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About Brawlrus

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  • Birthday 12/31/1978

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    Portland, OR
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  1. By which I mean, prolonged fasting. I am planning on doing a short(3 day) water fast and am wondering if anyone here has done one, either successfully, or not. I do understand all the potential dangers and am making sure to keep my electrolytes balanced. I'm just curious if anyone has tips, or any comments about fasting.
  2. OMGOMGOMG!! This episode!!! just <3<3<3! From Eostre's party, to Orlando frickin' Jones and Crispin Glover and ...
  3. On the support note, be sure that it is indeed support you seek and not validation. If you're anything like myself, you are still unsure of your identity, or not happy with the identity you have, so you look for some form of activity to define you. For years I became "that bodybuilder guy" in my circles and that was my identity, but I did eventually realize that I chose bodybuilding because I was seeking attention from it. I wasn't in love with getting big, I was in love with being known as being big. Since I came to that realization, I've sought other things and still haven't quite nailed it, but I won't choose something based on how it will make me look, or just to have an identity in my circles. If you find something you truly enjoy, you won't seek support. You'll be a freight train of passion and others will want to ride that train, so they'll jump on board without you asking.
  4. That's probably what her appeal is for me. I was cool with Media's Lucy and Marilyn, but wasn't so fond of her Bowie look. Or was she Annie Lennox? Her 80's stuff...didn't like.
  5. Yeah, can't forget about Easter! Don't get me wrong, Shadow is a good looking dude, but there needs to be a decent balance. Is it wrong that Bilquis kinda does it for me?
  6. I enjoyed it. I saw a lot of talk about "oh, they could have summed her story up in 15 minutes. I hate her". I'm like, c'mon people, they made it that long so you can get to know her and not ignore for 10 minutes. She's obviously important. I have to say, though, my fave part was when she called dude a "ginger minge".
  7. elevation and compression should suffice, but I'd still suggest cold. It needn't be icy. Just cold water in the tub will be enough. You're not going full Wim Hof.
  8. My guess would be(maybe) a mild neuropathy associated with being on your feet all day and causing some nerve damage. Get an exercise program for your feet to get blood flowing through there, ice them for about 10 minutes a day, followed by rubbing them down with some castor oil and wrapping your oiled feet in a warm towel for 20-30 minutes. When you can(maybe while they are being heated), raise them above heart level. For the exercise, I would just start with the towel thing. Stand on the edge of a towel(or just sit and put your toes at the edge), then curl your toes up and using only your toes, scrunch the towel up(pulling it towards you). 3-5 sets of that a coupe times a week should help get your foot strength up. The rest is just rehab for the pain. Despite standing all day, your feet are probably weak and might even be weak FROM standing all day without flexing. You don't want to start running on weak feet, just like you wouldn't want to drive on bald tires. Oh and along with the exercise, maybe practice spreading your toes out as far as you can a few times at the end of every day/
  9. Well, I can't say for certain, since I started an SSRI at about the same time, but in the past I found that to be true about a lot of sports.
  10. I've seen and heard the bjj chillness to be a factor of the old surfer community taking it up and having major influence on it. As for the choke outs being disputed, one factor is that for many of the moves, choke is a misnomer and they are actually strangulations. Strangling is cutting off the blood flow to the brain, so I think that's where the long term health aspect is shady. As for real chokes, where you're cutting off the wind pipe, the effects pose less danger long term, but could be potentially worse immediately, like from a crushed windpipe.
  11. I checked it and they didn't have Revolution Parkour listed from Beaverton, Tualitin and Gresham Oregon. Not that I could find, anyways. I'll try to add them if I can figure out how.
  12. You tend to lose your ego pretty quickly in bjj, so the hotheads aren't too much of an issue. You'll get the occasional hotheaded highschool wrestler who comes in, thinking they're gonna wreck everyone and they are probably the most dangerous, so just don't roll with anyone paying a drop in fee. Let the purple, brown and black belts work them.
  13. I think Wildross nailed it. I had this happening for years and now I have a torn RC. Lighten up your workouts and add in some rc stuff.
  14. It makes sense that general strength could only help me. I did throw braemar with some Highland guys for awhile. They have a couple variants on hammer, too. I know there are a few competitive strongmen there, so maybe I'll pick their brains. I guess the crux of my question boils down to something like, since the shot is in one hand, would 1 arm c&j's be better for me than barbell, or does the increased load of the barbell equate to more overall power and explosiveness? Perhaps a mix of the two? I feel like it seems logical that 1 arm c&j's would help, but I also don't want to muddy the waters too much and have too many useless lifts if they aren't going to help me throw 60 feet.
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