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Atrytone Takes A Single Step

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(Title from the proverb "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step").


So for a lack of anywhere else to put it I've been posting day to day stuff in my challenge threads. While they're my threads and I can technically do whatever I like with them I always feel a little bad bogging them down with whatever happens to be going through my head at the time. Hence, Battle Log. It probably won't be something I post to daily (although you never know).


I won't just be posting about fitness or dietary stuff. Chances are eventually I'll post life and mental health stuff as well. So if you're not here for that it's totally fine. I feel like in a lot of ways this thread is going to end up being something of a life journal. So we have that to look forward to.


Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you decide to follow along: Welcome.

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I have used my own Battlelog in a similar way. Sometimes I will post to one and not the other, or both. Sometimes it gets tricky, or you copy and paste from one to the other. But it is worth persisting with both.

I will follow you here, my friend.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

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Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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You were definitely an inspiration for this. I'm sure there will be some overlap but I think this log will focus more on non-challenge related exercise and my challenge threads will focus more on the challenge at hand. Theoretically at least.


Thank you. I can't put into words how happy this makes me.

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So, since my form was starting to go to shit last time I was doing squats I'm going to mix things up a little. I'm going to go back to just the bar and switch from doing 4x8 to doing 3x12. Then I'll work my way up again. I might add some core and/or back exercises to my routine as well since weakness in those areas might be part of my issue.

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I do talk more personal stuff in my log than in my challenges. I am happy to have inspired you, in so several ways it would seem. Just a reminder that we touch people just by having a go, even if we struggle. That means a great deal, as you are probably finding as you inspire others.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

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Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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Yeah, I'm really thankful to have met you. I was a little nervous joining in the first place but you and everyone else have been so supportive.


It's actually funny that you mention that because just yesterday a friend of mine was telling me that she and another friend of mine look up to me because of everything I'm doing (not just fitness but also life stuff). It's nice to hear. It does make me wonder how many people we effect everyday though and are just unaware of it? I know I've been impacted by people I've seen once and never even learned their names. It's a very strange world with us all floating around in our little bubbles, bumping into others. Sometimes we never meet or we bounce off and float away but other times things just work and all the bubbles cluster. That's obviously a simple, silly way of looking at it but I really feel like that's the way it works sometimes.

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It is as good as any other analogy.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

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Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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I didn't get to the gym today or Tuesday. There was a lot of school work due this week so that's part of the reason. I did some body weight exercise yesterday though, and went for a walk, and tomorrow I'm going climbing so I feel like that will cover my physical activity for the week. Once school is over I'll no longer have free gym access so I'll be looking into more body weight routines and daily walks probably. I have to make sure I don't let this little stall completely block my future progress.


I also remembered to buy peanuts yesterday (I'd prefer almonds but money) so hopefully my chip cravings will go down. Apparently a normal stress/anxiety craving is salt which I can anecdotally confirm as it seems to be my go to when things get intense.

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You will get things back on track. Bodyweight stuff can be fun. You can do an intense routine which will test strength and cardio, or you can break it up into small chunks throughout a busy day. Pushups whilst waiting for the kettle to boil, for example. As a circuit you can push yourself to the limits of your endurance quite easily. Then there are so many variations of the same basic exercise that you could be building great levels of fitness without ever doing anything else. Yeah I am a fan of bodyweight exercises, I have had my best successes from them.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

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Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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Started writing a (mostly) joke cook book for some friends of mine. It started because they had some chicken in the freezer and they asked me how to defrost it. I was shocked at first but I think it may say more about the oddity of my upbringing than theirs. I was surrounded by good cooks and bakers as a child (I still am) and began watching the process long before I understood it. My dad started teaching me bits and pieces as soon as I was old enough to focus for more than a couple minutes. I'm blessed to be surrounded by people who love food, love cooking, and love sharing their knowledge. It seems less common now with the advent of pre-packaged everything. The instructions printed out on a box in three-steps or less. Plus with the current capitalist system and minimum wages that haven't kept up with the rising cost of everything a family can't usually be supported by one person alone. People work odd hours and are tired. The cheap (affordable) food requires minimal cooking. I think another clincher is that most people I know don't love food the way my family does. It's a means to an end. They eat because they have to and that's all (actually my mom is this way too). The result appears to be that most people my age barely cook. Whether that's from a lack of skills or a lack of desire I'm not sure.


Anyway I'm writing this book (more of a how-to guide) now and I hope that they find it informative, easy to read, and enjoyable. It's going to be a long time before it's done but until then I'm happy to answer any questions they have.

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I'm applying for a good job that I don't have all the qualifications for. It would be awesome to get but I'm going to try not getting my hopes up. Even though I know I'd be good at it with a little training there's no guarantee they're going to be willing to take the time and money to train me in everything. It's very frustrating that a BA isn't really enough to get a decent job these days. I'm more likely to GET a job but it's probably going to be the same crap I've been doing since I was 16.

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So something climbing taught me the other day was that my muscular endurance is shit. So I'll be switching to a 3x12 schedule for probably the remaining time I have free gym access (about a month or so left). I'm a little sad that I won't be straight up increasing my strength but endurance is really important too. Since my friend really wants to take the belay course with me I guess I'll probably have more climbing in my future. I need to remember that strength isn't the only part of functional strength. I need to be able to keep up the pace over the long haul.

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On 3/16/2016 at 9:45 AM, Atrytone said:

(Title from the proverb "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step").


So for a lack of anywhere else to put it I've been posting day to day stuff in my challenge threads. While they're my threads and I can technically do whatever I like with them I always feel a little bad bogging them down with whatever happens to be going through my head at the time. Hence, Battle Log. It probably won't be something I post to daily (although you never know).


I won't just be posting about fitness or dietary stuff. Chances are eventually I'll post life and mental health stuff as well. So if you're not here for that it's totally fine. I feel like in a lot of ways this thread is going to end up being something of a life journal. So we have that to look forward to.


Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you decide to follow along: Welcome.


I have only recently joined the site and this is exactly what I plan on using this for as well.   I have not written much but I plan on TRYING to write a little something every day. Even from my first post I realized that it will not be just for my workouts... it will become more than that to me.  Glad to see that people in the community are friendly and helpful. 


Just like you, I don't plan on really having any followers, just something for myself but if anyone does want to follow they are more than welcome.  ( just be prepared for some random thoughts and a very spastic read!)  I am NOT a very good writer! haha.


Anyway, I was trying to see how others were doing their "battle logs"  and came across yours. I am glad I did, because now I feel like I am not the only one who will use this for other things.


Good luck in your journey! I can see *single steps have been taken* ... I look forward to reading about your accomplishments.  *following along*,  if you do not mind.

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  My character:  My Character

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Actually Atrytone hates us stalkers. We encourage her, motivate her, inspire her to further self-improvement. Thanks to our support Atrytone managed to reframe her fears and take up rock climbing, and now she has to change her whole exercise regime so she can improve her endurance for some fancy belaying course. Did you know Sevasan, such things were not even on Atrytone's radar until she got stalked by us on the NF forums?

Welcome to the rebellion Sevasan, where you will be told you are awesome by people you think are amazing, where badasses are inspired by your efforts and push themselves harder to keep up with you.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

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Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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Yes, Thom is completely correct. Support and suggestions are the worst. :P 


(The people are pretty awesome though so I guess I'll learn to tolerate it).


Joking aside this is a fantastic community and a great place to be accountable to if that's what you need (I do). There are people just starting out and people who have been here for a long time and everyone is very supportive. Sometimes it's kind words and sometimes it's suggestions on how to improve your challenges, form, or program. 


Sevasan, sorry my earlier reply was so short. I had to get to class so I took a bit of a shortcut. One of the things that has been told to me repeatedly by the awesome people on this site is that your thread means your choice. I personally felt like I was clogging my challenge threads with too much non-challenge related stuff so I decided to create my battle log. I was under no requirement to do so. I'm approaching this log more freely because so many factors contribute to us becoming our best selves. Personally I struggle with a lot of anxiety and that is every bit as much a part of my personal journey as is my squat goal and my current stepping away from bread and bread-related products. I can't tackle just one aspect of my health (physical and/or mental) and call it a day. In the end I'd be better than I was before but I'd be uneven. By setting small goals for each aspect of my health I will end up making lasting changes which is what I want. 


TL;DR - you do you and you'll find support here. While the focus may be on physical health/fitness/wellness there is certainly a place for mental well being as well (I think that's the main creed of the Druids but I may be mistaken). 


I'm glad you found my battle log as well and that it apparently spoke to something in you. Welcome to NF. I hope it becomes as much a home for you as it has for me.

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Awesome Thom! I did not yet realize how much of an impact this community has made to opening up and trying new experiences to someone who has not done it before!  (I think I read that right?)  feel free to correct me if I am mistaken.  Haha  I am still trying to figure this site out and make my way around the wealth of knowledge I am finding here.  I learn something new every day!


Atrytone,  I agree… support is absolutely the worst!  Haha! j/k


And no need to worry about a short reply, I am actually writing this on my short break at work so I completely understand. Also, I do agree that mental health is just as important (if not more important  sometimes) as physical health. When I was younger I had horrible self -esteem and was bullied as a child.  (kids can be so mean!)  and still suffer slightly till this day. 


Small goals are the way to go!  And yes I guess you could say that your posts have “spoke to me”  since I seem to have thought along the same lines. I wish you luck with the bread products!  I know I will have a hard time with Pasta and pizza  ( both are sooo gooood!!!!)  haha but if I have people like you and Thom supporting each other, I am sure I can make those small changes myself!


Break time over..  back to work! 

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  My character:  My Character

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9 hours ago, Sevasan said:

Awesome Thom! I did not yet realize how much of an impact this community has made to opening up and trying new experiences to someone who has not done it before!  (I think I read that right?)  feel free to correct me if I am mistaken. 

Actually I think I can answer this one. I hadn't given much thought to trying rock climbing (although I have done it before on like middle school trips or whatever) because I am terrified of heights. It was something that came up for the Ranger mini-challenge and so I challenged myself. I got lucky and had a friend who was interested in taking a belay course and asked if I'd like to attend it with her. So I invited her to go climbing with me the other day and now apparently it's a ThingTM. A number of my "stalkers", to borrow Thom's word, also suggested I try hiking after I had a disastrous challenge involving running (which I just can't bring myself to love). Hiking on the other hand is significantly more enjoyable. I hadn't ever particularly considered doing it although I have enjoyed walking in the past so it wasn't much of a stretch really. At least not yet.



Also, I do agree that mental health is just as important (if not more important  sometimes) as physical health. When I was younger I had horrible self -esteem and was bullied as a child.  (kids can be so mean!)  and still suffer slightly till this day. 

Agreed. I think being bullied as a child relates at least in part to my current social anxiety (no obvious reasons for my multitude of other fears unless you want to get into a discussion of evolutionary psychology). I can fake confidence and comfort in social situations most of the time now but it's little more than a thin veneer over a bubbling mess of anxiety. It's really something I should probably work on eventually.



Small goals are the way to go! I wish you luck with the bread products!  I know I will have a hard time with Pasta and pizza  ( both are sooo gooood!!!!)  haha but if I have people like you and Thom supporting each other, I am sure I can make those small changes myself!

I almost completely cut out bread itself with no issue. Pizza is an ongoing war with me, but only because my parents order it for dinner approximately once a week. I'd be content having it only once in a while myself. We're not even going to discuss pasta. :P I'm a little more worried about baked goods anyway. Muffins, scones, cookies, etc. They are all very tasty and I love them.


Support goes a long way though. And that goes for when you "fail" more than when you succeed. "Fail" is in quotations because you never really fail unless you completely give up; what I'm meaning here is more the perception of failure. It's nice having people support you through the times you feel really down on yourself. Motivation is easy when you're succeeding but it's hard when you feel like you've messed everything up. Sometimes you just need a little nudge of positivity to get back on track though.

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Or a swift kick in the rear if need be.

Woden uses ravens, I use an iphone.

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Where to find me: Current Challenge : Battle Log Facebook : Instagram :

"Each day, just focus on getting 1% better in whatever it is you're trying to improve. That's it. Just 1%." ArtofManliness Article.

"That which is wise and holy helps the health and wholeness of the chain of generations." D. R. Miller. 

"We do not rise to our expectations. We fall to our level of training." Archilochus

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Today started out pretty awful. I didn't sleep well, and then had an argument with my mom this morning. This afternoon I went to pay for my Regalia (cap, gown, etc) rental which turned out to be around $84 instead of the $50 I was expecting. It's partly because I misunderstood the form and partly because they didn't really make it clear. I can get the $50 back after I return the gown but it really threw me. I had a complete breakdown and started sobbing after I paid because this exacerbated my money stress as well as debt and job-related concerns. Luckily I was with a friend who was kind enough to wait the tears out and reassure me that I was not a failure at everything (the things that come up when I stress-cry never cease to amaze me). Then, a little while after this, I went to the restroom and leaned against the counter when I washed my hands. I hadn't noticed there was water everywhere and it soaked not only part of my shirt but my pants as well. I was equally frustrated and embarrassed.


My Political Science class was cancelled today though, it's the reason I had to stop kickboxing. I decided to try and do a drop-in since I had the time free. I almost didn't go because I was super upset and tired by this time but I decided I'd probably kick myself for not going later. So I went and it was every bit as wonderful as I remembered. It improved my mood immensely and I'm very glad I went. (Although I also went to the gym this morning so I might not feel so peachy tomorrow).


I'm still tired and sore and a little bummed but overall my mood has improved drastically.

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Planning my next challenge and the pool of exercises I'm going to be picking from includes a lot of yoga. Like, more than I anticipated. I'm up for it but I'm a little surprised.

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Damn DOMS!   I think we have all been there with "over-doing it" at some point.


On 3/24/2016 at 7:38 PM, Atrytone said:

Support goes a long way though. And that goes for when you "fail" more than when you succeed. "Fail" is in quotations because you never really fail unless you completely give up; what I'm meaning here is more the perception of failure. It's nice having people support you through the times you feel really down on yourself. Motivation is easy when you're succeeding but it's hard when you feel like you've messed everything up. Sometimes you just need a little nudge of positivity to get back on track though.


Yes Support does help a lot.   sorry for the late response.  Got back from vacation and if you have ever heard the phrase “ I need a vacation from my vacation..” it certainly rings true today...


 I am glad you went to the kickboxing class!  Sounds like fun and seems to have helped how you were feeling. *Big thumbs up!*. It is a good thing to make yourself go exercise.  Even if it feels like it will be the worst thing ever! I hope you can go more often as it seems to be something you really enjoy!




Sooo… forgive me for asking, and if it is none of my business then feel free to say so (I won’t be offended), but why did you have to eat a candy bar for your mom? I am not judging by any means but if you are trying to be healthier then why would she have you do something totally opposite of your goal?


Of course I cant say much,  I ate terrible the first two days on vacation and felt so bad about it, I tried to make better choices the next two days.  :beaten:


Also I realize this is kinda your daily journal, blog, notes, log…. Haha and I don’t know if you mind other people posting in it.  I don’t want to intrude if it is not something you pictured people doing.  

  My character:  My Character

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Nah it's cool.


I've been arguing with my mom a lot lately and this was just another one of those things. She bought me a couple chocolate bars for Easter so I grabbed my calculator to figure out how many calories per square there was. She got kinda pissed and told me I was being rude and that she feels like she shouldn't have bothered buying it for me. I tried explaining that I was still going to eat it but I was just trying to keep track of what I put in my body. I left because I was upset and she shouted after me that she didn't want us to argue because the last time we did it messed up her whole day. I told her I wasn't arguing I was just sad. When she left for work I ate one bar and hid the other so she wouldn't feel bad. I'm slowly finishing the second bar, at my own pace. But now she doesn't have to worry about it. I know our arguments will stop (or at least decrease) when I move out. If it weren't for school being expensive as shit I probably wouldn't have moved back in the first place. 


Hope you had fun on your vacation.

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