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Ellith just started an epic quest !

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After a few months hiding in the bushes and listening to almost every bit of conversation I could fond, here I am, ready to go on that epic quest called "Take back your life, and don't let go".

Since it's an epic quest, I figured that I might need some help from fellow nerds/geeks.


I recently discovered that I don't have the support I was hopping for from my friends. While I'm really motivated, they just don't understand what I want and why I want to do it that way. They too want to lose weight but by almost starving themselves and doing only cardio and zumba classes (which I'm clearly not into). They tell me that I shouldn't lift weight because I'll get bulky (because everyone knows that women transform into men if they lift heavy !), that I should eat 1200 kcal/day, no more no less (even if my nutritionist told me to eat 1500 kcal) and that the only protein allowed to lose weight is chicken/turkey breast... So I figured that if I want a good support system, I'd rather go find people in the same mindset that I am, and if they're as geek/nerd as me that's a huge bonus !


So here I am, finally ready to change my life.


Now, for the personnal history.

My real name is Sophie, I'm a french geek (sci-fi and fantasy shows/books, videogames - WoW, Mass Effect) living in Montreal (in freezing Canada). I'm 30, 1.71cm (5ft7) and currently weighting around 79.5kg (175#). I've always been overweight, some time more than others (the heavier was, I thing, 83 kg). The weight I stayed at the longest was around 72/73kg. I tried a lot of diet with or without cardio, but couldn't get under 70kg.

I don't know if it's because I'm older and wiser (not sure about that part) but my goal has finally changed. I don't care anymore about the number on the scale (she has a bad habit of lying to me, can't trust her anymore) so now I just want to lose fat, gain strength (and muscles) and be able to lift myself on the boat when I fall into the water (had a bad experience while rafting). I know I will never be skinny, but it's now ok with me because I'd rather be Xena than Barbie !


I already saw a nutritionist and have a good plan for food (but I'd love to try to go paleo) and saw a private trainer last week (and have an appointment tomorrow) who made me a strength/cardio circuit training : squats/inverted rows (in order to manage to do a chin-up)/lunges/push-ups and rowing. I do this 3 times/week, takes me around 45mn for the whole circuit (4 sets) including the warm-up. I'd also like to get back to yoga and boxing (as soon as I find classes that are not too expensive) and will maybe try Crossfit (as soon as I gain a little more strength).


My life goal would be to finally accept myself fully, on the outside as well as on the inside. After a lot of years I finally love the geek that I am, but I still have trouble with the way I look. The good part is knowing that I can change it.


My medium-term goal would be to lose enough fat/gain muscle so that I would be able to wear shorts at the next Montebello Rockfest (Rock festival in Montebello, Quebec) on june 18. I know I could wear them with my current body but I don't like myself enough for that.


As usual I wasn't able to do a short post, sorry about that !


I'm really excited and motivated about all of this and can't wait to get started with everybody !

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Ellith - Level 2 - Night elf assassin
STR 3.5|DEX 0|CON 2|STA 3.5|WIS 1|CHA 1


A little bit about me : Here
Challenges : 1 - Current challenge

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Welcome to the rebellion! So excited to have you. Looks like you are all set to start your first 6 week challenge as a recruit.

This link should get you started.


The next challenge starts 2/23 but the new threads should be up soon. If you have any questions please let me know. I too would rather be Xena!

Level 36 Ranger Sorcerer 


Current challenge 




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Salut, Ellith, bienvenue. :3


I am glad that you have a healthier attitude about losing weight than your friends. I bet they will change their minds and ask you about what you are doing once you lose way more weight than them! Sounds like you are already doing great with your start, so good job! You will certainly find a lot of like-minded people here, so don't be shy about introducing yourself and posting around the forums.

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Salut, Ellith, bienvenue. :3


I am glad that you have a healthier attitude about losing weight than your friends. I bet they will change their minds and ask you about what you are doing once you lose way more weight than them! Sounds like you are already doing great with your start, so good job! You will certainly find a lot of like-minded people here, so don't be shy about introducing yourself and posting around the forums.

Salut confrere francophone ! (or you just know those 2 words :tongue:).


That's exactly what I thought talking to them. I just realized I had hit a wall trying to argue with them so I just gave up. They will realize I was right when they see the result, because with the awesome support I'm gonna get here (and I hope also give), there is no way I won't succeed !



And we love long posts!


I have to admit I was scared I lost everyone after the 1st sentence. Glad to see I was wrong :). I'll keep posting about my life and my quest !


Thank you for the warm welcome, I already feel like it's gonna be a great adventure with all of you :).

  • Like 2

Ellith - Level 2 - Night elf assassin
STR 3.5|DEX 0|CON 2|STA 3.5|WIS 1|CHA 1


A little bit about me : Here
Challenges : 1 - Current challenge

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Bienvenue!  Je crois que tu vas beaucoup apprendre ici.  Certainnement c'est mieux d'être comme Xena que come une poupée disproportionnée...... ^_^


Anyway!  I'm pretty sure my intro post was longer than yours when I first wandered in here, and T2sarahconnor is right - we don't judge long posts around here. :P


Actually, there are more similarities between us than wordiness - we're the same age and very close to the same height, and I started with pretty unsupportive people in my life (spoiler: I got them on board eventually!).  Your instincts are right - eat sensibly (more than 1200 cals - that is way too low at your height and weight) and lift heavy and you will achieve everything!  The shorts, certainly, and the awesomeness you're aiming for.  Your friends will watch you and wonder how you're doing it!


(Granted, I like my zumba once in awhile, but only for fun. ;) )


Anyway, if you ever want to chat about anything relating to your journey, toss me a PM!  Would love to help a fellow nerd out.   Especially a fellow Bioware loving nerd, though I do prefer the Dragon Age games to Mass Effect, personally...... hope you'll forgive me? ^_^

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?current challenge?

challenge archive: 19181716 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1

instagram | goodreads

"Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world." - Voltaire

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Bienvenue!  Je crois que tu vas beaucoup apprendre ici.  Certainnement c'est mieux d'être comme Xena que come une poupée disproportionnée...... ^_^


Anyway!  I'm pretty sure my intro post was longer than yours when I first wandered in here, and T2sarahconnor is right - we don't judge long posts around here. :tongue:


Actually, there are more similarities between us than wordiness - we're the same age and very close to the same height, and I started with pretty unsupportive people in my life (spoiler: I got them on board eventually!).  Your instincts are right - eat sensibly (more than 1200 cals - that is way too low at your height and weight) and lift heavy and you will achieve everything!  The shorts, certainly, and the awesomeness you're aiming for.  Your friends will watch you and wonder how you're doing it!


(Granted, I like my zumba once in awhile, but only for fun. ;) )


Anyway, if you ever want to chat about anything relating to your journey, toss me a PM!  Would love to help a fellow nerd out.   Especially a fellow Bioware loving nerd, though I do prefer the Dragon Age games to Mass Effect, personally...... hope you'll forgive me? ^_^


Your french is really good !! Yeah, like you said, I think I'm gonna learn a lot here with everything everyone has to offer :).

I'm so glad I found this community with people thinking the same as I do and having awesome results :). I think it's the push I need to finally get to my goal of being awesome :P.


I will keep your offer in mind if I ever need advice or a push :).


I'll forgive you if you forgive me... haven't tried any Dragon Age game yet  :uncomfortableness: . But I started playing Mass effect 1 again, still love it !

Ellith - Level 2 - Night elf assassin
STR 3.5|DEX 0|CON 2|STA 3.5|WIS 1|CHA 1


A little bit about me : Here
Challenges : 1 - Current challenge

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Your french is really good !! Yeah, like you said, I think I'm gonna learn a lot here with everything everyone has to offer :).

I'm so glad I found this community with people thinking the same as I do and having awesome results :). I think it's the push I need to finally get to my goal of being awesome :tongue:.


I will keep your offer in mind if I ever need advice or a push :).


I'll forgive you if you forgive me... haven't tried any Dragon Age game yet  :uncomfortableness: . But I started playing Mass effect 1 again, still love it !


Ha, I hope so!  It's been years since I lived in France or worked in French, but not that many years - hopefully I can still construct a sentence....... ;)


Go forth and be awesome!!!!  And do give Dragon Age a try - the first game is really fantastic.

?current challenge?

challenge archive: 19181716 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1

instagram | goodreads

"Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world." - Voltaire

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Best of luck on all your goals. You'll do great!


Thanks ! Good luck for yours :).


Je comprend francais bien! ^^ (Well, most of the time! :tongue:)


Have you looked into the NerdFitness 6 week challenges yet? The next one starts very soon. You can find out about them here (or just go to the top of the page, there are links there now, too).


Your understanding of french must be better than most people, since it's such a difficult language to master ! Even for me, and it's the one I was born with :P.


I looked at the last challenge, just to see how everything works. I need to work on my goals for this one and I'll be good to go :).

In the meantime I'm gonna have a look anyway just to get inspiration from other recruits goals.

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Ellith - Level 2 - Night elf assassin
STR 3.5|DEX 0|CON 2|STA 3.5|WIS 1|CHA 1


A little bit about me : Here
Challenges : 1 - Current challenge

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I have studied French for... 17 years now?! Wow, it's been that long. o_o

My parents lived in various French-speaking parts of the world for much of their lives, and wanted me to be able to speak that language, too, even though I grew up in the USA. But I never lived in a place where everyone spoke French, so while I can usually understand books, songs, and sometimes TV shows, I'm not really fluent. :/ But I have learned to love the language, after all those years my parents made me study it! (Stockholm syndrome!)


Anyway, if you want to, you can take a peek at my challenge thread. I've been refining my goals for about 2 weeks now. I managed to make them very specific, so that I can just make a checklist of things to do each day, and not have to think about it too much! :)

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You sound so positive.  I find that sometimes our friends just don't get it.  You must do what is right for  you and it sounds like you have a great plan in place


Thanks !! I've tried a few times to lose weight and get healthy but failed every times because I think I wasn't psychologically ready. Now that my brain is in order and that I finally love myself on the inside I can focus on the outside. I think that's the reason I'm finally gonna succeed, and if I can help people in the process that's even better :).


Une francophile ici :)


Thanks for checking out my thread!  I love reading through your goals.  How's the challenge going so far?  


Bonjour :)


I think the community part of this site is why people succeed so I try to check out (and follow) as many people as I can. I'm still working through it when I can :).


My challenge's going great so far. I got sick at the end of week one, but antibiotics helped out with it, and had one bad day on week 2, but everything's better now :).

You can check my challenge thread in my signature !

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Ellith - Level 2 - Night elf assassin
STR 3.5|DEX 0|CON 2|STA 3.5|WIS 1|CHA 1


A little bit about me : Here
Challenges : 1 - Current challenge

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My life goal would be to finally accept myself fully, on the outside as well as on the inside. After a lot of years I finally love the geek that I am, but I still have trouble with the way I look. The good part is knowing that I can change it.


My medium-term goal would be to lose enough fat/gain muscle so that I would be able to wear shorts at the next Montebello Rockfest (Rock festival in Montebello, Quebec) on june 18. I know I could wear them with my current body but I don't like myself enough for that.


As usual I wasn't able to do a short post, sorry about that !


I'm really excited and motivated about all of this and can't wait to get started with everybody !


After two weeks it looks like you're doing great!! For some of us (me) it really took a lot of time to stand up and say "Yes, I'm a geek, this is whom I am. If you don't like it, walk away." For me it's been a hard lesson to learn but it truly is the best thing I could have ever done. I am who I am, that's it. You either take me, quirks, craziness and all, or you can just leave. Simple as that.


We are just working towards making ourselves the best version of ourselves and with the support here we can do it!!

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After two weeks it looks like you're doing great!! For some of us (me) it really took a lot of time to stand up and say "Yes, I'm a geek, this is whom I am. If you don't like it, walk away." For me it's been a hard lesson to learn but it truly is the best thing I could have ever done. I am who I am, that's it. You either take me, quirks, craziness and all, or you can just leave. Simple as that.


We are just working towards making ourselves the best version of ourselves and with the support here we can do it!!


This is exactly how I feel now. Either you accept me as a whole, the geek part too, or you can just go your own way, I'm okay with that. I know now that we can't be loved by everyone, the ones that matter are the one who accept us and decide to stay :)

And I think that realizing you want to change for yourself and not someone else is the 1st part in getting through it. The awesome community here just gives us the last push we might need :).

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Ellith - Level 2 - Night elf assassin
STR 3.5|DEX 0|CON 2|STA 3.5|WIS 1|CHA 1


A little bit about me : Here
Challenges : 1 - Current challenge

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