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Is it best to formulate your ultimate goals, and then think about the incremental steps that get you there? Or is it best to do it the other way round - to think of some small improvements that are achievable whilst retaining a completely open mind re the ultimate goals?

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Just my free advice, guaranteed to be worth what you paid for it:


I think a combination of the two.  Start by making a couple small changes, keeping in mind the larger goals.  Be flexible.


I think the ultimate goals have to be general, "Get to a healthy weight/bodyfat percentage" for instance.  Whatever that weight happens to be, but don't get tied to a number which could get frustrating if you have trouble hitting it.  

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That sounds like good advice. Weight and body fat percentage are both currently within healthy range (according to body analysis with scales and calipers). Ideally I'd like to gain say 3-5 kg of muscle, and also lose a bit more body fat (say 1-2%). Trouble is, when I eat clean, I tend to lose a bit of muscle as well as body fat even though I eat what seems to me a lot of protein!

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That sounds like good advice. Weight and body fat percentage are both currently within healthy range (according to body analysis with scales and calipers). Ideally I'd like to gain say 3-5 kg of muscle, and also lose a bit more body fat (say 1-2%). Trouble is, when I eat clean, I tend to lose a bit of muscle as well as body fat even though I eat what seems to me a lot of protein!

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What types of exercising do you participate in?  Are you tracking macros (carbs, fats, proteins) or just "what it feels like?"

Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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What types of exercising do you participate in? Are you tracking macros (carbs, fats, proteins) or just "what it feels like?"

Thanks wildross!

The exercise I do as evolved over time, driven by what I like doing but also by injuries and the need to avoid them. This time last year I had spent the spring and summer doing well over 100 miles each month (mainly running, also speed walking) and was working out in the gym once a week with a personal trainer doing resistance/strength/intervals stuff. Plus one other gym workout and/or s Pilates session of I could fit it in. I had a problem with a painful hip in the early autumn so cut back on running s bit whilst it recovered. At the start of 2015 I was feeling pretty good so started training in earnest for a half marathon whilst still doing 1-2 strength sessions per week at the gym. Then at the end of February it all went Pete Tong, I've had persistent pain at the top of my right fibula since then which was coming on after about no more than two miles. So o parked the HM plan and concentrated much more on the gym. However, encouragingly, last time I ran (up a big steep hill when on holiday in Ireland) I was completely pain free. Hurrah!

So at the moment I like:

Rowing and rowing intervals


Treadmill running (well no I hate it but am planning to use it for further rehab as it is undoubtedly gentler on the joints)

Using free weights, kettle bells etc.

tRX band workouts

Body weight stuff like press-ups.

Deadlifts, but I only really have the confidence to do these with my personal trainer.

I'd ideally like to get back to running outside, too.

I am not averse to doing something like. Jillian Michaels abs workout at home once in a while either.

So I guess my ultimate goals might be:

Run a 10k again, and ideally a half marathon

To be able to deadlift my own bodyweight

To be at least bit better at eg bench press as I am crap at these.

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Food: I broadly aim to "eat clean" although I'm not hugely disciplined about it.

I certainly feel at my best when I ditch sugar and bad carbs. I don't really like bread so that's always an easy one to swerve. I do like homemade cake, though, and my middle son is a very good baker so that's harder!

I eat lots of meat, fish, chicken, eggs, vegetables, avocado, quinoa, brown rice. I do eat dairy (yogurt and milk) because these old bones need calcium. And because I like it. I never drink fizzy drinks and rarely eat processed food.

I do find that if I eat very clean and work out s lot I end up losing muscle as well as fat. I don't put on weight easily and certainly don't seem to put on muscle easily. I find this a bit of a dilemma tbh. I was definitely leaner this time last year but then again with doing more weights and less cardio I think I am stronger now.

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My chiropractor released me to start playing disc golf and lift dumbbells again.  I'm taking my weight bar in on Friday when I see her so she can check my bar placement and my squat, to see if my form is right and if my spine can handle the load, and if so how much load.  Played my first 18 holes yesterday, and like falling off a turnip truck, I hadn't lost any ground.  League is tonight!

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Granny Nogg - Level 10 Warrior


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Ah, found you all!

Worked my way through all the threads, starting with the one mentioned in the "over 50" thread. Since this is my first post in this thread, I think I should introduce myself:


I am from Germany, and I was here at NF a little over a year ago, then had a few health issues to deal with (nasty, but fortunately and completely part of the past now), and now I would like to get back on track. I'm 5'8'' and my weight is 150 pounds. A bit less would be nice, though...


My kids are still young (9 and 8 years old), and mentally I do not feel remotely ready for "the second half of life" -- it rather feels like this was the first third, two more to come. 


I'm a silver witch, because my hair is a long mostly silver mane since I refuse to dye it. 


Mind if this witch hangs out with you chronologically blessed folks? :)

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I do find that if I eat very clean and work out s lot I end up losing muscle as well as fat. I don't put on weight easily and certainly don't seem to put on muscle easily. I find this a bit of a dilemma tbh. I was definitely leaner this time last year but then again with doing more weights and less cardio I think I am stronger now.


And this is really the key.  If you do mostly cardioish stuff, like running or high repetition/low weight routines, you are going to tend to lose muscle mass easily.  For building muscle, you need to 1) "over eat" (ie, more than maintenance) 2) stimulate your muscles to grow by asking them to do more, ie, low rep/high weight routines.

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Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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Originalpiratematreial, you look great!




I have to admit I never liked cardio. It is (amongst other things) one of the reasons why I don't go to my local gym. All those "cardio bunnies" with their bitter facial expressions, their energy drinks and their hip workout clothes... just can't picture myself there. 

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Originalpiratematreial, you look great!


I have to admit I never liked cardio. It is (amongst other things) one of the reasons why I don't go to my local gym. All those "cardio bunnies" with their bitter facial expressions, their energy drinks and their hip workout clothes... just can't picture myself there.

Thank you [emoji5]ï¸

And no, I'm not a fan of extended cardio sessions on the gym though I like rowing intervals, using the treadmill on an incline so it's like hill sprints etc. I do love running outdoors though.

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Running outdoors is great! I do it barefoot and in some sort of parcour-ish way.  As if the hounds were after me. :D


Rowing... was big when I was still in high school, we were doing this here on a local river. I do have a "concept II" rowing machine in the basement, but shamefully admit that my husband is the only one using it.

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Silverwitch, What do you wear to protect your feet when you run - are you literally running barefoot or are you wearing something like Vibram?


I'm interested in whether barefoot running might help me.  I've been following the conventional advice for over-pronators and running in Brooks Adrenalin shoes which have quite a high instep.  This however has not stopped me from sustaining some sort of annoying grumbling injury to my right lower leg which manifests itself in pain around the top of my fibula if I run more than 2 miles.  It is totally impossible to run through it.  Previously I was running 8-9 miles on my long runs.  


However, just out of curiousity, last week in Ireland I ran to the top of a steep hill (and back down) wearing Nike Free shoes (which I find ace for walking, that's why I have them).  And guess what - leg was absolutely fine, better than fine.  Food for thought.

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Running outdoors is great! I do it barefoot and in some sort of parcour-ish way.  As if the hounds were after me. :D


Rowing... was big when I was still in high school, we were doing this here on a local river. I do have a "concept II" rowing machine in the basement, but shamefully admit that my husband is the only one using it.


The main reason I like rowing is that I have actually improved my speed since I took it up.  Whereas with running, I am so mono-paced it's untrue.  My sprints are like other people's tempo running.  I seem to have been born with no fast-twitch muscle fibres.  Whereas my rowing intervals actually improve!  

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And this is really the key. If you do mostly cardioish stuff, like running or high repetition/low weight routines, you are going to tend to lose muscle mass easily. For building muscle, you need to 1) "over eat" (ie, more than maintenance) 2) stimulate your muscles to grow by asking them to do more, ie, low rep/high weight routines.

That is really helpful. I'm in then process of formulating more questions about this. Mind if I post them and ask for your (collective) views?

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Wah, I wrote a lot of text and now it is gone ... mysteries of the internet...


Okay, starting over:

I actually do run mostly barefoot. Sometimes I wear minimalist shoes such as Vivobarefoots. Mine look like very thin very flexible ballerina shoes; one feels every pebble, but it does provide just enough protection not to perceive it as painful.


Those Vibram five finger things I never liked, it feels weird to me to have my toes separated from each other.


Since I run barefoot or in minimalist shoes, I felt a load of improvement: lower back pain gone, no knee pain, and those weird shin pains I used to get after longer distances are gone and have never returned.

There is another thing, though: I also pay attention to which part of my foot hits the ground first. Most people (wearing shoes, watch normal joggers!) hit the ground heel first - I try to hit the ground first with toes and forefoot (think running style of Usain Bolt). Before that, I always felt the impact of running through my whole spine up to the back of my head.

I thought that running is not cut out for me, I hated it -- until I discovered barefoot running for me.


Sorry fo the wall of text, but I am really enthused about this - because of my good experiences.


I think you should give it a try, it would not surprise me, if you would benefit from it!


My little daughter also ist a strong over-pronator - and the orthopedist said that the best thing for her is to walk/ run barefoot as often as possible... she has insoles she only uses in the winter.

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Hm... thinking a lot...


Should I open a thread in the Respawn Point, since I dropped out for a year? Or start a battle log? Or simply wait until the next challenge starts and open a thread there?


In the beginning, I did one challenge (therefore Level 1), and I would like to do more. From the beginning to the end.


What are your thoughts on this?





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I'm a fivefingers fan, my toes are amazingly straight since I've been wearing them. I've also got a pair of Freets which look a little more mainstream. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when it gets cold though, Freets don't make waterproof shoes in size 6, fivefingers discontinued the ones with fleece lining and I can't afford most of the others. The Freets were £30, the fivefingers £60.
Since transitioning to barefoot my knee (ITBS and some other things) has got so much better - I think the bounce in my insanely expensive running shoes was bouncing up my leg into my knee and making it all much worse.
It took a while, and I still need to work on strengthening my ankles but it's looking like I should be able to cycle again later this year.

The only trouble with barefoot is that you can't really dip into it, it takes months of gently moving in a barefoot direction and now my normal trainers feel like concrete blocks.

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STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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The only trouble with barefoot is that you can't really dip into it, it takes months of gently moving in a barefoot direction and now my normal trainers feel like concrete blocks.



Ha, I totally agree!

This summer, we went as a family mountain hiking… I did it in my minimalist shoes, for which I got stared at quite a lot from all of those peolple wearing really heavy shoes! For nothing in the world could someone have made me wear these heavy hiking boots. Or any other so-called sport shoes.

Feet, back and knees felt awesome, even after four or five hours hiking and climbing.


One of my next projects will be to make my own huaraches. Shoes that consist just of sole and string. *dreaming*


Many people seem to like the fivefingers, good for you that you didn't invest the money in vain. :)

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One of my next projects will be to make my own huaraches. Shoes that consist just of sole and string. *dreaming*


Many people seem to like the fivefingers, good for you that you didn't invest the money in vain. :)

Ohh - have you got a link to a tutorial? I can crochet boots, if you do them out of thick real wool and put an insole in they are really comfortable - I was thinking of asking a cobbler if they could just glue a sole on, else I could sew some leather around.

What I was doing in my properly fitted running shoes wasn't helping so the fivefingers were worth a go, I got to a point where even walking hurt. I've worked hard with a trainer and an osteopath to get it all working again too but I really think the barefoot shoes have made a big difference.

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STR 8 | DEX 4 | STA 7 | CON 6 |  WIS 9.75 | CHA 10.5
Current challenge | Accountable to chronologically blessed

Progress bars below!

Feb 2016
Quest 1 - Misfit to 800 4 days out of 7

Quest 2 - Mindfulness daily


Quest 3 - Veg with every meal, 2 pints of water a day

Life Goal - Self Care



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I found instructions on how to make huaraches on a German website that is actually called "jogging sucks" :D

I'll see whether I can find something in English, too, and then I'll post the link. 


My routine consists of kettlebell swings and kettlebell cleans; I am working on the Turkish Get Up, but I have to admit that - due to a way too long interval of doing effing nothing, my 12kg kettlebell is simply too heavy for me. Swings and Cleans - no problem, but the TGU … ouch… I'm not sure yet, but I think I'm going to get one or two smaller ones. Hey, they don't rot - so it can't be bad to have more than one kettle bell! :D


Originalpiratematerial, I really think you should give it another shot with your Nike Free shoes! Feeling NO PAIN is too good to give up, I know what I'm talking about...

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