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    • Aaaaand... it's Tuesday and I haven't even summarised the previous week yet... 😇     Friday: Went for an extended lunch break walk. Brother-in-law came around in the evening and treated us to fries. Didn't go completely overboard with the calorie intake, fortunately.   Saturday: TimovieSon had a birthday party to go to, and in the evening we went to dinner with our next-door neighbours. Had my share of meat, and there were some crisps afterwards while watching the second half of the late football match. We had planned on going to the restaurant on foot, which would've meant I got a decent amount of steps in. Unfortunately, the weather started looking worse when we were about to leave, so we opted to go by car. Good thing too, or we would've been soaked. Bad thing, since I got few steps in for the day.   Sunday: Mrs. Movieman and the kids went to a goodbye party for one of the school's parent-teacher committee members. Mrs. Movieman is part of the committee, but I'm not, so while I know and recognise most of the other members, I don't know half their names. I would have felt really out of place at the party, so I opted out and stayed at home. Was going to go for an afternoon walk, but it started raining, so I played some Hogwarts Legacy instead. Since the party involved food, I had to take care of my own dinner. I had planned on going for kebab, and to go on foot to get *some* steps in. Alas, England's match went to extra time, which destroyed my window in-between the two matches. So I prepared something from out freezer instead. The only real downside is that I had no steps in for the day.   Week summary:   Week 2   M T W T F S S Intermittent fasting               Calorie intake               Calories spent               Calories in/out deficit               Curfew               Sleep               Avg. sleep 5h41 Steps               Avg. steps 10.9K Distance 33.57 km Workouts 0 Days with (mini-)workouts 0.0 ALL THE THINGS!                   Yikes! That's a lot of red! Hogwarts Legacy - and my "just one more quest" tendencies - obliterated my curfew and sleep averages. The weekend weakened my steps average. The workouts were non-existent all week. And the dismal record of "going to bed on time" wrecked the "ALL THE THINGS!" log. Especially since I didn't play any darts all week, and generally only did "most" of the things... Part of it was me feeling out of sorts while I was without a laptop, but a large part of it was Hogwarts Legacy. 😇         Walk to Mordor   Distance walked last week: 33.57 km (20.86 miles) Road to Mordor: total 1180.3 miles - Lothlórien to Rauros - Feb. 21 - Day 6 since Lothlórien - Passed north face of outer down ridge. Reached lowlands between downs and the Emyn Muil.         Here's a song by German prog metal band The Ocean. The band has a line-up that's centered around guitarist and composer Robin Staps and that changes frequently. Insofar that it feels more like a "collective" than a band. Their albums also have "concept album" tendencies, but I quite like the vibe that most of their songs seem to have. Then again, I can appreciate the progressive rock and metal genres, so this suits my tastes.   The Ocean - Sea of Reeds
    • Big hugs. And funerals are so unpredictable for length and format, makes sense that your brain would feel a bit gaslit by your own needs when the funeral coulda been 10 mins of standing or 90 mins, depending on how who gets up to speak.     Whenever the money gods smile on you, I really want you to get a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. Noise sucks.     As always, your taste is impeccable. Do you ever have two wolves inside of you? One wants to wear a single lampwork bead on a thin chain for a restrained modern presentation, and the other wants to wear swags of wildly mismatched beads trailing to the floor?   +10,000 internet points for that tiny pig. I would like to watch a tv show about her, and I would like it to have five seasons and a movie.  
    • Thanks. everything is getting shelved a bit this week due to energy levels. Just went to do my bujo and realised i hadnt filled it in for 4 days. The month turned over and i didnt even realise till today.  get to start my new dotted bujo, but jo way is that happening till i have more energy sadly
    • Hey all. 1pm here. Been a busy day so far today. Done 2 lots of laundry, started sorting the PILES of clothes .... charity shop, to sell, to wash, to put away.    Slowly slowly getting there. I am trying to do it slow and steady, so i dont get too overwhelmed.    Need to sort Jackson's litter space out. It isnt working at the mo, too stinky and messy.    I found a very discounted cupboard for him, from a site that sells stuff in damaged boxes so shops wont sell them?! crazy. But for £25 i got it   I need to put that together, will likely do that this eve as i am CRAP at flat packed furniture   Bronze has vet appointment at 3.45pm - i popped some chicken into water and she had both thank GOD.    Will get her worming meds and the vet will check her over as well. Fingers crossed she isnt too poorly.    I am just trying to distract myself from job interview news. So anxious.    Love to you all xx
    • This is a very good point. I do a load of construction on drawings when it's something I've learned to draw with construction, and then totally forget to do the same on anything else!
    • Who doesn't       Such a beautiful game! We bought it for my brother-in-law a while ago, but I really wish we'd bought it for ourselves instead.     Yeah, I'm a big fan of Pathfinder (the RPG, not played the card game). My groups Pathfinder 2e GM is currently running us through Abomination Vaults - it's brutal!     Just personal preference, but if that's the only day of the month you expect to really struggle to avoid junk food, I would just plan the rest of the month around the fact that you will faceplant a load of junk food on this one day. E.g. rather than averaging 1,800kcal every day, average 1,725 per day and then accept that you'll have 4,000kcal on that one day - it'll work out the same. Doesn't suit everyone, but that might be my approach.
    • Thank you!   I had help from minion #1 (animation student…she has some really good tips/tricks on drawing) and the hubs (who suggested putting it in Inkarnate)    
    • This is amazing. I absolutely love it!  Thank you for making me giggle a ton this morning.
    • As a fellow introvert this is okay. Take as long as you need.  We will be here when you get back.
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