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  1. Hey Nerds! My name is Skullz B Kraken and I'm a crazy cat lady who loves pirates, cheese, Morrowind, Stardew Valley, and all things Halloween. I stumbled across NF last week by googling "Workouts for people who have no idea how to work out." I was the goth kid in high school who hated gym class and the college kid who went to murder mysteries put on by the campus librarian, rather than partying at the frat house. As a kid and all the way into my mid-twenties, I was tiny... size 0, turn sideways and disappear kind of tiny, all without trying. That being said, when it all went down-hill in my late 20s (I'm 30 now), and I had absolutely no idea how to eat healthy and create effective and sustainable workout plans. After college I moved to our beautiful capitol city and joined the local roller derby league. "But Skullz," you say, "You play a sport. Surely you're fit and healthy!" NOPE. One: I've been on hiatus for a while due to a car accident, followed by a pregnancy, followed by a baby. And two: I've always been the weakling on my team. Once the plague is over (will it ever be over?) I'm hoping to start back up, but first I need to love myself. Cheesy, I know. But I hate who I see when I look in the mirror. I've read all sorts of stupid so-called fitness blogs with "10 ways to loose 1,270 pounds in 5 seconds" or whatever, but all of these blogs just ended up collecting dust in my Pinterest board. My goal is to make a HABIT of eating nutritious food, cutting back on sugar, and not overeating. I would also like to create easy-to-follow workout routines that include strength training. I struggle with the nutrition part because I'm a vegetarian. "But Skullz," you say, "You're a vegetarian. You just eat vegetables. You must be so healthy!" HA! I live on carbs. Diets that just have you eat veggies and meat don't work for me. Any tips in that area? Long story short: I'm an exhausted mom of a 14 month old, I work full time, and I have no idea how to work out or eat healthy. (I'm also extremely impulsive and have no self-control. 😬mmm donuts. *drool*) For funziez, here are some of me on wheels, pictures of my cats, and my pirate wedding.
  2. Hey all, I'm new to the community; I'm in my early 30's at the moment. I work as a software engineer during the day but I also develop my own personal projects. Recently I've been working outside doing projects around the house and the yard. I've also been seeing a nutritionist who has been helping me with sticking to a better food lifestyle. The last time I remember being in the average weight range was when I was 12... Ever since then I've always been obese. The reason why I'm here is because I over think everything. I think being part of a community that understands where I'm coming from will help me on the physical stuff I'm lacking. Big reasons for why I want to lose weight is because I want to do hiking, canoeing, going out to dance and mixed martial arts. I also want to be able to dress the way I feel on the inside. I'd love to be able to sport a nice blazer with nice belts and so on, the typical Americano style.
  3. Awkward Introduction So, I've just joined up and making the dreaded "1st post" in the forum. Here goes... My usual nom de guerre is livewithzeal or Zealina, but most of my friends just call me Z. I'm hailing from the beautiful Shenandoah Valley in Virginia, but I was born in Wyoming. An average day has me working at a desk all day (Web/app dev and SharePoint admin) and getting my gaming on at night. I'm totally a super geek with way too many fandoms and interests, but here's a few... Tolkien's works Star Trek (all, but my fav is TNG) Star Wars (Han shot first!) Studio Ghibli films (Howl's is my fav) Doctor Who (Baker/4th and up) Portal (series) Myst Bayonetta Destiny 2 (Zealina#1919) Final Fantasy IX Legend of Dragoon Final Fantasy XIV (Red Mage/Warrior) Elder Scrolls series (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim) Dakota Krout's Divine Dungeon series Borderlands (Siren) I would say my best traits are that I am very curious, love to learn, give sincere compliments often, do social and environmental volunteering regularly, and I am open to new ideas, experiences, etc. On the other side of the equation, I am stubborn, cynical, fiercely private, and have a streak of pride that I have been told will be my downfall. The most important person in my life is my teenage son. I'm also very lucky to be in a great relationship with a supportive fella who loves to geek out as much as I do.The three of us play video games and go to the movies. Umm... I love lions and the color green. Yeah, that's all I got. Moving on... Nerdfitness I was so excited when I found out about NerdFitness and remember thinking...these are my peeps! What a great idea! The themes are fun, the blog is witty, and the whole setup feels so welcoming and actionable. Decided on the #warrior path and look forward to checking in with that community soon! I tend to do more incline on a treadmill than speed, can walk for long distances, and have done some work with free weights (with an interest in heavier lifting). Background Even as I child, I fought my Mother when she wanted me to go outside and play. This was mostly because I am VERY fair skinned, but also I was never interested in being active. As I child, I loved to swim, explore the woods/hike, and go camping. My family also tends to run on the heavy-side and I didn't learn great habits from that environment. I also inherited a health condition (narcolepsy with cataplexy) that has a great impact on my energy levels. The onset was during my pre-teens and I've only been able to find a stable treatment option within the past two years. Even with treatment, there are days where I am just not 100%. I count myself lucky that I finished college, found a great doctor to work with, and have a great job that is both supportive and understanding! I could give you all kinds of reasons why I ended up where I am today, but the long and short of it is...it just happened and I need to deal with it. Honestly, I've never been a healthy weight. I don't know what I look like at a healthy weight. I was a chubby baby, who grew up to be a chunky kid, a fat teenager, and an obese adult. For a long time, I was ok in my skin. However, now that I'm in my late 30s...it's getting harder to move and function on a daily basis. I feel trapped in a body that doesn't' want to cooperate nor does it align with who I feel I am on the inside. Two years ago I went to the doctor and sought help. With my health condition, my doctor was hesitant for me to raise my heart too much with aerobic exercise. Instead, we went for more of an overall wellness approach. I made changes to my diet, habits, mindset and routines. Since then, I've lost 120 lbs. I felt great! I found out that I was diabetic and cut a good deal of sugar and processed carbs from my diet. Even managed to bring my A1C from 10.6 to 4 in less than 6 months! The mindset was to find ways to substitute bad habits for good ones, make small lasting changes, and to be healthier overall. Yet, the past 6 months I started slacking off by eating/drinking things I shouldn't and not getting the exercise I should. I gained 20lbs back and knew I needed to find something to help get back on track. All this feels like TMI, but meh... I'm hoping to find a community in NerdFitness that will help to motivate and support me in my efforts. So, it's great to meet you all and I look forward to getting to know you!
  4. For 35 years he has travelled the world, searching for truth and meaning. He has ridden the storms of the 7 seas and experienced the beauty of numerous lands. Having trained in several schools of knowledge, but mastering non, he searches still... ... aimless, except for the constant drive to seek what is missing... ... without direction, but with a desire to be better... ... borne from self-reflection of the innermost sanctuaries of the heart and mind... ... he comes. The time is ripe, his goal is sure. The field of battle awaits. Coming forth into a new dawn, he chooses a faction, a guild of brothers and sisters. Ones who, like him, were once lost in a world of self-doubt and misery, but now shine like the sun with the bright rays of strength and determination. Now I truly begin my journey... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey all. That's my story. My name is Tim. I'm 35 years old. I have a wife and six children. I'm active duty and have served with the US Navy for 16 years. I've lived in constant flux with my weight, habits, and plans. I've been fit, then out of shape time and time again. I'm sick of it. Now that I've found a place where I can merge my love of fantasy with the desire to lose weight and get in shape, I hope I can stick with it. I look forward to meeting a lot of you and working with you toward common goals. Main quest: Lose 60 pounds by 2019. Basic quest 1: Eat for fuel, not for fun. Basic quest 2: Cardio / strength training 3-4 times / week for 2 months straight Basic quest 3: Yoga / Tai-Chi 2 times / week for 2 months straight. Side quest 1: Earn Bachelor's Degree by 2019. Side quest 2: Help someone else join the rebellion.
  5. So I recently agreed to take part in a 5k run as part of a fund raiser in July/August - the final date isn't set. I'm basically a non runner but wouldn't consider myself a couch potato. I work in a kitchen 10+ hours a day and can comfortable walk in excess of 20 miles without much issue. As such I've picked up the NHS Couch to 5k App and started on week two. I've done my first two runs without too much issue. Its a challenge but I'm recovering pretty fast. Obviously I have a deadline now and I was wondering if it would be sensible to try to speed through doing a run every other day cutting it down to about 5 weeks to complete the training, plenty of time to give myself an extra day to recover here and there when I need it. Or is this just asking to risk injury? Currently I'm doing warm up walk 5 mins; 90 secs jogging, 2 mins brisk walk x5, 90 second jog and cool down walk. I'm boarding on a stitch towards the end of the last two runs but pretty much recovered after the cool down and have energy to spare then. Any advice or tips to increase efficiency would be much appreciated!
  6. Hey everyone! So I stumbled across Nerd Fitness while doing a bit of research on weight loss. I've been trying to lose weight for years... But let me back up a bit. I'm Deana, and I'm 27 years old. I'm currently in college, pursuing my degree in Medical Laboratory Science. I'll be done with school in June (Can't. Wait.), and then hopefully I'll be well on my way to establishing my career as a lab rat. My hobbies include video games (especially horror-themed ones... and zombies), binge-watching shows, writing, exploring, and basically anything that I may find interesting at the time. I tend to gravitate toward bizarre, dark, or disturbing topics when it comes to past times such as gaming and shows. Supernatural is my absolute favorite show, and it influences me in so many ways. Health-wise, like I said, I've been trying to lose weight for years. I know what I have to do (eat healthier, sleep better, be more active, etc.), but the application and dedication are lacking. I have tried almost everything, but I haven't been successful. I make the mistake of having an all-or-nothing approach, and have a tendency of being a perfectionist (I struggle with playing open-world games because of this. Get alll the things!). Because of this mentality, if I 'mess up',i give up entirely, and that basically sets me back to the start. I have to remember that this isn't a race, but a journey. There's no pressure to do or be anything but a better version of who I was yesterday. I have a Myfitnesspal account, which is pretty cool and helpful, but I feel out of place in the forums. Needless to say, when I bumped into Nerd Fitness and realized it was structured like a game, I was more than excited to give it a try! Maybe I found my people... So my plan to conquer my issues with weight loss: I aim to set small, realistic goals for myself each month, and just focus on those. I'll make sure they are helping me with the big picture, but I don't want to overwhelm myself with trying to remember what I should be doing. I'll set up the goals with the knowledge I've gained (and hopefully learn here, too!), and tap into my perfectionist tendencies to achieve these monthly goals. I may check out the challenges here in the forum, too.
  7. Hi guys! So I will be doing my first 4 week challenge during this course. I fell like I still have a lot to learn and I am so eager to get started. I love the idea of this challenge because I get to get to focus on bettering myself one small step at a time and I am all about people pushing themselves to be the best version of themselves that they can be. So I have decided to start with two main quests, out of which I will choose three small challenges in one and one small challenge from the other that kind of overlaps the two main quests in the end. I am starting small because I can tend to feel overwhelmed very easily and I really am looking forward to enjoying this and creating an awesome experience instead of a stressful one. Here we go! I have decided to focus on my weight loss, as well as spending time with my dogs. Sure, they see me everyday and we greet each other with hugs and kisses, but between life happening and all that it sometimes get tough when I realize that I don't spend all that much REAL QUALITY TIME with them. That is one thing at this moment that I also feel is super important to level up in my life. Like they say, if it bothers you then do something about it. QUEST: LOSE THE WEIGHT Challenge Goals 1. Eat Clean - Follow diet 2. More Weights - Weight Lift 4 - 5 times per week 3. More Cardio - Jog / Dance for 20 minutes at least once per week QUEST: PUPPY LOVE Challenge Goals 4. Tricks and Games - Play fetch with the big dogs 1 - 2 times a week Okay, so let me go ahead, prepare and do this! Whoop whoop!
  8. I am Arcelas! I used to spam /yell this in WoW after every kill or successful herb gather. Now I plan to yell it while cars and guys in wheelchairs go whizzing by as I go for my daily walks. When the Taco Bell beckons like a dude outside a nudie bar in Vegas, I will resist the temptation. So welcome to the Starting Zone of my journey to get to level 60. (There is no level 110 lol) Main Quest: Lose 50lbs! 12/10/17 Starting weight 293 lbs Go from drinking a 2 liter every other day to only drinking one 12oz soda on Thursday with my Dad for Movie Night (currently, have been soda free for 10 days) Add vegetables to 4 breakfast meals a week (starting at 1 per week then working my way up to 4 by the end of the challenge) Walk at least 4 days a week for at least 10 minutes Break down the beginner bodyweight workout into manageable amounts reduce sets on first several workouts, with the goal being to complete a full workout by the end of the challenge. 1 set of each the 1st week (alternating workouts) increase that number as I grow stronger, culminating in complete workouts performed during week 4 (week 3 if I'm feeling up to it) This should prepare me for the new year. Yay 2018, the year we all turn into murlocs!
  9. Hey rebels! I'm new around here and I'm trying to get/stay in shape. I'm a picky eater so I need some one to keep me accountable with food (trying new ones and eating the good stuff). I think I'll probably fall into the Ranger category eventually because I dislike monotony, but who knows! Maybe I'll find something I love on this journey! It's unlikely I'll find someone near me (Davenport, IA). But even someone to keep tabs on me online would be nice.
  10. I typically tend to be more of a stalker uh, I think the appropriate term is lurker. But I read somewhere that is discouraged here . . . . so be warned, I'm rusty on social cues. I found this through a MFP chat. I'm already following a fitness routine, but this seems neato, so I'm checkin it out. I'm fortunate that my mom always raised me to strive to feel comfortable with myself and never really emphasized being pretty (plus being an only girl of 4) led to me not really paying much attention to my body until my Doc told me too. So here's me: clinically obese (though I still think I carry it well, but I'm not one to lack confidence), with BP of actively stroking patients. I have already lost 14 lbs since August, and I'm only 6 lbs from my checkpoint goal, and the barrier mark between an obese BMI and "overweight". So first step: not be obese, hope that will help ease the crazy BP, but we'll reevaluate from there. Second step: continue to be awesome, whatever form that may come in down the line. See you all on the other side
  11. Hello fellow rebels! I'm a bit new around here, been lurking for a little bit, and wanted to go ahead and make a place for my first 4 week Challenge. I recently had a bit of a wake-up call in my life, and am ready to lose weight and get fit. I want to get There (healthy), and never come back to the way I have been living my life. I have always been kinda overweight, but I am currently the heaviest I've ever been (well within obese) and I'm ready to change. I've made some half-assed attempts at weight loss in the past, but I intend to stick with this. This is for the rest of my life, not just til I lose some weight. I am still doing a little underpants collecting before the actual challenge starts, but this is what I am thinking for my challenges, they may change a little until it actually begins. I am thinking of having 1 diet challenge, 1 exercise challenge, 1 mental challenge, and 1 wild card. Quit Fast Food and Soda: I've been eating absolute garbage for the last couple years and I'm going back to eating good food, not just something greasy and salty that I put in my mouth because I'm bored. That said if a Jimmy Johns unwich is my lunch I'm not going to throw a fit. I'm just going to my every effort to eat the healthiest thing on the menu. As far as soda, I've been drinking way too many. It was not uncommon to drink 3-5 sodas a day. I am currently on 1 a day until I finish off this 2-Liter of Mtn Dew. I get migraines occasionally and I have had caffeine headaches trigger migraines in the past so the 2-liter is at attempt to ween myself off caffeine a little more gently. That is the only reason I'm not cold turkey quitting pop. OK so I'm cheating a little with 2 parts but here they are anyway Go for a 15 minute walk, at least 4 times a week: I recently moved to MT from AR but have been unable to enjoy it much because of my weight. The altitude has taken some getting used to as well. By walking more often (I also live on a mountain so my usual walk if 1/2 mile down, 1/2 mile back up) I'm hoping to better acclimate and just get in the habit of moving more. For most of the last 5 years or so I have led a very sedentary lifestyle. I want to break the inertia and become a body in motion, and I'm sure that my dog won't mind the extra walks either lol. Exercise minimum 3x a week (in addition to walks) and track results: This is just another case of hijacking the accountability of the challenge to help build a new habit. I am going to be doing the beginner body weight workout and I'll see how that goes. Meditate daily, minimum 3 minutes: I want to expand my knowledge and practice when it comes to meditation. I have only done a small amount of meditation in the past but have recently rediscovered it and found it to be a very helpful and powerful tool. I will also research better meditation techniques and attempt to implement them. I am focusing mostly on mindfulness meditation right now, but I plan to expand in the coming weeks, months and beyond. Brushing/Flossing Etc: I have had some problems with my dental hygiene in the past and I want to improve that. I am ashamed to say that I only brush my teeth about once a day right now. I want to make it a habit to brush 2x a day and to floss at least every other day, so i thought that this would be a good means of enforcing the habit until it becomes routine. Here is the slightly modified list for the official 4 week challenge: I welcome any feedback and am looking forward to the official challenge starting. I've already started all the above and have been including them for a few days now. I am eager to start my journey to a healthier me and I don't want to wait another day. There is a part of me that says to wait until the challenge starts, but the way I see it that is one week healthier I can be. I think I will start my data collection 7/1/2017 so I have a nice and easy 6-month time frame for measurement comparisons. Wish me luck and I wish all the other rebels out there good luck with their challenge! Thanks Bilbo, but I think I do need to get going out my door. Staying here hasn't been good for me. I Need to step out on that road, lose my feet, and just see where I might be swept off too. It's time to start MY adventure.
  12. Hi there, I'm Salmah, from Australia. I have a love-hate relationship with exercise, diets, reaching my fitness goals, etc lol. Just joined this forum so that I'm not alone on this journey with all my issues Cheers
  13. Started my nerd fitness stuff 2 days ago. I'm happy with how I'm going so far on my 3rd day in. I'm going to start posting stuff on here to make myself accountable and stick to my goals. I want to full nerd this so please let me know any tips you think might help a beginner. I'm making a spreadsheet to track daily exercise and meals. I would love to get some cooking tips to get healthier. What are some of your favourite recipes that are quick and easy to cook to help keep healthy.
  14. Hello everyone, Yuki here. Down in Baltimore,MD just looking to get back to where i once was in weight.
  15. Hi, I'm a dude looking for like-minded individuals. I like nerdy stuff like video games, movies, comic books, dungeons and dragons, and martial arts. I'm 5'10" and I'm 250 lbs and I'm looking to lose bunch of weight and eventually be around 180ish. I live in Southern California. I am a 2nd degree black belt in Taekwondo and a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I've also done Muay Thai for about five years. I'm not huge on weightlifting, but I want to lift weights more to get toned up and also to improve my performance in Jiu-Jitsu. So yeah, Hi!
  16. Today, you are perfect! Today, you are perfect! Today, you are perfect! Today, you are perfect! I repeat to myself as I blankly stare into the long avoided mirror. So here we go: Today, you are perfect! This is my mantra. It isn't so much of a mantra as of yet.. I guess. More of a begrudging. (Depressed much? YES!) So this leads me to stumbling here: NF. (looks around... woah.. haven't contributed to a forum since [pause] 2007.. O.O Plenty of Reddit stalking) Anywho. My QUESTS are as follows: Crossfit for 1 hour on T/Th/Sa Drink 4 (20 oz) glasses of water a day Wake up at 6:45 every weekday Spend 10-20 minutes meditating each day Move 50 dollars per paycheck into my savings (Oh and sorry I am jumping in late.. but I didn't want to wait until March!)
  17. Hello Everyone, I'm new here and I'm working on getting back into my fitness routine. I used to workout regularly doing martial arts and power lifting but the past 2 years I got a new job with longer hours, and my wife got pregnant and needed my help as much as possible. Now I'm becoming unsatisfied with the shape I'm in and so I'm going to do something about it. This time I want to work up gradually to a more sustainable fitness routine since in the past I've gone hammer and tongs from the start and crashed out after a couple of months. To work towards that my challenge this month is: Fitness: 1 Gym workout per week. Big weightlifting workout. Daily bodyweight workouts. Push-ups, Tricep dips + baby assisted Kettlebell Swing, Goblet Squat and Torso Rotation. (She LOVES working out with me btw, it's awesome.) I've chosen this routine since I can schedule one weekly workout without damaging my family life and I can do the daily bodyweight exercises in a small amount of time while looking after the baby. Diet: Avoid take-away food. This is a regular struggle in my house, we make an effort to plan 14 meals in advance but last fortnight we had 5 meals remaining which means we ate too much take-away. Management: I'm going to try to make an effort to post on here so that I can maintain my motivation and culpability for my goals. I look forward to being part of this great community.
  18. I need a simple challenge to prove to myself that I can do this. I did really well the first month on NF but then went way too overzealous and it didn't work out. Plus, life has kinda punched me in the face and threw me for a loop. BUT I want to continue striving towards my ultimate goals. Get a flat stomach, strong arms, achieve the splits, read a lot, and Platinum more games. - Rogue Strength - Goal: Complete 5,10,15 routine as found on Pinterest MWF. Stretch, yoga, or dance on off days. - Kitty Pride - Goal: Complete the challenge. Encourage myself and focus on the good things. - Dark Phoenix Empowerment - Goal: Audition, email, or read about career M-F. - Jubilee Gameing - Goal: Continue towards Platinum-ing Rise of the Tomb Raider. - Mystique Nutrition - Goal: Eat at least one fruit and one side of veggies each day. _.-*-._.-*-._
  19. This is RIDICULOUSLY late in the challenge. However, I needed to post it here so that I can start it and continue for when the next challenge starts. I have to start now or else I just won't do it. These are goals and attributes I want to enhance or gain. - Rogue Strength - Goal: Complete 5,10,15 routine as found on Pinterest. - Kitty Pride - Goal: Complete the challenge. Even if it's just till the 31st. - Dark Phoenix Empowerment - Goal: Audition, email, or read about career M-F. - Jubilee Gamer - Goal: Continue towards Platinum-ing Rise of the Tomb Raider. _.-*-._.-*-._ Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What's important is the action. You don't have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow. - Carrie Fisher
  20. Diet Drink tea when I first wake up instead of soda. Drink more water during the day. -Note: My average drinks consist of only Dr. Pepper and maybe one to two small glasses of water each day. Fitness Complete the NerdFitness Bodyweight Workout at least 1x per week. Level Up Your Life Write 1000 words a day at least 3x each week. Smoke at most seven cigarettes a day instead of nine. Epic Quest One day I wish to become a Personal Trainer and/or a Fitness Instructor at a Gym. It is my heart's desire to help people better themselves. I want to teach them how to train and teach them how to love doing it. First things first, though, is that I need to get in shape myself before I help others get in shape. I also need to learn the very skills I want to teach. I also want to become a power lifter some day. I am saving up for any and all equipment I will need and/or a gym membership. (Sadly gym memberships are very expensive around here.) I don't know anything about it; not the lingo, nothing. But, I am studying and I figure I should work on cardio first anyway.
  21. So I've been working on me every single day. Decided to upgrade my training to a ninja gym- Gripz Gym. It's a new gym opened only for about 1.5 months. I think I broke myself but leveled up my skills: Accuracy 1+ Coordination 1+ Balance 1+ Strength 3+ Power 2+ Dexterity 1+ Here's what it looked like: I highly recommend going to a ninja gym in your area if you're training for ANW but haven't started a backyard course. The rigs were well placed and designed to push you past what's on TV. It's a great starting point. Now I'm on a mission to build something in my buddy's backyard since mine is nonexistent ;D. I'll keep you guys updated on my progress. If you're into ANW, any tips, suggestions, feedback are welcomed. I'm still on level one but I'm my worst critic.
  22. Hi all! I'm 37, currently living in Chicago and determined to lose some weight. I was quite fit in my 20s but multiple health issues in my 30s have taken their toll. I have osteoarthritis in my feet, knees and spine (which I can deal with) and a herniated disc/compressed sciatic nerve that has knocked me on my ass. I've had two surgeries to repair the disc since 2014, and now it looks like I'm going to need a third in the future. The doc who did the last surgery says all he can do is a fusion. Second opinion is vehemently opposed to a fusion since my images show I'm predisposed to disc problems. He says if I get a fusion it'll be like dominoes - I'll end up needing more and more surgeries and end up completely disabled. Due to chronic pain and injury, I've been mostly sedentary since last December. That, combined with depression and medications with weight gain as a known side effect, led to me packing on 30 pounds. I know this extra weight isn't doing me any favors (and is probably making my pain even worse). I've had enough. I'm limited in terms of activity, but I'm really hoping I can drop most of this weight with diet changes alone. I believe in myself and I know I can do this. Another aspect of all of this is that I was assigned female at birth but identify as a non-binary transmasculine human (gender is complicated but also simple - I'm happy to answer questions). I'm struggling with the possibility of starting hormone therapy (testosterone) but a side effect of T is weight gain, especially if you're not active and have an unhealthy diet. I've held off for this reason - I simply can't afford to gain any more weight. In any case, I'm happy to have found NF. I'd love to hear from others who have dealt with back injuries/chronic pain and what sort of plan they follow. I'd also love to meet other trans folk! Sam
  23. So, I completely failed a couple months ago. Ha! Therefore, a respawn is in order and I'm going back to my roots. I made my past challenges way too difficult and I ended up getting upset, overwhelmed, and just stopped everything. YouTube Binging was my poison. Still is! I'm going to make this challenge easy, measurable, and feel great about it! Haha. PLUS! If you haven't seen RWBY, I highly recommend it! Watch it here RooterTeeth.com. It's in his 4th season which just began a couple days ago. Yay!! RWBY HYPE. Team RWBY and Team JNPR Training Ruby Rose: Trophy Huntress Trophy hunt everyday for at least 30 minutes Goal: 100% Rocket League Weiss Schnee: Discipline Update Nerd Fitness every day and actually follow my goals/schedules. Blake Belladona: Read Read every day for at least 30 mins. If I don't like the current book, switch to one I look forward to reading. Yang Xiao Long: Confidence Beginners Bodyweight Workout every MWF. Goal: Be able to do the workout 3x through without stopping. Jaune Arc: Perseverance Practice Voice Acting every day. (Excluding weekends) Goal: Get a paying gig. Nora Valkyrie: Determination When I feel distracted, watch/read something inspirational to get me back focused. Goal: Stop watching YouTube when I need to work. Pyrrha Nikos: Spiritual Pray everyday. Goal: Grow a relationship with God. Lie Ren: Nutritional Eat healthier. Goal: Two veggie servings and one fruit serving everyday
  24. Hey Y'all I'm Ben (and yes I am a wizard obvz) I'm from Florida and I'm brand new to this thing. Can't wait to join you guys on this nerdfit. Some things about me: I used to play soccer, do gymnastics, basketball, karate, and swim but somehow got out of all that exercise.I'm wanting to get back into such stuff and maybe learn to love oter physical activities. My non athletic activities are reading, writing, playing instruments, and cooking (although I can't say I right now am cooking healthy). I hope to see y'all in the forums
  25. Hi there! My name is Kristen and I'm new to Nerd Fitness forums! I've actually been following Nerd Fitness Academy and I've been on the Rebel Women FB page, but this is my first time checking out the forums. Forums, in general, are completely new to me, but I think being connected with you all here will be a super valuable resource! I've already lost 20lbs following the program and eating paleo (yay!) but I want to reach my doctor's "recommended" weight which is 175lbs. I'm currently 225. 50lbs... YEESH. I don't think it's impossible, but it will be difficult, which is why I would love to have a "Jedi council" of friends to help guide me in this journey. I never thought I could lose the first 20lbs, so who's to stop me from losing the other 50lbs? My game plan is simple... Level up by taking small steps. Eating paleo 80/20, working out 5 days a week (NF bodyweight plan & Wii exercises). Things I could use some help/advice with: Epic Quest List: I have no idea how to structure quests. I know what I want to do, but I'm not sure how to create steps for the quest. Bullet Journaling: I think this is a huge thing for Rebels to help them track progress, and I want to get on board! Not sure where to start though... Jedi Council: Looking for people to level up with! Either that I can mentor or that would be willing to mentor me. Guilds: Still deciding what guild to join, but I'm leaning towards Adventurers... Thanks for reading Rebels!!
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