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I Am Infinite - The Experiment

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Quest 1 : Study


Mocks this week, so I won't give an official start to the challenge until the 9th. But yep, same habit again. (It'll be here until June don't worry) I'm getting better at doing some study, but I need to increase the time slightly. So, for a day to count, it needs to match my Monkey Tamer hours and/or my study to-do list for the day.


75% 21 days + (+4 WIS)

50% 14 days + (+2 WIS)

25% 7 days +   (+1 WIS)



Quest 2 : Bible Study


This was pretty good last challenge! I got it into the routine, and looked forward to spending time with God. I'm just into Joshua, and I'm roughly a week behind being on track to read the entire Bible by Easter.


75%  21 days + (+4 CHA)

50% 14 days + (+2 CHA)

25%  7 days +   (+1 CHA)



Quest 3 : Exercise


I got a yoga mat for Christmas, so I need to use it. At minimum, I need to do the DB Flexibility Challenge, plus the Daily Dare, for the day to count. Ideally, I will also do a short yoga mobility workout for a warm up, and then some form of bodyweight work for the main section.


75%  21 days + (+4 STR)

50% 14 days + (+2 STR)

25%  7 days +   (+1 STR)



Quest 4 : Diet


I have been challenged to loose 15 kg in 6 months. By the end of June, I need to be 75 kg, and I will win some camping gear. Nothing like a bit of competition and reward to get me to loose weight. 

This weight loss will be done via dieting. I will cut out empty carbs and sugar. For Week 2 I will experiment with cutting out dairy, and in Week 4 I shall cut out red meats.

This grading will be stricter, as I need to lose an average of a pound a week.


28 days + (+4 CON)

24 days + (+3 CON)

21 days + (+2 CON)

18 days + (+1 CON)

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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ME vs D&D theme ....


ME + 

Pre made story

Easy goal setting

Lots of content



ME -

How to follow theme over the course of the challenge? 

~ Can write the plot of each location?



D&D +

Flexible goals

Unlimited content

Can write story over the course of the challenge (also a - )




D&D -

Have to create all the content (can be draining and I don't care about time)

~ What story would I write?


(will add more + and - later)

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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Study   F F ! ! ! F ! / ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / ! F ! ! F X ! / ! F ! F ! ! X /                19/26 = 73% = +2 WIS

Bible   ! ! ! F F ! ! / F F F F ! F ! / ! F F F F F ! / ! ! F F F F ! /           12/28 = 43% = +1 CHA

Exercise   ! ! F F F F ! / F F ! F F F ! / F F ! F ! ! ! / F F ! F ! F ! /      12/28 = 43% = +1 STR

Diet   ! ! ! ! F F ! / ! F ! F ! F ! / ! F ! ! ! F F ! / ! ! ! F ! F ! /                 20/28 = 71% = +1 CON

Journal    ! ! ! ! F ! ! / ! ! ! ! ! ! ! / ! ! ! F F F ! / ! F F ! ! F ! /                21/28 = 75% = +4 CHA


they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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Stats to work at : Str, Dex, Sta, Cha

Habits to work at : Stretching (DEX), Diet(CON), Bible(WIS), Meditation(WIS), Journal (CHA)

Stats to work at (new) : Str, Sta

How to achieve : Exercise

Timeline : After Easter (reach 75kg) / Talk to GP & find energy / Sunlight

Week 0 trying : Bible morning, Bible podcast, Alarm for 10:30, Forced exercise

Week 1 trying : Vegetarian, Yoga routine

Questions : When in day to meditate?

Story-line : Leverage plot

Morning routine : Wake, toilet, change, water, Bible, leave

After school routine : Home, water, change, stretch, meditate, shower, work

Evening routine : Change, journal, pray, sleep

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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The Infinity Job


It came as a letter under the door, like most job requests, containing contact from her, her employer, and the client. Of course, it meant nothing with the number of people she could hire downstairs, but people liked to keep up appearances. But Infinity was starting to get a bit restless with the inactivity, Alindel City running dry of the more interesting contracts. Still, Infinity did what she had to, to keep up the rent of the room, and sustain a living.

So, she wandered over to the folio and leafed through it. Steal a weapons blueprint from Pierson's office in Heoda Tower - the main area of new businesses. It was a risky job, but paid well, and apparently it was to recover the blueprint, which had initially been stolen from Dubenich, who was on the opposite side of the floor. Useless politics, but if it meant she could relax about her rent, Infinity would take it. Even if it did mean working with three other people.

Opening the folio, it listed the tower blueprints, the bios of her teammates (she recognised them all as other high profile criminals - blank squares where their image would be) and a list of tasks for her, to complete the mission successfully.


Task 1 : Research Heoda Tower (Bible)

Task 2 : Come up with tactics to steal the blueprints (Meditate)

Task 3 : Reduce weight to be more efficient (Diet)

Task 4 : Sneak into the tower (Stretch)

Task 5 : Record weakness and hand over the prize (Journal)

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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Future plot :

Act 1:

I meet with the rest of the team at Heoda Tower roof, having waited there since the building closed. 

I meet Atala (Hardison) and Daerick (Parker). Daerick rappels down the side of the tower to sneak in through a window, attaching a magical box to the dummy waiter in the center of the tower, disabling magical sensors, then sends it up to them.

Atala and self jump in the waiter and head to the correct floor. Once we arrive, begins to disable the magical barriers on the door. However, as they are working, we are ambushed by five guards. I take care of them.

However, the magical alarms are all reset, cannot go up to leave. 

Eliot: Every man for himself then. (starts to move away)
Hardison: Go ahead I’m the one with the merchandise.
Parker: Yeah, well I’m the one with an exit.
Nate: And I’m the one with a plan. Now I know you children don’t play well with others but I need you to hold it together for exactly seven more minutes. Now get to the elevator and head down. We’re going to the burn scam.

Pretend that I've been burnt, leave the building.


Act 2:

Being tricked and nearly blown up.


Act 3:

The hospital escape & agreement to get revenge


Act 4: 

Get Elarim and set up the meeting


Act 5:

Dubenich reveals that he knows everything


Act 6:

FBI arrive, reveals that Elarim has been working both sides. They arrest Dubenich


Act 7:

Finale. Everyone receives the money, start to walk away. However, they all enjoy doing a good thing. We provide Leverage.

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Atala : Atala Artis II, kid from a rich family who all died in a mysterious fire. An elf wizard with no gender.

Daerick : Just Daerick, kid who grew up on the streets, a tiefling rogue female.

Bastan Kao : (Nate). Used to work for the city police, but left once they let his kid die. A cleric with no faith.

Elarim Maesth : (Sophie). A bard who cannot sing, play an instrument, or act, but tries. Instead, she excels at grifting.

Infinity : halfling paladin who was forced to leave the order of Sorla after killing a child (on accident). Been working as a mercenary since, and getting more and more morally murky.

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Finally, the lights in the building turned off, the magical wards slowly lighting up the exterior of the building instead. The night was balmy, leaving Infinity in relative comfort as she hid on the roof, tucked between two gargoyles. She was waiting for two other members, the other in a tower across the street, more mundane and shorter height, but able to communicate new circumstances via Farstones that had been given out.

Waiting, and waiting, until Infinity spotted vague movement across the roof, barely there against the skyline before Infinity lost sight of the humanoid figure. Was that Daerick? Rumoured to be one of the greatest thieves Maen had ever known, untraceable and unspottable, her ability to slip through top-notch wards and locks remarkable. Then there was a spark of blue light and a young elf stepped through a teleportation spell, peering around in the darkness. There was a wizard working with them as well, a guy named Atala, also the best in his field, but this one looked a bit young.

Infinity snuck up on Atala, silent steps giving way as she moved infront of him. He jumped, then pushed his hand down infront of him. "Don't, don't do that man!" Infinity cocked an eyebrow, smirking slightly as she spotted Daerick slid around Atala's other side, also causing him to jump, and then start muttering under his breath as he shook his head. Atala had dark skin with a close cut, a smirk constantly playing on the corner of his mouth. But it was Daerick that surprised him, a grey and white spotted tiefling, blonde hair pulled under a black cap behind her horns. Her tail was long and thin, currently dancing behind her, giving her extra grace and balance as she walked.


Atala then reached into a bag and pulled out a set of small beads, and he motioned for them to put them in their ears. "Reduced size Farstones, because the ones Bastan thought we could use are sooo last year. These work off the vibrations in your jaw to transmit messages." Infinity just scoffed, turning away and Atala responded with a "I don't even know what you do." 

Thankfully, a little debate was stopped as Bastan started talking into their ears. "You all know the plan?" Everyone hummed or gave some form of affirmation, then Bastan began to count down. However, before he reached three, Daerick had already finished securing herself to a rope and had jumped off the side of the building, rope twisting behind her, attached to a cable system attached to a structural support on the roof. Infinity whistled as she went, then settled back to wait for her to disable the magical systems so they could begin to go through the building and get the plans.


Once they heard the affirmative, Atala and Infinity moved into action, heading to the dumb waiter and pulled down to the correct floor. Once out, Atala made his way to the office door and started scanning the magical barriers on it. However, Infinity started to hear a commotion over the stones, something about the guards doing their rounds early to watch a fight in the ring. Early? Infinity swore under her breath, then moved down the corridor, circling the area so she would come behind the guards just as they got to Ata- yes.

Infinity heard Atala quit and start to move away, before stopping, and saying, "I know what this looks like, but .." He trailed off as he saw Infinity move behind the guards, then his jaw dropped as she quietly dispatched all five in a single round. Surprise really did help, but that also coupled with a slow release of ki as she burnt it, enabling her to attack multiple times and drop the heavier ones with ease. 


"That's what I do." Infinity smirked as she walked towards Atala, who raised his eyebrows, then turned back to the door. It didn't take long for the door to open and Atala to move inside, sweeping up the papers into his bag of holding. But as they left, all the lights in the building turned an angry red, and Infinity heard Daerick in her ear. "All the magical alarms have been reset, and control lost from this box. We can't go up!"


Infinity and Atala immediately stepped apart, eyeing each other as she considered how best to get out of this situation without being caught. "Every person for themself then," and she started to head to the stairs to get out. However, Atala called out after her, "And I'm the one with the merchandise," causing Infinity to stop in her tracks. She really needed the money from this one. But Daerick chimed in with, "And I'm the one with the exit," and Infinity was about to hurl an angry reply when Bastan responded with, "And I'm the one with the plan."

Everyone fell quiet at that, stopping to listen. "Now I know you children don't play well with others, but I need you to hold out for seven more minutes. Now get to the waiter and head down. We're going to the burn scam." Atala and Infinity eyed each other, before they moved to the waiter, Daerick joining them. On the ride down, Infinity quickly threw on a robe from the bag, along with a pair of crutches and an illusion of a peg leg and burn scar on her face.

As they walked out, the two guards at the door moved forwards, but were waved back by Atala as she pretended to sob, one hand covering her face from the guards, who, flustered, let them go without two much trouble.

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Infinity had woken up three hours ago, going through her drills and morning routine when someone slipped a letter under her door. However, it wasn't a job request, but a refusal to pay for the Dubenich job. Her jaw clenched and she visualised how exactly she would hurt Atala for not sending those plans off. She knew that she shouldn't have trusted anybody! However, the letter did state something - to meet in a warehouse outside of town to discuss how exactly she could get paid anyway. Infinity let out a sigh of relief and crumbled the paper up, shoving it in the fire to burn and watched it shrivel, her face stony. They were to meet in two hours, so Infinity got ready and headed out the front door.


After waiting for barely five minutes, Atala walked in and it took everything for Infinity to not immediately jump on the boy, reinforced when he raised a crossbow at pointed it at Infinity. By the gods she hated ranged weapons. Then Atala spoke, voice husky as though he hadn't slept.

"Mind telling me what happened to the designs?"

Infinity scoffed, and responded, "What makes you think I know what happened? Stupid."

Atala shook his head, motioning with the crossbow, "Look, forget you. You did it when we coming down the elevator, some mystical switcheroo crap."

"Yeah, that makes sense doesn't it? You had the files deep in your bag every second. And you better get that crossbow out of my face ...."

Atala guestered again, Infinity barely restraining the urge to flinch out of the way. People with bows were dangerous. People who didn't know what they were doing with bows were even more dangerous. "Or what?" He said.

Infinity growled slightly, hands relaxed by her sides, "or else I'm gonna feed it to you."


A shout at the door caused both to turn, Bastan, walking in with a very grumpy look on his face. 

A suspicion reached Infinity, and she asked, "Did you do it? You're the only one that's ever played both sides?" For Bastan had once been part of the city and country militia, fighting and finding criminals such as them. It had been a shock when his name came up on the dossier, but he had been out of the game for a while due to an incident with his child."

Bastan shrugged, "Yeah and you seem pretty relaxed for someone with a bolt pointed at them." 

Infinity shrugged back, ignoring the implication for now. "Safety's on."

Atala laughed, but stopped when Bastan said, "no, no, actually she's right, your safety is on."

Atala looked down at the gun, but as he did, Bastan stepped forwards, grabbing the gun and neatly twisting it out of the younger man's grip. As Atala sputtered, Bastan swiftly took the bolt out and released the mechanism, shoving it on his side.


However, Infinity spotted Daerick, who also had a small bow aimed at Bastan. "My money's not been given to me. That makes me cry inside my special, angry place." 

Bastan nodded, slowly reaching up to lower her arrow. "Okay, did you come here to get paid?" Daerick nodded, and as he looked at the three of them, they all nodded. "Then the only reason you guys are here is because you didn't get paid. And you're pissed off." 

Bastan laughed, and Infinity had the sneaking suspicion that the man was drunk.

"As a matter of face, the only way to get us all in the same place at the same time is to tell us that we're not. Getting. Paid."


His face sobered instantly, sarcastic amusement replaced with horror as the blood drained from his face, and everyone immediately began to run towards the door. As Atala tripped, Infinity grabbed him by the collar and pushed him out the door, everyone escaping as a wave of heat and fire exploded from the building behind them.

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Week 3 : Exercise Experiment


Most of you are starting off your healthy adventure, and I know many like to include some form of exercise in there. Diet should be first priority, but that doesn't mean we don't like a good bit of movement! Also, many of you may be trying out new things, like moving from cardio to weights, or vice versa. There's a lot of options out there!


Image result for the breakfast club dancing gif


So, for this challenge, the goal is to pick something new - movement wise.  Maybe you want to try out that local dance club, or martial arts class. Maybe you want to step foot in the gym, or try something body weight. Look around your local area, they might offer a first session free, and then go do it. The last bit is the most important, but the aim is to push you into doing something you've always wanted to do, or to step outside your comfort zone.


Afterwards, post here and tell us how it went! Where did you go, did it go wonderfully or did you encounter some mishaps? Maybe you didn't like salsa dancing as much as you thought? Who knows, next time you could try out tap dancing? 


Try something new and learn something from it. If you want any ideas of advice, don't hesitate to ask for it!

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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I'm labelling it 'Survivor'.


Basically, its a mix of everything and everything and a touch more of everything else. It's meant to be adaptable and applicable, with room for growth in every area. It's specifically targeted towards becoming capable, strong, and able of surviving anything thrown at me. Whether this is a fight, being overthrown, lost in the woods, etc, I'm going to survive.

This can also apply very directly to my current life. Surviving school, mental struggles, the various tasks and challenges that are thrown my way.

Whether I'm Commander Shepard, Korra, Emily Corvo, Lara Croft, Melinda May, etc, I can survive. I won't give up, I'll use any tactics, I'll grow and develop. But I will survive.

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Stats to improve : STR DEX STA CHA

Habits to improve : Workout, Stretch, Run, Journal.

Habits : Athena's playbook, Daily Dare, Stretch, Weekly Run, Journalling, Diet, Bible, Study

Routine : Home, water, change, unpack, stretch, bible, dare, playbook, shower, study, journal

Specific : No cereal. Run every Saturday.

Actual goals : unpack and change as soon as I get home. Do the Daily Dare. Sit in the Bible chair. Journal every night. No cereal.

Timeline : Easter (-5kg) (Finish Bible)

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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The surviving Infinity

New goal = to survive. New class = survivor (monk ranger hybrid, but I'm not training martial arts for another 2 years)

Anything I aim to do is going to go towards survival. Sheer and basic, I want to be adaptable to any situation that life throws at me. It's a mix of everything and a touch of anything. I want to be capable and strong and able of surviving anything that comes at me. Heavily inspired by fictional characters (Korra, Shepard, Corvo, Croft, etc), I want to survive all of life's challenges. No matter if I'm stranded in the woods or struggling with school grades, I will survive, and improve from it.


I've got an RP element I'm going to add to this instead of my usual signature tracking. Over the course of the challenge, I shall start with a number of Hit Points. These are lost by not completing a habit, and every time I complete a week of any one habit, I shall gain 2 Hit Dice back. If I lose consciousness 3 times (dip under 0HP), my character is reincarnated. I lose a Hit Dice (and their respective points) and will have to choose lesser evils to combat with.


Hit Dice = 10 + 4*d10 + 4*CONmod(0)

Hit Points = 30


How to survive #1 - Food

Berries, food caught in traps, wild grain, home made kimchi, food is an essence of culture and creation. But to ensure long term survival, correct food stuffs must be consumed. Poison is avoided at all times.

Do not eat cereal. (-1HP every cereal bowl)


How to survive #2 - Fitness

It's a struggle to survive when unfit. (survival of the fittest and all that jazz) Eventually I shall progress to Nathan Drake levels of maneuverability, but for now, I shall be a supple as the wind and flexible no matter the day's challenge. 

Do the Daily Dare. Stretch every day. (-HP per for every day missed)


How to survive #3 - Knowledge

If you don't know how to construct traps, or whether a certain plant will kill you, or how to navigate terrain, the chances of survival just plummeted. Forethought and general skills make life much easier.

Study. (-HP every homework handed in late) Bible reading (-HP per day missed)


How to survive #4 - Record keeping

Perhaps someone will come after you. Maybe you'll have to share your knowledge. Maybe you need proof of some act that was committed, it which case, an accurate recall of events that transpired will become essential.

Journal. (-HP per night missed)


Image result for horizon zero dawn intro gif

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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#1 Anyone and everyone can participate

      - Any Rebel of any level

      - Any Rebel of any guild

#2 Participation is done via filling in details in the form HERE

      - You may join at any time 

      - You should post your progress for your team on THIS THREAD or on THIS SHEET once a week. Only numbers posted during the relevant week will be counted

      - If you wish to withdraw, or you don't post for two concurrent weeks, we will remove your name from the sheet so numbers can be more equal

#3 Even if you can't do much, you should try. Every little counts, and your team is counting on you!

#4 Use this thread for mini questions and chatter. General Rebel talk belongs in the Juice Bar (though we all get distracted :P)

      - There will be no separate threads for individual teams. Post all support and encouragement (for both teams!) here

#5 The week's challenges must be completed during the week of that challenge, for your local time zone (though I won't be posting the winners till the following morning, so get your numbers in!)

      - The challenge ends on September 8. The winners will be posted in this thread. Past winners will be posted in the Champion Cocktail thread HERE.

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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New Epic Quest (after a year of messing around)


#1 Write a book

#2 Look good

#3 Be close with God


Side Effect : good discipline, health, happiness




#1 - Write daily. Edit daily. Publish. Promote.

#2 - Eat correctly. Exercise daily. 

#3 Pray. Meditate. Read the Bible

(not all are consecutive)


Habits :

#1 Write daily. Until first draft is written.

#2 Slowly reduce diet until it is healthy. Slowly increase exercise until it is healthy.

#3 Pray daily. Read the Bible daily.


Next steps : 

#1 Stick to the morning routine:

Wake up

Drink water



Read Bible



#2 Replace cereal with fruit

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Director of E.R.A.







To Infinity Zero,



The Elite. Reconnaissance. Agency. are honoured to send you a letter of interest.


E.R.A. is a non-military led sub-branch of United Nations Security Council Counter Terrorism Unit, dedicated to stopping major acts of destruction before they occur.


We have seen your progress and ambition and have decided that you would be a good candidate for our training program and subsequent employment within our agency.


Your role within E.R.A. will be as an Intelligence Officer, though this is all the information we can give you before you sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement with us. Therefore, any further detail will be provided to you at an information briefing in roughly a week’s time. The exact date, time, and location will all be sent to you when you respond to this email signifying your interest.


This briefing will also include an assessment for further character details and current skills that may not be known to us. This includes your knowledge, fitness, and social abilities - which will be key for employment with E.R.A.  We expect that all of our agents to be at their peak performance in each of these areas at all times. Training will be provided during our training program, but there is a minimum level of competency we require to be able to train you to your full potential.


The exact entry requirements will be given to at the briefing, along with information of what E.R.A. does, and what the training program will provide you with.


We shall assess any progress needed to get to the requirements at the briefing, and further points of contact before acceptance.


Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear back from you soon



Director of E.R.A.

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Infinity Octrain



Thank you for your attendance at the information briefing that was held. We have decided that you are qualified to continue with the orientation, though we have decided that you need a period before acceptance into the training program as you are physically unable to complete the necessary requirements.

To aid you in your progress, we shall have a different instructor interview and assess you at the end of five week intervals, until the date of the entrance exam. This is to ensure that you continue to be a suitable candidate and can hold up in our training program and work there onwards.

Further details of the entrance requirements are provided below.

  • Be able to run 5 kilometers in under 30 minutes.

  • Be able to pull yourself up onto a ledge

  • Be able to touch your toes

  • Be able to hold a plank for 30 seconds

Further skills may be of benefit to help boost your skill within the program.

  • Basic computer security knowledge

  • The ability to drive a car / motorbike

  • Strong long and short term memory


The first five week span has started, and your first instructor will contact you at the end with a test. They will expect the following  :

  • Know your average 5k speed

  • Your measurements over this span

  • A consistent food log over this span

  • The ability to hold a plank for 10 seconds


What you do with the rest of your time is up to you, but we advise that you develop some personal skills as well, in preparation for developing skills within the training program.




Director of E.R.A.

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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So the theme is that I'm being accepted into a super secret spy agency for superheoes and super spies and all that jazz. But, to get in, I'm going to need to be at the top of my game, in a lot of different areas.

I feel like this will help motivate me the most, because it's a concrete goal - to get accepted into the agency. 


Right now, I'm preparing mostly of my own accord to make sure I can match the entry requirements. This is because my schedule is mostly unknown and so I need to form different programs most of the time, to suit my timings. 


The premise will be that I have different goals set by my instructors every challenge rotation, who are there to get me into shape for the programme. They will set me goals which will be my minichallenge goals. These probably won't be daily goals but something to aim for at the end of the challenge - eg being able to do X amounts of push ups. It's up to me to then set up a progression schedule to get me to that point for each of the challenges. This is again to maximise flexibility. These instructors can inform the Agency that I didn't achieve during that month and so the program will be set back another month - letting me develop the skills necessary.


Once I get back to the UK in six months or so, the training program can start, and these will probably become daily habits - in the form of 'classes' I have to take everyday. I will then Pass/Fail each of these classes, which determines whether or not I "pass" that term - which will be every three challenge rotations. I need to pass three terms to pass that year. I then need to pass three years to be able to graduate. This will be in literal terms - not for at least three years. This is long term planning, and I don't know what I need to graduate. Not yet anyway.


After that, who knows? Maybe I'll set challenges for different missions. Ooh, that's a good idea. Here's the structure:

PRE-TRAINING : the lead up to be accepted into ERA Training. Instructors every challenge to ensure I can progress. 

TRAINING : the school

TERM : Three challenge rotations. I need to pass the term to move onto the next term. To pass the term, I need to get a certain amount of credits from each class. I can move classes on each time. So if I'm taking four classes and fail one of them, I can move onto the next term, but will need to retake that class. 

HOLIDAY : Every fourth challenge rotation will be a holiday, and in this time I will do a 'mission'. This will not be 'pass/fail' but will be a challenge I need to be able to complete at the end of the mini.

YEAR : Every three terms. I need to pass all my classes to move onto the next year. If not, the year will be postponed by a term. That additional term could be considered 'extra credit', where I will focus on the areas I am lacking.

GRADUATION : To have completed three years. Lmao will I even remember this at that point. 



I think I'm going to go build up some spreadsheets with this information now. 

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Okay ya'll, something new has come up in my life and now I know for definite that I need to get onto the top of my workout game. Who knows, it might literally become life or death.

Basically I was approached by a non military sub branch of the UN SCCCTU, who are counter terrorism, and look for people out of sixth form and university. Someone approached me about a potential interest in ERA (the branch's name), but told me that I wouldn't be able to get into the training program unless my health and fitness was up to snuff. This sounds like an amazing direction in my life, and I haven't signed any NDAs, so I think I'm free to talk about the process here with you all.

I've been assigned different instructors over the coming months - every five months, which is a massively beneficial coincidence for being on here and already setting those habits. They'll give me different challenges each period and some more technical stuff if I fail - but I don't plan on failing. 

I know I won't become James Bond, but to help out others via communication and information will be amazing. 

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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On 10/29/2017 at 2:31 AM, IAmInfinite said:

Okay ya'll, something new has come up in my life and now I know for definite that I need to get onto the top of my workout game. Who knows, it might literally become life or death.

Basically I was approached by a non military sub branch of the UN SCCCTU, who are counter terrorism, and look for people out of sixth form and university. Someone approached me about a potential interest in ERA (the branch's name), but told me that I wouldn't be able to get into the training program unless my health and fitness was up to snuff. This sounds like an amazing direction in my life, and I haven't signed any NDAs, so I think I'm free to talk about the process here with you all.

I've been assigned different instructors over the coming months - every five months, which is a massively beneficial coincidence for being on here and already setting those habits. They'll give me different challenges each period and some more technical stuff if I fail - but I don't plan on failing. 

I know I won't become James Bond, but to help out others via communication and information will be amazing. 


I have not visited your battle thread for ages and ages, and I am so confused - is this part of your theme, or is this for real??



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The Silver Archer, Ranger Level 53

Jesus-follower | Writer | Encourager | Resident Myers-Briggs and Enneagram Geek 

"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people." - Fred Rogers

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On 03/11/2017 at 4:01 PM, SkyGirl said:


I have not visited your battle thread for ages and ages, and I am so confused - is this part of your theme, or is this for real??



100% not real but treating it as real to get me off my butt and the theme for thenext challenge

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they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

Challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20Battle Log ~ Epic Quest

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