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Oramac: No, no, I'm not like that at all. I'm genuinely curious why people love/hate EVE. Kind of my own idle curiosity about psychosocial stuffs and "why we do what we do"....or not. ;)


Haha.  I meant that last line as more of a generality than anything directed at you.  Sorry for the confusion.  


As for Eve, there's nothing wrong with it.  Just for whatever reason I couldn't get into it as much as other people.  

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"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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Oramac: No, no, I'm not like that at all. I'm genuinely curious why people love/hate EVE. Kind of my own idle curiosity about psychosocial stuffs and "why we do what we do"....or not. ;)



Haha.  I meant that last line as more of a generality than anything directed at you.  Sorry for the confusion.  


As for Eve, there's nothing wrong with it.  Just for whatever reason I couldn't get into it as much as other people.  



To be honest, it took me a while to get into it. I always loved the concept of a Eve and how everything is driven by the players, but it took me a bit to figure out where I fit in since there are so many paths to take in the game. Eve did not take my first go around, but when I gave it another shot I started out mining like a lot of people. I did a good bit of hauling, some market trading, and played with running all kinds of missions. I never got into the PVP side of it because I was scared to get blown up I guess :) even though PVP is where I lived in WoW and other games. BigM used to play years ago and I believe he was into manufacturing and stuff. I have given a lot of thought in the past to joining up with a pirate corp (Stay Frosty) to dive into the PVP side. I went as far as moving right into a neighboring system as a way to transition, but then I let my subscription go due to life.


Again, I just love the idea of what Eve is and cling on to all stories that pop up about the next largest fight ever, how much one corp lost to corporate espionage, etc.


With that said, I really need to re-sub and play a bit again. :)

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Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
STR 21.25 | DEX 5.75 | STA 7.75 | CON 3.50 | WIS 9.50 | CHA 3.25
Twitter | Epic Trip | Current Challenge
Previous Challenges: 1 2 3 4 5
*the warrior formerly known as icedtrip and former dothraki god of thunder furyan*

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Side note: Your avatar is awesome! 


Thank you!


Eve Online, for me, is a true space game. I absolutely love the space graphics, but I really like the challenge of Eve. I've never really met a game that you can hardly find information on anywhere. That's different now, but when I first got into it, there was hardly anything out there to help new players get into it. I love exploring, even after they overhauled it.

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And because of this thread, I just re-subbed to Eve over the weekend. Got my skill queue going for the next month+ and trying to decide on my next move. Pirate corp maybe?? :)


I'm Nickolai Mantis in Eve for those that want to look me up.

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Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
STR 21.25 | DEX 5.75 | STA 7.75 | CON 3.50 | WIS 9.50 | CHA 3.25
Twitter | Epic Trip | Current Challenge
Previous Challenges: 1 2 3 4 5
*the warrior formerly known as icedtrip and former dothraki god of thunder furyan*

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Wizard -- will do. ST-FR is a good corp (of bad gais, but still good corp), though we used to live a few jumps from each other, we never really tangled that much. If you're new to PvP you might consider Bren Genzan's Open University of Celestial Hardship. They're entirely small-gang to mid-fleet nullsec PvP focused and have an excellent training program -- Bren is also a decent guy and good leader. We've blogged at each other and chatted in-game a bit.


Other options: get involved in the NPSI (Not Purple, Shoot It) community like Spectre Fleet (honest disclaimer: I fly with them occasionally and am on the FC mailing list), or if you like mild (in-game) 'RP-lite' -- I have a corp set up in Intaki, Mordu's Legion loyalists helping the Intaki Liberation Front forcibly asserting Intaki Separatist views. ;) (We're NQ-NBSI: we won't attack neutral carebears or peaceful entities doing their thing... but anyone militia, flashy, or red/orange standings is fair game) We also roam nullsec occasionally, either as part of Spectre or on our own, to stir the Gewns pot a lil bit. ;)

Insert witty & pithy saying here.

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Wizard -- will do. ST-FR is a good corp (of bad gais, but still good corp), though we used to live a few jumps from each other, we never really tangled that much. If you're new to PvP you might consider Bren Genzan's Open University of Celestial Hardship. They're entirely small-gang to mid-fleet nullsec PvP focused and have an excellent training program -- Bren is also a decent guy and good leader. We've blogged at each other and chatted in-game a bit.


Other options: get involved in the NPSI (Not Purple, Shoot It) community like Spectre Fleet (honest disclaimer: I fly with them occasionally and am on the FC mailing list), or if you like mild (in-game) 'RP-lite' -- I have a corp set up in Intaki, Mordu's Legion loyalists helping the Intaki Liberation Front forcibly asserting Intaki Separatist views. ;) (We're NQ-NBSI: we won't attack neutral carebears or peaceful entities doing their thing... but anyone militia, flashy, or red/orange standings is fair game) We also roam nullsec occasionally, either as part of Spectre or on our own, to stir the Gewns pot a lil bit. ;)



Since I just re-subbed after 6+ months, I decided to join up with Voodoo Children (.VDC.) at the moment. They're in the alliance A Band Apart (-ABA-) which was started by Rixx (ST-FR). VDC is the mission running arm of ABA, and they also have a WH too. Figured I would jump into the mission running side to get my feet wet in a non-indy way to play while still being able to jump into ST-FR PVP roams if I want, and exploring some WHs to boot. We're currently in Amarr space running L4s under the Kador Family. I'm currently building up my standing right now since I'm minnie and this is my first time in Amarr space. Got a fair amount of L2s and 3s to run after making several 48 jump round trips to move all of my stuff. Currently afraid to move my Loki since I was ganked and podded in one of the 0.6 systems while moving some stuff. Luckily it was the return trip and I didn't have anything, and was using a clone with no augs, but having my Loki exploded sounds kinda devastating :( Being cloaky I "should" be fine, but that doesn't mean I would be.


I think it will be a good fit for now. I'll reach out to you in game sometime to make sure to keep an open mind to where I ultimately will fall.

Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
STR 21.25 | DEX 5.75 | STA 7.75 | CON 3.50 | WIS 9.50 | CHA 3.25
Twitter | Epic Trip | Current Challenge
Previous Challenges: 1 2 3 4 5
*the warrior formerly known as icedtrip and former dothraki god of thunder furyan*

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I've seen people in Oulley (next to Orvolle in Placid) flying insta-lock Gnosis camps. I can squeak by in a nano-frig but just barely. ANYTHING bigger will be caught-out. Not sure if you guys are wardecced (probably constantly? Marmite if nobody else, I would think), but yeah, hauling stuff especially across 48 jumps while decced = bad idea.


Get ahold of me in-game if ya need help with movin other stuff. I have an alt with Transports V, along with a Viator and Bustard. ;-) Was thinking about training it up for JFs but with new jump mechanics nerfs, not sure how that's gonna play out. Def going to hold off and see how things pan out on that one.

Insert witty & pithy saying here.

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I've seen people in Oulley (next to Orvolle in Placid) flying insta-lock Gnosis camps. I can squeak by in a nano-frig but just barely. ANYTHING bigger will be caught-out. Not sure if you guys are wardecced (probably constantly? Marmite if nobody else, I would think), but yeah, hauling stuff especially across 48 jumps while decced = bad idea.


Get ahold of me in-game if ya need help with movin other stuff. I have an alt with Transports V, along with a Viator and Bustard. ;-) Was thinking about training it up for JFs but with new jump mechanics nerfs, not sure how that's gonna play out. Def going to hold off and see how things pan out on that one.



I'm good for the time being, but may reach out later on. I picked up the Loki at a good price awhile back, but can only just barely fly the thing, let alone properly fit it. It will sit where it is until I get the time to put training into properly fitting it. I was able to move all my high valued items with my Prowler without a problem (gotta love blockade runners), lucked out running some less valuable items in my mammoth and iteron mark V, and I won't lie....the being podded was my fault. First, I was in a shuttle with a non-augmented clone, so no loss at all. I was entering a 0.9 system and leaving a 0.6 system. In my head at the time I was thinking 0.9 to 0.9 and thought...."good, I'm safe for autopilot, need a drink" :) Clicked autopilot in the 0.6 system (thinking 0.9) and as I got up from my computer I heard a *boom*. Turned around just in time to see a Thrasher one shot my shuttle at the gate and immediately pod me. My first thought was "0.9 space? really?" until I realized I was in 0.6 space, then my thought was "still high sec, seriously?? a shuttle kill knowing concord will still show??" My only guess is he was a just-for-the-kills kind.


The problem with moving the Loki is that I have to go through two 0.5-0.6 gate camp happy areas, but I'll face that when I have too. My current concern is getting my clone with several hundred million ISK worth of augments to my new home. I still have my fast covert Cheetah, so I should be good on that front, but that cheetah if caught will go down fast.


We should revive the Eve thread that I know is here somewhere :)

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Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
STR 21.25 | DEX 5.75 | STA 7.75 | CON 3.50 | WIS 9.50 | CHA 3.25
Twitter | Epic Trip | Current Challenge
Previous Challenges: 1 2 3 4 5
*the warrior formerly known as icedtrip and former dothraki god of thunder furyan*

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"We should revive the EVE thread." -- Done. ;) Put a bump post in so it's thread-surrected.


Yes, there are dudes out there who sit around in arty-Thrashers just waiting for someone. I actually got some good lulz flying around Josameto (RvB's home area) with a salvage-Imicus....with a neutron blaster, T2 drones, and shield tank. ;) Hilarity ensued when I saw a flashy Thrasher sitting 50 km off the gate, I warped off to the planet in line with him, then back to the gate at 50. POP goes the Thrasher. :D He tried, but having no tackle and using arties on a frig that's orbiting you at 500m is a losing proposition. ;)

Insert witty & pithy saying here.

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I used to play Eve... I got into it because a friend was trying to make a mining operation. When I started playing it, I was super into it - the setting and graphics were enough to hook me in. I got myself the programs for skill leveling and all that, eventually I stopped playing because of the subscription fee I think. Never got back into it, though I tried to play... uh.. Dust 514, and that just... it didn't do it for me. I stopped after making a character because I felt bored and didn't have the patience to see it through.


I've been playing Skyrim (w/nexus mods) like nobody's business. Nothing like flying after a bandit and shooting a few arrows into them. :)

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I've been marathon playing Dragon Age: Origins in preparation for Inquisition coming out next month. I'm beyond excited for it (I don't have a countdown on my phone home screen, what are you talking about?) so I decided it was time I actually got around to finishing the first one. I did so last weekend and I'm now working on Awakening then I need to do Witch Hunt.


Hopefully I'll have time to replay Dragon Age 2 as well but I'm feeling like I might not manage it as I have to book and study for my driving theory test (I'm booking it for the week before Inquisition comes out, kind of like a reward - that's if I actually pass it!). Also, if all goes well here and I get some advice I'll be spending some of my spare time exercising and getting my body into shape as well. 

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Right now I've only been playing Moe Girl Cafe (surprisingly addicting android game) since I been so wrapped up in all these "fun" research papers.

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.†

~Paulo Coelho


I'm a level 3 moon elf, who's an druid assassin.


My Inspiration

Tumblr, which helps me stay the course for art challenge

FB, which I guess we could be friend :tongue:

My challenge



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Everquest and replaying Dungeon Siege trilogy.  Just finished a replay of Skyrim. 

Level 1 - Were-gator

STR .8 | STA 3.1 | DEX .9 | CON .7 | WIS 2 | CHA .9

1st Challenge


Main goal - 12/15/14 - Get to 175 pounds from 195 pounds.  Currently at 184.5



No soda challenge - 12/15/14 - 99 days and counting to 180.



"Stop beating yourself up.  You are a work in progress; which means you get there a little at a time, not all at once." - unknown

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Currently Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death - it is a God of War clone that does not take it seriously and is a blast.  Probably going to return to The Witcher 2 soon though and finish it before the next one comes out.

Level 5 Shapeshifter Monk

STR 10.75   :   DEX 7.5  :   STA 8.5   :   CON 5   :   WIS 7.5   :   CHA 7


Challenge: I am an Avenger

Past: 1st, Draugr, Super-hero, Rocky


  A soon-to-be married Kung Fu enthusiast  

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Working from Dragon Age: Origins through Dragon Age: Awakenings (the DLC) through Dragon Age 2 through Dragon Age 3 lol.


I had been playing 2, then heard 3 was coming out and was like OMG I have to bring my char from 1 through 3! Oh and Everquest 2. Waiting for EQ Next to come out. Fighting a desire to play SWTOR again.

Level 1 Dwarf Half-Dragon Monk


Monk Apprentice. My Current Challenge.

STR: 1 | STA:1 | DEX: 0 | CON: 0| WIS: 1 | CHA: 0


"Do or do not. There is no try." -Awesome Short Dude


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I've been doing a little retro gaming with emulators on an Android tablet. Reliving some childhood memories with:


 - Lunar and Snatcher on SegaCD

 - Gunstar Heroes and Phantasy Star on Genesis

 - Akumajou Dracula X: Chi no Rondo and Ys I & II on PC Engine

 - Castlevania SOTN on PSX

 - Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy III, and Super Metroid on SNES

 - Metal Slug games on NEO GEO


Currently having a bit of emulator ADD :)

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Level 6 Wizard of Beer Warrior
STR 21.25 | DEX 5.75 | STA 7.75 | CON 3.50 | WIS 9.50 | CHA 3.25
Twitter | Epic Trip | Current Challenge
Previous Challenges: 1 2 3 4 5
*the warrior formerly known as icedtrip and former dothraki god of thunder furyan*

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I am doing a guantlet of games I have rented/borrowed through the years, but now have the cash (and time) to play. Yay post college and steam sales, lol.

To name a few, Final Fantasy I, FF II, Oblivion, and Borderlands.

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Lvl 4 Dragonborn (Dungeons and Dragons not Skyrim) Warrior

STR:8.5 DEX:3 STA:10.5 CON:7.5 WIS:5 CHA:4

MyFitnessPal (Looking for NerdFitness PPL)


Current Challenge


Completed:PMyrrh's Viking Winter PMyrrh's Path of the Persevering Paladin Brazen and Unabashed 5 minute Spartan Plank 50/50 Squats


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