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    • Today and yesterday still have no TGUs, which is partly because I hate working out when Cidran is working from home. Neither of us has slept all that well lately, and he woke up with anxiety today.  🎵"Why are my eyes, and my heart, and my soul so heavy?"🎶 I talked about what's been on my mind the last few weeks, but none of it's been conclusive, and he wasn't giving any feedback, which is both good and bad because usually his feedback is negatory, but no feedback feels like an echo chamber.    Last night, we exchanged YouTube videos and Webtoon comics. I made dinner from a box kit, but I gave it oomph with extra seasonings and some minced bell pepper. He had anticipated my wish to play Terra Nil because they've updated it, but I wanted to work on the art folder again. I sifted through everything for two sets: a rainbow mermaid and a set of four mer-people who supposedly know each other. The former had a frame-able drawing in my last round of redraws, so I've taken a picture. The latter four have not had a recent drawing, though I am contemplating drawing one. 😃 Happy to have an artistic idea processing in my head. 😅 I also finished watching Mortius and his friend Casper reacting to Epic the Musical's last saga of Act I. They'd only just posted the last video a few days ago, so I timed that rather luckily. And since heavy storms rolled my way, I also played a few songs from the Ocean Saga of Epic while I finished my project and put away all my art things.   I have to be at work early today, but at least on the far end of the day is Humblewood as we begin to ascend the mountain to find the bandit coalition's home base.   Hope the rain did a lot of good, Maerad
    • Do you think it is worth it? I could reserve a translated copy at my library, but it's always a bit of a hassle and I would typically have to wait for a few weeks. What you're describing sounds fine, although I agree with the meh-exercises being meh.   Noticing the pattern and knowing what to do with it is half the battle . I blame the gazillion burn-outs and therapy more than the actual diagnosis on me being able to recognize and act.   Love the handstand life-lessons!
    • [WEEK 2] Day 3 (6/25/24)   Lots of running around today x x Diet - O - Cereal -  In n Out double meat (no cheese) burger, fries, and a soda. -  Cereal     Fitness - O Calisthenics (1x17)   Sidequest - A I slept 8 hours (11:30 pm to 7:30 am)! I slept really well today!
    • Thanks!  I think it's bc there's animals in the house and one of the cats has been sleeping with me.  She keeps me from tossing and turning bc I don't want to disrupt her and I fall asleep much better lol.
    • start weight 4/6 : 233.7 18/6 : 234.7  26/6 : 235.5   had family  down on holiday, which included a birthday party this week so much cake and barbecue was eaten. Also on fun meds right now that hate my normal meds, so yay. Drug interactions city. Mix in shark week and i am kind of screwed. So am glad its not more to be honest
    • I know, so weird. Its very clear i rest weight on my left leg much more than my right 
    • Panel discussion sounds really cool. What a great topic.    hope the inversion means the sculpture prints better for you 🤞
    • Congratulations!! I hope you feel great in the morning! 💜
    • The comedown is something I experience as well after I finish and share a project I'm really satisfied with. Be gentle with yourself and recover. You'll be back into creative flow soon. 💜
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