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I Am Infinite - The Experiment

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I'm hopeless at writing songs, and I struggle with tone, though I love playing and I'm good at sight reading and picking up new instruments. I could make it a goal to learn music theory so I can eventually write my own songs? 

I also love poetry/writing, and other forms of creative expression (especially drawings). I'm currently on a bit of a kick of designing potential tattoos, just to experiment with that kind of style. 

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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So, I'm definetily starting off life as a Bard, but I will want to multiclass into either Cleric or Paladin. It might be cleric with a splash of monk. But thats for future thought. The current question is which guild does a bard belong to? I'm thinking Ranger, due to the whole jack of all trades, and I like the outdoorsy aspects. I'm just not sure if I should start as an assassin due to the whole bards in cities thing. Argh, I honestly just want to do everything!

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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I have my Levelling system! 


I'm going to be adapting the stats version that I had planned on using (and will be using for the first challenge). Afterwards, I'll be awarding XP from challenges from my Epic Quest. Only if I hit 100% on the EQ AND with my 4WC will I be allowed to level. If I pass the 4WC but not the EQ, I will upgrade my stats but I won't actually level up. 


There will be a 1%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 25%, and 50% quests for each level. I can do any mash of those quests to gain enough XP. Quests from previous levels will move on, but with a lower amount of XP values to them. I'll do a post in a bit detailing how much previous quests are actually worth.


I'll also be doing a post correlating quests to levels. It will be an adaptation of my Epic Quest of Awesome, mixed with some future challenges I want to do, and some other quests and things on my to-do lists.

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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Lv 1 : 20%, 25%, 50%

Lv 2 : 5%,   10%, 20%, 25%, 50%

Lv 3 : 1%,   5%,   10%, 20%, 25%, 50%

Lv 4 : 1%,            5%,   10%, 20%, 25%, 50%

Lv 5 : 1%                       5%,  10%, 20%, 25%, 50%



These are going to be the way that the level correlate to each other. I think Ill make a little spreadsheet and then link it here to show my Epic Quest

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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Also, heres some fun info I discovered in an old journal of mine.



Waist: 103cm

Thigh: 67cm

Arm: 37cm (not sure how I want this to change, but it is currently very flabby. Perhaps the same, but with muscle instead of fat?)

Height: 167cm

Weight: 80kg


My weight has gone up by 10 kg, but my waist has gone down by 5cm. Intriguing.

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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My level 50 life :


I've slowly been listening to Steve's audio book. Yesterday on the bus home from school, he mentioned the Level 50 life. Since then, I've been thinking about it, trying to piece bits and bobs about my desires and dreams. One thing I've been struggling for a while is any form of direction for my life. I have no idea what I want to go into after uni, as I love so many options. Hopefully this will clear my head some.



I wake up as the sun is rising. Quickly, I get dressed, excited to face the day ahead. I step out of the door as the clouds are turning pink, and I begin my run of the small town I live in. I have a pleasant 30 min run, then stop in the middle of a park near my house - which overlooks a lake and is surrounded by mountains. I sit on a patch of grass and practice mindfullness until my heart rate is fully rested. I then begin a yoga routine for 15 minutes, as the sky slowly turns to a full blue. I then sketch or write for 30 min in the journal I brought along.


I then jog home, and work out in my backgarden, in a little play area I built for myself. This would mainly be bodyweight, focused on parkour and dynamic movement. Then, I have a shower and enjoy a tasty breakfast. I water my plants (I have a large open floor space, with lots of greenery and massive windows) and feed my pet. Next, I cycle into town and open up my bookshop for the day. I clear up the meeting room upstairs and make sure that I'm ready for the day.


Then the person who owns the coffee shop on the ground floor opens up. The smell of fresh baked goods and coffee smell wonderful. I am given an iced mocha and we flirt. We have been dating for a while and they are considering a camping trip together. We chat until one of the couchsurfers upstairs says goodbye and heads out the door. Then our respective workers come in. They double check the books and that everything is clean and ready to go. They will be running the bookshop during my extended holidays. I head to the computers in the corner and write the beginning of the next season of my podcast. The voice booth in the back was built by hand, and is being upgraded soon. All the music in the podcast is written by me, and some of the music and voice and art is also done by me. 


I spend the day selling books, receiving books and providing discounts, and working on my podcast. Sometimes people come in and recognise me as a best selling novelist. In the late afternoon, I host a book club/open mic night/poetry slam/... in the meeting room upstairs. I close around 10pm and cycle home, planning my next thru-hike.


Each of these locations has been thought out in great detail by me, but honestly, it feels like a long off dream. I'm going to revise this so this is Level 40. I'll be writing my Level 50 after lunch.

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they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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This is my Level 50 life :



I've just completed an OCR with my best time. I feel so strong and powerful. My hair is dyed colourfully, I'm streaked in sweat, my boobs are smaller and don't hurt, I can notice my shoulder-blades and hips, I feel confident and self-assured. At the finish line is a group of friends who have been cheering me on. They pass me water, and I kiss my spouse. Everyone laughs at us, but we walk hip by hip.

I head home to our cottage on the outskirts of a town. I spent five years building it as I wanted it. I have a shower (with amazing water pressure), make myself an iced mocha, then watch for a while at my spouse weeding the garden. I pluck some herbs and begin making a healthy and delicious meal.


The next day is a rest day, due to my fantastic achievement the day before. Still, I wake early and pad out of my shared king size to play with watercolours of the lake, the mountains, and the sunrise. The dog interrupts once I'm done, and we play with its toys for a while. My spouse wakes up, and we both get ready for work. They head out, then me. I head to my bookstore, a small place, with large windows at the front, and the smell of a second hand bookstore. The cafe is already open and smells heavenly. It's a quiet day, and I spend the times inbetween serving, writing for my novel or my podcast. 


I'm on the third season of the podcast. I write the script and music, and I do some of the voice and music and art for it. The rest is for freelancers across the globe to help build their portfolios. 


I'm hosting couchsurfers from across the globe upstairs, and as they slowly filter downstairs, I speak to them each in their native languages. I wish the ones leaving good luck, and we promise to stay in contact. I keep this promise. I work on the wiring of one of the free use computers, enabling extra security and changing the UI for kid-friendly interface, using my own coding abilities. 


We hold a poetry slam mid-afternoon, and its amazing to watch the students come in with such profound lyrics and have such fun. I try my hand at something more light-hearted and witty, and everyone laughs. My spouse is there and kisses me a well done. We close shop together, and then head to the gym. It's either martial arts/archery/silks/gymnastics/....  and its where we first met. 


We get home in time for dinner, and cook together, dancing to music as we wait for the food to cook. After we've eaten, we play a game, or read a book, or plan our next camping trip. There's a nice three day hike close by that we have't tried yet.  



It's really similar to my Level 40, but there's a touch more social interaction and calm with myself, that I'm really after. 

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they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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Lotzo managed to struggle her way out of the crowd and sprinted her way to the shadow ahead. She managed to keep it up for 10 minutes, when her calves began to cramp. But she was gaining on it! Then the shadow passed through a large open tent that had blocked the road. It was large and golden, with a stone chimney somehow built through the middle. People were streaming in and out of it, laughing, each with a greasy burger or chips clutched in their hands. The shadow slipped in through between two people, but as Lotzo went to follow, she was pulled aside by a yank to the elbow. She turned to pull herself out of the person's grasp, but was faced with a plate of chocolates thrust into her face. 


Quest 1 : Face the hordes of (currently) delicious sugary grainy unhealthy food that I am currently offered, and say NO

Okay, it's not quite as dramatic, but it is going to be a slight addition to my current Quest 1. Cooking a paleo breakfast isn't going to be too difficult, as I now have a wide range of choices to think through. I may also experiment with egg muffins. But it was birthday a few weeks ago, and I've still got so much chocolate and other food lying around the house. There is a ton of delicious sugary cereals downstairs, and it's so easy to buy cookies and carby food from school. 


Lotzo looked ahead to the shadow quickly gaining ground, and looked around at the piles of food that was constantly being offered to her. The scent in the air was so tempting, and it would be so easy to take a single cake as she ran through. Wouldn't it?

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Food, food and more food! As she ran, it was forced into her face, occasionally blinding her sight, piles of chocolate and their warm heavenly sweet scent overwhelming her. Every time Lotzo would slow down, to wipe a bit of chocolate off her cheek, more was forced onto her. It wasn't her fault it was all there, was it? Lotzo felt curiously exhilarated, and yet frustrated with her own temptations. Then she would take a bite off a piece of chocolate, and the guilt would only intensify.


So, I had a birthday bash around two weeks ago, and theres a lot of chocolate still hanging around the house. Every time I return home, I unconsciously take some, and I have been eating way too much junk. On the other hand, I have been able to stay away from the temptation of cereal and other bad food in the morning. Two boiled eggs with some salt and pepper, with a nice honey lemon mint ginger (its a mouthful to say :P ) drink. It fills me up until break, and it's going well so far! I like the meal, and its filling, so I think I'm going to be able to stick with it.

Image result for stick with it

Just when Lotzo was giving up hope that she was ever going to break through and catch sight of her shadow, the crowds parted and she could see an emptier road ahead. Hands grabbed at her back, and the temptation of just staying with the chocolate grew almost too much to bear, but there was her shadow! Though it was an infinity infront of her, and the white ball seemed dimmer in the sunlight, she could still make it! 

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Infinity    --     Halfling :: Bard :: Lv 0                                                                                                                                                                       Paleo Breakfast   ! ! _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Work  ! _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _

STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0                                                                                                                                                                                     Run   ! S _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself" -- Tolstoy                                                                                                   Skin Care  ! ! _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Character ~ Challenge 1 ~ Battle Log Epic Quest 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   S = Sick, T = Travelling, X = N/A. ! = Completed

Monkey Tamers United ~ Vanquishing Traitor Brain ~ Scholar Corps

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Infinity    --     Halfling :: Bard :: Lv 0

STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself" -- Tolstoy  

Character ~ Challenge 1 ~ Battle Log Epic Quest 

Monkey Tamers United ~ Vanquishing Traitor Brain ~ Scholar Corps


Paleo Breakfast   ! ! _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _       Work  ! _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Run   ! S _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _    Skin Care  ! ! _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  S = Sick, T = Travelling, X = N/A. ! = Completed

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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The shadow took a sudden left turn, and Lotzo hurried to try and catch up, though it was strange that the shadow didn't seem to be deliberately throwing her off its trail, just making her run. And run. Lotzo sighed, before putting on another burst of speed, and the dying back down back into a manageable pace. Time no longer really had any sense of meaning for her, but she didn't know for how much longer she could keep it up.


So this week has been a bad week, as I've spent most of it pretty ill and generally sore. However, yesterday, I managed a 2 mile run in the morning, and felt really good afterwards. But after I got home, I had a terrible migraine. I watched a few episodes of Scarlet Heart with my mother, and then went to bed at half seven because my head was actually trying to drum its way out of my soul. My bad food choices probably didn't help. But this morning was slightly better, and I woke up after around 14 hours of sleep. I went on a 3 mile walk with my mother and will be going out to a Korean restaurant for lunch! 


Also, my focus on just breakfast is paying off. In two weeks I might increase it to including lunch, because I think the boiled eggs is perfect for me. But we shall stick with the one goal for now.


Up infront of her, the shadow had darted into a large park. Inside were several hundred runners, all milling around at a starting line. Several of the volunteers had shirts with "ParkRun" written across her back. And there, slipping between people, was her shadow. The starting gun went, and the shadow was sticking with the middle of the pack, following the twists in the path. Obviously, she had to complete the 5k before catching it!

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Ten minutes, and she had just finished the first lap of the park. Twenty, and she was nearly three quarters through. It was frustrating, running in circles, around and around. Lotzo was tempted to cut corners, but every time she did so, an lady would walk past - walking, but feet flying, and give her a disapproving look that cut her to the core and she followed the path. If only she could be done with it!


So, I didn't manage to go to the ParkRun on Saturday, but I went for my own 3 mile walk around a local park. However, I did get my free (£2 shipping) 10 run ParkRun shirt, which I am now wearing for my morning runs as its a bright white athletic tee, so people should be able to see me better in the dark. I am also wearing my thermal top as it is now SO COLD. Its so difficult, but I'm doing it anyway.


Just before thirty minutes (my goal), Lotzo managed to cross the 5k line, her chest heaving. And practically within her grasp was the shadow, a glowing ball held in one hand. They sped up when it glanced behind and say her, almost as though it was shocked she had managed to keep up so far.

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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They weaved through the park again, Lotzo free to run across the grass now, deeper and deeper into the trees. And when she turned a corner, there saw a large golden statue of a lion, with a beautiful female head. Caught off guard, Lotzo ran straight into it, crashing against it and a clanging filled her head. As she struggled to get up, Lotzo noticed that she had been pinned to the ground by one of the sphinx's paws!


So, the rest of the week has been slow and irritable. I'm barely managing to complete things. My saving grace for breakfasts is having mass cooked it. Work I do in school, and the workout and shower go together, and I do it to prove something to myself. But I am tired and struggling. The ParkRun this Saturday was incredibly discouraging. Despite my extra work, I am nearly as slow as I was when I started in February, and I have no idea why. I am no longer out of breath, but my legs are tight and my calves are struggling. I think I will do interval training this week instead, and see how that goes. 


The sphinx rose, solid metal flowing and twisting into graceful movement, until the golden hair was hovering inches off her terrified face. Out of the corner of her eye, Lotzo saw her shadow sauntering down the path, a medium sized white ball being tossed from hand to hand. Lotzo started to struggle and pull her way out from the sphinx's grasp, but it let out such a terrifying growl that she immediately stopped. "To pass, you must answer a riddle."

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Lotzo nodded, eyes wide as she forced her brain to listen.

"A ball is able to bounce forever. On the first bounce, it travels 50cm. On the second it bounces 25cm. Each time is halved again. How long will it take to reach one meter?" The sphinx grinned, silver teeth in a white maw, but Lotzo grinned back. She had listened to the podcast "History of Infinity" - and talked about infinite divisibility. 



Woop I'm getting busy and I might look into taking Vitamin D supplements, but it has been a good few days.

Yesterday was a terrible terrible ParkRun - probably the worst since I started. However, I almost didn't go, and I almost didn't finish the race, but I did - even if I was a complete zombie doing it. I also felt like crying for a good half of it, which was really strange. Just too many emotions too early in the morning. But it will get better again. 


The sphinx's eyes narrowed and and they asked another question.

"If I throw a ball a distance, I can make it complete stop and then reverse. There is no string and I don't hit it against anything. How did I do it?"

Lotzo started panicking, trying to force herself to think laterally. She could feel the sharp gold claws beginning to cut through the sleeves of her running shirt as she shouted out the answer. "You threw it up".


I also had my last D&D session. It's a massive weight off my shoulders, because it took up so much time and .... (you can read about it here ). So I feel so much relief leaving, even if it was an amazing game with some amazing players. Maybe I'll be able to pick something up with my friends which I do less regularly, but maybe for longer. 


There was a softening of the eyes of the sphinx? And the shadow was still hanging around at the corner, white ball being tossed side to side. It was definitely smaller than when it first had been taken from her, nearly 3/4 of the size. But she couldn't think too long on it as the sphinx asked its third and final question.

"What has four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening."

A classic sphinx question, and Lotzo answered with confidence. "A human." 


Today was church in the morning, then to a skiing lesson for my sister's 16th birthday party. Harder than I thought on my knees and thighs, lots of fun, did fall on my ass, and I want to be able to do it on snow some day. But yay, fun life experience!


The sphinx bowed its head and then stepped away, and Lotzo massaged her shoulder's before jumping up and starting after the shadow again. It was skipping down the road, and Lotzo growled under her breath before speeding up. It had been a nice break.


Also, this morning I tried out roasted sweet potato with some honey and cinnamon. Quite nice, though it was a bit much. I might be able to split them in two and have half a day with other things? And so much honey lemon ginger tea in my fridge right now :P


Running through the park, with the trees getting thicker and closer and darker, sunlight barely filtering in through the autumn leaves. She ran, occasionally loosing the shadow in the darkness, but the glinting of the white sphere shone through. She ran and she ran, before coming to an abrupt stop. Caught in mid air, white silk wrapped around her torso and arms - and she was relieving a childhood memory. Scootering around the garden before going straight through a spider web. The feeling of webs wrapped across her face and hair didn't leave her for a week. A muted whimper escaped her lips, as she struggled to clean her skin and get free of the web.

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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SMART challenges to make 

Best to do before so they can work on their challenges. 

Incorporate making a challenge thread into this

Write your own version

Post the response in their challenge thread or in the Juice Bar



Make a signature

Support fellow guildies

Fortnight review 

Fortnight question - ask a question on something you are struggling with

Overall challenge review


Challenges :

Rewards to give? 

 - Everyone bands together to defeat the noob dragon?

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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Paleo Breakfast   ! ! F F ! ! ! / ! ! ! ! ! F ! / ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / ! ! ! ! ! X X   Work  ! ~ ! ! ! ! X / ! ! ! ! ! ! X / ! ! ! ! ! ! F X / ! ! ! ! ! X X

Workout   ! S S S ! ! ! / ! ! ! X ! ! X / F ! F ! F F ! X / F! ! ! X F ! !    Skin Care  ! ! ! F ! ! ! / ! ! ! ! ! ! F / ! ! F F ! ! ! / ! ! ! ! ! ! X

S = Sick, T = Travelling, X = N/A. ! = Completed, ~ Partially Completed, F = Failed

The results of my first challenge here!


Diet : 23          A (+4 CON)

Work : 22        A (+4 WIS)

Workout : 17   A (+2 DEX, +2 STA)

Skin Care : 22 A (+3 CHA)


It's a complete pass rate!!!!! 

Image result for dancing gif

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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Lotzo wrenched an arm up and tore herself slowly free of the web, scraping the gunk off her clothes and face, mourning the temporary loss of her soft hair (though it had probably been pretty ruined when the sphinx had knocked her into the dirt). And infront of her, her shadow stood, tossing the white ball from hand to hand. But with each passing second, as she got more of herself free, the ball got smaller and small, and the shadow took on shape and colour.


Her torso was free, and Lotzo stopped for a second, heaving, watching almost hypnotically as the ball, now no larger than a ping pong ball, flew through the air. The shadow grew small and more solid, wispy brown short hair that curled around her ears. Lotzo's eyes widened as she freed one foot, and then the other, before dragging herself to stand infront of, well, herself.


The once shadow smiled, and extended a hand, the ball now gone. Lotzo's breath stopped and quickened in her chest, and, against all better judgement, took the hand. The shadow had challenged her and taken her to places she hadn't thought of. The shadow's smile grew, and Lotzo's imitated it. Then it spoke.


"I am Infinity."

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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Lotzo stepped out the front door of her home, quietly closing it behind her as the morning birds began their songs. She bent down to lace her trainers ( hiking boots / elven slippers / winged sandals / barefoot / gnomish boots ), then straighten, stretching up to the sky. Her music was plugged in and an appropriately upbeat tune started in her ears. Jump on the spot, stretch the legs, and then Lotzo began to run down the road (through the forest, on the beach, over the hills).


It was a quiet run down the road, with the morning sun washing everything in a soft pink and orange haze. Lotzo's breathing evened out and she began to enjoy it, when she turned a corner and bumped into a shadow. Their features were hidden under the cowl of a hood and Lotzo felt a chill run down her spine. She tried to apologise and turned to run away, when a bony hand caught her elbow. Menacing laughter filled the air as the entities' other hand plunged into her stomach, into and through. Her stomach felt too full, nearly to the point of bursting, when the hand withdrew. In the skeletal hand was a shining orb of light, purples mixing with orange into green, blending into a bright blinding white. Lotzo staggered, feeling like everything had grown darker and emptier, and watched helplessly as the shadow began running down the road.


Lotzo looked left, then right, watching as the shadow ran from her, a large white ball cradled in two hands. That was hers (what part of her, Lotzo had no clue) and she was going to get it back. She bounced on the spot, then started the chase.


Straight down the main road, Lotzo kept running, slowly gaining on the shadow. Then it darted into an office building, and she fought through the crowd desperately. But up ahead, she could only see more looming buildings and obstacles that she would have to fight through to get that light back.


Lotzo managed to struggle her way out of the crowd and sprinted her way to the shadow ahead. She managed to keep it up for 10 minutes, when her calves began to cramp. But she was gaining on it! Then the shadow passed through a large open tent that had blocked the road. It was large and golden, with a stone chimney somehow built through the middle. People were streaming in and out of it, laughing, each with a greasy burger or chips clutched in their hands. The shadow slipped in through between two people, but as Lotzo went to follow, she was pulled aside by a yank to the elbow. She turned to pull herself out of the person's grasp, but was faced with a plate of chocolates thrust into her face. 


Lotzo looked ahead to the shadow quickly gaining ground, and looked around at the piles of food that was constantly being offered to her. The scent in the air was so tempting, and it would be so easy to take a single cake as she ran through. Wouldn't it?


Food, food and more food! As she ran, it was forced into her face, occasionally blinding her sight, piles of chocolate and their warm heavenly sweet scent overwhelming her. Every time Lotzo would slow down, to wipe a bit of cake off her cheek, more was forced onto her. It wasn't her fault it was all there, was it? Lotzo felt curiously exhilarated, and yet frustrated with her own temptations. Then she would take a bite off a piece of chocolate, and the guilt would only intensify.

Just when Lotzo was giving up hope that she was ever going to break through and catch sight of her shadow, the crowds parted and she could see an emptier road ahead. Hands grabbed at her back, and the temptation of just staying with the chocolate grew almost too much to bear, but there was her shadow! Though it was an infinity infront of her, and the white ball seemed dimmer in the sunlight, she could still make it! Lotzo put on an extra burst of speed, slipping and sliding through the crowd, her breath starting to echo harshly.


The shadow took a sudden left turn, and Lotzo hurried to try and catch up, though it was strange that the shadow didn't seem to be deliberately throwing her off its trail, just making her run. And run. Lotzo sighed, before putting on another burst of speed, and the dying back down back into a manageable pace. Time no longer really had any sense of meaning for her, but she didn't know for how much longer she could keep it up.


Up infront of her, the shadow had darted into a large park. Inside were several hundred runners, all milling around at a starting line. Several of the volunteers had shirts with "ParkRun" written across her back. And there, slipping between people, was her shadow. The starting gun went, and the shadow was sticking with the middle of the pack, following the twists in the path. Obviously, she had to complete the 5k before catching it!


Ten minutes, and she had just finished the first lap of the park. Twenty, and she was nearly three quarters through. It was frustrating, running in circles, around and around. Lotzo was tempted to cut corners, but every time she did so, an lady would walk past - walking, but feet flying, and give her a disapproving look that cut her to the core and she followed the path. If only she could be done with it!


Just before thirty minutes (my goal), Lotzo managed to cross the 5k line, her chest heaving. And practically within her grasp was the shadow, a glowing ball held softly in one hand. They sped up when it glanced behind and say her, almost as though it was shocked she had managed to keep up so far.


They weaved through the park again, Lotzo free to run across the grass now, deeper and deeper into the trees. As always the shadow stayed just out of her reach, and Lotzo was starting to falter. But whenever she stumbled, the shadow looked backwards, and if she could have seen a face, she might even have said it was worried for her. When she turned a corner, there saw a large golden statue of a lion, with a beautiful female head. Caught off guard, Lotzo ran straight into it, crashing against it and a clanging filled her head. As she struggled to get up, Lotzo noticed that she had been pinned to the ground by one of the sphinx's paws!


The sphinx rose, solid metal flowing and twisting into graceful movement, until the golden hair was hovering inches off her terrified face. Out of the corner of her eye, Lotzo saw her shadow sauntering down the path, a medium sized white ball being tossed from hand to hand. Lotzo started to struggle and pull her way out from the sphinx's grasp, but it let out such a terrifying growl that she immediately stopped. "To pass, you must answer a riddle."


Lotzo nodded, eyes wide as she forced her brain to listen.

"A ball is able to bounce forever. On the first bounce, it travels 50cm. On the second it bounces 25cm. Each time is halved again. How long will it take to reach one meter?" The sphinx grinned, silver teeth in a white maw, but Lotzo grinned back. She had listened to the podcast "History of Infinity" - and talked about infinite divisibility. 



The sphinx's eyes narrowed and and they asked another question.

"If I throw a ball a distance, I can make it complete stop and then reverse. There is no string and I don't hit it against anything. How did I do it?"

Lotzo started panicking, trying to force herself to think laterally. She could feel the sharp gold claws beginning to cut through the sleeves of her running shirt as she shouted out the answer. "You threw it up".


There was a softening of the eyes of the sphinx? And the shadow was still hanging around at the corner, white ball being tossed side to side. It was definitely smaller than when it first had been taken from her, nearly 3/4 of the size. But she couldn't think too long on it as the sphinx asked its third and final question.

"What has four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening."

A classic sphinx question, and Lotzo answered with confidence. "A human." 


The sphinx bowed its head and then stepped away, and Lotzo massaged her shoulder's before jumping up and starting after the shadow again. It was skipping down the road, and Lotzo growled under her breath before speeding up. It had been a nice break.


Running through the park, with the trees getting thicker and closer and darker, sunlight barely filtering in through the autumn leaves. She ran, occasionally loosing the shadow in the darkness, but the glinting of the white sphere shone through. She ran and she ran, before coming to an abrupt stop. Caught in mid air, white silk wrapped around her torso and arms - and she was relieving a childhood memory. Scootering around the garden before going straight through a spider web. The feeling of webs wrapped across her face and hair didn't leave her for a week. A muted whimper escaped her lips, as she struggled to clean her skin and get free of the web.


Lotzo wrenched an arm up and tore herself slowly free of the web, scraping the gunk off her clothes and face, mourning the temporary loss of her soft hair (though it had probably been pretty ruined when the sphinx had knocked her into the dirt). And infront of her, her shadow stood, tossing the white ball from hand to hand. But with each passing second, as she got more of herself free, the ball got smaller and small, and the shadow took on shape and colour.


Her torso was free, and Lotzo stopped for a second, heaving, watching almost hypnotically as the ball, now no larger than a ping pong ball, flew through the air. The shadow grew small and more solid, wispy brown short hair that curled around her ears. Lotzo's eyes widened as she freed one foot, and then the other, before dragging herself to stand infront of, well, herself.


The once shadow smiled, and extended a hand, the ball now gone. Lotzo's breath stopped and quickened in her chest, and, against all better judgement, took the hand. The shadow had challenged her and taken her to places she hadn't thought of. The shadow's smile grew, and Lotzo's imitated it. Then it spoke.


"I am Infinity."

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Quest 1 : Diet


My father and I are planning on going on the Atkins diet together. I am trying to lose some proper weight in time for Christmas, and I am honestly just tired of weighing as much as do, especially with how it gets in the way of absolutely everything. Over the course of the challenge, I am going to go cold turkey (as much as you can when you'e been following a semi strict Paleo diet since January), and stick 100% to the Atkins diet. 


80% food : 4 CON

60% food : 2 CON

45% food : 1 CON


Quest 2 : Study


This will be staying the same as last challenge, as it is something that I am still definitely working to, and need to keep as a solid habit.


21 days + (+4 WIS)

15 days + (+2 WIS)

7 days +   (+1 WIS)


Quest 3 : Workout


I aim to do some form of exercise every day, baring Thursdays and Sundays. It can be anything, but there is a routine I want to stick to. However, it is highly likely I will change it up so I'm not running at 6 in the morning in the middle of winter. I may switch it to something after school. This is something I will fiddle with over the course of this challenge.


21 days + (+4 STR)

15 days + (+2 STR)

7 days +   (+1 STR)


Quest 4 : Diary


This will either be writing for my NaNoWriMo or actually writing my diary. I still haven't decided whether or not I'm going to do NaNoWriMo, as I will be starting a TableTop RolePlaying Society in my school (all the nerd cred here), and I still need to stay ontop of my school work and stay ontop of all of these habits as well. So if it's not NaNo, then I will be starting up my diary again. I managed to keep the habit from January to the summer holidays, before I then got distracted, didn't write for 6 weeks, and haen't started again, which is sad and I want that back as part of my life. So that will either happen this challenge or next time.


21 days + (+3 CHA)

15 days + (+2 CHA)

7 days +   (+1 CHA)

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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Fruit Toss (Rebel Mini-challenge)


Image result for fruit toss gif



You'e just come onto the website and you've been bombarded by information from all sides. PvP, Accountability, Guilds, Challenges, People, Quests, ..... It's a lot of overwhelming information, but you have no need to worry. This mini-challenge is here to help ease you into the forums and give you some extra challenges along the way. This is by no means compulsory, but you may find it fun, or helpful, or a good way to meet fellow rebels. 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask here (if it's relevant to the mini challenge), to the Juice Bar, or message me directly. 

There you have it, enjoy the challenges to come!


Week 1 :

Week 2 :

Week 3 :

Week 4 :

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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On 9/22/2016 at 1:52 PM, IAmInfinite said:

Ooh, that's a good idea! I like organising/running things, but I struggle with assuming responsibility - often fearing I'm the wrong person for the job and people resent me for trying to lead. Thanks for the suggestion!

Just throwing it out there that I'd also love to climb a glacier someday.

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