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    • Another club member reporting!   I'm frankly amazed at your ability to get out the door in ten minutes. Too bad about the walk, but it’s super that you’re supporting your goals by doing stuff like keeping a toothbrush at work!
    • I am glad you do as well, those effects are no joke 🫂
    • arm circles 🐝  perfect warm up toe rolls 🐝 I will do this immediately.  hope i don't fall on my face
    • So, finally got round to making soup today. Had an “i need to stop putting this off” moment and just threw ingredients at the pan. Right now it is something tomato and chipotle flakes based which i am going to attack with borlotti beans and yogurt. Hopefully it will turn out ok.   not much is going on right now it is very wet here and i am trying to rest my foot. If it isn't horrible in the week i need to get out of i am going to start climbing the walls in frustration. Not being able to go for walks is really really doing my head in.    ho hum. Made myself an autumn reading list, that is really technically Halloween themed. Because why not. having fun working my way through it slowly.      the cherry tree has lost so many leaves now. We’ve had lost of very windy and wintery days (and wet) that have really stripped them very quickly this year.    The hawthorn trees are amazing this year and so full of berrys. Lots of berrys everywhere his year to be honest. Usually that means its going to be a really cold winter. Have to wait and see. adoring Malice so far, but pretty tired. Need to find a good chill out tv show i can watch quietly.         
    • Every day is absolutely not necessary. And the really amazing thing is that a bunch of cool nerds are going to have fun being creative with ink for a month. Nothing else needed.
    • Drawing is the original intention, I'm going off script because I do what I want!   So the original Inktober challenge is to get people drawing in ink every day for a month. The point is just have fun doing quick sketches and building the habit. You are free to do the full marathon (post daily) half marathon (post every other day) or 5k (post weekly). But it's really just a fun challenge to push people to take a little time every day for something creative. So modify the rules to whatever makes sense to you. The prompts themselves don't lend themselves well to a longform project, which is why most writers I know who try to play along just do drabbles. I would say that's probably the best use for the prompts, especially if you're committed to doctorate work, to just take 5-15 minutes at a time to have fun with some creative writing. But if you want to play along with your longform fiction, I'd say ignore the prompts, set yourself a small goal (either time or word count, whichever you prefer) and then just report back in the thread whether you're meeting your goal, if you're having fun doing it, and if it's getting easier.  The main goal of Intokber is to encourage a regular creative habit while keeping it light and fun and also see how regular practice, even when done lightly and with a fun attitude, leads to improvement over time.
    • Today's Adventuring Limerick is for all you tunnel explorers!   Now this is mysterious indeed - To where could these strange tunnels lead? We really must know So through them we go Our hunger for answers to feed.
    • So glad to hear that you are feeling better and your solo DM session sounds incredible.    Oooh, excellent choice, I love Bundt cake.   Not even my choice, but the beverage I needed today appeared when I needed it most and was indeed very satisfying. Your blessings are a gift, Sov.    
    • I did not get a nap, but I did get some downtime between work and gaming and my supervisor unexpectedly gifted me a caffeinated beverage at 3, which is when I was really feeling the drag, so second wind was acquired!   Yes, it said it could be 3 days before it was fully expanded, but could be slept on before then. So it may not have been completely done last night, but sleep on it I did and oh boy did it feel good to be back in my own room on a comfy mattress. I slept hard and for the first time in a week woke up feeling good.   Thank you very much. You guys make it fun to do.   Friday report! Had my meeting with Lori yesterday. Still some paperwork to do (it's county government, there is always paperwork to do) and she wants to double check with Brandon, who is on vacation until Tuesday, but my start date should be October 21. That means I can take the 11th off like I planned (probably could have taken it even if I had started on the 7th, but I didn't really want to take a day off my first week in a new job) and am taking a half day on the 4th to use up some comp time that won't transfer to the new department. Realized last night that this means I have already worked my last full week in Human Services. A bit sad about that, it is very important work and I was proud to be part of it for a time. But also excited about working in Planning, which is also important work, if not in quite the same way, and which has a much higher ceiling for me career-wise. So I'm letting myself be sad and excited and once more falling back on the wisdom of Winnie the Pooh.     My admin supervisor took the news I was leaving very well, had a discussion with her about bosses and advancement opportunities and it's probably the best conversation I've had with her in the 3 years I've worked in her department. My D&A supervisor is also taking the news well and is very happy for me, but not at all looking forward to replacing me. I like her a lot, not just as a co-worker but as a friend, and I do feel a bit bad that I won't be helping her any more, but glad that I'm just transferring one floor down so we can still hopefully chat from time to time. And then she went out and bought the department caffeinated lemonades which was exactly what I needed because I was not going to make it through the rest of the workday, let alone game night.   Took it pretty easy after work, got my new mattress set up, read for a while. Was a little concerned the weather was going to affect my internet connection, but the wind died down and I had no problems. Had a good time running Forbidden Lands. My players are fantastic. From making an unexpectedly high roll to barter with the moat monster to realizing they were about to press the big red button and doing it anyways, they are fun to play with. And now I have two weeks to map out a castle of undead soldiers.   Slept on my new mattress last night and loved it. Got up a bit later than usual this morning, but no reason I couldn't. I have class in about 30 minutes, then a chill day. Cut my first stair stringer, call my uncle, do a bit of housework, then my sister is coming over later to bake cookies. And the Vampirate missed their last attack, so I got away with not going to the gym this week. It turns out taking a week to be gentle with myself while I was less than 100% has not completely derailed my challenge. Who knew?
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