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The name's Mike and I am approaching my 48th trip around the sun in a few months(This means I remember that you had to turn the VHF dial to U before you could tune on the UHF dial). Thought it time I weighed in on this thread.


I joined the Rebellion at the start of last August(2014). Started a battle log and after but a few measely posts I decided to join the academy. All of my battle log data since that time has gone into the now defunct private academy forums so while I'm a fairly seasoned rebel, most of you won't know me (that's ok. Not really that exciting anyway)


I'm mostly Paleo and have lost most of my unwanted mass. Gone from just shy of 300 (Was actually 326 long before NF days but had lost a bit so started here just shy of 3 bills) and now hover around the 202-206 area. I now focus on increasing myself phsically and no longer dwell on the scale.


I don't participate in the challenges. Not an issue with them but things are working out for me exactly like I want them and I'm pretty much on autopilot. It's just not a priority for me in this phase of my journey


I lift, indoor climb, cycle(just starting), yoga, meditate(Just starting), walk and run. Running is my ultimate passion. I still bill myself as a fledgling runner. I'm up to running 7 miles with my first 10k race in 2 weeks and a half marathon in my sites.


Been through a lot of injuries. While I know that they say I can do all the stuff the younger folks can, after 46 years of sedentary life, I appear to me more breakable than the young whipper snappers. All part of the game.


My story, as well as battle logs (and anecdotes) for the last couple of months can be found in my blog(linked in my sig below). It's become one of my hobbies. I'd like to think the stuff I blog about is funny(at least it is to me). If you decide to peruse it, comments and criticisms are always welcome. Writing is one of my personal goals.


Just to add, I'm still a single guy so wont be much weighing in on family type discussions. I said I'm 48. Didn't say I've grown up yet <grin>




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Hey. I've got a blog!! ----> The Dilnad Can!

This is how I did it. This is how you too can do it! ----> http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2015/09/28/learn-how-an-office-worker-lost-100-lbs-saved-his-own-life-and-became-a-superhero/


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Has anyone had any luck with fasting training?

I've been trying it for a few weeks (about 7 or 8 hours of fasting before a workout) I had hoped for more dramatic results, I've had some weight loss improvement but only marginal.

Then again I'm trying to readjust my focus from weight loss to decreasing body fat percentage. Tougher psychologically because the results are not as immediate.

I work out first thing in the morning, usually only some water, my meds, and a.glass of OJ in me. I've thought I might do better if I had something light, like a piece of fruit.

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Hi Mike! Welcome!

You just touched on something I need to post.


Great phone call this morning. My bone density test was done yesterday. 5-10ish years ago, I was so osteopenic, that the next dx would be osteopenia. I was put on those drugs and such, but much difficulty ensued. I don't do dairy. I don't take calcium. My hips and low back are preventing my walking plans. I am 26 years past menopause.

And today, I was told my bone density test was normal! NORMAL! Thank you Jesus! And the truths of magnesium vs calcium. Morley Robbins, thank you!



A 55 year old woman, sedentary because of herniated discs, should not be rebuilding bone. Especially not without at least calcium in my diet(ice cream does not count as a good calcium source!).

I was doing tri training.

The first few years I ended up with broken bones in my feet, and torn tendons.

Twice this summer I injured myself, and per my history, was sure out was broken/torn. NOPE!

So, while we discussed in previous "oh me old bones" discussions, we may need more recovery time, apparently, we can grow bone!

Wildross spoke with a man at his last lift meet that is older than us, and increases his lifts every year.

Apparently we can grow muscle!

Since there are old new yoga people, I'm going to think we can grow more flexibility as well.

I have a 60plus yo cousin that does crossfit. He's only been doing it for a few years. Rick is an old marine! Amazing! So I can't even say that crossfit is just for the young.

I've wondered about gymnastics, par kour and such, but I think if we tackle things with the wisdom of age, we can do anything.

Again, welcome!

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

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In His hands and Under His wings, Phil 4:13; Is 40:31; Jer 29:11
 Adventurer by choice

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Has anyone had any luck with fasting training?

I've been trying it for a few weeks (about 7 or 8 hours of fasting before a workout) I had hoped for more dramatic results, I've had some weight loss improvement but only marginal.

Then again I'm trying to readjust my focus from weight loss to decreasing body fat percentage. Tougher psychologically because the results are not as immediate.

I used to train fasted with Kettlebells. My sense was that it helped to lean me out, but I didn't collect any data, so I can't say that definitively.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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what's for dinner?

I've got mushroom soup cooking - from a recipe! I really rarely cook using recipes, there is double cream in it and it is going to be AMAZING!

  • Like 2
STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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what's for dinner?

I've got mushroom soup cooking - from a recipe! I really rarely cook using recipes, there is double cream in it and it is going to be AMAZING!

Red and green pepeprs, onions, muchrooms and chunks of chicken on a roasting pan misted with olive oil, pink himilayan sea salt and fresh ground pepper roasted and then broiled until it all browns up. I eat this several times a week. if it were a running/workout day I'd have added sweet potato chunks.

  • Like 2

Hey. I've got a blog!! ----> The Dilnad Can!

This is how I did it. This is how you too can do it! ----> http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2015/09/28/learn-how-an-office-worker-lost-100-lbs-saved-his-own-life-and-became-a-superhero/


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Meet Irma, 84 years young!




Just spent a week in Mexico building houses with Esperanza International and met the amazing Irma.  She's 84 and raised her 8 children on a farm.  She showed me the proper way to wield a pickaxe and was often my partner on the bucket line.  She really hustled passing and tossing buckets, shoveling dirt and concrete and always had a smile on her face.  I really enjoyed getting to know her and hope I'm as awesome when I'm her age.  Most of the people in our group (16 adults) were over the age of 50 (12 of the group - 3 were under 35 and I just turned 47).  We did a ton of work (5-6 hour workday) and still had energy afterwards to go out to explore or eat dinner.  Proud to be chronologically blessed!

  • Like 7

Rock Gnome Rebel

Level 28

current challenge

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Successfully moved into what is (I hope) our last major house.  Still lots of organizing, assemblying and putting away to do....

  • Like 5

Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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NF has made me feel young again!

It's certainly helped me continue to feel young.  I was literally praising God for every rep I was able to take on Sunday morning.  I'm just that blessed to be in good shape.  I constantly get told that "I used to do that when I was young", usually by people younger than me...


So blessed that I made it out of high school football without tearing anything up, that I didn't play college sports, that I was too busy having a family in my 20's and 30's to get hurt.

  • Like 2

Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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There is another thing, though: I also pay attention to which part of my foot hits the ground first. Most people (wearing shoes, watch normal joggers!) hit the ground heel first - I try to hit the ground first with toes and forefoot (think running style of Usain Bolt). Before that, I always felt the impact of running through my whole spine up to the back of my head.

I thought that running is not cut out for me, I hated it -- until I discovered barefoot running for me.




i tried jogging again last night for the first time in a long time, I usually have a problem where I get a sharp stabbing pain in my right heel, but I thought back to Silverwitch's comment and tried focusing on landing on the balls of my feet instead of landing "heal/toe" and your advice helped dramatically.


Thank you

  • Like 1


Aneralled the level 6 Hound Archon, Warrior-Druid 

STR 11|DEX 4|CON 8.5|STA 10.5|WIS 4.5|CHA 4.5

I am a Nerd Fitness Rebel,       I don’t compare myself to others,        I know I impact those around me 
  and today is the first day            only to myself from yesterday.            with my actions, and so I must 
  of the rest of my life.                I shall not brag about successes           move forward, every day. 
I shall make no excuses               nor complain about my struggles,    I acknowledge fear, doubt, and
  and hold no grudges.                 but share my experiences and           despair, but I do not let them
I care not where I came from,       help my fellow Rebels.                        defeat me. I pledge my life and
  only where I am going.                                                                              honor for the Rebellion, for 
                                                                                                                         this day and all the days to come. 



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It is definitely not an easy time… my mom says "aging is nothing for cowards"… 

But sometimes one just wants to curl up somewhere, and get out when it is over with. Like hibernating. 


For me, it's mood swings. From depressed to highly motivated. Change of nutrition changed a bit the depressive part, and shortened those phases, but I still get them off and on.


Mark D, I hope that your wife will soon notive considerable improvement, and that the Relazin works for her!



Just a follow-up.  My wife has been taking the Relazin for a couple weeks now and says the number of hot flashes has reduced quite a bit, especially at night.  Whether the Relazin is helping or something else is, she'll take it (so will I!).

  • Like 4
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It's certainly helped me continue to feel young.  I was literally praising God for every rep I was able to take on Sunday morning.  I'm just that blessed to be in good shape.  I constantly get told that "I used to do that when I was young", usually by people younger than me...


So blessed that I made it out of high school football without tearing anything up, that I didn't play college sports, that I was too busy having a family in my 20's and 30's to get hurt.


I've found myself feeling younger since I've been working on getting in shape.  To the point where I sometimes have trouble believing I'm 52 years old.  Then I'll try to do TOO much and my body reminds me how long it's been around.


I still have my days where I'm tired, cranky, didn't sleep well or in a bad mood when I'd like to just chuck the whole thing and sleep later, but so far I keep dragging my sorry butt out of bed and getting under the iron.  I have a LONG way to go before catching up to Wildross, but my lifts keep getting heavier.


Just for grins, my most recent work weights (all 5x5 except DL which is 1x5)


Squats  150 lb (I've had a couple failures, but mostly when I wasn't feeling well and not breathing well, the last rep or two seemed ill-advised).

Bench: 70 lb (I deloaded a couple weeks ago after missing some sessions and having to do the roll-of-shame, no strain at this weight)

Rows: 125 lb (I have yet to fail on rows)

OHP: 75 lb (failed this weight last time, will try again next time)

Deadlift 195 lb (no failures yet)


Not great numbers for a 230ish lb guy, but they're improving.  

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Just a follow-up.  My wife has been taking the Relazin for a couple weeks now and says the number of hot flashes has reduced quite a bit, especially at night.  Whether the Relazin is helping or something else is, she'll take it (so will I!).

that is great news! I'm really happy for you both

STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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I've found myself feeling younger since I've been working on getting in shape. To the point where I sometimes have trouble believing I'm 52 years old. Then I'll try to do TOO much and my body reminds me how long it's been around.

I still have my days where I'm tired, cranky, didn't sleep well or in a bad mood when I'd like to just chuck the whole thing and sleep later, but so far I keep dragging my sorry butt out of bed and getting under the iron. I have a LONG way to go before catching up to Wildross, but my lifts keep getting heavier.

Just for grins, my most recent work weights (all 5x5 except DL which is 1x5)

Squats 150 lb (I've had a couple failures, but mostly when I wasn't feeling well and not breathing well, the last rep or two seemed ill-advised).

Bench: 70 lb (I deloaded a couple weeks ago after missing some sessions and having to do the roll-of-shame, no strain at this weight)

Rows: 125 lb (I have yet to fail on rows)

OHP: 75 lb (failed this weight last time, will try again next time)

Deadlift 195 lb (no failures yet)

Not great numbers for a 230ish lb guy, but they're improving.

Nothing beats consistent time in the gym and concentrated effort while there

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

  • Like 1

Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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i tried jogging again last night for the first time in a long time, I usually have a problem where I get a sharp stabbing pain in my right heel, but I thought back to Silverwitch's comment and tried focusing on landing on the balls of my feet instead of landing "heal/toe" and your advice helped dramatically.


Thank you


I am happy that this helped you! :)


Just a follow-up.  My wife has been taking the Relazin for a couple weeks now and says the number of hot flashes has reduced quite a bit, especially at night.  Whether the Relazin is helping or something else is, she'll take it (so will I!).


Good news! If the number of hot flushes went down noticeably, it will probably be the Relazin doing it. 


Did my first 10K race today after some 40 years of couch potatoe. Ran the whole thing in under an hour and feeling awesome!!!! Mini marathon is next.


It is never too late to begin with a new lifestyle! Congratulations, this sounds awesome!

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Does anyone else look around and wonder (as you are doing some activity)....is this the last time I'll be able to/get to do this?

  • Like 1

Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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