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About elasticgirl

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  • Birthday 05/02/1986


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  • Location
    Portland, OR, USA
  1. Mostly just posting to show I didn't just up and leave. Didn't succeed, feel somewhat defeated, but I acknowledge that it was entirely my bad and I'm not making excuses. Just preparing to pull my head out of my ass and keep going.
  2. Oops. Hello everyone! It's been awhile since I've regularly posted on a message board, and it's always hard to get into the swing of it again! ^^; Also, I hate having to admit when I'm not doing well With the exception of the sub-200 lb goal, I'm not very likely to meet any of these goals. I'm not really letting it bother me though - it's been a learning experience, if anything. I think I have fitness ADHD or something. I get really into something for like two weeks and then get distracted by something else, which is usually not a problem as long as I'm staying active, but it definitely gets in the way of something I'd have to focus on almost every day, like the KB challenge that I should have realized wasn't a realistic goal for me right now. I actually haven't added up the tally in a few days, but I think I'm somewhere between 3000 and 4000. On the plus-side with that, though, even though I haven't done as many as I'd hoped by this point - the chronic, ridiculous, almost every day back pain I used to have? Gone for the most part I can't remember the last time I felt this good in that respect! Anyway, I'll leave it at I'm somewhat glad for the probable failure, because it has taught me the difference between my theoretical limits and what turns out to be my actual limits when you factor in life getting in the way, and now I will know what are much more realistic goals for the next one!
  3. I've heard excellent things about EA Sports Active 2, but haven't tried it out yet. I've only done Wii Fit Plus. I'm honestly not a huge fan, but my partner does it all the time and loves it.
  4. I had actually never seen The Incredibles when I started using this screen name, although now that I've seen it I do like the accidental association! I took it from the name of . I was really digging the "I can be anything I wanna be" lines when I started this whole journey. I'm actually kind of over this username now, but there are a couple of other fitness sites where I use this name, and I like consistency.
  5. The world's greatest snack! edit: That or apples and cheese. Might sound weird, but given the right cheese, it's awesome. Oddly enough, as much as I love almond butter, I've never really been able to get down with the apple/almond butter combo. Bananas and almond butter on the other hand...
  6. I'm female. But only technically
  7. Quick update: Goal #1 - on par so far Goal #2 - kicking ass 1420 so far (420/280/220/500 daily breakdown, 355 daily average) Goal #3 - nothing yet, hitting the trail tomorrow after work (didn't I say I quit my job? How easily I'm talked into covering shifts...) Goal #4 - eh, 2 out of 4 days isn't too bad - it's 50%, which is what I'm aiming for, so yay
  8. 920 so far! ...over the last 3 days (420/280/220). Even I'm not crazy enough to do that in one day Looks like my ladyfriend's not about to wake up for awhile though, so I think I'm going to bust out some random amount once this sushi settles a little (mmmmmmm salmon).
  9. http://www.facebook.com/rexmanningday - Like everyone else, if you add me, lemme know who you are. I don't use Twitter much, but going through my account it looks like all of my posts have been in April or May of the last couple years, so I guess my time's coming up again! XD http://twitter.com/fake_star/
  10. Hi guys! I probably won't be as chatty as I should be until after Tuesday (yay finals ) but I wanted to check in real quick. My challenges are going really well so far I'm taking an off day today though - my partner's sick and I want to lounge around with her and help make her feel better. She's napping right now though, so I have a brief bit of supposed to be studying but actually messing around on the internet time. But I've been keeping more or less on par with the kettlebell challenge (though I'll definitely have to bust out more over the next couple days to make up for today), I know I'll be going for a run after work tomorrow because I work right by a really beautiful trail and it's supposed to be great weather tomorrow, and so far I've kept below 200 lbs (though admittedly I only weighed in once to better my odds!) - I'm pretty jazzed
  11. Yeah, I thought the same thing about the KB challenge when I first read about it - which is why I had to try it I pumped out 420 yesterday, and today my muscles are like "what the hell woman, you expect us to do that HOW MANY more times? D:" to which I respond "YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME RAWR!" ..^^; I may be a little sleep-deprived and wonky-brained from studying for finals. Gowaduv - Your first signature is what I wanted to put for mine! *high five* Now I have to think of something else though. spezzy - I'm down for a squad. I hadn't even thought about that since it was something I'd been planning on anyway, but eh why not?
  12. What up rebels! You don't know me (yet!) - I've mostly just been lurking, and I think I've only made one other post, but I have in the meantime quit my job to go to school full time (which is awesome!) so I'll be around more. *makes herself comfortable* Anyway! As you can see, I'm not good at writing introductions, so I guess I'll just jump right in! Goal 1 - End the challenge weighing firmly under 200 pounds I've been hovering within a few pounds for quite some time - steadily trending downward, for sure, but wavering enough that it's hard to consider the day I hit <200 a complete victory yet. I don't like setting "lose x pounds by y date" sort of goals, so I'm thinking of it more as I'd like to get to a weight enough below 200 consistently enough to know it's not a water weight fluke Goal 2 - 10,000 swing kettlebell challenge! That's actually traditionally a 30-day thing. Still sounds badass, though! I actually meant to start this last week, but I've been sick. Goal 3 - Take my ass for a real run - not on a treadmill or elliptical - at *least* 2 days each week Not too much to ask with the weather here in Portland starting to get gorgeous again My partner and I signed up for a 5k this Sunday, and while I know I'm not going to keel over and die or anything, I know it's going to be a lot less comfortable than I'd like to admit. Goal 4 (non-fitness related) - Abstain from drinking at least 14 out of the next 28 days I'm certainly not all-out quitting - that's setting myself up for failure, especially with St. Patrick's Day soon But it's starting to get a little out of hand for me and I don't want to screw up my studies, my relationships, my finances, etc. for temporary gratification. Okay, I'm starting to ramble. TL;DR: Disregard booze, acquire victory.
  13. Hi all! Been reading the blog for awhile but never checked out the forum. Figured I may as well join in on the challenge.. it'll be a nice kick in the butt #1 - Finally see the needle on the scale stop to the left of 200 Honestly, this is something I should have seen already, but admittedly I've been slacking a bit over the summer. My initial goal was to see this by the time I flew to Vermont for my friend's wedding, but that snuck up on me and would now mean losing a pound a day, and I'm getting better at making realistic goals. #2 - Be able to do at least one 1-handed exercise with my 12 kg kettlebell I've been all about kettlebells lately, but in a fit of ego, the first one I bought was a 12 kg, which it turns out is fine for the 2-handed swing, but for everything else, it really should have been the 8. I have that now, so I've been rocking the cleans and the snatches and all that good stuff, but I fully intend for that 8 to be a temporary step. Non-fitness challenge: #3 - Get all my ducks in a row as far as going back to school It's been about five and a half years since I first dropped out of college. I'm not letting something like unsettled debt and an overwhelming fear of talking on the phone stand in my way. Sub-goal: remember that I actually started posting here and keep updating
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