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    • Tour de fleece is great fun. Been ages since I've done one but it got me hooked on watching the cycling. Didn't realise it was on this month, Will have to tune in for the mountain stages (my fave).    that beach does indeed have very cool rocks 🪨❤️   we are getting the jellyfish right now too. Makes getting in the water interesting. Wishing you jelly free swims
    • Female TMI behind spoiler guard.   Also, since we did Costco yesterday and an Aldi's run today - that's all my steps in for the last 7 days straight. Also, my muscles are reminding me that I used them poorly Friday doing what I needed to get 50 POUNDS of shrimp into containers, covered in water and in the freezer - then clean up the cooler my brother brought them in. So while I'm sore AF and taking Aleve to like, be able to move at all, totally worth it! That is the ONE and ONLY thing I miss about home - the fresh seafood. But Bro and SIL have now seen the place and they love it (and we talked about ALL the day trip things from here they'd enjoy) - so maybe they'll come up every year or so - and bring their tithe in Shrimp LOL.
    • No idea what that would be like, but it sounds amazing.    glad the poison ivy is getting better for you.    ❤️all the cute doggo pics 🐕
    • Yup. Thats the bumble jasper. It is crazy insane yellow/orange in person. So pretty. Everyone piece slightly different too, so its really striking looking. 
    • This is so wonderful. I wish I had done it at work before, it would drive people up the wall. While not being able to say anything against me. 🤩
    • Those pandas are not gonna repopulate themselves, now, are they?
    • He did not. Because I specified A5. Handwritten in my A5 notebook. Dammit.
    • Did all the things! Including mowing both lawns and I showered for real and washed my hair then brushed it. Woo hygiene. I haven't been washing my none rash parts as well in fear I might spread more of the rash but I figured now was as good a time as any.    The plan currently is to make lasagna for dinner from scratch but if I don't feel like it I have a back up plan of "smokie" sausages which are a hybrid between sausages and hotdogs and kielbasa. To be honest I'll probably go the sausages route because I'm about to play some Fallout 4. I restarted it yesterday because I don't have access to FF9 anymore and I felt inspired because we played the MTG Fallout commander decks and watched the Fallout series lol. I feel a bit guilty about not working on my coding project but I did apply to another job 2 days ago and I figure if Mr.R is on vacation then I'm on vacation. I still very much need a job though. Stressing about money! I might make a post on my Facebook about offering my animal portrait painting services to people. 
    • Wow I give that day a 10+/10. The beach part particularly sung to me and made me envious. That wildflower picture (and all the pictures really) was gorgeous ❤️ and anime and videos to end the night sounds amazing. 
    • You are so right.   Ok good that's what I suspected, but maybe there were even more reasons!   Also I might've googled whether nipples are considered erogenous zones in any other mammals.
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