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V for Vetinari (ex-MJ) Leaps Toward American Ninja Warrior

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Hellooooo! I joined the forums a few weeks ago and jumped into my first challenge. So far two things have helped keep my motivation up for exercise:


  1. Tracking and accountability here
  2. My Big Crazy Goal: Get on American Ninja Warrior!


If haven't heard of ANW, say three rosaries and then go watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfZFuw7a13E



Then this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfPpzIHBlBw



I have a long way to go before I can get on the show. First, I should probably be able to a push-up. And a pull-up. And not get tired after 3 flights of stairs.


I want to have one place to keep track of everything, since my goals will stay very similar for a while. I also want to keep tracking during the off weeks, since one of my goals fell off the map the first day after the challenge was over.



  • No fake "hot chocolate" from work - drink water instead (baseline: 1-2x/week)
  • Only one granola bar or Fig Newtons thingie a week (baseline: 4-5x/week)



  • Complete the NF bodyweight workout at least 2x a week (stretch goal 3x/week)
  • Walk 5 miles every day OR bike for 90 minutes
  • Unofficial: Get more flexible. I did gymnastics as a kid, and I could do stuff like "full split with front foot on a folded mat, crotch still firmly on the ground."


Level Up Your Life

  • Floss at least 15 seconds each day (currently around 60%)
  • Unofficial: Continue practicing Spanish every day


First challenge: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/84831-m_j-is-american-ninja-warrioring/&page=1



Recap since then:



  • Have not had hot chocolate. Had a little coffee, which isn't great. I broke my daily habit a couple years ago.
  • Have not had a granola bar or Fig Newtons. Have had other sweets at work, but I'm focusing on breaking this habit in particular for now. People keep giving me sugar, and I can't say no to that sweet, sweet, sugar...



  • Have done the NF BBWW twice this week. Last night I did 4 circuits instead of 3. Will do my third tomorrow or Saturday, since I'm traveling Friday night.
  • Have walked 5+ miles each day, except for yesterday. Did 3-ish miles. I will make up the mileage tomorrow and over the weekend.
  • Stretched after workouts. I can already see a difference flexibility. Palms flat on the ground with room to spare, and my splits are getting better.


Level Up Your Life

  • Did not floss on my first day off, but have done so every day since then.
  • Practicing Spanish LIKE A BOSS.


I have no goals specifically around weight, target calorie intake, or clothing size. It's not healthy for my mindset. All I can focus on is getting stronger and healthier through daily actions.


Short-term Goals

  • New sneakers. Mine are destroyed. I technically already bought a new pair, but they're so expeeeensive. I may return them.
  • Buy more floss. (Don't go away! I swear I won't talk about floss that much!)
  • Get a heavier weight for dumbbell rows. Moved from 5 lb to 8 lb, but it's still not hard. (Sidenote: to be more accurate, my progression was from Le Creuset dutch oven to gallon jug of iced tea.)
  • Figure out how to progress on push-ups. I'm currently at kitchen counter height. Maybe against a wall?
  • Re-learn how to plank. My BF, Sir Vimes, checked my form last night, and it was less plank and more "pyramid." Turns out there's a reason planks were so easy for me!
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"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


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July 15: Almost everything


Walked my 5 miles.

Then made up the 1.25 mile deficit.

Then walked 3 miles more, because I can.

Over 9 miles total




No hot chocolate.

One Fig Newton. (1 total for the week.)

Will BBWW tomorrow, still keeping me at 3 for the week.


Snag: had the time and inclination to do BBWW, but didn't have a weight for the dumbbell row. Kind of ruins the concept of a bodyweight exercise. I will look for a replacement exercise for the same muscles that can be done with no equipment.


Note to self: check out strength unbound.

"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


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July 16: Almost everything


Walked 7 miles


Not at work, so technically hit my diet goals despite embarking on a 1.5 day long junk extravaganza. Back at home today, so will be back to normal.

Did not BBWW. I did get some upper-body stuff in, though. With Sir Vimes, kayaked for a couple miles and swam for maybe half a mile.

Did not floss at night, but did this morning.

"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


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July 17:


Did nothing all day, hot, sweaty, headache, blah, but pulled it together around 7. Walked, ate dinner, and finished workout at midnight.


Walked 5 miles

Spanish'd in the mooorning, Spanish'd in the eeeevening, all over this tooooown

Hit diet goals (not at work, but also didn't eat my desserty darlings)

3 cycles of BBWW - for dumbbell rows, did 11 instead of 10, with a 1 gallon jug. Planked the hard way, probably doing a little more than 15 seconds on each. Pushups, first 2 cycles did on counter, 3rd on floor with knees. Still can't even go all the way down on my knees.


Will floss after shower (or in the morning, which is not ideal but acceptable) - ETA: Flossed at night. Well done, self.

"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


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10 minutes ago, Elastigirl said:

Your miles are so impressive! 

Thanks EG! It's taken almost 3 years of tracking my walks to get up to this consistency. When I first downloaded a tracking app, I was happy to get 2 or 3 miles a day. It also helps that I have very little responsibility in my life, outside of a 9-5. Lots of time to wander around.

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"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


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July 18:


Worked from home yesterday but almost didn't get my miles in, due to heat and rainstorm.


Walked 5.7 miles


Hit diet goals (not at work, but also didn't eat my desserty darlings)

Day off from BBWW. My knee has been hurting, though. Possibly from my set of knee-pushups, so no more of those! I've been reading about how they're not the best progression anyway, since they don't work the full body muscle groups required for "real" pushups.

Did not floss. Boooo, self. Booo. Got very tired after dinner and barely managed to brush my teeth.

"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


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10 hours ago, Elastigirl said:

I prefer incline pushups to knee. It seems like an easier transfer over of form. 

That is what I've been reading! Of course I've been reading the internet, so there are people saying the opposite as well. I chose to believe you and the other half of the internet. Because: knee hurts.


I need to figure out an intermediate height for my incline. I think I'm ready to go a little lower but need something at home that's sturdy enough. Last night I focused on improved form and moved my feet out a little.

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"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


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July 19:


Walked 5.3 miles


No hot chocolate

No granola bar/Fig Newton

BBWW'd. 3 circuits. 11 rows each time with gallon jug. Planks 16-18 seconds. Counter push ups focused on form (butt squeezing) and moved my feet a little further out.




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"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


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On 7/15/2016 at 6:09 PM, M_J said:

Snag: had the time and inclination to do BBWW, but didn't have a weight for the dumbbell row. Kind of ruins the concept of a bodyweight exercise. I will look for a replacement exercise for the same muscles that can be done with no equipment.

Looks like you've got a milk jug sorted out (I use one too!), but if you're ever in a pinch but have some space, there's always crawling. 


Your walking miles are amazing. I get probably around 3.5mi a day from my commute (walking to and from the train station, and to and from work), but an extra mile and a half would only take a little over 20 minutes for me. That's so doable! I'll work on it. 


16 hours ago, M_J said:
On 7/19/2016 at 5:44 PM, Elastigirl said:

I prefer incline pushups to knee. It seems like an easier transfer over of form. 


That is what I've been reading! Of course I've been reading the internet, so there are people saying the opposite as well. I chose to believe you and the other half of the internet. Because: knee hurts.


I need to figure out an intermediate height for my incline. I think I'm ready to go a little lower but need something at home that's sturdy enough. Last night I focused on improved form and moved my feet out a little.

I've been doing half but I hate them because a. I've never been able to transition to full pushups from them in the past and b. I just demoted myself to them from single-leg half pushups (which I couldn't complete three rounds of in the BBWW). But next time I'll try incline and see if I like it better. 


Keep up the good work! I'll be following along. 

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July 20:


Walked 4.5-ish miles (had potluck dinner & Bad Movie Night, so didn't do my usual night or after-work walking. Just a short afternoon walk with coworkers and then walking to and from BMN. Will make up the half-mile tomorrow.)

Spanish'd - bare minimum, but did my Anki flashcards and spoke Spanish with friend

No hot chocolate

No granola bar/Fig Newton

Day off from BBWW

Flossed (allllmost didn't, was very tired, but tricked myself with "it only has to be for 15 seconds")

"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


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10 minutes ago, tyrannosaurus rose said:

Looks like you've got a milk jug sorted out (I use one too!), but if you're ever in a pinch but have some space, there's always crawling. 


Your walking miles are amazing. I get probably around 3.5mi a day from my commute (walking to and from the train station, and to and from work), but an extra mile and a half would only take a little over 20 minutes for me. That's so doable! I'll work on it. 


I've been doing half but I hate them because a. I've never been able to transition to full pushups from them in the past and b. I just demoted myself to them from single-leg half pushups (which I couldn't complete three rounds of in the BBWW). But next time I'll try incline and see if I like it better. 


Keep up the good work! I'll be following along. 


What is crawling? You don't mean, like, a baby crawl, do you? Is this workout jargon?


You can totally add in a little walk! Do you have time during lunch or anytime else during the day? I find having coworkers to go with forces me out sometimes when I'm not feeling it.


Let me know how the incline pushups go! I think I've got time to work on my form and everything. Even on a relatively high counter, I can feel myself favoring my right arm, slipping out of form...

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"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


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No, exactly like baby crawling! I've been looking for this article since before I gave up and posted without clarification, and I finally found it! Gives a great progression and background for the motions: 


Developmentally speaking, the two-arm drag (aka the creep) will typically come before the crawl. However, since you no longer weigh 12 lbs, this changes things. For adults, the two-arm dragging motion gets harder with more body weight, longer limbs, and an upper body that is now relatively weaker than the lower body.


If we forget about what direction we’re facing for a moment, the two-arm drag looks suspiciously like a pull-up.


I sort of have time to walk during lunch but I like to spend it on the forums here -- but that's no reason to hold myself back! I was originally thinking I would take the extra walk on my way home, and use it as a way to explore my neighborhood more without any deadlines, but it would be good to apply that logic to wandering around near work, too. 


As far as pushups go... keeping my butt down and my elbows in, lol. I spent so many years in K-12 PE classes doing pushups wrong, now I have to unlearn those movements. I'll let you know how it goes! We can cheer for each other. =D 

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July 21:


Walked 5.5-ish miles (Made up the small deficit + tested out new sneakers)

Spanish'd - Anki flashcards, Spanish lunch, Duolingo

No hot chocolate

No granola bar/Fig Newton (I need to modify this goal because I'm 100% cheating)

No BBWW - planned to do it after my night walk, but instead starting falling asleep on the couch. Will go after work tomorrow and meet my friends late.

Will floss. Maybe. So tiiiired. Don't know why.


Did a cartwheel! Three, even! Hurt my butt but walked it out.

"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


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23 hours ago, tyrannosaurus rose said:

o, exactly like baby crawling! I've been looking for this article since before I gave up and posted without clarification, and I finally found it! Gives a great progression and background for the motions: 


I sort of have time to walk during lunch but I like to spend it on the forums here -- but that's no reason to hold myself back! I was originally thinking I would take the extra walk on my way home, and use it as a way to explore my neighborhood more without any deadlines, but it would be good to apply that logic to wandering around near work, too. 


As far as pushups go... keeping my butt down and my elbows in, lol. I spent so many years in K-12 PE classes doing pushups wrong, now I have to unlearn those movements. I'll let you know how it goes! We can cheer for each other. =D 


This crawling thing is blowing my mind. Thanks for the link! Walking at either time sounds like a good option! I do both as well - explore by work and by home.


Good luck with the puuuuush upsssss. As soon as I tried one on the floor, I had my elbows sticking out sideways. I'm safer on the counter. At least form-wise.


26 minutes ago, tyrannosaurus rose said:

Uh oh. What's the new culprit? (Should I even ask?)

Multiple candy jars foisted upon me by friendly coworkers. My thought process has been: hey, I'm allowed to eat it, it's not a Fig Newton!


No, it's not, IT'S WORSE. IT'S A KIT-KAT.

"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


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Walked 5 miles and change. Includes 3 miles of waterfront rucking.
No hot chocolate. 0 all week.
No granola bar or Fig Newton. 0 all week. (As mentioned yesterday, though, I'm eating candy, so I'm not giving myself extra credit here.)
Flossed. (and did floss last night)
Spanish'd a whole bunch. Anki flashcards, a little Duolingo, Spanish lunch, and went to the library with my friend to check out more books. We then sat in Bryant Park while I read and translated a book about Greek mythology.
BBWW Details:
3 circuits
20 squats in front of counter
10 counter pushups, toes by 3rd tile out, focused on form, elbows in, butt clenched, tried not to favor one arm on way up
20 standing lunges
20 dumbbell rows each side, since gallon jug of water isn't that heavy for only 10. went until arm felt tired. started with left arm since weakest.
Plank - 15 slow count (20 sec?)
30 jumping jacks
I finally understand why people working out wear such tiny outfits. Clothing is gross and sticky! Since I don't want to do jj on top of my landlords, I went out to my deck. In my bra and underwear. Whatever, it was dark out. On my first circuit, I noticed a tall shadow come out of a neighbor's back door and watch me. Oh well. First I cartwheel and leave, now I jj nakedish. I'm really classing up the neighborhood.

"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


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On 7/21/2016 at 9:49 PM, V for Vetinari said:



Good luck with the puuuuush upsssss. As soon as I tried one on the floor, I had my elbows sticking out sideways. I'm safer on the counter. At least form-wise.


Hi, new to your thread! Awesome mileage! But...what is this? I'm supposed to keep my elbows in when attempting pushups?? (I do counter and stair pushups, or wall pushups if I'm tired....) But elbows in is haaaaard!

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9 hours ago, x Valkyrie x said:

Hi, new to your thread! Awesome mileage! But...what is this? I'm supposed to keep my elbows in when attempting pushups?? (I do counter and stair pushups, or wall pushups if I'm tired....) But elbows in is haaaaard!


Hi Valkyrie! Thanks, if there's one thing I'm good at, it's walking. Other people can do their "yoga" and "being strong," but I'll always have my worn out sneakers. :)


Yes, unfortunately, we've all been doing push-ups the wrong, easier, yet more likely to injure you way: http://www.menshealth.com/fitness/are-you-doing-pushups-wrong

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"Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death."

Tom Robbins


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26 minutes ago, V for Vetinari said:

Hi Valkyrie! Thanks, if there's one thing I'm good at, it's walking. Other people can do their "yoga" and "being strong," but I'll always have my worn out sneakers. :)


Yes, unfortunately, we've all been doing push-ups the wrong, easier, yet more likely to injure you way: http://www.menshealth.com/fitness/are-you-doing-pushups-wrong

It's great to know what works for you!


Oh man. Me no likey. I did elbows in this morning. Thanks for the info, though!!


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On 7/23/2016 at 7:42 AM, V for Vetinari said:

Yes, unfortunately, we've all been doing push-ups the wrong, easier, yet more likely to injure you way: http://www.menshealth.com/fitness/are-you-doing-pushups-wrong


Well now that I've read your article I'm wondering if maybe I shouldn't be worrying about half and incline pushups at all, and go for their bear crawl pushups instead! I'll try them tomorrow and report back. 


On 7/21/2016 at 8:49 PM, V for Vetinari said:
On 7/21/2016 at 8:21 PM, tyrannosaurus rose said:

Uh oh. What's the new culprit? (Should I even ask?)

Multiple candy jars foisted upon me by friendly coworkers. My thought process has been: hey, I'm allowed to eat it, it's not a Fig Newton!


No, it's not, IT'S WORSE. IT'S A KIT-KAT.


Oh no!!! I've been having a similar issue... after outlining what I think of as my biggest "problem foods," now I'm falling off the wagon for things I don't usually eat, just because "at least it's not the same thing every time!" It still counts!! >_<

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On 7/22/2016 at 9:13 PM, V for Vetinari said:

I finally understand why people working out wear such tiny outfits. Clothing is gross and sticky! Since I don't want to do jj on top of my landlords, I went out to my deck. In my bra and underwear. Whatever, it was dark out. On my first circuit, I noticed a tall shadow come out of a neighbor's back door and watch me. Oh well. First I cartwheel and leave, now I jj nakedish. I'm really classing up the neighborhood.


You do you, V! If the neighborhood has a problem with your class, tell 'em they can move out anytime. ;)

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4 hours ago, tyrannosaurus rose said:


Well now that I've read your article I'm wondering if maybe I shouldn't be worrying about half and incline pushups at all, and go for their bear crawl pushups instead! I'll try them tomorrow and report back. 



I'm going to try bear crawl pushups tomorrow as well! I think we should reconvene and see if we've survived the ordeal. 



P.S. if they wanna watch you V, you're on private property,  charge em by the jumping jack. *glares at creepy neighbors on your behalf*



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