisterous.


Subthread- hangovers- do you get them? These days I rarely drink more than 2 pints as hangovers can be horrific! In my 20s wasn't nearly as bad, but these days they just prevent me doing anything, and I don't like feeling like I've lost a day!

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Beers - anything outside of the big "American" 3; usually Shiner (being here in TX) or Leinenkugels (since I can't get any MN beers here in TX); usually German, Belgian, Trappist beers for European styles.


I miss the "drachenblut" mead from the German Medieval Markets, but have been enjoying some from the small local meaderies in the area.

Race: Human / Level: 1 / Current Class: Adventurer / Goal Class: Ranger

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- Patrick Troughton (Doctor #2)

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I'm a Guinness man most of the time. Tastes delicious and is full of tasty, tasty calories!


Guinness has less calories than a regular beer. Its practically a light beer.

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Not a huge drinker, but when I do it's usually a lighter-tasting beer, micro brew when I can find it. There's one by Flying Monkey that I can never remember the name of that I like a lot. I have discovered I don't like hoppy beers and am not overly fond of wheat beers (some are ok). I like dark beers including Guinness, but only in small doses, I can't usually get through a whole pint.


Not a wine fan, generally, nor a hard liquor fan, though I do enjoy the flavour of whiskey mixed with things. I feel like I could come to appreciate wine if I tried, but thus far haven't seen a need to try.


My real favourites are cider and mead. I had a Polish mead once, brought from Poland by a Polish guy, and drunk by me and a whole group of others around a campfire under a starry sky and northern lights, and that was the beginning of my love of mead. I really want to try making it myself, specifically with juniper berries (thanks to Skyrim for that inspiration). As for cider, I'm discovering there's a huge variety, both in terms of taste and quality, and have yet to discover a real favourite, but many are in the running.

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 I really want to try making it myself, specifically with juniper berries (thanks to Skyrim for that inspiration).


I know a guy who makes some with catnip and it is amazing. Catnip is actually a useful herb for humans in terms of reducing nausea and easing stress headaches.

Human Adventurer

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I've got no strings to hold me down, to make me smile or make me frown...

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Make them fresh and they are sooo much better than a mix ever was! 



  • 2 ounces tequila made from 100 percent agave, preferably reposado or blanco
  • 1 ounce Cointreau
  • 1 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
  • Salt for garnish

​Also rather than using Mio, try just letting some cranberries you've pulsed in a blender sit in your vodka for a few days, maybe with some orange peel for a bit more depth of flavor.

Thanks for that recipe, I'll be trying that out this weekend!  :nevreness:

Kessihl - Level 2 Half Elf / Human1 (STR)  2 (DEX)  2 (STA)  3 (CON)  6 (WIS) 3 (CHA)  Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. 

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I've never been much for beer - honestly, something about carbonation and alcohol has always turned my stomach.


My preference is typically for the occasional bourbon (I love Angel's Envy, but more typically I'll stick to Woodford Reserve), but lately I've started switching that out for red wine - I'm rather partial to cabernet sauvignon, or the occasional petit sirah...

Level 1 Human Ranger

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"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then, the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you shall be the miracle." - Phillips Brooks


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Beer, wine, cider, I lump them all into "tastes like nothing I want to drink."


Good whiskey though...

And a snifter of neat scotch to go with my pipe is one of the best things for a nice evening.


Gin and Tonic, Long Island, Rum (pretty much any which way, but it has to be good, anything less than 20 a bottle is not good.), Brandy, Mojito, Daiquiri, etc.

I've gotten Eilyd drinking cocktail margaritas now, which is great since they really have nothing in them. Also A good daiquiri with a few splashes of bitters makes for a really good drink.

Archbishop Turpin, above the rest, Spurred his steed to a jutting crest. His sermon thus to the Franks he spake: "Lords, we are here for our monarch's sake; Hold we for him, though our death should come; Fight for the succor of Christendom. The battle approaches - ye know it well, For ye see the ranks of the infidel. Cry mea culpa, and lowly kneel; I will assoil you, your souls to heal. In death ye are holy martyrs crowned." The Franks alighted, and knelt on ground; In God's high name the host he blessed, And for penance gave them - to smite their best.


There is no class so pitiably wretched as that which possesses money and nothing else.




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Sangria girl here. I love sweet stuff. I used to drink captain and diet for YEARS but it makes me nauseous now! 


2 great summer drinks: St. Germaine, Plymouth, freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. OMG.  Or blackberry vodka+lemonade+muddled blackberries. Mmmm. There's fruit in there... it's not THAT bad ;-)


Beer: currently all about Shipyard apple something - it's like a beer and a cider had a baby, lol. But otherwise I drink Blue Moon.or Sam Adams Summer Ale.

St. Germaine!!! It's perfect in club soda. Just the most perfect summery drink. Think I'd like it even better with some basil or mint. Yum. Just wish it wasn't so expensive :(

I'm not much of a drinker in general, but when I do, I'm not super picky. I get a Grateful Dead when the goal is to be sufficienctly toasty by the end of the night. Just one of those and I'm good. That hasn't happened in a while, though, so I usually stick to beer (Yuengling, Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat, Sweetwater Blue) or a good, stiff drink (vodka soda, gin & tonic, both with lime).

My roommate is ALL about some margaritas, but I'm not much for it. A particular Cinco de Mayo restaurant experience kind of ruined them for me. (The kitchen was so backed up that we didn't get our food for an hour and a half. The margs, however, kept on coming. My friends had to drive my car home that night. Super embarrassing.)

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tequilla and whiskey are my preferences.  though I try to go with red wine, if I'm going to drink.

there is never a sudden revelation, a complete and tidy explanation for why it happened, or why it ends, or Why or Who you are. you want one and I want one, but there isn't one. it comes in bits and pieces, and you stitch them together wherever they fit, and when you are done you hold yourself up, and still there are holes and you are a rag doll, invented, imperfect. and yet you are all that you have, so you must be Enough. there is no other way.

Marya Hornbacher, Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

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