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Thom Sparrow

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About Thom Sparrow

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/12/1973

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  • Location
    Central PA
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  1. Super frustrated right now. It's ben a while since I've been around, and I really need to get my fitness-act together. I'm still teaching yoga, but a very gentle style, and I've let my personal practice fall apart. Still doing some martial arts practice, but inconsistently, and not very vigorously. My diet has gone to hell. Lots of sodas. Now that the rant is out of the way, the positive... I know what I need to do, I just need to be disciplined. Yesterday I (re)started stronglifts 5x5. This weekend I attended a seminar on my favorite martial art. It's not very vigorous to train, but it did inspire me( and I got a clear look at myself in the photos). I'm reading the book "Chirunning" and have an associated video, and plan to start running. I'll be joining the next challenge when it starts. T
  2. Thanks for checking in! Things are good-no Flawless Victory this challenge, but a fairly high score and some insights for next time
  3. Good eye! I believe that a few styles use this form(via Chin Woo Athletic Association), but it's definitely taught in Changquan. I believe it's originally from that system, but I'm not positive of that. The person I got it from learned variations of it from a few sources, including Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming who is known for his longfist. I'm repeating the entire form 5 times daily. Thanks for checking in and commenting!
  4. Oops, I missed the update Sunday-first week successfully completed( and a few extra days, now )
  5. Day two in the books. This evening I got to train with the guy that taught me the form, so I was able to get some details cleaned up.
  6. Day one down. Most of my training in the last few years has been Chinese "internal" stuff~Taiji, Xingyi, etc. Not everything is slow and flowing, and Xingyi especially has some power to it, but I haven't trained with something like this form for a long time. It's really fun, although it is reminding me that I'm kind of old and a little fat. Still, good times doing the work.
  7. Hey hey! I just had my first pt appointment for shoulder impingement as well. I'll be with you in spirit!
  8. Definitely an important topic, and to often ignored. I'll be following, and cheering you on!
  9. Welcome to the Rebellion. You're off to a great start. I especially appreciated that you included reading more. That is sure to go over well around here!
  10. Also Harrisburg Just returning to NF, can use all the help and motivation I can get!
  11. Hi There! Although I went druid, I have definite monk tendencies(probably multiclass, really). I thought that a monk style challenge would be nice for my reintroduction to Nerd Fitness. In an effort to make things stick, I just joined the Academy and Rising Heroes, so I have plenty of quest work ahead of me. I decided that a small kung fu challenge would keep me on target without becoming overwhelmed on top of the "official" quests I'm tasked with. So... Gong Li Chuan is a beginners level set in Northern Shaolin derived kung fu styles. I don't practice a lot in these styles, but it can be fun, and I learned this from a coach/training partner a few years ago. I'm currently working on getting it memorized again, and then for the duration of the challenge I'm committing to 5 reps daily. That will certainly improve my ability, but will take less than 10 minutes allowing me to focus on my other goals and challenges. Let's kick this challenge's ass!
  12. My current class situation is a little weird. The only regular class I attend is primarily preteens and teens(I help coach the kids class before this one, and stay to workout/help teach). A lot of them seem to be into console gaming. Some of the people I trained with in the past are into comics and rpgs(these are my people). Taijiquan seems to attract musicians(also my people), and a lot of the I Liq Chuan people I've met have been bodyworkers. The couple that runs the school where I help coach teach kung fu basics and swprd at GenCon every year.
  13. Wow, it's been a bit. That's okay, though...no shame, but more focus. I'll be joining in the next challenge, and looking forward to leveling up! Edited to add: After posting this, I decided to get serious and pulled the trigger on the Academy and RH. Let's do this!
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