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About JPanda

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  • Birthday 12/19/1986


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  1. The budding bromance between Charles and Erik made me gigglesnort a couple of times during the movie.
  2. Thank you, Philociraptor. <3 that.
  3. This documentary was really good! There were some sequences and pictures I had never seen before from his childhood. Also, Dan Inosanto got OLD.
  4. A few years ago I went through a phase (3~4 months) where if I felt really guilty about eating something I probably should have stayed away from (buffet, 8 slices of pizza, brekkie from McD's or BK) I would purge. Yeah, I got to a point where I would plan on getting some hashbrowns and a croissant sandwich, just to throw it up afterwards. I realized how disgusting it had gotten, so I stopped.
  5. I know right! I got the name from my 2nd favorite DDR song of all time. Also, I was super proud of myself when I finished the logo
  6. Meet Mr. Wonderful This is the superhero alter ego I always wished I was. Essentially the same powers as Mr. Majestic (Superman sans krypto-weakness and including SUPER SUPER intelligence) I think I made this in 3DS MAX like 4 or 5 years ago.
  7. It's pretty lengthy, but it's a great discussion on this subject from the fighting game community.
  8. That's awesome! Thank you so much for mentioning this. As soon as I opened the thread I ran and set up the DVR to record the AM showing.
  9. Liking the progress so far! Can't wait to see how far you get.
  10. Welcome! I love this part of the forums because you get to see so many stories of change and inspiration. You will definitely love it here. Based on your goals, you should definitely check out the Barbarian Strength Guild as soon as possible for resources, tips, and to see who your fellow strength trainers are around here.
  11. Welcome! There are tons of resources out there so it can be a little intimidating, especially if you're going at it alone. If weight loss is what you're looking for then you definitely want to check out the Weight Loss Guild. You'll find that weight training can help a TON when it comes to actual weight loss, so make sure to stop by the Barbarian Strength Guild. As time goes on you should definitely treat yourself to a visit to some of the other resources available on the site. Also, never be afraid to just jump right in and start asking questions or getting involved in some discussions. Hope to see you around!
  12. Woot! Love to see people who make progress and don't stop in awe of how much progress they make, but keep looking forward to how much more they can do!
  13. JPanda


    http://visiblechildren.tumblr.com/ ^^ Please check this out as well. I am still in support of this cause, but I want to make sure the time, effort, and resources that I put into this are going to be towards exactly what I went them towards. I plan on sharing this with as many people as possible, and also on writing appropriate letters to the appropriate spokespersons near me and in our government. I also plan on participating come April 20th.
  14. What I can't stand is when people at my gym (gold's) DO CURLS IN THE SQUAT RACK. CURLS, IN THE SQUAT RACK>
  15. Remember to throw in some negatives, those definitely helped me get to that first one. That is the hardest step!
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