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The ARGH Thread

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so true.

So this past week....

1) one of my closest and oldest friends died.

2) Lost my lady.

3) Got wind that the company I work for may be closing shop soon.

in one week. yeah. here are the positives though (in order of their arrrggh introduction)

1) he is no longer suffering from cancer and I'm happy to see he can move on. it was a nice service even though we will miss him dearly.

2) I know without a doubt I did all that was possible. Some people just can't make a balance between their work and a relationship. Some people are takers and not givers.

3) More fire for me to start up personal training and to get my writing going.

That's great perspective... the good and the bad.

My company just laid off a bunch, with the rumor of more to come. I'm trying to look at the possibility as an opportunity and a challenge, but somehow it's not quite getting there. Still, reading your post is helping a bit. Thanks for sharing.

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Guest Snake McClain
That's some rough shit Snake, I hope you pull through okay. I know I almost never comment but your posts around these parts are pretty damn inspiring for me.

thanks savage! I don't know what I've done that is inspiring but I appreciate that a lot. Honestly i had a good face to face with myself in the mirror this morning about it (details in men's thread). Just had to look at myself and decide that i am no different as a person because of this crap that went on.

That's great perspective... the good and the bad.

My company just laid off a bunch, with the rumor of more to come. I'm trying to look at the possibility as an opportunity and a challenge, but somehow it's not quite getting there. Still, reading your post is helping a bit. Thanks for sharing.

I think it's important to know we can be frustrated but we can't give up. there is a positive. so i just threw that in there.

I haven't seen you here in a while Book. i thought you'd left! glad i was mistaken.

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Of course the weekend when I had all sorts of epic plans, including testing out my squat 1RM, would be the weekend I come down with some sort of bug.

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Level 3 Elf Warrior

STR 9.5|DEX 6|STA 9|CON 7|WIS 8.5|CHA 2

Challenge thread


"There is never an absolute answer to everything, except of course that you have to do your squats." - Mark Rippetoe


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Of course the weekend when I had all sorts of epic plans, including testing out my squat 1RM, would be the weekend I come down with some sort of bug.

Ohhh, I feel your pain here. I had to miss a wedding that I had been looking forward to for months because I came down with the worst sinus infection I'd had in years. My DH was the best man, so he couldn't exactly cancel. He had to leave me at home by myself and take the long trip to Tennessee. That was not a fun weekend.

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For the last two weeks I've had fevers, chills, headaches, bodyaches and a bad cough and have only been to the gym for three Crossfit workouts. Today was the third one and I DNFEd on the WOD. Although I had been sick(enough for me to miss all of last week from work) I was a bit embarrassed and crappy. Makes me want to go to the gym tomorrow and redo the WOD.I And to top it off I think I was wrongly diagnosed on Wednesday with sinusitis. Aaarghh!


"Yeah, I got this!" -andygates

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I'm part of a small weightloss/fitness group on FB through another forum - mostly great, except for one girl, who asked "what's the best exercise to do to combat muscly legs? To lose weight from there without bulking up?"

I wanted to say love your muscly legs, girl! but I know she's the sort who just wants to be skinny, not fit or strong. GAh!

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I think I failed my "stay injury-free" objective for this year. Last night I managed to stub my toe, HARD, and I think it's broken(it's swollen, bruised, and not fun to walk on this morning). Hooray for clumsiness. ARGH.

(Bad news is I probably won't be running for a few weeks. Good news is I can still squat/deadlift)

"Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man-and I will show you a failure." -Thomas Edison

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Earlier this week, I happened to hit the grocery store on the first workday after the first. The biggest thing I wanted was eggs, but all the cheap ones were down to the slimy "one is broken, but you could replace it with a good egg" packages, so I only got six. Went to another store the next Saturday afternoon and there was a line to get carts, and I couldn't find where the dishwasher detergent was, and the crowds were so bad that I didn't want to deal with frozen veggies, and I barely managed to find hubby's tortilla shells while overhearing someone complain about how food stamps were supposed to be spread out so the food rushes don't happen. And I managed to notice that I can indeed get Mrs. T's Pierogies locally, just as I'm going into an experimental diet.

I have conditions that affect my social awareness.  If I am rude, tell me what I could do better.

5'8" & 220 260 pounds | Miles Walked: X

2019: | 1 | 2 | 3 |

Pre 2017: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | * | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |

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ARGH,,,,why does it seem like when things go bad they all go bad at once.

-I am having bad side effects for my eye surgury in May (not blinding but everything is burry)

-My house isn't selling

-My performance report that should have closed out in August is still going through the damn wickets this time over four f-ing days of supervison. Really is four days going to affact me in the long run. No not have a report of file will. sign the damn thing and leave me alone. I did my part the rest of the problems are now your fault.

-My beater of a car is failing more and more. While my new one is going to be in country until November.

-plus add a dvorce on top of that. So far our seperation has been civil (no kids) but I am about to file the paperwork so he may start something or refuse to sign.

The only thing I am not worried about that used to bother me is my finances.

I need to learn how to live single again. I haven't figured out a good routine and I want to get out and do things but I haven't gotten the timing down and there really isn't anyone in my age group and rank that I can go and hang with. The one guy I am gotten to well know lives 40 minutes away because he wanted to live in a city.

I would just go and work out at the gym and socialize there but the gym on base sucks and there really isn't gyms around me.

I am getting tired of when things are looking bright everything breaks.

Try everything once. If it kills you don't do it again.Paleo- So Easy A Caveman Can Do It

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I know I've talked about my awful co worker before so you're probably all sick of hearing it.

I've spoken to my manager and her manager and they've told me that they'll do nothing, we have no HR department at all so I've no one else to complain to. My co worker's abuse is getting worse and worse. This morning I woke up and dreaded going to work so much that I just cried.

I got to the point where I actually thought "Maybe if I break something I can go to the hospital instead of work and get some time off". And then I realised that I was seriously considering massive self harm as an alternative to spending one more minute with my horrible co worker.

I've been applying for jobs and getting nowhere so my self esteem is plummeting and yesterday my manager chewed me out for not doing the aspects of my job that I share with this awful co worker because she tells everyone that I don't do my work and make her do it. Despite everything I've told her and how hard I work my manager believed her and criticise me right in front of her. My co worker spent the rest of the day happy as a clam that I'd been put in my place.

I'm at home sick today desperately job hunting because I can't face going in. I just can't go on.

I'm speaking to my CEO tomorrow and if that doesn't work then I'll just have to quit, although my husband will be furious if I do because we need the money and I won't have another job to go to. i'm so lost.

They/them please

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Ok im sorry when you dont fix any thing in the apartment you are renting out dont get mad when you have a high water bill. things have been leaking for 2 years now and they are mad at us.... plus the upstairs neighbors house has leaked twice on my appartment in the last 6 months and once in to the storage but it is my fault the water bill is sooooo high bull s***

lvl 1Half Orc Ranger

STR: 4 | DEX: 2 | CON: 4 | STA: 1 | WIS: 2 | CHA: 2


We are Rangers.

We walk in the dark places no others will enter.

We stand on the bridge, and no one may pass.

First Challenge


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ARGH! I'm going to Hulk-out in a second here! I'm sitting next to the noisest person in the world! Every goddamned movement is noisy, and he taps his feet and hands constantly, sucks his gums, just ARGH! SHUT THE F*&! UP PLEASE

I know this is a petty argh, but it's driving me nuts. Every day. Music does not drown him out. And it is giving me a massive headache, I have runout of pain killers from trying to deal with it.

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ARGH! I'm going to Hulk-out in a second here! I'm sitting next to the noisest person in the world! Every goddamned movement is noisy, and he taps his feet and hands constantly, sucks his gums, just ARGH! SHUT THE F*&! UP PLEASE

I know this is a petty argh, but it's driving me nuts. Every day. Music does not drown him out. And it is giving me a massive headache, I have runout of pain killers from trying to deal with it.

Oh god, I feel your pain. I HATE noisemakers! I sat next to a girl who chewed celery or gum all day, and I would sit there in a rage twitching the whole time. I don't even like eating with people because of the noise. People! Yuck!

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Since my last aargh thread and being diagnosed with sinusitis I went back to the clinic and although I no longer have the flu like symptoms I have a chronic cough. What was the nurse practitioners diagnosis this time? Chronic cough to which I should take allergy meds for like Claritin or zyrtec. This is why I don't go to doctors. I'm out $100 copay for both visits and I'm still coughing...apparently chronically. Aargh!!


"Yeah, I got this!" -andygates

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Today at the gym:

1. I realized as I was walking in the door that I haven't shaved my legs in like a week.

2. I realized in the locker room that I didn't have socks like I thought I did.

3. I didn't get there early enough so I hit the after-work rush and had to wait half an hour for a bench to free up.

4. I got a freaking shard of the True Cross under my contact halfway through my glute ham raise sets, which cost me ten minutes while I stood there blinking frantically, sniffling, and wiping away tears, my eye turned redder and redder, and people looked at me like I'd suddenly gone into an ebola crash right there on the weight floor.

At least I made all my lifts.

[table=width: 600]


Level 3 Elf Warrior

STR 9.5|DEX 6|STA 9|CON 7|WIS 8.5|CHA 2

Challenge thread


"There is never an absolute answer to everything, except of course that you have to do your squats." - Mark Rippetoe


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Man, by halfway through all that I was going to finish my damn workout or close the wall up with curlbro dead. But I was sort of proud of myself, given that I didn't want to go to the gym today to begin with, so thanks!

[table=width: 600]


Level 3 Elf Warrior

STR 9.5|DEX 6|STA 9|CON 7|WIS 8.5|CHA 2

Challenge thread


"There is never an absolute answer to everything, except of course that you have to do your squats." - Mark Rippetoe


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Eurydice - I have to say I almost snorted something out my nose at your "True Cross" comment.

Me, I managed to hurt....something....at dance class.

Bad enough that Mondays make me feel like an old geezer (I take class with the 8/9/10 girls), but tonight I just managed to pull something or strain something...augh. I was planning to hike tomorrow after work, but with my 2nd dance class of the week on Wednesday (this time with the grown-ups) I might need to take a day to let my stupid leg rest.

Stupid leg.


Level 1 Half-Elf Adventurer

Str: 1 ~ Dex: 3 ~ Sta: 2 ~ Con: 2 ~ Wis: 4 ~ Cha: 3

My first adventure!!

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