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    • Thank goodness, because it was painful to type that!
    • Wk 3 Tapping Meditation 5-10 mins ❌ ✔️ F S   Deep breathing (video recommended) ❌ ✅️F S    Move my Body ❌ ✅️F S   Eat from Home  ✔️ ✅️ F S   Clean Something   ✔️ ✅️ F S   Drinking a gallon of Water  ✔️ ✅️ F S   Wear Invisalign for 22 hrs  ? ❌️ F S   Shiny Sink  ❌ ✅️F S   Bed by 9 pm ❌️ ❌️ F S   80% accomplishment on each one gives me 1 hour of guilt free game time... or guilt free binge screen time.  100% for the end of the challenge has me receiving 2 hours per those. 
    • That Polaroid picture gives off "Hang in there!" inspirational poster vibes... Except you look happier. 😊
    • So apparently my turn around for these forums is about every three years 😅   But I'm back because I wanted to find my old stats, take a look at what I used to be working on, and celebrate this win - I went to the gym yesterday! Went with a housemate, for a learn to lift class, and the way I got home buzzing. I forgot how much I liked the fact that I'm strong.   I also got a pull up bar for my door bout a month ago, and I'm already at a 7sec deadhang - I think I could go longer but my grip  strength is what needs work.   So, current stats: Weight: 110kg, 242.5lbs Height: 169cm Waist: 118cm, 46.5" Hip: 122cm, 48" Chest: 131cm, 51.5" Thigh: 69cm, 27" Upper Arm: 38.5cm, 15"   Current habit goals: 1) Hit the gym twice a week. I can come home straight away if I want. 2) Snack on carrots in the afternoon daily. 3) Phone off by midnight.   Other goals, complete by the end of October: 1) Go to that kung fu place once. 2) Get at least one driving lesson. I'll probably have to delay my test again, but I want two hours to get comfy. 3) Get a credit card. I want to start thinking about being good for a mortgage.   Other goals, complete by the end of the year: 1) Get the pay rise, or have a new job. 2) Be able to do a single pull-up or push-up. 3) Tell Jay I'm interested. Practice a harness tie.   Other goals, complete by the start of next September: 1) Pass my driving test. 2) Be in a new house. Either w/ the housemates or buy my own. 3) Complete the Riven System mechanics (ttrpg I'm developing).
    • Large company: they have time and money, which breeds laziness without governance.   But then again, that's also why I enjoy working at the desk island I'm at. Both my colleagues to my left and in front of me are from the same "quality before quantity" mold, which means we can regularly commiserate about others'  idiocies. Blatant spelling or grammar mistakes tend to get lampshaded by me with a *very* theatrical "AAH! MY EYES!!!", which usually prompts both of them to come look at my screen so they can get in on the joke. 😅   Overall, colleagues that tend to always do a good job are easily spotted, and will spot you as well. Makes for good bonding... 😁         Whatever's been ailing the missus last week - and me this week - is still not over, but it seems to be getting better. Less headache-y and thus also less irritable. Which will get poor grammar-users a bit more leeway. Or at least a bit less ire. 😇 With the exception of Wednesday (where I got to bed really early for my doing), I've been keeping up well with the mini-workouts. Wrist exercises were a bit more minimalistic on Wednesday and yesterday, but that's because I had physio on Wednesday morning and my wrist could use a bit of additional rest after that.   Log for this week so far:   Week 3   M T W T F S S Intermittent fasting               Calorie intake               Calories spent               Calories in/out deficit               Coffee consumption               Curfew               Sleep               Avg. sleep 7h04 Steps               Avg. steps 14.9K Distance 28.60 km Wrist exercises               Workouts 3 Days with (mini-)workouts 1.5       And in other news, I may have angered TimovieDaughter a little. She's a massive fan of Melanie Martinez, and Mrs. Movieman is taking her to a Melanie Martinez concert on Sunday. Since almost nobody here has ever heard of Melanie Martinez, I have described her to relatives as "A singer who finished 4th in one of the earlier The Voice seasons in the US. She looks like a cross between Barbie and Cruella de Vil." That last part didn't sit well with TimovieDaughter. Even if - according to her Wiki page - Melanie Martinez did in fact start dyeing her hair two-tone because she liked the look of (Glenn Close's) Cruella de Vil... 😅   On the bright side: I can use the concert time to watch The Return of the King with TimovieSon... 😎         Here's a Belgian band that were at Alcatraz last year, as a last-minute replacement for Overkill who withdrew. Classic 80s metal, but performed by younger musicians.   Evil Invaders - In Deepest Black
    • Imean, if you screw it up porridge and oat broth are kind of adjacent on the cookery spectrum 😆 
    • ^This. Which is maddening, because otherwise he's an exceptional writer... 😠
    • Their is only one explanation: you have an enemy, and there torchering you. 
    • Morning all!    FRIDAY! Its cold this morn, only 8C brrrrrrr.   9am here, been up since 7.30, drinking tea and doing a bit of planning for the day.    One of my clients is submitting his application today, which means I can invoice for my fee to be paid. usually takes 20 working days to get payment. Good to know its coming tho!   Money has been a bit easiest recently. Obviously not flush but able to pay the bills etc   Yesterday i had my second weight lifting session!!!!!!!!   I am now also on the personal bests wall         eeeeeeek   It was a good session. Apparently I have very good strength for the chest press! She said she was really impressed. Its exciting to build up the weight isnt it haha   Ive also got a circuit she has written out for me, to do at home with the kettlebells.    Today then:   - Take medication - Order new meds - Post prints out for buyers  - Post my friend some art (moving in pressie) - Work on funding application edits for client 1 - Website building - Email all clients to check on progress - Visit friend in hospital 2pm - Pick Roxy up from work 5.30pm - Walk with Bronze - Make chicken pasta - Chill out, watch a film, read, bath.......     Decent day x  
    • Day five:   ✅🔁🔁🔁✅ Goal 1 -- HIT Big 5 with training buddy 🔁✅✅✅🔁 Goal 2 -- Rained -- train to work. 🔁🔁🔁🔁🔁 Goal 3 -- ::Sigh:: 🔁✅🔁🔁🔁 Goal 4 -- Not only no socials, but watching FOTR in my cave alone. Take that.   Happy Friday! 
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