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    • Don't think I'm gonna pass that Helitack crew fitness test.😁That's impressive. But very necessary for the work load.
    • I love that your respawn is Mezzothepatient. Being patient with ourselves is so wise.  Looks like some great goals!
    • STAT POINTS Red denotes brainstorming. Bold indicates completed.     Strength: 0 Unassisted Pull Ups One Legged Squats Dead Lift ???   Dexterity: 0 Kip Ups Crow Pose   Stamina: 2 Run a 5K without stopping (June '24) Run 4 miles without stopping Run 5 miles without stopping Run a 10K without stopping Run a sub 35 minute 5K Run a sub 30 minute 5K Run a sub 13 minute mile (June '24) Run a sub 12 minute mile Run a sub 11 minute mile Run a sub 10 minute mile Run a sub 9 minute mile   Constitution: 2 100 day No CocaCola Challenge (Fall '23) Get off 1st blood pressure medication (March '24) Get off  2nd blood pressure medication 155 pounds 150 pounds 145 pounds (Goal weight!)   Intelligence: 0 Non fiction? Work projects? Financial planning/research? Nutrition research   Wisdom: 1 Read all of the Bible  (Jan '23  -Jan '24) Meditation? Minimalism? Bible Study?   Charisma: 0 Posture work? Hosting
    • Hi, I'm Mezzo! 30-something mom of three, long time Star Wars and X-Men fan, Pokemon Trainer, casual gamer, slow runner, and former tai chi student. I'm finally respawning after my 3rd baby (who's already 1 now). I've been thinking about this respawn for a while and while I haven't figured out all the facets of it yet, I need to put it out here instead of tweaking it forever. So I'm defying my perfectionist tendencies and starting this Quest Log.   I picked Patient for my respawn because it's something I need to work on, especially with myself. I hope that seeing the word associated with my alter ego can kind of be a self-fulfilling prophecy? I have patience for my kids (but more can't hurt!) and for  Mr Mezzo.  But I'm quick to get frustrated with myself, especially with health/exercise things. I worked very hard after my first and second pregnancies to get my strength and confidence back and now I'm doing it AGAIN. I can get back to that place. I just need to have patience with myself while I get there.   *Under Construction* CURRENT STATS   STR DEX STA CON INT WIS CHA 0 0 2 2 0 1 0      
    • It's FRIDAY! I walked ALL FIVE DAYS this week! I'm totally adjusting and loving my overnight oats for breakfast and I think it's doing my body good - as in my stomach is less.... iffy. I've got a work trip coming up in a few weeks so I'll have to take some measured oats and such with me and see if it helps when I travel too....
    • Weather Update from wildfire country: We've had a few days with rain in the last week. It's looking like the summer rains are on the way a couple weeks earlier than anticipated! Now...   Fire Aviation Friday Helitack   Bureau of Land Management Helitack Crew       Helitack Crew Training (Thanks to Google's AI) Helitack crews are teams of wildland firefighters who are transported by helicopter to wildfires. Their training focuses on helicopter safety, fire suppression tactics, and wilderness survival skills.   Here are some key aspects of Helitack Crew training: Helicopter Safety: Helitack crews must be trained in helicopter safety procedures, including loading and unloading with the rotors turning, and working in rough terrain where only one side of the helicopter can be touched down. Physical Fitness: Helitack crews must meet minimum physical fitness standards, which include: Packing out 85 pounds for 3 miles within 90 minutes Running 1.5 miles in 10:30 or less Completing 25 push-ups in 60 seconds Completing 45 sit-ups in 60 seconds Performing 4 or more pull-ups Fire Suppression Tactics: Helitack crews are trained in fire suppression tactics, including building firelines using hand tools, chainsaws, and other firefighting tools. Wilderness Survival Skills: Helitack crews must be trained in wilderness survival skills, including navigation, first aid, and shelter construction. Rappelling and Climbing: Helitack crews may be trained in rappelling and climbing techniques to access remote areas. Emergency Medical Short-haul: Some Helitack crews are trained in Emergency Medical Short-haul, which involves inserting trained emergency response personnel into an area to attach an injured party to a fixed line and then extracting them from the area. Rappelling out of a helicopter to fight a fire      
    • I keep telling myself it's only temporary. My left butt cheek feels very weird because that's where the worst of it is. And I'm starting to look like I have chicken pox! The majority of it seems to be on my left side (forearm, wrist, torso, lower back, butt cheek, thigh, calve) with scattered odd spots on my right butt cheek and thigh. And to add insult to injury I have a bump in my armpit. I thought it was a swollen lymph node from the rash but it appears it might also be a boil. I'm falling apart 😂 sadness    
    • what in the ever loving heck?  v-extensions 🐝??  I guess that was a thing,
    • yay, glad you joined the party.   A different pair of socks for each habit! Unfortunately, I do not have a pet. Maybe I could get one for this purpose. Or I could just give myself the treat. I'm pretty sure chocolate would help with creativity! Thanks. Well, it's a pretty easy goal to stick with. It's more of just practicing than a goal really.  But, hopefully I am improving.
    • Platinum is getting all the trophies in the game. Basically completing ALL the sidequests, getting ALL the collectibles and so on. (Or if the game is a bit lenient with it: just most of everything but Hogwarts Legacy is pretty strict with its collectibles) After completing what I can during play, "cleanup" is done by following online guides, checking what I missed and where to find it. 😇   So, in case of the last balloons: find an online guide. I usually use Powerpyx for Playstation trophies. 🙂   The game does need to be pretty good for me to go after the platinum, though. I only do so if I *want* to invest that much time into a game. And the platinum needs to be achievable - if it requires a playthrough on the hardest setting, for instance, then I won't bother. I've only platinumed the Spider-Man games, Ghost of Tsushima and Horizon: Zero Dawn on the Playstation. Although I do often try to get the "low-hanging fruit" of the trophies after completion, even if I know I won't get all of them... 😁
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