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    • Challenge Day 3: Wednesday, April 19th   Nutrition Weight: 95,9kg (+0,1 kg). Practically the same. Fasting: Broke my fast at 15 hours, which is less than my aim of 16 but still well above my minimum of 12. Sometimes you gotta listen to your body, or work around life happening. Not gonna fall over backwards for this. Tracking: App has me around 1800 calories again. Lunch was just a pork steak I'd cooked with a tahini and cream sauce, no sides, no carbs. Had a good chunk of cheese for dinner, then had a fair bit of wine while playing civ with deffy.  Walked more than 6.000 steps. Drank 6 glasses (1,5L) of water, plus plenty of coffee throughout the day and lots of wine later on.   Workout Not really. There's a second heatwave upon us, 39C day and night.   Sleep Don't know how, without doing much besides playing civ with deffy, I yet again ended up going to sleep around 1:30am. I'm afraid this is turning into a habit, my life schedule and biological clock are adapting to it and it's not something I'm happy about. Even worse, I had my alarm on for 7:30 and yet I woke up at 7, which leaves me at five and a half hours of sleep again, when I could and should have gotten six.   Non-tracked things: Album of the day was listened to and posted about. Did a few Duolingo lessons, but no Clozemaster. Tempted to grab Kingdom Come: Deliverance which is on big discount and matches my Warrior vibes right now. Anyone willing to comment on their experience with that game, please do.
    • I've been a bit quiet regarding "ALL THE THINGS!". There's a reason for that. My laptop died on Monday. I've brought it in to the repair shop, and I'm hoping it's something small that can be fixed, because funds don't really allow for a new laptop at the moment. It's definitely put me on edge this week and will do so until sometime next week when I get news about a possible repair.   I can get by with my work laptop for internet and chess and the likes, but I was *really* into Tennis Elbow 4 again, and that is now off the table for at least a week...   And I was doing so well in Tennis Elbow 4:   Not sure where this will leave me when I get my laptop back from the repair shop. Will the game have saved the last set or not? I'm guessing "yes", but if the laptop is completely on the fritz, then I have to hope that my hard disk is not affected...     The entire thing feels very typical. I make a challenge where I try to game a bit more. The universe instantly breaks my gaming laptop.       On the bright side, I'll get a bit more PS5 time in. After the missus goes to bed (and I get the remote for the TV), there's no Tennis Elbow 4 to keep me from launching the PS5.   In the past couple of days, I've played Stray enough to reach chapter 7 ("Dead End"). I'd feel a bit more comfortable in the game if there were more chapters like "The Slums" where I can just explore and solve puzzles without "OMG! RUN!!!!" sequences. Which I assume are only going to get worse from now on.   And yesterday I completed this week's The Crew 2 "summit". The prize for platinum is a car that I had failed to get last year. Let's hope I get it this time. 😇       I haven't played any darts, though. But other than that, I figure I still got "most of the things" done each day. I've seen almost *every* match at the Euro 2024 tournament, and have definitely seen the highlights for those few I didn't fully see.   The only thing that's slacking is that I haven't found the spoons for workouts yet. Not even the DailyDare exercises. Partly because my left wrist hurts when I bend it - which causes discomfort for push-ups and makes burpees impossible - but also because the missus is at home whenever I am, which makes it harder for me to start a workout. And waiting for her to go to bed is not really an option because that would then cut into my most valuable me-time / game-time. 😅   Other than that the log is looking okay. Haven't been *this* respectful to my sleep curfew in forever. 10 days in a row even!   Week 1   M T W T F S S Intermittent fasting               Calorie intake               Calories spent               Calories in/out deficit               Curfew               Sleep               Avg. sleep 6h20 Steps               Avg. steps 11.2K Distance 15.41 km Workouts 0 Days with (mini-)workouts 0.0 ALL THE THINGS!                   Here's a song by Life of Agony, the closing band on the first day. Either I'll catch the last half hour of their gig - if Brant Bjork turns out fantastic - or I'll see it whole - if Brant Bjork turns out 'meh'. One of the "we'll see" choices I'll have to make. 😅 I never looked too deeply in their discography, because a number of very hardcore/punk-style songs put me off, but they have made a number of alternative rock classics. Including this one:   Life of Agony - Weeds
    • stuff your kindle day is on today. Big free ebook event. Mostly romance genre (if anyone know of some fantasy ones, that would be great)   got a new a.j.sherwood book ive been wanting for free, which is super.    Trying to be picky this year and not fill my tablet with things i will never get round to. 
    • Following! Best of luck with the outcome of the interviews! Still with the NHS? Also can we have before and after bathroom pics?
    • Wednesday Update   I got up early again and got another 45 minute training session done. Elliptical, on booty settings. My back seems ok with that, it protested at the strength session so fine, we'll work around you stupid back.   I spent the evening playing Civ with Dark Raider and we had some wine. And then  had more wine. Probably too much wine and certainly where calories are concerned so I dropped points there. Should still be in a deficit though as I was fairly active during the day and got the exercise sesh in in the morning. I also dropped points on water as I think I just had two litres whereas I need 2.5 for full marks. I am not sure why, 2L is probably more than enough but Deffy from the past in her infinite wisdom set the parameters for success and Deffy from the now has to abide by them. I did my Korean skincare routine whilst playing Civ and chatting to a colleague on the phone. Multi tasking master.  I was tempted to allow myself to drop points on the house stuff and go to bed without doing the quick pickup I like to do, or cleaning the kitchen and emptying the dishwasher but I was good and did it. Full marks for that.  
    • Stuff your kindle day is up today. Lots of free books in the fantasy and romance genre. Only on for 24 hrs sadly, but ive found some good stuff in there before   https://www.romancebookworms.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
    • [WEEK 1] Day3 (6/19/24)   Today I finished moving things into storage and into my new living situation as well as nabbed a couple things for a yard sale this weekend! It's been really hot but I'm doing good! Diet - O - Cereal - 1/2 Al Pastor Burrito and some cookies - the other half of the burrito and a piece of cheesecake     Fitness - O Calisthenics (1 set of 12 reps!) Moved boxes (lifted above my head x x)   Sidequest - B+ I slept nearly 8 hours but not quite. (11:43 pm to 7:37 am)  Only a few minutes off but I don't want to be lenient on this!
    • Sorry your wildflower garden isnt doing as well as last year. Can you resew anything? Crossing my fingers that some of it is biennial and is just in the aukward phase between flowerings
    • they are a sort of biscuit here. (I suppse they get called a granola bar the other side of the pond) we make them with golden syrop, butter, oats, and dark soft sugar. Then you cook them in a tin like a traybake…trying to get them out of the tin again is the trick.😆 Recepie incase anyone wants a go (Very worth trying. Easy, delicious, stores well and good for taking to work/school. You can also chuck a ton of stuff into the recepie (we usuaully do dried fruit))  
    • Hi, my first concern with anybody starting out very sedentary and jumping into a workout plan is doing too much too soon. Doing too much too soon tends to lead to burning out and losing enthusiasm (if you're lucky) or getting injured (if you're not). Some questions to ponder are: Do you know what your body feels like during exercise? Do you know what your body feels like while you're recovering after exercise? I would caution you to do less than you think you can and see how you feel during & after. Then you can adjust from there. Remember that muscle soreness may take 1-2 days after the workout to become apparent. Remember that your body needs food, water, and sleep to recover.  I encourage you to think about how exercise is going to fit into your life now. How much time is it going to take? When in the day or the week are you going to do it? How  does that affect other items on your schedule like when you eat or when you shower or what time you wake up  & go to bed? Figuring out how exercise fits in your life is how you keep it in your life.   
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