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    • Hello Rebellion, It's been a few years since I've been here and things have changed. I am now married with a beautiful child about to turn 5. I live in France, I am a yeacher and an aspiring author/illustrator.   I recently listened to Level Up Your Life (thank you Steve for writing it and Audible for recording it), and it has fired me up again. I have started writing what my level 50 looks like as well as what my Epic Journey of Awesome looks like. I have already done some pretty incredible things, so I'm starting out at Level 5.   I am ReSpawning as Serenity, a druid/ adventurer/assasin that doesn't assasinate... what would you even call that?   I have found a parkour group here, and that's one of my passions but sometimes I don't go because it's hard to keep up with the others. I am the oldest there (by decades in some cases), and I don't always have the energy. My group is awesome though - super supportive and encouraging. They push me out of my comfort zone while not pressuring me to try things that I'm worried are too advance for me.   I am wondering if there are any Rebels near where I live in Northern France, or any who might be travelling through here.   I am going to be totally honest here - I think I need a community to help me stay on track, yet I have a hard time with consistency and logging in to check messages. Any support is greatly appreciated!
    • Tomorrow, I shall finally achieve my life long goal of becoming a soulless ginger! I assume left-handedness will follow automatically.   
    • I will have to find mine as it's been a long time since I was on there 😂 I'll send it to you once I locate it tho!   Eta: it's majorxowlyxboy !
    • Miss ShyAnn and Mr Sasha Cat say "hi"  
    • @Sovalis @Maggie-Miau   What are your names.on duolingo? X
    • I LOVE THE TRICERATOPS DRAWING SO MUCH. the linework is so smooth, the proportions are so Good, the eye is lovely!! 
    • @Salinger seconding Sovalis up there, i also have a Language goal, we can totally be motivation pals if you'd like 😊  
    • Happening:   I have a new psych doctor and have confirmed the Bipolar 2 diagnosis, have adjusted meds twice. I'm hoping the new ratio will work out nicely.   Work is going well. I'm almost entirely customer service and this point, though part of my job is to still try to make sales on life and health products. April was a good month for me at work and I can see definite progress in my job performance.   I've also joined a church, First Christian/Disciples of Christ, and have signed up for a book club with them. We're reading Everything Good About God is True. We also have a book club at work, on Fridays for morning meeting right now we're reading How to Win Friends and Influence People.    I think one of my coworkers, B, is actually my friend now? My first "real life"/in person friend since childhood. We're actually volunteering together at a Renaissance Faire later this summer and plan to go to the Alabama National.    I am still dealing with pretty heavy anxiety, depression, and general lack of energy though which has made it an uphill struggle to do any of these things. A lot of it is internal but a lot is also external so the plan is to take June to do a turnaround and fix what I can. To that end, I have some Goals....which I realize I'm going to have to copy/paste next week but in my world the challenge starts June 1st so 😅   Fitness: - drink 64oz water per day - take meds daily - spend time outdoors daily, preferably going for a walk - stretching exercises daily, gym at least 3 days weekly - no wheat (allergic but I've been just eating it anyway), undecided on allowing added sugar once a week or not at all. I will be leaning on protein shakes to help me with nutrition but also focusing on real food and eating actual meals instead of the gremlin raccoon diet I have normally.    Headspace: - Memrise daily for Spanish and ASL - Put phone away an hour before bed and spend that time on a hobby instead of screentime like I'm doing right now - Clean the apartment. One room per day to start and then maintenance daily. - Plan to do (and actually do) One (1) activity outside of work and out of the house per week. That can be the Ren Faire like B and I are going to in the morning or...really pretty much anything. Preferably free stuff like library. I already have one in that I'll be going to a Pride event for the first time! - Keep paying off debts. I won't make a ton of progress on this one as I get paid exactly two times a month and half of that first paycheck goes to car note but progress is progress. - Keep my Dr's appointments and see about getting back cleared for blood donation.    Work: - complete my CE course to get the credits for my insurance license. I'm aiming for a chapter/credit per day. - look further into notary licensing - restructure my daily routine at workfor better task-management. I'm the only customer service person and am also in charge of monitoring underwriting so it's important to prioritize tasks so things don't get missed and I can still hit office goals.    I'll be tracking via my Hero's Journal 
    • Wednesday morning I was at home as usual because our cleaning lady came over and in the afternoon I went to the school early to conduct finals for my Seniors.  On Thursday I tought most of the day, also spending the evening doing finals for my Seniors.   For my finals, I had each of them talk to me for about 5 minutes, but I learned from mid-terms that if I give them a topic in advance they will memorize the whole conversation so this time I told them not to prepare anything.  For the exam I brought a list of ice breaker questions asked them a few at random.  Some of the answers were great but some were very depressing.  I asked on girl what her favorite childhood memory was and she replied that she didn't have any happy childhood memories.  Ever since before she could remember, her whole life has been school, homework, and sleep, with only extra classes on weekends and evenings.  She couldn't remember the last time she did anything that wasn't school related.  I asked another girl about adream she had that left an impact on her.  She told me about a nightmare she had where she failed her university entrance exam and it left her feeling suicidal for weeks. I asked another girl if she has ever experienced something that made her change a long held belief.  She told me that ever since she was little, she thought a law degree would be the most beneficial for finding a good job.  4 years of law school convinced her that there are way too many law graduates and that she is no better positioned to find a job than if she chose something she was actually interested in.  (the economy is really tough here and only 4 or 5 of my 65 graduating seniors have jobs lined up)   Luckily there were a few positive stories to balance everything out.  Many had great stories about favorite teachers, favorite family traditions, and secretly doing nice things for others.     The one answer that floored me was asking what they felt the biggest difference between the US and China was, and the girl responded that the biggest difference was a respect for human life and human rights.  what I didn't expect was the view that China was the side that support life and human rights while the US does not.  Examples she gave included the response to the pandemic (China chose to try and save lives by locking everything down at the expense of the economy while the US let people do what want), the higher prevalence of violent crime stemming from the US proclivity to respect privacy at the cost of security.  Her definitions of human rights were debatable but her logic was sound., and it really made me think about how cultural perspectives affect our views on topics like these.       Yesterday I went to the park again in the morning and then spent the rest of the day playing Skyrim
    • Today was a random day. I went to my parents so my sister could paint my nails for tomorrow. While I was there my friend/dog trainer said she was going to the barn to lunge her horse then was going to walk her dog at a park and asked if Winnie and I wanted to tag along ❤️ The stars aligned and I was able to meet up with her for a walk which made me quite happy because I want to be friends and we seem to get along. I think we did 45-55mins and 3.3km. Winnie did so good! She is a funny girl. She loves my trainers dog but basically ignored her the whole walk even though both were off leash and kept checking in with me. She seemed unsure if she was allowed to interact. Then at the end of the walk when she was back on leash she finally acknowledged her dog haha.   After I got back I ate some lunch and almost immediately after my stomach felt absolutely destroyed and I needed a toilet asap. Luckily it mostly subsided so Mr.R and I were able to take little Luna to the pet store to pick out a toy and chew for her. We are trying to bring her on more little adventures now that she's fully vaccinated. After dinner I played with the dogs outside for a couple hours then worked on my project a bit and now I am probably going to bed soon. I am exhausted but my poison ivy is ITCHY. I am hoping I just pass out fast. I feel a bit agitated about the wedding tomorrow. I think because I feel I am losing a whole day because it takes me forever to get ready and on top of that my friend is bringing her dog over before hand and he's going to stay at my house overnight since they are at a hotel. I am worried if he will get along with our dogs (mainly the girls) and worried he will hurt the puppy or wreck the house because hes a big boisterous bulldozery lab with little boundaries. It will be nice to see my friends tomorrow and I am sure I will have fun but yah lol.   I hope everyone has a great night  
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