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  1. Welcome to the February/March minichallenge! We'll be exploring traditions from around the world as we move from the Lunar New Year to the Equinox. Come along to learn, and practice, self-care, personal renewal, and rejuvenation! Week 1 - Decluttering the physical space Week 2 - Nurturing your body Week 3 - Unweighing your mind Week 4 - Kindling your passion Week 5 - Moving forward to flourish
  2. Welcome to Sesame Street! As part of our ongoing training, we'll be spending the next challenge here, learning about new exercises and revisiting some we already know. To join the fun, just enter your name into the lesson planner and start trying out the exercises posted each day. You can join at any time and a new lesson will be posted each day! Log the number of exercises you attempt for each episode (not reps performed) to increase your score. Any legitimate attempt counts. Exercises don't have to be performed on the day they're posted (you can always catch the reruns!). Basic Rules: - This mini-challenge will run from 3January through 6February and is open to any who wish to participate. Just add your name to the lesson planner. You may sign up at any time. - You're encouraged to try new things and reach outside your comfort zone, but please be aware of your own abilities. Some exercises will be more advanced than others. - Scores will show diminishing returns (EG the first exercise is worth more points than the second, which is worth more than the third, and so on). Perform at least one exercise from each daily lesson to maximize your score. -Lessons can be completed any time after they're posted. Feel free to catch up on any you missed or revisit those you enjoyed. -Unless specifically stated in the entry name, you can use any appropriate equipment for the listed exercises. (EG a bodyweight squat, bar squat, dumbbell squat, kettlebell squat, sandbag squat, etc are all functionally identical, and you can try any or all of them for that entry.) - If you have any questions, please ask! - Mini-challenges are not mandatory, feel free to ignore this one if you don't want to participate. - Don't let mini-challenges hinder your own goals. - If you're not sure how to register something, post it here. - Keep it simple! - Don't hurt yourself!
  3. 10 years, 519 weeks, 3632 days, 87 challenges of leveling up lives. So this challenge we're going to take a moment to pay tribute to that history, while continuing our march forward. Twice a week, on Sunday and Wednesday, we'll post an update on this thread expanding our anniversary workout in honor of another year. Post here or in your challenge thread when you finish!
  4. You wake up, finding yourself in an unfamiliar bedroom. The room is fairly dark with heavy wood and thick green curtains blocking out all but a single beam of sunlight highlighting a slow swirl of dust. Your throbbing head feels heavy when you try to lift it from the soft pillow and you realize how weak you are as you take in your surroundings - a small desk in the corner boasts a pile of parchment, ink, and quill. Next to it is a dressing stand that someone has apparently hung your outer clothes on, and there is a chamber pot and bedpan on the floor below the dark oak four poster bed that you’re lying on. There are two doors, and you can make out the muffled sounds of a fair few voices behind one of them. You think back, searching your foggy mind for the last thing you remember… it was a cobbled alleyway, in a town you didn’t recognize but one you had been searching for… you were stumbling along with the world coming in and out of focus, but the only thing you had drank that day was some water a goblin offered you after you had asked for directions… THE GOBLIN! You groan, holding your pounding head in your hands. Something seemed off about him from the start, but you were desperate - having lost your horse and provisions to the river crossing the week before - and had been walking in the heat ever since. What was in that water? According to the bed pan, you have been violently sick, and who knows how long you have been in this place. You want to peer out the window to at least get some bearings for where you are, but can you muster the strength to get out of bed? You can barely lift yourself up and can’t remember ever feeling this weak. Whatever you’ve been poisoned with has left you feeling as empty and frail as the molted paper exoskeleton of a cicada. You panic slightly at the thought of being trapped in this strange bed forever - but then you laugh. You’ve never been one to lay down and simply accept a terrible fate! You resolve to get out of this bed and figure out where you are, how you got there, and get back on track for your quest. Whatever it was. You hear a small voice in the back of your head, YOUR voice, egging you on: All you have to do it sit up… ************************************************************************** Let’s rebuild those sitting up muscles. For this stage of the mini challenge, you will add an additional round of core exercises to your normal routine. Even if you’re already doing some core - you’ll add a bit more. If you're unsure of when to incorporate, ask! Here are some tips and suggestions. -Protect your spine by drawing your navel in - the pelvic tilt helps teach this type of bracing. -Avoid extension of the spine or rounding of the shoulders. Foundational Pelvic Tilts Birdogs Unweighted glute bridges Full Planks Intermediate Russian twists (weighted as an option) Flutter kicks Hanging crunches Forearm planks or side planks Experienced Hanging leg raises TRX planks (feet in straps) Cable crunches (weighted) Ab wheel rollouts
  5. What’s the GREATEST Giant Robot of all time?!? We need your help to decide! We’ve put together a list of some of the most popular Giant Robots of all time. Each week, they’ll be paired up to compete for the top spot in a single elimination tournament. Who wins? You decide! For each match-up, you’ll have the option to pick a side and fight to support it. To do so, perform an exercise that meets that match’s criteria (each match is different, so be sure to check them all!) and log your contribution. The winner for each match will be the team with the most points logged at the end of the week! Basic Rules: - This mini-challenge is open to any who wish to participate. No sign-ups necessary, just add your name to the match you want to participate in, pick your side and start logging your reps! - This mini-challenge will run through Nov18th, when the champion will be declared the GREATEST GIANT ROBOT!!! - Modifications for injuries or other physical issues will be provided on a case by case basis whenever possible. - Each match will last for one week, but there may be more than one match running at a time. Be sure to check all of them! -For each match, you personal AMRAP (as many reps as possible) or AMSAP (as many seconds as possible) will be used to determine what exercise variants are appropriate. -Please test your AMRAP/AMSAP when you begin the match if you’re unsure what difficulty is appropriate for you. -Once an appropriate exercise variant is chosen, you may perform as many or as few reps/sec per set as you’d like and rest as long between sets as you desire. Your final contribution is the total reps/sec performed that week. -Suggestions for exercise variants can be found here, but you’re free to use any exercise that meets the match criteria (type of exercise and AMRAP/AMSAP range). - If you have any questions, just ask! Normal Mini-Challenge Rules: - Mini-challenges are not mandatory, feel free to ignore this one if you don't want to participate. - Don't let mini-challenges hinder your own goals. - If you're not sure how to register something, post it here. - Keep it simple! - Don't hurt yourself!
  6. Calling All Heroes of the Realm! The kingdom of Ssentif Dren is under assault by dark forces and requires aid! All interested are requested to register on the Party Roster. The counterattack begins September 17th! Once you’ve registered, select your race and class, using the guide below. This will determine your starting stats, as shown on the Overview. You can then choose a Level 1 specialization, which will increase the chosen stat by 1. You’ll gain additional specializations as you gain level up throughout the mini-challenge. Classes: Clerics specialize in supporting their companions, drawing on the power of their faith to support and defend the party. Fighters stand on the frontline, defending the party while attacking its enemies. Rogues focus on taking down enemies as quickly as possible, using weak points to attack and control the enemy. Wizards harness magical energy to control the battlefield and support their companions. Races: Dwarves are stout folk with an affinity for metal and stone. Their solid frames serve them well on defense. Elves are lithe and agile, sharing a delight in nature. Many use their dexterity to control their enemies. Giants are large creatures who prefer to keep to themselves. When threatened, their attacks are staggering to behold. Gnomes are small, friendly folk who enjoy simple comforts, like supporting their friends and family. Goblins are sneaky and self-sufficient, using any advantage to control their enemies. Halflings are good-natured scoundrels. Their pranks and jokes lift spirits, supporting allies. Humans are versatile and adaptable, using these abilities to best defend against their enemies. Orcs are strong and independent, prefering to smash their enemies with unrelenting attacks. Stat Explanations: Attack is your ability to deal damage to a single enemy (your primary target). It could be many, small strikes, a single, massive blow, or targetting joints and other weak points. Each time you make an entry, your primary target will take damage based on your Attack stat and your Reps Performed (Attack *Reps). Control is your ability to manage the battlefield. You may be using magic to target multiple enemies (FIREBALL!!!), drawing enemies to you with threats and insults, or dancing through the battlefield striking any enemy that comes in reach. Each time you make an entry, each enemy will take damage based on your Control stat and your Reps Performed (Control *Reps/4). Defend is your ability to protect yourself and your party from physical damage. It could represent heavy armor and skilled shield use, defensive magic, or dodging away. Each time you make an entry, the party’s Protect will increase based on your Defend stat and your Reps Performed (Defend *Reps/100), to a max of 50% damage received. Support is your ability to shield yourself and your party from magical damage. It could represent casting spells to counter and negate the enemy’s, distributing potions and other concoctions, or singing an inspiring song. Each time you make an entry, the party’s Shield will increase based on your Support stat and your Reps Performed (Support *Reps/100), to a max of 50% damage received. Healing doesn’t use a stat and can be performed by any party member. It can represent cure spells, antidotes and other potions, or first aid. Each time you make an entry, you may enter enter time spent performing a static hold to heal the party (1hp per sec held). You can’t heal more damage than your party has taken. Other Notes/Rules: Specialty is purely descriptive and has no effect on your stats or battles. Use it to describe yourself, your character, or your role in the party. Any Rep-based Exercise may be performed during a battle. Only those with a personal AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) of 20 or less may be scored, however. Unilateral (one-sided) exercises must be performed on both sides to count (use only the lower rep count). Any Static Hold may be performed to heal the party. Only those with a personal AMSAP (As Many Seconds As Possible) of 30sec or less may be scored, however. Unilateral (one-sided) holds must be performed on both sides to count (use only the lower hold time). This is a roleplay mini-challenge and everyone is encouraged to post updates in character as the story progresses. Please use italics for any story (in-character) responses and normal text for rules questions and other out-of-character concerns. Roleplaying is NOT required to participate. Normal Mini-Challenge Rules: - Mini-challenges are open to everyone - Mini-challenges are not mandatory, feel free to ignore this one if you don't want to participate. - Don't let mini-challenges hinder your own goals. - If you're not sure how to register something, post it here. - Keep it simple! - Don't hurt yourself!
  7. The Nerdwarts School of Assassincraft & Ninjary is pleased to invite you to attend our special, limited-time summer camp! At the camp, you’ll be able to take a few of our regular classes in a more condensed format to learn new skills or hone your current talents. To RSVP, please fill out and return the attached questionnaire. Classes begin July 9th!
  8. We've just received notice that the G.I.Joe team is recruiting, and they'd like us to try out! Just sign up on the spreadsheet! Each week some Joes will visit the Guild to assign tasks and judge our performance. Perform as many as you'd like to see how you do! Normal Mini-Challenge Rules: - Mini-challenges are not mandatory, feel free to ignore this one if you don't want to participate. - Don't let mini-challenges hinder your own goals. - If you're not sure how to register something, post it here. - Keep it simple! - Don't hurt yourself!
  9. Search for the TARDIS (preview week) London Ask Around (greet people) Push Through the Crowd (push reps) Investigate the Parade (tuck jumps) Find the Controller (pull reps) Escape the Cybermen (vaults/rolls) Reach the Control Panel (yoga holds) Conclusion Delta 3 Look around (time exploring) Climb Trees (pull reps) Leave the Forest (push reps) Search the Swamp (cleaning time) Change Perspective (inversion/hand balancing) Rebuild the Machine (squat reps)
  10. Daffy and Bugs are at it again, and they’re pulling everyone into the contest. Sign up on the spreadsheet to be randomly assigned a side. Then you’ll have to convince the rest of the Looney Tunes gang to vote for your side. The shenanigans begin Sunday, 17 September! Normal Mini-Challenge Rules: - Mini-challenges are not mandatory, feel free to ignore this one if you don't want to participate. - Don't let mini-challenges hinder your own goals. - If you're not sure how to register something, post it here. - Keep it simple! - Don't hurt yourself!
  11. Welcome aboard the U.S.S. Ranger, the finest Excelsior Class Starship in the fleet. On behalf of the command staff, welcome. I’m your new Captain, Tanktimus, with me are your first Officer Commander DarK_Raider, second officer and operations officer Lt.Cdr Rurik Harragath, Chief Medical Officer Doctor (Cdr.) Darkfoxx, Chief of Security Lt. mr_willes, Chief Engineer L.Cdr Raxie, Helm Officer Lt. Xena, QuarterMaster Lt. RES, Science Officer Lt. Cdr Elastigirl, and Ship’s Counselor Lt. Cdr T2sarahconner. This will be your first training cruise since joining the academy, and our goal is to get you as much training as possible in the four weeks we have you. Be sure to sign in on the spreadsheet letting us know your home planet and species. (For simplicity sakes your character name will be your NF username. Home planet and species are optional, as they only apply to roleplaying, the mini is open to all rebels regardless of guild) You will be sorted into squads at the end of zero week. From within your squads a leader will be selected. Each week a squad will be assigned to a specific department, Medical, Engineering, Security or Navigation. Your progress and performance in each section will be recorded, and as results come in your performance for the week will be compared to other squads performances in the following weeks. At the end of the cruise the top ranking squad will be announced. (In order not to clutter up the Ranger Forum with extra threads, please don’t start any extra threads for your squad.) When assigned to the Medical section you will be focusing on recovery from your workouts. We will be counting Yoga as active recovery, so you will be scored on minutes of Yoga performed throughout the week. It doesn’t matter if this is part of your normal routine or something you add in just for the mini, every minute of Yoga performed is a minute of Yoga on the spreadsheet. The first squad assigned to medical will put their results in week 1, the second squat in week two, and so on. Dr. Darkfoxx will be taking care of you during your time in Sickbay. (If you have any questions during your week in Sickbay, ask them here in the general thread and the Darkfoxx or one of the Guild leaders will answer). When assigned to the Engineering section you will be focusing on bodyweight reps. If you’re not using weights and it can be counted as reps, it counts for the challenge. If you’re using weight, it doesn’t count. It gets too complicated trying to figure out how many points a 100lb back squat should be compared to a body-weight squat. If something is counted in time, like planks, they don’t count for the challenge, again for simplicity’s sake. Raxie is our chief engineer, she’ll be taking care of you while you’re in the Engine Room. When assigned to Navigation you’ll be working with our Helm Officer Lt. Xena. You’ll be tracking miles this week. It doesn’t matter what you do, if it’s trackable in distance, convert it to miles and add it to the sheet. Don’t round up or down, include two decimals if you are entering anything other than complete miles. Again, it doesn’t make a difference if this is part of your normal routine or something you do just for the mini, count it. When assigned to security you’ll be working with our head of security Lt. mr_willes. Preparation for combat is going to be your focus while at tactical. For the spreadsheet track number of reps on punches, kicks, or any other combat drill (sword strikes, etc). This is going to be a great four weeks. You are in good hands, we expect you to work hard, work as teams, and learn a lot.
  12. A chest has arrived at the Assassin's Den, seemingly on its own, as no messenger delivered it. Though it lacks decoration, the craftsmanship is impeccable. A note is pinned to the top: We'll open the chest Sunday, August 13th (after we finish checking it for traps).
  13. Word has reached us of a magical dungeon filled with fabulous treasure and guarded by terrifying monsters. But we're Assassins; magical dungeons are just elaborate playgrounds to us and monsters, just another obstacle to be stylishly overcome. From the stories, this treasure is far too wonderful to share, so each team will be working to claim as much as possible for themselves. Just fill out the entry form to join the fun! We'll head into the dungeon this Sunday. Handy links: Rules Battle1 A Band of Orcs Battle2 A Case of Crabs Battle3 A Psycho Squirrel Battle4 A Snot Elemental Battle5 The Dead Sea Trolls Battle6 An Over Bear Battle7 Dopplegangsters Battle8 An Auntie Paladin Battle9 A Fowl Fiend Results
  14. Weekly Combat Tracker Current Team Members: Coco P Loco Grayspeed Jonesy Liam Learns to Live Manarelle Mr. Six Raptron The Scarlet Pimpernel UnquietBones
  15. Weekly Combat Tracker Current Team Members: Anim07734 Black Daiquiri dancezwithkittehz JediNickD Myrik Snickie Suzaqu tourennatrix
  16. Weekly Combat Tracker Current Team Members: Bouncer_the_Resilient DarthYoga Finisterre Lilmissbri Love_Of_Snuggles Plitog RogueLibrarian
  17. Welcome to Assassin-e Street! As part of our ongoing training to become better assassins, we'll be spending the next month here, learning about new exercises and revisiting some we already know. To join the fun, just enter your name into the lesson planner and start trying out the exercises posted each day. You can join at any time and a new lesson will be posted each day! Log the number of exercises you attempt for each episode (not reps performed) to increase your score. Any legitimate attempt counts. Exercises don't have to be performed on the day they're posted (you can always catch the reruns!). Basic Rules: - This mini-challenge will run from 18March through 15April and is open to any who wish to participate. Just add your name to the lesson planner. You may sign up at any time. - You're encouraged to try new things and reach outside your comfort zone, but please be aware of your own abilities. Some exercises will be more advanced than others. - Scores will show diminishing returns (EG the first exercise is worth more points than the second, which is worth more than the third, and so on). Perform at least one exercise from each daily lesson to maximize your score. - If you have any questions, please ask! Normal Mini-Challenge Rules: - Mini-challenges are not mandatory, feel free to ignore this one if you don't want to participate. - Don't let mini-challenges hinder your own goals. - If you're not sure how to register something, post it here. - Keep it simple! - Don't hurt yourself!
  18. Years pass, heroes fall into legend, and a new age begins... A year ago, major leaders across the world were all killed in the same week, found slaughtered in their beds or disappearing on the road. The wars that followed mark the beginning of the Assassin's Age. But the Warden's tales have proven true, and an Archdemon has appeared to take advantage of the chaos in a new Blight. With the Warden ranks decimated in the opening battles, a call has gone out for new heroes to save the lands from darkness. Basic Rules: - This mini-challenge will run from 8January through 11March and is open to any who wish to participate. Just add your name to the roster and complete the Joining. You may sign up at any time. - Modifications for injuries or other physical issues will be provided on a case by case basis whenever possible. - Individual tasks will have their own requirements and rules, please read through them before beginning that portion of the minichallenge. - If you have any questions, please ask! Normal Mini-Challenge Rules: - Mini-challenges are not mandatory, feel free to ignore this one if you don't want to participate. - Don't let mini-challenges hinder your own goals. - If you're not sure how to register something, post it here. - Keep it simple! - Don't hurt yourself! Tasks Available: The Joining (required before any other tasks may be performed) First Vote (closed) The Qunari Outpost Task 2 Task 3 Completed Second Vote (closed) The Circle of Magi Completed Third Vote (closed) The Dwarves of Orzammar Completed Fourth Vote (closed) The Elves of the Brecilian Forest Task 2 Task 3 Failed The Men of Redcliffe Castle Complete The Final Battle The Archdemon (ends Saturday 11March at 11:59PM Eastern)
  19. What’s the GREATEST THING EVER?!? We need your help to decide! We’ve put together a list of some of the best ideas and concepts the world has ever had. Each week, they’ll be paired up to compete for the top spot in a single elimination tournament. Who wins? You decide! For each match-up, you’ll have the option to pick a side and fight to support it. To do so, perform an exercise that meets that match’s criteria (each match is different, so be sure to check them all!) and log your contribution. The winner for each match will be the team with the most points logged at the end of the week! Basic Rules: - This mini-challenge is open to any who wish to participate. No sign-ups necessary, just add your name to the match you want to participate in, pick your side and start logging your reps! - This mini-challenge will run through Dec 31st, when the champion will be declared the GREATEST THING EVER!!! - Modifications for injuries or other physical issues will be provided on a case by case basis whenever possible. - Each match will last for one week, but there may be more than one match running at a time. Be sure to check all of them! -For each match, you personal AMRAP (as many reps as possible) or AMSAP (as many seconds as possible) will be used to determine what exercise variants are appropriate. -Please test your AMRAP/AMSAP when you begin the match if you’re unsure what difficulty is appropriate for you. -Once an appropriate exercise variant is chosen, you may perform as many or as few reps/sec per set as you’d like and rest as long between sets as you desire. Your final contribution is the total reps/sec performed that week. -Suggestions for exercise variants can be found here, but you’re free to use any exercise that meets the match criteria (type of exercise and AMRAP/AMSAP range). - If you have any questions, just ask! Normal Mini-Challenge Rules: - Mini-challenges are not mandatory, feel free to ignore this one if you don't want to participate. - Don't let mini-challenges hinder your own goals. - If you're not sure how to register something, post it here. - Keep it simple! - Don't hurt yourself!
  20. There’s a barbeque on South Island this weekend and Team Sonic has invited the Assassin’s guild over for a meet-and-greet. Please RSVP, so we can be sure there’s enough grub for everyone. Minichallenge Rules Tracking Sheet Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Bonus Level Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Final Standings
  21. Dr. “Eggman” Robotnik is at it again with another attempt to conquer the world. And this time he’s kidnapped Sonic and his friends so they can’t stop him! It’s up to the Assassin’s Guild to swoop and save the day. Each hero is being taken by a different path, so we’ll have to split up to follow all of them. Check the tracking sheet for which hero you’re following. Or if you haven’t yet, sign up now! Basic Rules: - This mini-challenge is open to any who wish to participate. Just sign up to be assigned a team (please allow a day or two). - This mini-challenge will run from 9/25 through 11/26 (two challenge cycles). You may sign up at any time. - Modifications for injuries or other physical issues will be provided on a case by case basis whenever possible. - Each level will last for one week and consist of 3 Acts, which MUST BE COMPLETED CONSECUTIVELY (EG you must finish Act 1 before beginning Act 2, etc), and a bonus task to search for the Chaos Emerald (which may be completed at any time). You may rest as long between Acts as you’d like, but only have one week to complete all of them. - Acts may be repeated as often as you’d like within the time limit (one week), but ONLY YOUR HIGHEST SCORE will count. Please replace your current Act score with your new high score each time. - Each Act will have a scalable difficulty system. Please PICK AN APPROPRIATE DIFFICULTY for your current skill level. No playing on an easier difficulty to inflate your score! - The team with the greatest claim to the Chaos Emerald for a level will have its LOWEST Act score doubled for that level. - If you have any questions, please POST IN THE CHAT THREAD. This thread is reserved for Level details. Normal Mini-Challenge Rules: - Mini-challenges are not mandatory, feel free to ignore this one if you don't want to participate. - Don't let mini-challenges hinder your own goals. - If you're not sure how to register something, post it here. - Keep it simple! - Don't hurt yourself!
  22. Hey druids! It is time to review one of our most ancient super powers: Dragons. They are awesome beings you can learn a lot from, but they also are a common metaphor for your mind. And that's where our ability to tame a dragon will become extremely useful. But let's start with the existing dragons first. Some of you already have a dragon. Some will choose on representing them. But remember: Dragons have superpowers. The question is whether they are able to use them right now. So your personal dragon could also be a description of yourself in the magic awesome version if you like Enough talk! Lets meet some dragons. Be careful not to get burned.
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