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When I made my introduction post, I didn't quite realize we had a place for something like this, so a portion of this I grabbed from there. Just as a heads up, I started at 279lb, no idea of my other measurements, besides the fact that I wore a size larger, pretty much all around.


As of 06/25/13 My weight and measurements are as follows


Weight: 249lb

Neck: 17in

Chest: 48in

Natural Waist/Stomach: 48in

Waist/Top of Hips: 45in

Biceps R|L: 15.5|15in

Thighs R|L: 24|25in

Calves R|L: 18|18in


Here's some pics that I'm going to be using as a base point from here on out. 

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Right after I took those measurements I did two circuits of the beginner bodyweight workout. After that, I hurt for days. My legs were not prepared for that kind of punishment. Later last week I ran for a bit to try and work some of the pain out. Worked pretty well.


Monday morning, I did a single circuit of the beginner bodyweight. Wednesday, technically today at this point, I am going to attempt two circuits, or at least more than a single time around. Also, Tuesday morning, I weighed in and hit another milestone, 35 pounds from my starting weight.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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Today, I ran for five or six minutes as warm up, then I did one full circuit of the beginners bodyweight workout and a modified second. For the second I halved the squats and lunges, everything else I did the full amount of for the second circuit. I then stretched and hit the shower. Considering how the first time I did the bodyweight workout, it beat me up and left me sore for a few days, the fact that I am able to handle stairs currently is awesome. Also, Happy Independence Day tomorrow to all the American nerds.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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This morning I did two full bodyweight circuits after my 6 minute run. I managed to get myself pretty sunburned from the Independence Day Festivities. Doing planks with elbows that are bright red is not fun. Neither is getting down on and up off of the floor with knees that are that red. Feeling good though. Went thrifting and got clothes that are actually in my size. I'm down a full shirt and pants size. I'm really proud of myself, and that is probably going to go in the woot threads somewhere.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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This morning I extended my run to a little over 9 minutes. I was measuring by songs. It was three songs, in case you're wondering. I then did a full three circuits and stretched out. I noticed I'm getting to be more limber than I've probably ever been. It's kinda cool. I'm probably gonna hurt tomorrow, but we'll see.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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Today is more of the same, sort of. I extended my run to around 11 minutes before I did three full circuits. I'm going to start working on doing these exercises better, doing the lunges without a support, doing the squats with my arms behind my head or up in the air, having better form in my push-ups and planks. Still feeling more limber than I've ever been, so that's good. Peace out, everybody.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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Took measurements again this morning. 


As of 07/11/13


Weight: 241lb

Neck: 17 in

Chest: 46 in

Natural Waist/Stomach: 48 in

Waist/Top of Hips: 43.5 in

Biceps R|L: 16|16 in

Thighs R|L: 24.5|25 in

Calves R|L: 18|17.5 in


It's kind of interesting that in some of my measurements I've gone down quite a bit, in others I've actually gone up. I'm thinking that the ups are muscle built, considering it's my biceps and calves and such. Feeling good about this.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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Missed posting on Friday. I've had a pretty busy weekend. 3 full circuits, 7 minute run, stretched afterwards. Did 5-10 squats with hands behind my head in each set. Been working on lunges without support. The water jug that I've been using as my dumbbell has apparently been leaking into my carpet for a few days now, so I'll have to find something else to use as a weight. 


Also, this weekend has been pretty terrible for me dietary wise, lots of liquid calories and a lot of empty carbs. Tomorrow I'll be snapping back into rhythm with that.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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Did my stuff this morning, it's nice to be able to not be rushed and work at my own pace, unlike on Friday. I warmed up with about 11 minutes on the elliptical. I did 3 full circuits, all 3 lunge sets were completely without support. I did my last set of squats with my hands behind my head. I also did all of my push-ups with my legs elevated, because I'm stupid and I like it that way. Because I no longer have my weight for dumbbell rows I was forced to improvise. I looked around my room for something heavy, but also capable of being lifted with one arm. I ended up doing 30 dumbbell rows with each arm using a Mosin-Nagant rifle as a weight. Zombie Survival dumbbell rows.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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Forgot to post earlier, although technically it's Thursday morning now, I haven't slept yet so it's still Wednesday for me. Wednesday morning workout was as follows, 12 minute run, 3 full circuits. All lunges without support, all push-ups elevated, 2 sets of squats with hands behind head. I'm still looking for a more fitting weight for my dumbbell rows. I'm actually getting super psyched for the next six week challenge, I'm going to participate and I'm already thinking about what my goals are going to be.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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Friday's was my normal 3 full circuits with a 9 minute warm-up. I did all of my lunges without support, all of my push-ups elevated, and all of my squats with my hands behind my head. Not sure I'm keeping a good form when I do that though, I think I lean too far forward. Still on the lookout for a good weight.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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Same old, same old. I'm getting used to being boring, but Monday was 8 minutes or so running, and everything that I did on Friday. In other news, I now into 38 inch jeans, instead of the 42 inchers I was wearing. Feels pretty good. XL shirts are still occasionally a little hit or miss, but I chock that up to different brands having different sizing. I bought a shirt that doesn't quite fit, mostly because I was inspired by Joe's amazing transformation and that was one of the things he did to track his loss. Seemed like a good idea and I liked the shirt.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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Hey thanks! I really appreciate the comment, really brightens my day!



Though for today's stuff, I ran a bit shorter than I would normally cause I had a lot on my plate that I had to get done before 5, but I put in about 7 minutes. Then I did my 3 full circuits, everything the same, mostly. I've been working on getting my speed up, not taking breaks in sets, transitioning faster, stuff like that. Odd thing though, Totally fell on my face while doing push ups today. I took the ones after that a bit easier than I probably needed to, but I fell on my face. Really surprised me.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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Measurements were due today with the schedule I've been doing so here they are.


As of 07/25/13


Weight 239

Neck: 17 in

Chest: 44.5 in

Natural Waist/Stomach: 46 in

Waist/Top of Hips: 43 in

Biceps R|L: 16|16 in

Thighs R|L: 24|24 in

Calves R|L: 17|16.5 in


As a recap, in the last 30 days I've lost 10 pounds, dropped 3.5 inches in my chest, 2.5 inches on my stomach, 2 inches on my waist, gained about an inch on each bicep, lost an inch on my left thigh, and lost about an inch off of each calf. Just when you feel like you aren't making any real progress.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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Thanks! It's really encouraging to see people taking notice of me like this. I'll admit, my measurements yesterday were a godsend. Lately I've been feeling really down about all of this, like I'm working really hard and not getting much out of it, but even if I can't see the results, they're there.


Right, so before I talk about today's workout, I'm going to bring up that, last night, I downloaded the RunTracker app for my iPhone and went on a 4.3 mile walk to test it out. This is in prep for one of my missions for the challenge that starts next week, I want to walk 10 miles a week.


So, this mornings workout, 7 and a half minutes on the elliptical, full 3 circuits. I figured out why I fell on my face doing push-ups on Wednesday. I haven't been doing them right. I went from way too easy push-ups from my knees to elevated leg push-ups without ever actually using my full body. So when I tried to do normal push-ups on Wednesday, because my core isn't really that strong yet, I fell on my face. I'm working on trying to do as many "real" push-ups as I can. Still working on speed from exercise to exercise.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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As a recap, in the last 30 days I've lost 10 pounds, dropped 3.5 inches in my chest, 2.5 inches on my stomach, 2 inches on my waist, gained about an inch on each bicep, lost an inch on my left thigh, and lost about an inch off of each calf. Just when you feel like you aren't making any real progress.


That is awesome!!

this person really wants to delete their account but can't because it's not allowed.


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Planks might help with core strength as well.


Have you taken any pictures? You could see if there's a difference between your first set and your newest set?


Good luck!


You know, I haven't, but I really should. I can sort of see the difference when I look in the mirror, but that's not a great reference. Unfortunately, because of the way this weekend is going to work out for me, I probably won't have the chance to get any pictures until Tuesday. I'm going to miss a workout on Monday, but considering as I'm going to be walking from about 7 in the morning to around 4 or 5 in the evening, I should be okay.


That is awesome!!



Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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So, I got some new pics, finally. I posted them in my challenge thread, but I'll post them here too. I'll admit, I don't really see a difference, but that might be lighting or a plethora of other things.


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Yesterday was pretty awesome for me, even though I sort of ignored my good eating habits. See, my father and I go to EAA Airventure in Oshkosh every year, it's the worlds largest aviation exposition. Normally, by the time we're walking down the main thoroughfare of the grounds, I'm dying on my feet and worn absolutely to the bone. This year, however, I could probably have done the whole show again with how I felt as we left. My dad and my brother were both shuffling their way down the tarmac as we left as I just kept striding. Felt awesome to see another example of how I've been getting healthier and to put in probably 10 miles on my feet. When we went out to eat afterwards, I also ate fish, which is kind of big for me. I normally only can stand canned tuna or sushi. That was sort of my berserker moment for the day.


So, this morning, even though it's Tuesday, I missed working out on Monday because of Airventure, I ran for 12 minutes on the elliptical, then I did my full 3 circuits. I did more real push-ups that I did previous, so that makes me feel pretty good about myself. 

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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I somehow missed posting on Thursday. I did my workout stuff though. I totally remember doing it, specifics, nope, but I remember doing it.


Today's was pretty normal for me. I ran for around 12 minutes then I did my full workout. Managed to do all of my push-ups proper, big achievement there, other than that, nothing too special.


As of posting this, I have gotten all of my goals for the week. So, 3 full bodyweight workouts, 2 Russian Lessons, One Paleo day, and I'm sitting at an even 10 miles walked, and that doesn't count everything from Monday.


My paleo day went pretty well, I had bacon and eggs for breakfast, chicken and veg for dinner and a giant fruit and peanut butter smoothie. The smoothie wasn't planned, but my food tracking app gives me a calorie budget and I was under by 1400 calories after dinner, so I made an executive decision that 1.4k under was not healthy. 4tbs of peanut butter in my smoothie. So much peanut butter.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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I've just found this section and really enjoyed reading your battle log. You're doing so well! I'm going to start one as well now! 


GREAT! Oh my gosh! :D It makes me so happy to be an inspiration for you! I'll be sure to track down your log and follow your progress.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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Right, so I forgot to post on Monday in here. I ran for 14 minutes, then I did my workout. I did all of my push-ups proper and without stopping in the middle of a set, so I'm pretty happy about that. I'm getting quite a bit faster too so that's good.


I also ran this morning as well, 15 minutes on the elliptical. I also have cool news that's unrelated to my current challenge, but I feel like sharing anyways. My boss invited me to his house this evening to play board games. This makes me incredibly happy, as I've never had a boss who has liked me enough for something like that.

Level 2 Dwarven Noob, Bluff Conqueror

STR: 3 DEX: 0 STA: 4 CON: 4 WIS: 0 CHA: 2

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