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Ok, so maybe not quite, but that does seem like an apt title for an introductory post.


My name is Sarah and my story begins - well, probably as far back as my childhood - but this particular story arc begins about 9 years ago when I had gastric-bypass surgery. For those who don't know, gastric-bypass surgery is really only considered for those people who are morbidly obese (read: will die from being obese), and who have a history of failed attempts at losing weight (I started seeing nutritionists and doctors when I was in 2nd grade). For me, the surgery went great. I had no real problems during recovery, and I lost weight - a lot of it. I lost 180 lbs, actually. I kept most of it off for a few years until I moved to Florida and was unemployed for a few months. My mom had, had the surgery before me, and she had been my fitness partner and without her, I really slacked off on keeping active. Being unemployed didn't help, and then when I was employed, it was at a pay level far below what I was used to.


I had a lot of excuses for not getting back into a fitness routine. Most had to do with comfort and money (no money to join a gym, hate sweating out in the Florida heat, no money to get proper exercise clothing, etc.), and some had to do with the fact that I am accustomed to failure and don't like setting myself up for it again.


I have no particular reason as for why I am ready to start anew at this point in time. A friend of mine who lives far away told me that she is using this platform, and it seems like we're both looking for motivating, encouraging people right now. It just seems like it is time.


I would love to get back down to 170 lbs, where I was at my lowest weight. But that isn't my real goal. For some reason, this past year has been littered with messages for me about accepting my beauty, and I don't particularly care what weight I am at. I simply want to be healthier, and that definitely means being more active. If I lose weight as a side effect, great. If not, ok, too. 

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- Sarah

"I am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars."

My Epic Quests:



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Welcome! I love your mindset coming into this family; really encompassing what NF is all about. :)

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Level 3 Half-Elf Monk 

Past Challenges: artemisia enters the arena with the Wild Huntartemisia's new stomping ground rode in  The Wild Hunt Rides Againartemisia used respawn with Misc. Being.


STR: 2; DEX: 3; STA: 5; CON: 7; WIS: 7; CHA: 2


"Fantasy is an exercise bicycle for the mind. It might not take you anywhere, but it tones up the muscles that can." --Terry Pratchett

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 It just seems like it is time.


That's usually the best time and indicator that you're telling yourself it's time for a lifestyle revamp :D Lots of people are here to encourage and give advice. What kind of activities do you like? Finding something you enjoy while being active is the best way to start so you look forward to it from the get go!

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Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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Yeah, things just seemed to come together. I know I don't do well if I don't have a buddy to do things with - I need someone to say, "Let's go walk," on the days I just want to stay at home and vegetate. And my friend who introduced me to NF seemed to need someone, too, so the timing seemed just right.


As far as activities, I included belly dancing for one of my goals for this challenge because it's something I've been wanting to do. I go to a festival 2/year and there is dancing around the bonfire and I love it. I also love weight lifting (I have lost weight successfully doing that before), but I don't have the equipment at this time, and I want to make sure I am making reasonable expectations of myself. In the end, I chose goals I know I *can* do and have done before to help get me rolling. Next challenge, I will up the ante a little bit more, and so on and so forth. That's the plan, anyway. :)

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- Sarah

"I am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars."

My Epic Quests:



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I discovered that I need to think about something before I can do it right. It's like my mind practices it between sessions. I took ballroom dancing and I thought I was atrocious after the first session. But I came back a week later and nailed it (I didn't practice between, either - poor student habits, I know). That would be something I would like to do again, too. But it was super expensive, so I didn't continue it. 

- Sarah

"I am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars."

My Epic Quests:



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Welcome! <3

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Race: Alive | Class: Ranger | Level: 7 | STATS: Whoops~ (Yes, that's totally a stat! I checked, I swear!... >.>)


Understand that everyone needs time. Understand that everyone deserves patience. Understand that healing, and change take countless seconds, minutes and hours before real health of body and mind can be obtained at all.

"Everything lost is meant to be found."

Becoming a part of the X-men: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | Current

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