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I Am Infinite - The Experiment

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Maybe other Nerds or people at unior other environments im in

Weekly journal based on their interactions and instructors interactions with me

Only applicable from acceptance onwards, not for pretraining

(Because im supposed to be home then - and actually enter the training groupds later)

Would others be up for competing with me?

And accountability group - need more forum interaction to ensure

Weekly/daily challenges set by inhouse competition - example of my trying the PvPs.

Onlt going to be a few mention


Add drama with people who dont like me?

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they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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1 hour ago, IAmInfinite said:

Add drama with people who dont like me?





  • Haha 1


The Silver Archer, Ranger Level 53

Jesus-follower | Writer | Encourager | Resident Myers-Briggs and Enneagram Geek 

"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people." - Fred Rogers

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7 hours ago, SkyGirl said:



That is an AMAZING Gif 

and I wish I could have fought your Dark Elf and all your struggles for you, but it'd be interesting to have people and physical manifestations of real time struggles. All for the drama dear, all for the drama


The story is incubating in my head until I arrive back in the UK in mid March, because until then I have very limited wifi and very limited time. But just fleshing out ideas and plots in my head.


Also, have you ever considered compiling your entire story? It'd be really cool to follow along from the beginning, and also see how you writing has improved :P But your story is always so gripping and real, and the latest installmentdoes nothing to change that.

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they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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what class do i want to consider! im no longer justa survivor, i want to be thriving off of life, taking chances and living the antifragile life


i reread alanna the lioness and was reminded of how awesome and inspirational that lady knight was - in part due to her sheer tenacity, discipline, and determination. She had strength and kept strict hours and schedule to keep improving. I want to do the same.


also with this whole theme - sort of like a spy or intelligence agent or sommat


i just know that i really want to change my class because that no longer fits me. 

i like knight, but i feel that has too much a sense of rigidity attached too it, and agent is just cliche and too flippant (im neutral good if you couldnt tell :P)


what could the options be? champion. defender. knight. pilgrim. disciple. agent. visionary. hero in training. centerer. creator. doer. curiosity. developer.

they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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#1 Write a book

#2 Look good

#3 Be close with God


Side Effect : good discipline, health, happiness




#1 - Write daily. Edit daily. Publish. Promote.

#2 - Eat correctly. Exercise daily. 

#3 Pray. Meditate. Read the Bible


Other goals :


Music (guitar & viola)

Language (Korean until September, then maybe one new one every three years?)


Media experience



Invest in:

CF Extra,






they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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On 12/8/2017 at 7:53 AM, IAmInfinite said:

Also, have you ever considered compiling your entire story? It'd be really cool to follow along from the beginning, and also see how you writing has improved :P But your story is always so gripping and real, and the latest installmentdoes nothing to change that.






I have thought about compiling it all - it would need some rewriting and a whoooole load of editing to make it make any sense, but I have considered it.  :)  I sent it to a friend of mine who also writes, and he said it was predictable and full of overdone tropes; so I'd probably try to refresh it a bit to make it ... less tropy. Although this guy does write Star Wars fanfic, so that might disqualify him from commenting ...  ;) 


Your goals look fantastic and I love them!! 

  • Haha 1


The Silver Archer, Ranger Level 53

Jesus-follower | Writer | Encourager | Resident Myers-Briggs and Enneagram Geek 

"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people." - Fred Rogers

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5 minutes ago, SkyGirl said:



I have thought about compiling it all - it would need some rewriting and a whoooole load of editing to make it make any sense, but I have considered it.  :)  I sent it to a friend of mine who also writes, and he said it was predictable and full of overdone tropes; so I'd probably try to refresh it a bit to make it ... less tropy. Although this guy does write Star Wars fanfic, so that might disqualify him from commenting ...  ;) 


Your goals look fantastic and I love them!! 

Aww, lmao it was a while ago now :P


Though yes compling for awesome writing is one thing, but also getting it see how your writing has changed and improved, but also to see how Sky has grown and the challenges she faces might be the same or different - because they do relate to yours and might be a cool way of looking back and seeing how much you've grown. 

It is pretty tropy, but then that was sort of half the point wasn't it? Not to write a masterpiece but to write some of yourself in Tolkien's world. 


And I'm excited for this new challenge and the way I'll approach it! 

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they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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3 hours ago, IAmInfinite said:

Though yes compling for awesome writing is one thing, but also getting it see how your writing has changed and improved, but also to see how Sky has grown and the challenges she faces might be the same or different - because they do relate to yours and might be a cool way of looking back and seeing how much you've grown. 

It is pretty tropy, but then that was sort of half the point wasn't it? Not to write a masterpiece but to write some of yourself in Tolkien's world. 


Sky and her adventures have changed sooo much in the almost-two-years I've been here, and that is absolutely reflective of how I've changed, too. I go back to my oldest challenges and I was scared and self-conscious all the time ... now I am so much more confident and strong, not where I want to be, but so far from where I was.


And yes, it was absolutely meant to be tropy in the first place, and his feedback kept me from taking myself too seriously.  ;) 

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The Silver Archer, Ranger Level 53

Jesus-follower | Writer | Encourager | Resident Myers-Briggs and Enneagram Geek 

"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people." - Fred Rogers

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3 hours ago, SkyGirl said:

now I am so much more confident and strong, not where I want to be, but so far from where I was.

Yeah, now you're the Ranger Ambassador and trying so hard at where you know you struggle and still being so open and helpful :D

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they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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5 hours ago, IAmInfinite said:

Yeah, now you're the Ranger Ambassador and trying so hard at where you know you struggle and still being so open and helpful :D


Dude! You're so encouraging!!  :D  :D  :D 

  • Haha 1


The Silver Archer, Ranger Level 53

Jesus-follower | Writer | Encourager | Resident Myers-Briggs and Enneagram Geek 

"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people." - Fred Rogers

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#1 - Write daily. Edit daily. Publish. Promote.

#2 - Eat correctly. Exercise daily. 

#3 Pray. Meditate. Read the Bible


So, these were goals I set in March, and let us see how my time has changed :P

The writing has dropped, and the exercise is changing. The prayer is getting better.


#1 - complete daily streaks in 4tw. That's 444 words a day. I'm thinking about adding some time for art in this?

#2 - Failing. I need to get a bike, and I need to get over this sugar addiction. No longer am I going to do IF, but eat a breakfast, because that's when the sugar craving is highest. It's better to eat healthy than to eat nothing and then eat a ton of sugar. Boiled eggs and fruit are gonna be more of a thing, I think. 

#3 - I need to pick a time for my Bible Reading. I kinda want to do it in the park, but I also want to run, and I don't want to run with a bag. 

Options ; go with someone who will sit with my bag, get locked panniers, find a bag to run with, read bible after shower

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they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Habits :

#1 Write daily. Until first draft is written.

#2 Slowly reduce diet until it is healthy. Slowly increase exercise until it is healthy.

#3 Pray daily. Read the Bible daily.

Lmao these habits were written in Sep 2017. I haven't improved much :P But it's good to know that I still want the same stuff, and am refining how I'm going about it.

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they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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10 hours ago, IAmInfinite said:

Lmao these habits were written in Sep 2017. I haven't improved much :P But it's good to know that I still want the same stuff, and am refining how I'm going about it


I love how you turned this around into a positive!! Consistent goals and desires is a really good thing!  :D 


The Silver Archer, Ranger Level 53

Jesus-follower | Writer | Encourager | Resident Myers-Briggs and Enneagram Geek 

"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people." - Fred Rogers

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It's been a while since I posted anywhere other than the Accountability forum, but I'm midway through my second week of university, and I'm determined that I'm going to continue with good habits, and develop good routines. This time is a purpose of growth and experimentation, not just for uni, but life in general. 


I'm currently studying philosophy, so there is a lot of self study and doing the readings and forming critical arguments, so the burden of time and responsibility is on me - more so than if I just had to memorise things from lectures. Nope, 10% of my grade is coming from seminars, discussions, and thinking of questions. So I need to organise my time and stay AHEAD of things, not just ontop of them.


I'm currently planning on joining the radio and newspaper, and Kpop dance, and the CU. Perhaps after Christmas I'll look into Martial Arts in the city itself. 

I also want to work on my guitar playing, my Korean writing, my daily Bible reading, and my fiction writing. 

So there's a lot that needs to be balanced. But this is what I'm caring about, and not about anything else. Not other things that I might be ionterested in, and definetly not in the opposition. 


I hesitate to build a timetable. Not just because its not set in stone yet (eg when societies are happening), but routines are more useful to me. Orders of events, and not just times for them. It also helps with flexibility with things. And shopping and laundry are also time consuming things that will happen on an irregular basis, so they're going to have to fit in whenever. ( Can you believe laundry costs £4?!) 


But this is just a post to say I'm here, I'm alive, and I'm figuring things out!

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they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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I think I'm gonna start by getting up at the same time everyday. Right now, it'll be 8am, but I might make it earlier if I want to run in the mornings. Which is doubtful, considering its already getting colder and darker, but 8am is good.

During the week, I have two 9am lectures, and one 10am seminar, so those are what I will be waking up for. 

On the days that I don't have an immediate reason to get out of bed, I'm going to go to the Library and get one hour of reading in. I will then do one chapter of the Bible, and one chapter of my Korean textbook. Then I can come back and do whatever else I need to for the day.

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they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Am I nearly a week late? Am I start in the last challenge of the year? Am I writing this as the literal end of the day? If the answer is yes to all of above, congratulations, you have started as everyone else is finishing. But have no fear, the fact that you have started at all is good, and your progress shall be exciting. Carve your own path, and that is how you shall be remembered.



Strike looked up as the door behind her closed with a heavy thud, followed by a click of the door being locked. She had three weeks to find her way into the center of the maze, retrieve a laurel wreath from the center. On the way, she fights three monsters, each with five heads / eyes / idk, with a triple boss at the end of the second week representing my essays. In the center, she finds the wreath, but she also finds it in a gold box with lines over it, which she realise represents the coastline. It seems like an X marks the spot. There is also a A single golden coin with an unfamiliar emblem, approximately palm sized. She finds an enchanted longsword in the first week. She's in here because she accidently cast cutting words while defending a friend on the son of the estate owner, and she could have been exectued / reported to the empire. If she does this, she gets away with exile instead. 

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they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Am I nearly a week late? Am I start in the last challenge of the year? Am I writing this as the literal end of the day? If the answer is yes to all of above, congratulations, you have started as everyone else is finishing. But have no fear, the fact that you have started at all is good, and your progress shall be exciting. Carve your own path, and that is how you shall be remembered.


To start back after maybe a year of being away (geez, has it really been so long?), I'm with the Assassins, because I want to focus on movement and martial arts and sneaky things. I'm nearly at the end of my term of university, which has been really fun, and actually really good for all of my habits, but now is the time to crack down and create something sustainable and more than happenstance. My main focus' will be my sleep schedule and making time for the Bible, so in concrete terms, it will be :


#1 - Sleep before 12 x5 a week

#2 - Wake by 8 x5 a week

#3 - Don't eat after 9 x5 a week

#4 - Attend all lectures & seminars

#5 - Read the Bible once a day, and memorise the verse for the week each day.


If I defeat all of these then I shall reward myself with some new Dungeons & Dragons die. If I fail, then I shall reduce my weekly budget by £10 for a month.

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they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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Strike looked up as the door behind her closed with a heavy thud, followed by a click of the door being locked. She had three weeks to find her way into the center of the maze, and retrieve a laurel wreath that was rumoured to be hidden there. Baron von Wittenish had been sending poor souls in to look for it since he had gotten into power, determined to find the wreath that his great grandfather had told him was magic. And now she was the latest of the unfortunate, all for the crime of having defended a friend. Admittedly, she was defending Ido from the Baron's son, Jeoffrey, and had managed to put some force into her voice to flay his skin (it couldn't be magic, she couldn't be magic), but this was as near a death sentence as anything else. It was only because her father, Bran Ghallanda, had managed to petition the king with his many connections that she wasn't being executed via hanging. 


Letting out a shaky breath, Strike struck a match and lit the torch they had thrust into her hands just before closing the door. She would need to find some left by others if she was to continue being able to see at all. Then, peering into the gloom, she started down a hallway that echoed with past fears...

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they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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On 11/30/2018 at 6:46 AM, Infinity.Creates said:

Am I nearly a week late? Am I start in the last challenge of the year? Am I writing this as the literal end of the day? If the answer is yes to all of above, congratulations, you have started as everyone else is finishing. But have no fear, the fact that you have started at all is good, and your progress shall be exciting. Carve your own path, and that is how you shall be remembered.

I am in love with the words you use here, it's just so wonderfully lovely! 

You are definitely not the only one that is starting at the end of the year :) 
I just hope personally I can be one of the ones that continue on into the new year!


On 11/30/2018 at 6:46 AM, Infinity.Creates said:

If she does this, she gets away with exile instead. 

Sounds better than death, but what could it mean for other parts of her journey?


I haven't read the rest of this thread (yet), but was wondering. How did you come up of the story of Strike? Is she like your alter ego? Or a being in another dimension?

Will be going to the challenge also now!

"Operation Bad*ss" Starts 9/1/2024

Quest 1: Level up Basecamp


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16 hours ago, LovelyBouncer said:

I haven't read the rest of this thread (yet), but was wondering. How did you come up of the story of Strike? Is she like your alter ego? Or a being in another dimension?

Will be going to the challenge also now!

My battle log is more a mishmash of all the ideas that I'll be going through properly on my challenge thread, general benchmarks or ideas that don't go in my notepad but stay on NF. 

As for Strike, I keep wanting to go through a challenge as an alter ego Dungeons and Dragons character - and it's how I wanted to start again because I've been playing a lot of DnD recently :P She goes through what I am going through, but she faces five headed hydras while I face five aspects of a challenge. She faces Cerberus while I face three deadlines. A victory for me is a victory for her, and vice versa. It just helps makes my challenges feel a bit more dramatic and let's me exercise my nerdy side as well :D 

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they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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17 hours ago, LovelyBouncer said:

Sounds better than death, but what could it mean for other parts of her journey?

As for the rest of the story, who knows? :D  Why was her father confident she would survive? What will she discover? 

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they / them  |  half-orc paladin ( oath of the watcher )   --   lv 0

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