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Level 10 Book lover / Level 0 Hero

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Hello kids,


My name is Peter and I live in Nova Scotia, Canada (east coast). I'm 40 years old, have a long term girlfriend, a crazy cat/sidekick and several thousand books (sci-fi & fantasy).


I've always been BIG (only one in family) but the straw that broke the camels back was me banging my left knee off the side of my control room desk at work (Boiler & Refrigeration Operator). It was just one of those silly little bangs that you barely notice until the next day I couldn't even trust that leg to hold me up. For about a week I worked through it (stubborn) but it didn't get any better so I made an appointment with my GP. He did tests, sent me for scans, x-rays etc... I was convinced I had torn something, but the results came back and it was "just arthritis" in my knee. So I asked my doctor what I can do? He said lose some weight or learn to live with it.


It was August of 2013 and I weighted 267 pounds!


I'll be honest, I don't really remember how I came across it, but I found Loseit.com and for a type "A" personality like me, it works. Now I know calorie counting sounds like a diet and isn't really part of the nerd fitness program, but what I found by counting my calories, was that I was making smarter choices AS WELL as leaning towards a Paleo diet (though at time I wasn't aware of Nerd Fitness). Now I still use it, I still log my food, eat lean cuts of meat, cut back on my carbs (hardest thing) and buy my groceries from the "outer rim" of the grocery store.


In April of 2014 I hit my "main" goal weight of 200 pounds.


Almost all of that 67 pound loss was due to my changes in my eating habits, mixed with light cardio (walking and recumbent bike). I dropped my goal weight down another 10 pounds (190) and began looking for some body weight workouts, until one very late night while surfing at work, I came across Nerd Fitness!!! I spend a solid two weeks reading the blogs and success stories and have decided to become active here in the forums.


Happy to have met you all, looking forward to the journey.

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Race: Halfling     Class: Rebel


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Writer's Guild


Fictionfirst Used Books (Feel free to like my page!)


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Good to meet you Swedish Ninja,


My goals... <g>


Food: I've done quite a bit in this department, though there is ALWAYS room for improvement. I plan on staying the course while at the same time making smaller/smarter changes to my diet. For example, buying from local growers and butchers (lucky they are nearby) and making smarter choices (reading the label) with processed foods.


Exercising: This is the one that I feel I need to put most of my focus into. While I've been pretty steady with the cardio, I feel I really need some strength training to take me to the next level. I'll be honest, my stamina and muscle tone suck.

                   Through Nerd Fitness and my friends at Loseit.com, I've come up with a simple body weight workout that I can build from. I'm going to try and commit to doing it 3 days a week (part of my issue is that I work shift work) and use the other days for light cardio.

                   I don't plan on every being a muscle bound hulk (just can't picture it), just a fit/active guy who isn't embarrassed taking his shirt off.

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Race: Halfling     Class: Rebel


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Writer's Guild


Fictionfirst Used Books (Feel free to like my page!)


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Welcome to the forum.  I was immediately drawn to the title of your thread.  As a fellow book lover (also of sci-fi and fantasy though mostly leaning toward the latter), I'm always excited to see another person on the forums who shares a similar interest.  It sounds like you've done awesome so far in losing weight and making changes in your life.  This place will really push you to that next level and help you find out how to improve and be better.  I wish you the best of luck on the rest of your journey.  


I'm really curious is what authors you are into and what you're reading now :D  With an awesome title like that I'm sure you're reading something lol 

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Intro, Challenges:  1, 2

Level: 1   Race: Human  Profession: Ranger

STR: 2  DEX: 1  STA: 1  CON: 1  WIS: 3  CHA: 2


"[i fear] a cage. . . . To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire." - J.R.R. Tolkien


"Your mind will quit a hundred times before your body ever does.  Feel the pain and do it anyway"



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Welcome! Some amazing work already. I hope you find what you need to keep leveling up. Personally I'm finding the community here absolutely wonderful so I'm sure it'll be just the thing. Consider doing a six-week challenge as they're great for goal-setting and measuring.

I love books and reading too! I'm with Dimia: keen to hear what you're reading. I've just finished Steelheart myself, and am partway through the Discworld novel "Raising Steam".

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I'm here so I'd have a chance in The Hunger Games. I'm here so that if the Doctor grabbed my hand and said "Run" I'd be able to keep up. I'm here so that I can climb every mountain.... Oh hello Sound of Music how did you creep in there?


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Dimia & Hooded-Warrior (and everybody else);


Thank you all for your kind words, it's nice to meet new people who share my passions.


Hooded-Warrior: I'm going to try a six-week challenge, though I see they are in the middle of the current one, and am unsure if a person can still join or if I should wait til next one.


Dimia & Hooded-Warrior: My reading load is "light" at the moment, I try to limit myself during the warming months. Saying that I'm currently reading "Shadow Warrior" by Chris Bunch (a bit like James Bond in outer space) and "Inhumans" the graphic novel. During summer months I only keep between 1-3 books on the go, while in the summer it's usually 3-5 books at any one time.

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Race: Halfling     Class: Rebel


Recruit 1st 2nd 3rd 4th  5th 6th  7th  8th 9th 10th  11th 12th 13th  14th  15th

Current Challenge

Writer's Guild


Fictionfirst Used Books (Feel free to like my page!)


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Keep up with the amazing work! You are totally not a level zero, dude. And love some book recs!!

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Ogre, but with a winning smile!

Adventurer with a touch of druid.


Attributes: all zeroes my firend, I am a n00b


Will join the next challenge!


"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." - Anais Nin

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Hey kids,


Just a quick update, I started a mini Rebel 1 challenge My first challenge and will do a complete 6 week one when the current one is over.


Last night I did my first attempt at a body weight workout, still need to find my limits/ranges, some of my reps need to be adjusted etc...


I'm still focused on my Main Quest, Side Quests and Life Quest, each will come with time.


Have a great day everyone!

Race: Halfling     Class: Rebel


Recruit 1st 2nd 3rd 4th  5th 6th  7th  8th 9th 10th  11th 12th 13th  14th  15th

Current Challenge

Writer's Guild


Fictionfirst Used Books (Feel free to like my page!)


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