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Found 7 results

  1. WELCOME TO IX'S BATTLE LOG Wherein I hack down goals with my big warrior axe and then do something with logs. Am I a lumberjack? HMM. Format: Starting with monthly goals and small challenges, perhaps some mini-participation to fill my challenge void, we shall see, but mainly this here is where I keep getting better doing the stuff I want to do and stay accountable, and occasionally see what new things I can squeeze in (or not, as the case sometimes is) Let's jump right in! It's the last half of April, so here's what I want to get done: Fitness Whole Pizza In My Mouf Pick up heavy things and then put them back down again: 6x Be vaguely active: 12x Don't pig out: Avg goal of 1550 cals Back rehab: 28x Feed The Brainz Write errday: 10x Read writing advice: 2x Read own writing: 2x Read print books: 4x Study things/code academy stuff: 6x (Yes, I realize there are more than 10 days for that write everyday goal BUT last challenge I never managed to write every day of any week, so for now I'm just trying to improve that habit. +1 til I get to everyday.) That's it to start, since not much left of the month anyway.
  2. AIM: To be strong enough for adventuring as soon as it's safe. And by adventuring I mean leaving this 5 mile stretch of coast and visiting friends & a museum or art gallery or something. GOALS: Core strength for travel, walking, & carrying luggage. (with partially healed chronic back problem.) Specifically: - can sit for 3 hours without spasming - can walk for an hour on easy terrain - can carry rucksack & kit in that time Mood Boosting: I'd like my magic back please. I've given myself permission to play with fun things without guilt this year, with the tag #diaryofanadventuress on twitter so I can share about it... I want to build a character for this. Just for fun: let's publish a novella. Why not? Then I can do a livingroom book tour for it. ACTION PLAN: Sooo... 1. Back to a basic bodyweight training. 2. Daily walking (min: a mile/20mins) 3. Research herbs for mood to add to soup. Then a soup recipe. Then make soup. 4. Find podcasts to listen to while I walk/train. For research! And to encourage walking. 5. Rename my mp3 player "Nevyn"? Gandalf? Another guru type name? Phryne. So I can learn from an adventuress. 6. Play with the Adventuress character and a backstory for her... Oh! And... 7. Make a plan for my trip, whenever it might come. Maps, itineraries, packing list... Finding all my travel gear again... Can't have an adventure without kit. Maybe if I make it a "performance artwork" and document it I'll keep at it? DAILY CHECKLIST [] Bodyweight training (exercise) [] Walk (time) [] Herbal activity (research/test/use) [] Adventuress Prep (podcast/backstory/trip planning)
  3. ¸„.-•~¹°”ˆ˜¨ Health & Happiness Are Hard ¨˜ˆ”°¹~•-.„¸ Wherein the Cracked_Belle Un-Dies 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕒 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕐'𝕒𝕝𝕝 I am diagnosed with a lot crap that makes life hard — manic depression, C-PTSD, OSFED (eating disorder), OCD, anxiety, some chronic pain, and other crap. these aspects of me and my life are going to come up in my journey to getting back on track with my health and happiness. I'll try to be sensitive to triggers, include warnings such as this where needed, and use spoilers when necessary. but this is my "cover my butt" warning. thanks in advance for you understand. life is difficult; but I find obtaining Health and Happiness is even harder. as aforementioned, I have some mental and physical ailments that complicate the normal struggles of life even further. recently, my depression and my eating disorder have been soul-consuming. it's time to end that. I used to be a rather active member of Nerd Fitness in its early days. the life happened and I left for a while. well, I'm back; and hopefully for even longer this time. I'd like to get my life and health in order, lol. as follows are my current Goals for this upcoming Challenge. I, of course, reserve the right to adjust them as time progresses and I see what's going to work for me and what isn't. Get Down to 125 Pounds (ideally by 08/24/2020) Do a Daily Workout weightlifting on MTWRFA everyday: warm-ups and cool-downs MR: upper body — push-up, bicep curl, bent-over row TF: lower body — squat, strait-leg deadlift, calf raise AW: mix/misc — mountain climber, tensor curl, flexor curl, donkey kick cycling everyday AMWR: ~5 mi (2 circuits) URF: ~2.5 mi (1 circuit) Adhere to Caloric Schedule [TW — Eating Disorders] TO BE UPDATED to a point wherein I'm not slowly starving myself gets tweaked and Friday before depending on plans for the week Goal Average Kcal/Day: <700 Sat: 1,200 Sun: 1,200 Mon: 0 Tue: 1,200 Wed: 0 Thu: 1,200 Fri: 0 Log Monthly Body Measurements take body measurements at start of every month Log Daily Metrics continue to complete the daily Metrics spreadsheet, filling it in as completely as possible Make Next Week's Food Plan every Friday, make the caloric and cooking food plan for the following week (as starts on then ext day of Sat) Manage My Mental Health Do Daily AM Prep complete morning preparations for the day, every day Do Daily PM Review complete evening review of the day, every day Complete Mood Form Daily complete the mood tracking form at least once every day Track Meds track all medications and (certain) supplements consumed every day Become a Professional Writer [to be tweaked soon] Find a Career Counselor/Coach solidify a working relationship with a career counselor/career Resume Being Creative Write for One Hour per Week work on any writing project for a total of at least one hour a week Be Artsy for One Hour per Week do any artistic work for a total of at least one hour each week
  4. Fellow writers, young and old, accomplished and aspiring, welcome to the Bard's Guild! I know, I know. It's a bit rundown. But it's nothing that a bit of elbow grease can't fix! This group is for anyone with a desire to write. All levels of experience and all genres (even non-fiction!) are welcome here. You don't even need to have writing as one of your goals. I'll post prompts and writing challenges (which are completely optional, btw). But this is your group too, discuss what you'd like. Bounce ideas, get/give feedback and advice, bemoan your writer's block, celebrate your accomplishments. I think you get the picture. And now, I open the floor to introductions! (And please do tag anyone you think might be interested in joining us.) @IAmInfinite, @Wobbegong, @Stribs, @Plazmotic, @VellaMal, @Dyego, @Akira Kurusu
  5. Name: NikaNika Level: 3 Note: Nearly a year later, I’m back and remaining amongst my fellow druids. I broke my five-point elemental system down into a sub-three point Body-Mind-Spirit system to help focus intentions in my return challenge. There’s a possibility I’ll be starting a new job in the next few weeks, so some things might change around if that happens… but they might not too; will see when/if it happens. Main Quest ☽☥☾ Strengthen Body-Spirit-Mind Connection. Body Realm of Earth Commit to Daily Fitness Habits with intention to lose excess fat and strengthen muscles. Spirit Realm of Akasha, Water Accept Self in a Loving Present-Frame with intention to increase confidence and expand heart. Mind Realm of Fire, Air Allow for Strength and Progress with intention to ground purpose and channel passion. Challenge Quest Breakdown Earth Mind: Devote at least 30 minutes every day to Physical Fitness Body: (weekly based) Total of Eight Sessions per week. + Three Sessions of HIIT (15-30min each)+ One Session of Total Body Strength+ One Session of Upper Body Strength+ One Session of Lower Body Strength+ Two Sessions of Flexibility (most likely Yoga).Spirit: Intention set to lose excess fat, shape body to desired proportions, strengthen muscles. Water Mind: Wake during Morning Hours to connect with the energy to Clean House. Body: Practice Head-to-Toe Hygiene Ritual 4 days a week, cleaning all bodies. Spirit: Invite Love and Appreciation in Self-view of Body Image. Air Mind: Check in with Recovery Record app every day for all meals. Body: Cook/Prepare at least three plant-based recipes weekly. Spirit: Eat with Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness as set intentions. Fire Mind: Commit at least 10 hours every week to writing, rewriting and editing. Upon week six, publish novella. Spirit: Trust in my creative choices and when something feels complete, let it be. Body: Take 3 minute breaks every 27 minutes of writing to stretch, move, and hydrate. Akasha Mind: Meditate upon the Tarot and my resonance to the Fool’s Journey. Body: Sit/Lay/Stand in Stillness for 5 minutes upon Entering Space, Move as Feels Natural and Needed During, Sit/Lay/Stand in Peace for at least 10 minutes upon Exiting Space. Spirit: Create Space for Connection with Source and Patron Energies. Bonus Challenge: Spend 10 minutes daily to play with the cats. Motivation The Dreams are Endless, This Life is Real, Body, Mind, Spirit seals the Soul, Allow Rhythm to Lead, Trust in What Exists, Create that Which Will. STATS Age: 25, Height: 5’ 5†Starting Weight: 180 lbs Current Weight: 180 lbs. Prospective Weight: 140 lbs. Starting Race: Wood Elf Prospective Race: Valkyrie Attribute Points STR: 4 DEX: 2 STA: 5 CON: 6 WIS: 7 CHA: 8 Grading Rubric Earth Mission A – At least 8 sessions per week / 30 minutes per day. B – 6 to 7 sessions per week / 30 minutes per day. C – 3 to 5 sessions per week / < 30 minutes per day. D – 1 to 2 sessions per week / < 30 minutes per day F – No time devoted to Physical Fitness at all. Water Mission A – 4 Hygiene Rituals per week / Morning Wake B – 3 Hygiene Rituals per week / Morning Wake C – 2 Hygiene Rituals per week / Morning-Afternoon Wake D – 1 Hygiene Ritual per week / Afternoon-Night Wake F – 0 Hygiene Rituals / Night Wake Air Mission A – 3 plant-based meals prepared / Daily RR Check-in B – 2 plant-based meals prepared / Daily RR Check-in C – 1 plant-based meals prepared / Daily RR Check-in D – 0 plant-based meals prepared / <Daily RR Check-in F – 0 plant-based meals prepared / No RR Check-in / No Loving Awareness Fire Mission A – 10 hours per week with movement/hydration breaks every 27 minutes. B – 6 to 9 hours per week. C – 5 hours per week. D – 1 to 4 hours per week. F – 0 hours per week. Akasha Mission A – Belief in connection, space and stillness. B – Openness to connection, space and stillness. C – Cynicism of connection, space, or stillness. D – No stillness or connection. F – No connection or space.
  6. Hi there! LiveWriteGrow here, along with Angelbuns and Zephyr, the budgie cheerleading squad and occasional minions. I'm a recent college graduate who has discovered that keeping goals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle gets considerably harder when one lacks some kind of supporting backbone of schedule behind everything. As a result, I've stopped eating well, don't exercise much in any way, can't seem to find the time to write anymore, and am generally unhappy with everything. My goals for this challenge are as follows: FITNESS 1. Resume yoga practice, with one session every other day. (Even a single round of the Sun Salutation will do to begin) Finish with 20 minutes or more every other day. 2. Consume 6 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Any combination is acceptable. Dried fruit without added sugar will do. Veggie chips don't count. Judge juices and smoothies individually according to percentage of real juice and sugar content. 3. Make time for one half hour period of focused exercise each day. Begin with three times a week and work up from there. Walking at work doesn't count. Hauling rock for garden walls and climbing cliffs for cactus samples does. LEVEL UP 4. Complete 6 chapters of Kingdom Hearts BigBang story OR 6 chapters of Gilded Bones** original fiction. Combination of chapters is acceptable, but must be a minimum of 6 chapters in the end. 5. Complete the classes and identifier charts for all elf and dragon types in Gilded Bones. *Note: Want to ask about Gilded Bones? Go for it. Warning, though....contains urban fantasy and a vampire in cowboy boots. EDIT Progress Log can now be found HERE Grading scale can be found in the 7th Post
  7. Hi Everyone! I am minx34, and I am new to this site. I just subscribed a week ago, so I am very new to the site and the community. A Rebel n00b, you might say. I am going to graduate college soon (June 16th woot!) and I am going to graduate school for a Masters in Public Health in the fall so it is really important to me to get healthy. I am currently 5'5, 215 pounds. I was already overweight leaving high school at 154 pounds, but in college I gained 60 pounds overall. Not only do I want to lose weight, but I want feel healthy, agile, and more energetic than I have been. If I'm going to promote health to others I have to be healthy myself, true? In addition to this, all of my immediate family but me has hypertension as well as diabetes. I am overweight, but I have yet to be diagnosed with it. I want to keep it that way. I am also engaged to my high school sweetheart+soulmate. We have been dating for seven years now, and we are getting ready to get married in August 2015 after I receive my masters and he starts his phD. I want to be my best version of myself for him for life, which is why I want to start a change. I would love support from the rebel alliance in this journey. Looking forward to making some good friends here! I love to talk about Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, the Marvel Universe, Kingdom Hearts, The Sims, creative writing, the Italian Reniassance, great books, and any good RPG games out there--I am a broke college student, so I'm behind on gaming these days. I own a PS2 and a sega genesis though! And for those of you also engaged, lets chat! Especially if you have found ways to cut down on wedding costs... minx34
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