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    • Is that hydra chilling at the Eiffel Tower? lovely. Good luck with your challenge. I would actually be interested in hearing more about your stamina bar things just for you. I have discovered nail painting but I am stuck for other healing and regenerative things to do.
    • Oh, that's a very beautiful birthday gif, thank you!
    • All the points!   Monday 6/17 Points: 3 for eating mindfully 1 meditation 1 journaling session 10 pm bedtime (1 pt) 1 pt - work 5 hours  Tuesday 6/18 Points 1 hour focused on Dr Searching 1 meditation 1 morning routine 1 mindful breakfast 1 mindful lunch 2 meditations during breaks 1 mindful hour of work Bedtime: Between 2 am to 3 am (1 pt) Wednesday 6/19 Points 1 point for meditation was in and out of bed after 5 pm, didn't go to sleep for the night until after 10 pm (but was in bed for the night after 9:30 pm) 2 points for hitting the 15 hour mark for Side job! --- Even on my worst days I'm realizing I'm hitting a few points.    Adjustment of goals: On Monday I decided I've been hitting my head on the wall on my bedtime goals especially when I moved out on my own 2 years ago... Reasons sleep hygiene and usually trying to do too to much instead a of working on smaller changes...   Putting my bed on a bedframe, buying curtains and knowing I need to start blasting my a/c after 6 pm on warmer days should help. But to start adjusting habits around sleep, we need to find my base. So Week 1 is recording when I go to bed, and Monday starting a goal to go to bed at my average and than push back  5 minutes every week until I can be in bed every day before 9 pm (the absolute latest for my need of 7+ hours of sleep).      My brain is finally understanding it can take months to figure out what I need to do, to just hit small changes EVERYDAY. I've been working passively on my walking to get 4,000 steps every for 7 days I think now for about 2 months now. Finally hit it after showing up on my other habit of working on getting my side job hours (2 goals hand in hand).  I also realized with this goal on how out of shape I am.... Where I kind of have to evaluate daily or even hourly of "what to prioritize or rest..." And now check-in with the temps/humidity as I found I get wiped out faster than ever with some of the work I have to do...      On that note, what I thought was going to be super easy to get a hold of new doctor... I realize it may take me at least a couple hours to focus on searching for new one that is covered by insurance AND than finding out if they accept new patients. Nice part I'm find a lot of their profiles on their websites write what their focuses are on that I am hoping will help on what I need...  Going to secondary this quest, as I realized today I only have 2 weeks until I can get my apartment into cat sitter shape (and I'm struggling with energy levels).
    • Thursday Training: reverse lunges Study: painting Chores: took rubbish down Mindbiscuits: reflected on the lunges and painting   My brother texted me to ask if I want to go to the tailor on the weekend already. I probably would have procrastinated a lot more but I agreed, and made an appointment and selected the one for shirts. I wish I knew more about shirts. I also had the SE therapy today. It was useful. I noticed as well as crazy hunger the last week, I have also had a couple of hypoglycaemic episodes (I assume from symptoms; I didn't measure). I wonder what is causing this. Certainly I never got this on keto. But it was socially awkward. Might have to ratchet down the carbs to a medium level that's maximally socially permissive but minimal aside from that requirement. I've said before keto did not help me lose weight, though it allowed me to maintain weight at roughly 2700-2800 calories, which is not bad for a sedentary woman. I wonder what would happen if I combined keto with calorie management. But no... I love fruit, and being able to eat dinner with Mr Harriet is important. 
    • LOL, I was asking about the American ones, because she's American, and it's an old fashioned synonym for pancake.   They'd be really hard to make in the US without big recipe modifications, because we don't have golden syrup (or even the concept of it), and molasses is too strong to use as a replacement. Maybe a homemade brown sugar simple syrup.
    • Thank you!     That's good to know, but I think I might have changed my mind and want shirts. My brother asked if I want to make an appointment for the weekend. I'm currently gaining weight back because I'm massively hungry, so I just feel like I have no idea where my weight is going to end up in a few years--at my goal of 55 or at its apparent happy point of 70. I was also planning to upgrade my wardrobe by buying some shirts anyway, and I'll need a few as I started with zero. So we're going to go in and get a few shirts. If it's great, I'll go back and get trousers with my own money later, in Berlin or Munich, where they also have a shop.     Thank you! Puppy gifs do not drain energy, just phone calls, so this is great. GOOD PUPS!
    • /me sees the thread title and immediately goes "but the bedroom is precisely where the unholy stuff is supposed to happen..." /me reads the first post Never mind. 😇   Have you maybe thought of making the goal a bit less lofty, so you may still get it this year? Like setting it at 350 or so? If only to avoid it dropping as a goal altogether???
    • Also, are you aware that you've hit your challenge limit? Because at 69 you have to turn around... 😅
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