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I did see the link in your signature to the 700 club Mr. Willes. That is awesome! I was just browsing through the WOOT forum for people's names I recognized and saw yours. Figured this was only about a month ago, but awesome work on the 1RM 700!


I started weight lifting as a 100% noob & first-timer on Nov 2, 2015 and am finishing up my 12th week with the Stronglifts 5x5 program. I will probably keep with this program for a while longer until I have a good idea of what my 5x5 maxes are for the primary lifts, but there are lots of fun things I am looking forward to trying out after Stronglifts, like my maxes: 1RM, 3RM, 5RM, 10RM. The other thing I think looks super fun is trying out a mini-challenge the Warriors do 1-2 times a year. The 50/50 squat challenge. Load the bar with half your weight and squat until you get 50 reps or have to set the bar down. They do have a level 2 & level 3 progression of that challenge for people who have beaten it. Love me some squats, and looking forward to trying out variations too (like front squats, etc).


My current 5x5 maxes are not true maxes because I am still having linear progression on everything except Overhead Press (which I feel plateaued at an embarrassingly low weight, but it is very slowly progressing).

Squat: 225

DL: 195

Bench: 145

Row: 125

OHP: 80 (have gotten so close to 85 at a 5x5, that last set is so rough for me)

225 + 195 + 145 = 565 club (for 5x5's)


My stats:
Weight 240 lbs / 109kg

Height: 6'3" / 190cm

Age: 29

Lifting for: 3 months

Prior lifting experience: None

Program: Stronglifts


Stay strong my friend & awesome job on the 600 & 700 club membership!

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Level 14 -- Yeti Ranger -- STR 30.25 | DEX 12.00 | STA 21.00 | CON 14.75 | WIS 18.00 | CHA 7.50

Current Challenge -- Previous Challenges -- My Epic Quest -- Album of Holding -- About Me

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You sound just like me! I have been lifting since february/march of 2015 (and had a break may - september). All i have done is stronglifts. It's great to start out with, easy to follow with good results. The thing that was starting to bother me was the fact that 5x5 on the squats was getting too demanding, so i changed that to 3x5. That works A LOT BETTER. Those last 2 sets were just brutal because of fatigue, and trying to keep good form. I also went from 5 lbs to 2 lbs increments, because at a certain point everything became very hard to keep on incrementing, i did got through some plateau's and i started benching quite late is i do this at home, and didn't have a bench till october.


Benching is my Achilles. You are already ahead of me on that!


You can use this 1rm calculator to calculate your theoretically 1rm. For me this worked out pretty good. I got a few lbs higher than what was calculated, except on the squat, that was spot on.


So you are in this range (theoretically)

5x225 = 1x253

5x195 = 1x219

5x145 = 1x163

Total = 635 lbs = virtual member of the 600 lbs club ;)


I used this site for a warmup procedure (though that is very personal).


Dude catch up, i need someone to keep pushing me, gonna go look for your challenge to haunt you there ;)

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... a little odd in the head ...

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I look forward to the haunting :-)


I am working on catching up!!! Getting there.


My OHP is already at max, and that is SO my Achilles' heel (that seems to be most people's). I think either tomorrow, or next time through the fail-deload cycle I will succeed at 5x5 OHP @ 85 lbs, but that is definitely a struggle for me right now. I am a 6'3", 240# monster... but I struggle to OHP 80#, 33% BW.


Deadlift, I still have room to grow and am not at max.

Squats have room to grow and not at max.

Bench is starting to plateau.

Rows have room to grow.


I expect that 1-2 months from now I will be hitting regular fails on everything using the linear progression on stronglifts.


I had 3 buddies come to the gym with me last night to lift, which was great. Here was my workout: (usually I do squats -> bench -> rows, but the 3 free weight squat machines were in high demand, even at 8:30pm, so we did those last, lots of people were doing deadlifts there)

Bench: 1x5 @95#, 1x5 @135#, 5x5 @150#, 1x5 @135#, 1x10 @95#.

Rows: 1x5 @95#, 1x5 @135#, 5x5 @140#, 1x5 @135#, 1x5 @95#.

Squats: 1x5 @135#, 1x5 @185#, 5x5 @230#, 1x5 @185#, 1x10 @135#.


On my squat cool-down / de-loads I like to go ass-to-grass for the extra full-range of motion work. But all 3 guys I was lifting with complimented me on my form during the heavy lifts. I tend to "Squat Slow" (I take 2-3 breaths between each rep), but I re-gather myself mentally to make sure I am staying mindful on my form for those heavy squats instead of rushing / powering through them.


Bench is definitely starting to get hard. I think I will hit my first fail (miss reps) at either 155# or 160# here, so in the next 2 workouts.


Rows have surprised me. I accidentally increased rows by 15# last week, so they are only 10# behind my bench instead of 20# behinds (I started rows at 45# 3 months ago, but my lifting buddy felt too ashamed starting bench at 45#, so we started those at 65#). Anyway, I expect my rows will start to falter between 165# and 185#. I am a little surprised by that, b/c my back strength has not historically been the greatest.


Deadlifts. I know most people can DL more than they squat. My DL is progressing slower b/c I am only adding weight 3 times every 2 weeks instead of 3 times a week, like on the squats. Also, the Deadlifts are done at the end of my workout, so I am already exhausted from squatting. Still, I feel fairly confident that I will be able to get my DL numbers in line with my squats eventually. And I continue to improve the form on my squats.


One of these days I will figure out how to take video using my phone, so that I can do a form check. I just got an iPhone 5s, but it is brand new to me and I am not a techie. Taking the video is only 1 part of the challenge, then I have to figure out how to upload it, etc... I'll get there. All things in due time.


Regarding my back, when I first started lifting it was super sore all the time which I attributed to it getting stronger. While I think that has definitely been the case, it is still sore often now, but not as much, so I think that the improvements I have made to my form have helped with that. Particularly with the overhead press.


Current "Maxes": full 5x5 hit during stronglifts as of 1/28 (12 weeks in, well, 35/36 workouts into lifting)

Squat: 230

Bench: 150

Row: 140

OHP: 80

DL: 195


Guestimated projected plateau & max: full 5x5

Squat: 255 / 275

Bench: 155 / 175

Row: 155 / 175

OHP: 85 / 95

DL: 255 / 275


The first number is where I am guessing I will hit my first fails. So the plateau, but I should be able to build back up to those and nooby gain through those points. The second number is where I think I will peak, without the benefit of actual gains (which will be hard to do, since I will be in a deficit / cutting phase for the next 3-4 months at least). Weight loss is still my primary goal for now, so that may retard my linear progressions in the near future.


Dude... Mr Willes, I look forward to pushing each other on our strong-lifting! I will keep stalking you & your challenge!

Level 14 -- Yeti Ranger -- STR 30.25 | DEX 12.00 | STA 21.00 | CON 14.75 | WIS 18.00 | CHA 7.50

Current Challenge -- Previous Challenges -- My Epic Quest -- Album of Holding -- About Me

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Well, this is epic. Nicely done!


I literally just started regular weight training for the first time with Stronglifts two weeks ago, so it's encouraging to see someone getting great results with the program!

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Level 6 Demon Hunter, Novice Troubadour

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"I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it."

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