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I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee

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My name is Jason and I'm getting back into shape.


I used to be in really good shape, and then I took an arrow to the knee. Well, technically, it was an IED and it kind of hit me all over. I ended up needing a kneecap replacement. They put in a piece of plastic made by Hasbro, turning me into part G.I.Joe! Don't worry, not one of the lame ones with the kung-fu action grip.


I went from working out in the gym every day to flying a desk. Needless to say, I went from Colossus to Blob. Well, it wasn't that bad, but it got worse when I got out of the service. Recently, I ended up actually going to Blob status.


At my best, I was 6'2" tall, 225 lbs, and had 8% BFI. Now, I've fallen a little more than I like. I'm 319 and 33.6% (though I've dropped 4% since February 1st).


I'm a major nerd (as you can read from my bio) and feel like I might fit in with this group better than over on Bodybuilding.com. I'm a costumer, gamer, martial artist, DM, GM, writer, and many other things.


Anyway, I look forward to getting to know y'all and giving/receiving encouragement!


P.S.: I can also help with some things since I was a Master Fitness Trainer in the Army.

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Wow, that's an incredibly history. I took a peek through your bio, and you definitely are in the right place! I'm glad you found your way here - there's a great group of people here and I know they've made all the difference in way of staying motivated.



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Kilyra|Level 4|Gorgon|Adventurer

Stats: STR 5 | STA 10 | DEX 8 | CON 8 | WIS 9 | CHA 6

"If all I do is try, that means I don't truly believe I can succeed. Look, I may fail. You may fail. But there is no try" ~Kanan Jarrus, Star Wars: Rebels

Introduction|Challenge|The Writer's Guild|Battle Log




Eating 90/10 (2 of 4)




Workout at least 4x a week (8 of 16)




Hollow Body Work 3x a week (6 of 12)




Life Goal: Write 3.5 hrs a week (1 of 4)








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With my mind screaming at me that it was a bad idea, I just organized my progress pictures and posted them in my gallery.  I've always had body image issues (even when I was at my peak), so this shows how important getting fit is to me.  It also shows how much I trust a group of strangers that I have never, to my knowledge, met.

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Honest and transparency is a really important part of the journey. Sometimes, it takes that extra kick of being honest and transparent to others to hold yourself responsible! 

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Kilyra|Level 4|Gorgon|Adventurer

Stats: STR 5 | STA 10 | DEX 8 | CON 8 | WIS 9 | CHA 6

"If all I do is try, that means I don't truly believe I can succeed. Look, I may fail. You may fail. But there is no try" ~Kanan Jarrus, Star Wars: Rebels

Introduction|Challenge|The Writer's Guild|Battle Log




Eating 90/10 (2 of 4)




Workout at least 4x a week (8 of 16)




Hollow Body Work 3x a week (6 of 12)




Life Goal: Write 3.5 hrs a week (1 of 4)








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Wow, what a wild ride. I am so looking forward to seeing you excel here. And I love Skyrim, so I definitely appreciate that reference.


As the daughter of an Army vet (20 years) I often think about training myself so that I can meet the Army Basic Training PFT. What are your thoughts on them?


Also I didn't even know we had a gallery, so I know what I'm doing next week.

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I've seen the reference of that quote all over the place, but I have yet to play the game.  I know, I'm a terrible nerd.  :playful:


As for the APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) preparation, I'd say just to do push-ups, sit-ups, and run.  However, the APFT is terrible for actually getting in shape.  Push-ups are good for doing push-ups, but aren't really good for much else.  Sit-ups are terrible for your back.  Running is great as cardio, but the body needs more than just running to get your speed faster.

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Thank you for your support.  In all honesty, though, I signed up in 2000 for the college money.  I hit BCT (Basic Combat Training) in January of 2000.  When all is said and done, I only have one of two things I would have changed.  1) I would have stayed Army, but gone Chaplain's Assistant (cross between altar boy and bodyguard).  2) I would have stayed in supply, but gone Marine Corps.

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Yup, I'm definitely a nerd.  So, I got bored and did a thing.


NAME: Ander Sonalex

RACE: Human/Damaran

CLASS: Ranger 0


ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good


HEIGHT: 6'2"

WEIGHT: 319 lbs

HAIR: Dark brown, graying.  Head is shaved and wears a short beard.

EYES: Hazel.  They change depending on his mood.


ARMOR CLASS: 16 (18 with shield)

HIT POINTS: 6 (0d10+1)

SPEED: 30 ft



STR 14 (+2)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 13 (+1)

INT 11 (+0)

WIS 15 (+2)

CHA 9 (-1)



SKILLS: Athletics +4, Intimidation +1

SENSES: Passive perception 12

LANGUAGES: Common, Elven

WEAPONS: Simple, Martial

ARMOR: Light, Medium, Shield

TOOLS: Dice set, Land


PERSONALITY TRAITS: I'm always polite and respectful. I've lost too many friends, and I'm slow to make new ones.

IDEALS: Nation. My city, nation, or people are all that matter. (Any)

BONDS: My honor is my life.

FLAWS: I obey the law, even if the law causes misery.




DAGGER. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 (STR) or +5 (DEX - finesse) to hit, reach 5 ft. and range 20/60 ft. Hit: 1d4 +2 (STR) or 1d4 +3 (DEX - finesse) piercing damage.

SHORTSWORD (2). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 (STR) or +5 (DEX - finesse) to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d6 +2 (STR) or 1d6 +3 (DEX - finesse) piercing damage.

LONGBOW. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 150/600 ft. Hit: 1d8 +3 piercing damage.


SCALE MAIL. Medium Armor: 14 + Dex (Max 2).  Stealth disadvantage. 45 lbs.


Backpack, bedroll, belt pouch w/ 8 gp, bone dice set, common clothes set, hemp rope (50ft, strapped to outside of backpack), insignia of rank (quartermaster specialty), mess kit, tinder box, torches (10), trophy taken from fallen enemy (dagger), quiver w/ 20 arrows, rations (10 days), water skin






Ander was born and raised in the southwest-most Principality of the Free Kingdom.  His father was an officer in the Royal Navy and his mother was a croupier met during a shore leave.  He grew up and was educated in the capital of the Principality until he reached the age of maturity and his parents and he moved to the wilds of the mid-northwest Principality.


In this new area, Ander found his love of both nature and the hunt.  His education at the hands of the small town scholars was almost equal to that he received from the local youths his own age.  He soon lost the fat that had accumulated during his life in the prosperous capital to the south and took on a harder edge befitting a warrior.


When he reached the appropriate age, Ander joined the militia of the Principality as a fighter.  It was not meant to be, though.  He was injured during training at one of the royal training grounds and sent home.  This did not stop him in his desire to join in the defense of the Principality and Kingdom, though.


Ander spent the next few years training his body to perfection.  It was slow at first, but that constant training toned his muscles and steeled his resolve.  After a while, the head of the training guild brought the young man on to assist others when he was not working himself.  Within four years, Ander was prepared to try the military again.


Rather than becoming a fighter, Ander went a different route.  He instead became a quartermaster; one in charge of supplying the forces.  It was the decision of a mature man, rather than the rash run toward the glory of the sword that youths were known for.  He passed the training without as much as a single negative mark on his sheet.


Within the year of exiting the Royal Training Academy, the kingdom was attacked.  The King rallied the forces of the Principalities and the Kingdom's allies to fight the new threat.  That ultimately lead Ander and the company of scouts and artillerist mages to which he was assigned far across the planet to the great Caliphate.


While traveling to the Kingdom's prime camp in the Caliphate, the caravan that Ander was part of came under a surprise attack.  The supply cart that he was in was hit by a fireball trap.  Though seriously injured, Ander was able to drag the carts driver out of harm's way, arm himself with a bow that survived the destruction of the cart, and attack the Caliphate orcs that had set up the ambush.


Ander was taken to the northern Kingdom within the great Empire where he was healed by the clerics.  Some of the damage required the implantation of a golemic plate within his knee.  From there, he was sent to a monastery within his Kingdom to recuperate.  Even with the damage that could not be healed, he continued for the remainder of his contract in the Principality.


It was through willpower alone that he sustained his physical conditioning.  After leaving the service of the King and Prince, he tried to keep that physical conditioning up.  Unfortunately, without the assistance of his fellow soldiers, he soon fell into bad habits and worse health.  All the while, he was tormented by the sights and sounds of the war.


It was not until recently that he found the willpower to pull himself from the inner demons hounding him.  Finding others who shared his love of fitness, he vowed to place himself upon the track of fitness.

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Dude, welcome.  Love the intro, love the energy, love meeting more amazing people who have served this country.  You've got the right motivation and drive to make things happen.

Now, quick: Which G.I. Joe movie was the best?  Bonus round: Which character kicked the most ass? (Heroes and Villains are both fair game)


With my mind screaming at me that it was a bad idea, I just organized my progress pictures and posted them in my gallery.  I’ve always had body image issues (even when I was at my peak), so this shows how important getting fit is to me.  It also shows how much I trust a group of strangers that I have never, to my knowledge, met.

I notice you added a beard between the start and now.  From someone who hasn't seen their face in 18 months: smart plan.  It is my firm belief that beards unlock our inner Samson.  Keep it up, and soon you'll be ripping stone temples apart with your bare hands! (or demolishing Fast Food joints with one punch..your choice)

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Dude, welcome.  Love the intro, love the energy, love meeting more amazing people who have served this country.  You've got the right motivation and drive to make things happen.

Now, quick: Which G.I. Joe movie was the best?  Bonus round: Which character kicked the most ass? (Heroes and Villains are both fair game)


I notice you added a beard between the start and now.  From someone who hasn't seen their face in 18 months: smart plan.  It is my firm belief that beards unlock our inner Samson.  Keep it up, and soon you'll be ripping stone temples apart with your bare hands! (or demolishing Fast Food joints with one punch..your choice)


G.I.Joe the movie (1987) was definitely the best.  Though, I like Bruce Willis' character in Retaliation and Ray Park is a kick-arse Snake Eyes.  My favorite character will always be General Hawk, though (cartoon/comic version).


Thank for the beard complement.  I'm doing it for two reasons. 1) I'm a veteran and need a beard.  2) It's for a costume I'm doing (Luke Skywalker from The Force Awakens).

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I have returned.

It’s been a while, I know.  I apologize for the necropost of my own thread, but I knew a bored necromancer and his price wasn’t that steep.  He was a family man, and I respected that.  I asked him how hard it was to raise a family in his profession and he said that it all depended on how close they were buried to one another.

Last year, I was forced to stop my fitness program because life decided to hit me.  By life, I mean a truck.  By me, I mean me in my car.  I spent three days in the hospital with whiplash and a concussion and then another three weeks on bed rest/climbing the walls with boredom (though, I got another character to level cap in Star Wars: The Old Republic).

The VA sent me to physical therapy to make sure that I was okay.  I had a wonderful physical therapist names Grand Inquisitor Torquemada.  Somehow, he found a way to therapy my replaced kneecap right off of the meniscus that it was connected to.  That resulted in another surgery and another month on my butt, and three more of physical therapy (this time with a much cuter and nicer inquisitor).  Also, I maxed out another character.

This all ended close to my birthday, in October, where I attempted to do the exercises I had previously.  Needless to say, I failed.  I didn’t just fail, I failed miserably.  This sunk me into a depression, which then turned into anxiety because of the holidays.  That all led me to the hospital in December with what I thought was a slow-build heart attack.  Thankfully, I think, it turned out to be just an anxiety attack, but it got my head space and timing back on track.

I did measurements in January to see my gains and losses since July.  They weren’t too bad, but still weren’t too good.  I gained 7 pounds, lost an inch off of my neck, gained half an inch off one bicep and a quarter off the other, gained three quarters of an inch on my chest, an inch and a half on my waist, three-quarters of an inch on my hips, a quarter of an inch on one thigh and a half an inch on the other, half an inch on one calf and a quarter of an inch on the other.  In the end, I gained 3.3% to my BFI, meaning 12.4 pounds of fat.

So, now I’m back and I’m starting from square one.  Well, I’ve started at square one, since I’ve been doing my training program since January 1st.  Expect to see me around a great deal more.

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ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good


FLAWS: I obey the law, even if the law causes misery.


I know this post is a year old and I'm focusing on the wrong thing, but dude! That's Lawful Neutral as heck!


Anyway, welcome back!

River Witch, Scout


Current quest: Weigh 225 pounds by end of summer 2017 (SO CLOSE!)

Epic quest: Run the whole time in a charity 5k by 02 Feb 2018 (working on it)


Daily Log, MyFitnessPal

Current Challenge, Previous Challenge

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On 3/23/2017 at 7:51 AM, TheJaysFlight said:


I know this post is a year old and I'm focusing on the wrong thing, but dude! That's Lawful Neutral as heck!


Anyway, welcome back!

I blame the character creator I was using.  I'm actually working on a bit of an updated character sheet that I'll be showing in the near future.

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On 3/30/2017 at 9:44 AM, CamoMeatball said:

Hey there, fellow Soldier! I'm new here, but glad to see other service members here as well. 

What branch?  I was a Supply Sergeant in the Army National Guard.  I wasn't the one weekend a month soldier, but part of the Army's little secret... I was full-time like a normal soldier.

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4 hours ago, CamoMeatball said:

AGR? I'm currently a 25A (Signal officer), but I lead a 20 man OC/T team specializing in combat arms/combat support units. I'm a Reservist.

Yup.  The National Guard's little secret.  I was a 92-Yankme.  The most I lead was a team of three minions under me in my supply room.  I was in the HHC of a BSB (Brigade Support Battalion).

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