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    • Guys, someone here has a library hold on the audiobook copy of the "gay jazz wizards do Harlem and solve crime" novella. That someone is me.   Someone also does not have a sleep-schedule intervention plan ready to be put on the desk of an aforementioned gay (ally?) jazz wizard. That someone is also me. How the hell can I set up an intervention for not going to bed? I can't even.
    • Woke up at 4 am and had trouble getting back to sleep, which meant that this morning I was slow and didn't start the morning at goal time. For the record, I was not far off.   I think I hit my water goal. I'm counting it anyway. I somehow hit a button  to add  8 oz more than once, and I don't know what my real count was, and my brain is tired, so I'm saying yes, because I"m pretty sure it was. Having some chamomile tea before bed, which counts
    • Oh, I did do the five flights of stairs. Yay   I also had a meltdown when going home took me more than an hour. Boo   And we had no D&D tonight. Boo   But my island made it to three stars. Yay
    • My guy, if you're not prepared to shotgun twelve ounces of autumnal charm with a nutmeg chaser at a moment's notice, what are you even doing?  
    • I hope the labor of the day put the finishing touches on what was clearly a Big Job, and unexpected. I’m glad you had help along the way. I 100% understand about the amazingness of McChicken after an extended work session! Good for you for calling time and getting food. May you rest well tonight and may all the things dry out. 🦋
    • HUZZAH. and there was much rejoicing
    • Day 3 (81 to go)   Shoulda walked but slept in 😕   Hit my macros. Today was wine/oil fast day (church calendar), so it was vegan protein shakes, shrimp, and oysters for protein.   Feeling very sore and tired today.   Tomorrow, back to work. Gotta keep it going.    
    • It was a wild fifteen minutes as the storm intensified, and the hailstones grew incrementally bigger. I waited until the stones had stopped falling before going outside. The greenery has all taken heavy damage, but nothing as daunting as the vehicle damage since that requires insurance claims and such. 🥲 Got started on that last night, and had to field the call today, but any other progress is delayed until the end of next week because everyone called in at once. 😅   🥰 Thank you! I really did enjoy all the weather except the damages dealt. The foggy quality was amazing, though it also carried over into today as a heavy fog that didn't lift until close to 8. My CoS players were all a little on edge. 😆
    • Hurricane Helene might still be out to sea in the Gulf of Mexico, but we’re having tornado warnings and severe thunderstorm cells all the way to Virginia. I think this storm might surprise a lot of people in its sheer size. I hope all the Florida nerds are staying safe — storm surge of up to 20 feet at Cat4 is no joke.   The only sensible thing to do is charge all my devices and download enough media to get me through an extended internet outage, in the event that happens. I have actually been thinking about bringing the large water purifier out of storage and setting it up, though it would take a level of gumption I clearly don’t have access to just now: the headache issues got bad enough that I took a Maxalt at 4 and just sat from 4:30 -8:30 waiting to feel human, and even then it took another hour for me to have the energy to even so much as pick up my cup of tea. I haven’t had an episode of deep exhaustion like this in a couple years, and I’m taking it seriously.   Thinking a bit more about storm prep, I should probably get a few on-hand things like crackers, which I’m currently out of.  Tomorrow is Farm Share day, and I’ll see what they have at the local-goods retail store. I’ll probably pick up some apples, because who doesn’t love having apples on hand, and a couple jars of prepared marinara. I think it might be time to simmer a chicken breast or two and make a golden noodle soup.   Despite the fact that the storm is meant to move west into the Ohio Valley region, rainfall totals for Friday are spanning up to four inches for my area, and we are already saturated from several days of rain. These were exactly the conditions which led to the Election Day Flood of 1985 (and yes, I was here then). I don’t expect it will get that bad, but I also think it is absolute folly to plan to drive an hour southwest into the storm for a troublesome brain PT appointment. I’ll be canceling that, thank you very much.   The thunder is crashing around, and as the storm broke 30 minutes ago, my head finally cleared a bit. I might do some chores, or I might just hang out and enjoy feeling whole for a bit.   May you stay safe and dry, friends. Check on your people. ❤️     
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