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Overheard in the gym - Share!

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your cat sucks... get a lion

I use my cat as an actual weight -- 20lbs deadlift and 20lbs single-side military press. XD

there is never a sudden revelation, a complete and tidy explanation for why it happened, or why it ends, or Why or Who you are. you want one and I want one, but there isn't one. it comes in bits and pieces, and you stitch them together wherever they fit, and when you are done you hold yourself up, and still there are holes and you are a rag doll, invented, imperfect. and yet you are all that you have, so you must be Enough. there is no other way.

Marya Hornbacher, Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

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says The Mouse... (there's been far too much funny on this forum recently... i thought we were serious peeps)

I am a Mouse that will lift that lion over her head. *GRAWWWWR!!!!!*



teeny mouse roar!




Also... Full-grown men under the bed?

I think that might be... uh... uhh... interesting? Bad, depending on their state... Or creepy? Criminal in many more than two ways?

Dwarf Monk

Level 5

STR 11 | STA 9 | DEX 5 | CON 11 | WIS 9 | CHA 5

ceterum censeo infirmitas esse delendam





I ; II; III; IV ; V

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Maybe I'm just annoyed today but...


I was trying to do deadlifts but the normal rack I use was taken by a guy, no lie, hanging upside down doing ab stuff. I saw him later doing pull ups and stuff too. But... in the rack? Ok whatever. So I went over to another rack right as a guy was walking up to it and it looked like it was already set up. No dice there. The third and final rack was taken up by a dude who had moved a bench under the rack. Maybe he was doing bench presses, didn't have a spotter, so he was using the rack to catch the bar. Ok so... I'll do squats. I go over to free weights and there's this couple that's all up in my way. The male part of the couple was a dude-bro, gym-bro, whatever you want to call him. The girl part was one of those girls who like wears makeup to the gym. Anyway, they were all over each other, getting really close to each others faces with that lovey-dovey look. At first I was like, "aww that's cute" But after the 5th time of them being in my way and oblivious to me, as well as putting weights back in the wrong places, I was done. Get a room and go make out there, not by the free weights!!!

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Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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It must be drug week: I had a new group of skinny boys in tanktops discussing the epic gainz they'd get when they got some steroids "like the ones Ben Johnson was using" (and he mimed huge canteloupe delts as he said it).


If I wasn't doing a pressdown death set (damn you, Brandon Lilly) I'd have paused to laugh.


Huge canteloupe delts look a lot like a shoulder-Cthulhu.   :)

lols, shoulder-Cthulhu. Ew.


perk of working at the gym- when they do that shit I fucking move it.


I hate when they put shit in my training area.  Fuck off- I know you want to get people to sign up but when you have to fight your table just to do a god damn burpee- it's a none starter.


yeah- I move that shit like it's my job.  

Exactly! We only have one gym employee left like you.  When he leaves.. lord knows.


i think the guys walking around wearing tight pants are douches... then i realize i'm wearing spandex... :(


i think laura stopped by my gym once, didn't recognize me and muttered... there's "small package delivery guy"... :upset:


O.O >.< :P

"I'm just going to remember to not eat like an asshole most of the time" - MoC

three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: one must squat.- Brobert Frost
 Half-Elf Warrior | Current Challenge
 New Battle Log | Old Battle Log
Special thanks to AkLulu for drawing my awesome avatar!

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Maybe I'm just annoyed today but...


I was trying to do deadlifts but the normal rack I use was taken by a guy, no lie, hanging upside down doing ab stuff. I saw him later doing pull ups and stuff too. But... in the rack? Ok whatever. So I went over to another rack right as a guy was walking up to it and it looked like it was already set up. No dice there. The third and final rack was taken up by a dude who had moved a bench under the rack. Maybe he was doing bench presses, didn't have a spotter, so he was using the rack to catch the bar. Ok so... I'll do squats. I go over to free weights and there's this couple that's all up in my way. The male part of the couple was a dude-bro, gym-bro, whatever you want to call him. The girl part was one of those girls who like wears makeup to the gym. Anyway, they were all over each other, getting really close to each others faces with that lovey-dovey look. At first I was like, "aww that's cute" But after the 5th time of them being in my way and oblivious to me, as well as putting weights back in the wrong places, I was done. Get a room and go make out there, not by the free weights!!!


Ok let me clarify  - I have no problem with any of the dudes in the racks, it just sucked that they were ALL there are the same time!!


And I don't care if you're a girl who wears makeup at the gym, but if you aren't really working out and just kind of hanging around your man while he works out, and you're in my way, that annoys me.

Amazon Warrior

29, F, 5'11 ft, 159lbs

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5


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Went to the gym early this am figuring I would avoid the curlbros that like to hang out at the gym and chest thump after work (5:30-6pm). Got to the gym at 6:15am and there were 4 or 5 Gym bros all workin out together each takin a turn on the squat rack then eatch takin a turn on the bench then each doing a set of pull ups. It reminded me of those 90s sitcoms where the ehad cheerleader would do something then all of her little minions would repeat it. So instead of being able to use the squat rack for my squats/barbell rows/deadlifts/inverted rows I had to jump between 2-3 areas to get it in. (btw the time it took me to do all 4 of my exercises each at 3 sets then had finished w/just squats.) then When I was doing my ab stuff (leg climbs/mason twist/ burpees/in&out) all I could hear Over my music which was loud was them talking about which girls ass looked better in yoga pants. Being male I put in my two cents (in my head) and my two cents were 'Dude all of those chicks be FUGLY!!!! and I know two of your wives who are hot. why the hell you lookin at these Gymbos (Gym Bimbos)?' I really can't wait till I can have a home gym

Level 0 Human, Monk

Lose 75 lbs

Startin Fresh

"Nothing is ever easy." Zeddicus Zull Zorander

"Do or Do Not, There is no try" Yoda

"Weak people face life obstacles with an excuse in their hand, strong peple carry a hammer."

Estemated 1RM

Bench: 195lbs

Squat: 245lbs

Deadlift: 295lbs

Total weight: 735lbs

Goal Weight 1000lbs



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So is it kinda like.... this:



(i totally didn't read all 38 pages of this thread to see if that was posted already haha)

interwebz right there... and he needs to work on his form, those squats where hella shallow and wth was going on with those front raises?

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not so much overheard and not even at the gym, this was a strongman competition on a field across from a gym! alas i only got to see 2 events and the truck pull was an unmitigated disaster lol, apparently 2-3 weeks before the event they'd done a test run and everyone pulled the truck fine, unfortunately they'd done it on a piece of grass on the field that was very firm and full of grass, this grass was right by the entrance so couldn't be used for the competition so instead it was done on some really sandy ground that you couldn't get purchase on and the truck just sunk straight in... poor lads :D

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Armpit fat?...


Dear god, I must work that into my routine. My armpits are terribly obese. 





Kinda overheard in the gym - more so in the locker room. These girls were talking about bras, and one was going on about how she was wearing a push-up bra today, asking if it made her look "big". I figured, hey, that's awesome. They must be getting ready for the rest of their evening and just finished at the gym - they were great at encouraging each other for how much they'd slimmed down. 


And then later I saw them walk into the gym and hop on the treadmill.


I mean, sports bra? Yes, good. But push-up bra? The only thing I can see that thing doing when you're on the treadmill is making it really friggin' hurt to do anything other than amble. And the gym we were in doesn't have any guys who oogle - they're all fully focused on their own thing. Clearly, the gals made the wrong gym call to be wearing push-up bras at.

Dwarf Monk

Level 5

STR 11 | STA 9 | DEX 5 | CON 11 | WIS 9 | CHA 5

ceterum censeo infirmitas esse delendam





I ; II; III; IV ; V

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I used to go to the gym earlier, which was on the medical part of the university campus - so only students of medicine, dentistry, nursing and physiotherapy... It was hilarious seeing 200 lbs muscled-up guys sitting there with huge weights and anatomy atlas:

Checking the page - saying the muscle's name - then lifting the 40 lbs dumbbell so that the one muscle would work, did some reps until they memorized where the muscle is and what does it do... then moved on to the next muscle. :D

A Hobbit who wants to become an Elf - Scout - Level 3
STR: 2,75 | DEX: 4 | CON: 5,5 | STA: 2,5 | WIS: 3 | CHA: 2,75
The journey of Tinessael 1

The journey of Tinessael 2

Tinessael's Challenge (ongoing)

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That's how I learned muscular and skeletal anatomy/physiology too (not in a gym, but by moving the part while repeating the name and the function). It's like a grown-up version of the "head shoulders knees and toes" dance. The funniest part is during tests when you keep seeing people trying to surreptitiously move body parts while trying to answer questions.

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That's how I learned muscular and skeletal anatomy/physiology too (not in a gym, but by moving the part while repeating the name and the function). It's like a grown-up version of the "head shoulders knees and toes" dance. The funniest part is during tests when you keep seeing people trying to surreptitiously move body parts while trying to answer questions.

The funniest thing was during the medical state exams where question nr 79 or something was about neck muscles. 

And you sit in a huge hall with 200 other people. I first saw people sitting before me sort of stretching and massaging their necks - and I thought what the heck? And then I saw the question and did it too. And soon there were like 100 people all stretching their necks. XD

A Hobbit who wants to become an Elf - Scout - Level 3
STR: 2,75 | DEX: 4 | CON: 5,5 | STA: 2,5 | WIS: 3 | CHA: 2,75
The journey of Tinessael 1

The journey of Tinessael 2

Tinessael's Challenge (ongoing)

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Awesome thread. I got a few! :D


Guys on the bench press: "Can you spot me bro?" "Alright... it's all you bro, it's all you!" "ALL ME!"


How to lose body fat: "Didn't you know cranberry juice is good for burning fat? It causes your fat cells to release into energy."


The key to squatting: "You don't need to do a full squat. All you need to do is go down a little bit and flex your legs."


Bench press pro: "You're supposed to bounce the bar off your chest." "But the poster on the wall says not to?" "Just do it bro."


That one guy - we've all seen one: <Guy prepares to dead lift 240kg, little guy snarks to his mate> "He won't get it." <Guy dead lifts 240kg, 3 reps, little guy walks away>


"Gear" bro: "You got any gear bro?" "How much you need?" "Only ten mil's." - we all know what "gear" means, why do they give it a code word?

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We had a new, eager to help trainer at our gym today, and by the end of the day I wanted to kill him.


I'm on Stronglifts so the first thing I did was squats. After my second set, he approached and introduced himself, and told me my form was wrong. He told me I should never let my knees go past my toes AND I should point my feet straight forward. O_o He then watched me on the rest of my sets. I didn't want to hear from him anymore so I just followed his advice.


I also did barbell rows (Pendlay rows where the back goes parallel, actually), and he stopped me IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SET, telling me I was going to destroy my back. He then forced me to do the "conventional" rows where I'm almost upright, and watched me AGAIN. He then slipped in that I had bad back flexibility. 


I wish I weren't as nice as I am so I could tell him to get off my back and let me train. >_> I ended the day with pain in my lower back. I had never gotten lower back pain in my 2 months of Stronglifts. I hate that guy so much. /endrant

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complain to the manager of the trainers. That's unacceptable- that being said- he might not be an actual trainer- he might be one of the training sales guys- their job is to point out mistakes and try to reel you into actual training for  you know... $$ reasons! 


ultimately unless they are getting paid- they shouldn't be just randomly offering advice- pretty much they should give advice when asked for it.   but you didn't sign a waiver for training- if you have are now having physical issues (slight though they may be) then you have grounds to complain- if not take that further.


yes well intentioned- but ultimately you can't just be going around fucking up peoples work outs.

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complain to the manager of the trainers. That's unacceptable- that being said- he might not be an actual trainer- he might be one of the training sales guys- their job is to point out mistakes and try to reel you into actual training for  you know... $$ reasons! 


ultimately unless they are getting paid- they shouldn't be just randomly offering advice- pretty much they should give advice when asked for it.   but you didn't sign a waiver for training- if you have are now having physical issues (slight though they may be) then you have grounds to complain- if not take that further.


yes well intentioned- but ultimately you can't just be going around fucking up peoples work outs.


Yeah I actually plan on doing that when I go back to the gym. I think it was because I'm skinny-fat right now. I didn't see him trying to correct all of the meatheads not squatting parallel and swinging their shoulders doing bicep curls. >_>

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