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Juudar talks too much.

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Hello, Friends! I'm Julie. :'D

A couple of you have probably seen me around already. This is probably awkward, bumbling, and pretty dry, but hopefully as I get used to the forums, I'll be able to put myself across a little better. In the meanwhile, I think this is at least a passable effort.

I'll start my story in the middle, because the beginning would easily double this post length.

At the beginning of May, I started a Beachbody program that shall remain unnamed (it wasn't P90X or Insanity). And immediately, something was off. I didn't like not understanding why I was doing anything, that they simply said to do it and trust them. And I definitely didn't like feeling like I was just a sheep who bought into some hype. I stopped the workout after a week and a half, ashamed more than inspired.

Not wanting to give up again, alternatives became a necessity. Do you know what the first hit is when you google "workouts you can do in your bedroom?"

"The 20-minute Hotel Room Workout" at Nerd Fitness.

The rest is history. About one week later, here I am, getting jazzed for the next challenge period, excited to join everyone on their own fantastic journeys.

Ultimately, I'd like to weigh 130 and be a regular participant of parkour or free running events, as well as a regular runner. Improved health and diet will help with anxiety and depression issues, which will free me up focus more on loved ones and being a positive influence. I'd also like to use the challenges here at the Rebellion to work on what my real calling is: visual development. That means skill and reputation as an artist. One of which I have some of; the other of which I have none of.

Fitness aside ... hmm ... what else? I'm a self-identified "story nerd." Analyzing plots, characters, and settings for shows, books, movies, video games--anything--is like my crack. So, my interests are spread pretty evenly across the board. It's led to some fascinating places, from Avatar: The Last Airbender to Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. It's also lead to its fair share of binge-reading and binge-watching. /cringe

I'm huge into planning stories, although a friend usually takes the writing helm while I design characters and provide backup analysis and ideas.

I'm ridiculously open to almost anything you could throw at me (with a couple of exceptions). As long as you're okay with frank analysis and that I firmly believe everything has room for improvement, I'll probably take any suggestions you have in the way of story-based entertainment. I tend to go through withdrawals and get really grumpy if I don't have something I'm working on or working through.

Everyone here is such a big inspiration. The stories I've read and the people I've seen over the past few days have left me positively awe-struck. It's a huge honor to have even found this community, much less have the opporunity to participate in it.

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Happy, Healthy, Strong!
130 lbs


SW: 208
CW: 198
GW: 130

Current challenge:
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Given the Internet and all, I honestly would've expected "workouts you can do in your bedroom" to match something a bit more risqué.

I hope clean eating and working out helps us both with our depression. My psychologist always used to recommend more physical activity to help lift my mood, but it was a hard thing to consider starting those months that getting out of bed was a challenge.

I can't draw stick figures. However, I've seen a few other folks around integrate artistic development into their challenges, so you're not alone in that.

Anyway, welcome!

Level 10 Vegetarian Vampire Warrior

STR: 16 DEX: 7 STA: 6 WIS: 46 CON: 27 CHA: 17

Intro | Challenge: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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I've never used the quote thing before....as may be slightly obvious....


I was trying to use your statement, "...I firmly believe everything has room for improvement..." in the above.

AlleyKat - Level 2 - Astro Mycologist

STR - 5, DEX - 2, STA - 4, CON - 2, WIS - 5, CHA - 2


The beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together.

-Carl Sagan


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Hello!! I've had some issues with Beachbodies as well. Good luck with your fitness goals!!

Some of my friends around here rave about it. I don't doubt their results (and they have gotten results), but I do doubt their sincerity and practice in getting there. What kinds of issues have you had, if you don't mind me being nosy?

Thank you and good luck to you as well, friend!


I haven't needed my anti-depression meds since participating in regular fitness and I've spoken to others with similar stories. I hope this helps.


That's so wonderful to hear, dude! Go you! 

:'D Thanks. Right now, the best part of my week is going running, far and above. So, looking super optimistic.


Given the Internet and all, I honestly would've expected "workouts you can do in your bedroom" to match something a bit more risqué.

I hope clean eating and working out helps us both with our depression. My psychologist always used to recommend more physical activity to help lift my mood, but it was a hard thing to consider starting those months that getting out of bed was a challenge.

I can't draw stick figures. However, I've seen a few other folks around integrate artistic development into their challenges, so you're not alone in that.

Anyway, welcome!


I know, right?

Word! Keep me updated on how it works for you, yeah? I sympathize. You just have to know your hang-ups. Like, a big depression spiral trigger for me is too much structure and routine. The same thing day in and day out kills my life and vitality. So, I switch it up as often as possible, even if I don't really feel like it.

 If you ever don't want to go do your workout, just let me know. I'll give you a kick in the pants (lovingly)! ;)

Thanks for the welcome! Gonna go find these other artists you mentioned ...


You might want to check out the link below since you're a "story person" I know I'll be part of it at next challenge.


RPG Fanatics

This looks pretty sweet! Thanks for the heads up, man.


I've never used the quote thing before....as may be slightly obvious....


I was trying to use your statement, "...I firmly believe everything has room for improvement..." in the above.

I love that you love that. :'D

It's sort of become a steadily-growing addiction over the past few years. Sometimes I wonder why my friends even bother taking me to the movies anymore, because I always go, "Yeah, that was pretty great, BUT what if ..." I have to remind them that my critique has little to no bearing on my level of enjoyment, haha;;;

Happy, Healthy, Strong!
130 lbs


SW: 208
CW: 198
GW: 130

Current challenge:
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Juudar, my best friend and I started Insanity together and she lost a ton of weight. I didn't. I don't get it. I eat correctly and I worked out. I gave up after the first month, but have tried it a few different times. I've finally given up trying it. And I always seem to get hurt while I'm doing it. Not always exactly during the workout, but just during the months I should be doing the workout and I have to stop. She lost a ton of weight and looks great, me not so much. Plus I really don't like the workouts. That doesn't help. I just felt like I needed to do something completely different. It was also hard to plan a workout that was 6 days week. I was working full time, going to school part time, and I have a 9 year old. It was kicking my butt!! I have a little less going on right now and I am going to hit the gym 3-4 times a week and clean up my eating. I know that weight lifting works for me. It's how I got in shape while I was younger. Cardio isn't my thing. 



BUT the really funny part is the other day she was over and we went on a walk and we were jogging a little, and she was out of breath and I was fine. She said she needed to do more cardio and I was like, "All you do is cardio!" So even though she is way skinner than I am and has been doing these beachbody workouts I seem to have more endurance. That made me feel good, but I am like 35 pounds more than her...so boo. 

Wonderful! Time for a celebration... Cheese for everyone! Wait, scratch that. Cheese for no one. That can be just as much of a celebration, if you don't like cheese. True?  :highly_amused:


Level 1 Wood Elf Adventurer


So, Start it Already! (1st Challenge)  Log

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Juudar -- stories are great ... I think there's so much storytelling ability lost, not sure where, when, or why -- though I suspect Mikey Bay and his ilk may have something to do with it (who needs story when you have massive CGI aliens and :EXPLOSIONS!!!!:), of course the people who live on that sorta thing don't help the situation. Just like with fast food, we vote with our dollars, and that's just how it is.


Arawyn -- different strokes for different folks. I can't run fast or far (I can somewhat do one or the other, not both, at all) for anything, but put a pack on my back and have me hike up a hill, and I'm pretty damn good at that. :playful: Everybody's got their own strengths and weaknesses, gotta find something that plays to your strenghts and mitigates your weaknesses.

Insert witty & pithy saying here.

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Oh I know! I was just excited about it and was like no way, go me. We were laughing about it. And I am no runner. I'm the same as you, give me a pack and let me into those woods. I hike around all day. 

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Wonderful! Time for a celebration... Cheese for everyone! Wait, scratch that. Cheese for no one. That can be just as much of a celebration, if you don't like cheese. True?  :highly_amused:


Level 1 Wood Elf Adventurer


So, Start it Already! (1st Challenge)  Log

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Oh I know! I was just excited about it and was like no way, go me. We were laughing about it. And I am no runner. I'm the same as you, give me a pack and let me into those woods. I hike around all day. 


Hiking is awesome cardio if you do it right (which is to say, at a fast pace that keeps you in the cardio-training range) -- I work with (and occasionally am) a "professional hiker", and it gets you in great shape really fast, along with our other great strength/aerobic exercises, "Tool Swing" and "Monster with Chainsaw". :excitement:

Insert witty & pithy saying here.

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This is awesome! We hike pretty much hike every weekend and love it! We having been carrying our backpacking packs so we can get used to the weight for our AT hike this summer. We are going to do the Maryland section of the AT. I've never done a long hike like that one, but the milage breaks down pretty good and the terrain is one of the easiest so it should be a great place to start. 


I have a heart monitor that I wear while we hike and I usually stay between 120-150 while we are doing intense inclines. I don't really know if that is good or not, but that's where I am. Except for this last hike...it said I had a heart beat of 58...nope! I think that the battery in the chest strap is dying or something. I need to get that looked at. BUT I love seeing that I've burned over 1,000 calories while hiking. Pretty much the only cardio that I actually like! 

Wonderful! Time for a celebration... Cheese for everyone! Wait, scratch that. Cheese for no one. That can be just as much of a celebration, if you don't like cheese. True?  :highly_amused:


Level 1 Wood Elf Adventurer


So, Start it Already! (1st Challenge)  Log

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Juudar, my best friend and I started Insanity together and she lost a ton of weight. I didn't. I don't get it. I eat correctly and I worked out. I gave up after the first month, but have tried it a few different times. I've finally given up trying it. And I always seem to get hurt while I'm doing it. Not always exactly during the workout, but just during the months I should be doing the workout and I have to stop. She lost a ton of weight and looks great, me not so much. Plus I really don't like the workouts. That doesn't help. I just felt like I needed to do something completely different. It was also hard to plan a workout that was 6 days week. I was working full time, going to school part time, and I have a 9 year old. It was kicking my butt!! I have a little less going on right now and I am going to hit the gym 3-4 times a week and clean up my eating. I know that weight lifting works for me. It's how I got in shape while I was younger. Cardio isn't my thing. 



BUT the really funny part is the other day she was over and we went on a walk and we were jogging a little, and she was out of breath and I was fine. She said she needed to do more cardio and I was like, "All you do is cardio!" So even though she is way skinner than I am and has been doing these beachbody workouts I seem to have more endurance. That made me feel good, but I am like 35 pounds more than her...so boo. 

I just don't like the structure of following a DVD, honestly, haha. Had to learn that the hard way. ):

Oh man, I'm all about running and increasing my cardio endurance right now, haha. We'll see if I still feel that way once I plateau.


Juudar -- stories are great ... I think there's so much storytelling ability lost, not sure where, when, or why -- though I suspect Mikey Bay and his ilk may have something to do with it (who needs story when you have massive CGI aliens and :EXPLOSIONS!!!! :), of course the people who live on that sorta thing don't help the situation. Just like with fast food, we vote with our dollars, and that's just how it is.


Arawyn -- different strokes for different folks. I can't run fast or far (I can somewhat do one or the other, not both, at all) for anything, but put a pack on my back and have me hike up a hill, and I'm pretty damn good at that. :playful: Everybody's got their own strengths and weaknesses, gotta find something that plays to your strenghts and mitigates your weaknesses.

Couldn't agree more. Not much thought is put into movies lately (side-eyeing Disney). But eh, what can you do? I try to keep an open mind and assess everything that comes my way with the fairness it's due, in the sense that it's somebody's creative endeavor/baby and they love it. Even if I can tell from the get go that it's going to be severely lacking in some aspect. That and you reap what you sow, yo.

I'd like to do more hiking. There's literally no excuse for me--I live in Alaska. There's like some trail or another every few miles or so, no joke.

Happy, Healthy, Strong!
130 lbs


SW: 208
CW: 198
GW: 130

Current challenge:
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Arawyn -- hiking is awesome, though there's nothing quite so fun as the Sierra Nevada canyons or the Trinity alps for steep wild crazy-incline hikes. :pirate:  Optimal heartrate depends on your age, and a few other factors too, but 150ish sounds good. There's been recent studies that say that at heartrates above 150-170 (depending on how fit you are), you start to lose balance and motor function/coordination -- NOT a good thing if you're hiking anything but fairly flat or well-groomed trails.


Juudar -- Alaska looks amazing, just from the pics alone. I'd love to go someday, though I really dislike flying, and lack a passport to go via BC, though I'm sure that's a truly freakin amazing drive and totally worth it. Just have to go in the winter to experience the full snow effect. :joyous: 

Insert witty & pithy saying here.

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Freakin' amazing drive is right. I have occasion to regularly go between Anchorage and Soldotna. Gorgeous. x) It can be really pretty in the winter, but the massive number of cold-related hazards sucked the fun out of it for me. ):

But hey winter sports!

Happy, Healthy, Strong!
130 lbs


SW: 208
CW: 198
GW: 130

Current challenge:
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juudar...can we be best friends? XD 


I'm a plothole finder/hater, movie/book analyzer type too. My friends get so made at my overly analytic ways >> It bugs the hell out of me if there's a gaping hole in an otherwise amazing story. I write scifi/fantasy stories and I try to be incredibly thorough with connecting up all the 'threads' of the plot. My next challenge is going to have a writing-related life quest :3


Have you put thought into your missions for the next challenge yet?


Most of all, welcome to Nerd Fitness!

Wandering Monk

Starting Weight: 238 Current Weight: 189.2 Goal Weight: 150




Mile: 12:49 (11/1/14) 5K: 44:07 (3/13/16)



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juudar...can we be best friends? XD 


I'm a plothole finder/hater, movie/book analyzer type too. My friends get so made at my overly analytic ways >> It bugs the hell out of me if there's a gaping hole in an otherwise amazing story. I write scifi/fantasy stories and I try to be incredibly thorough with connecting up all the 'threads' of the plot. My next challenge is going to have a writing-related life quest :3


Have you put thought into your missions for the next challenge yet?


Most of all, welcome to Nerd Fitness!

Yep, that's me! I'm totally onboard for more hyperanalytic friends.

Well, my goals--endgames and goalposts alike--are really specific. Orienting them in the context of a 6-week challenge has been interesting. It's sort of like writing a book. I think my big one this time is going to be a continuation of the past few months: building and maintaining sustainable healthy habits plus improving overall strength.

Thanks for the welcome! What about you? Any clue what you're gonna tackle? :')

Happy, Healthy, Strong!
130 lbs


SW: 208
CW: 198
GW: 130

Current challenge:
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