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    • Tuesday was a good day. I had to park a fair walk away from work, so I got a thousand steps in before the day even got going! I had two choc biscuits (Aussie meaning of "biscuit") so about 12g of sugar. And since I had a late start to the day I used the time for some self-care, which is not quite in the spirit of my "choring" goal, but I've been neglecting self-care as much as I've been neglecting to vacuum, so I'll still call it a win.
    • Well, to be fair, the weather disaster happened after the consistency. It's what I woke up to this morning.    But I did do a decent job today even with it. We ordered pizza for dinner so we we spent a good chunk of the afternoon starting to clean up the downed limbs in 165% humidity, but I kept it to a reasonable amount and only one breadstick so i was just barely above my max goal by  25 cals
    • I'm continuing to walk, strength train and do my decluttering in between several different client jobs.   I'm tracking and am ready to modify my schedule somewhat to account for my better than anticipated performance on walking, and a need to modify my strength training a bit. I'll post more when I have a little more time. 
    • It's Tuesday, and that usually means Truck Porn Tuesday, but I wanted to show some of the typical tasks that wildland firefighters do, and the roles that trucks play in the day to day life of engine crews and hand crews.   You'll notice the trucks are ever present–carrying crews and their tools to fires, providing water, sitting in the background while firefighters do their PT...   You'll see wildland engines, and a crew carrier in action.     Next, a  lot fire trucks driving around...    This next video starts out with a number of Type 3 engines. Then helitack support, a couple tenders, one that pulls around beside a parked structure engine. More Type 3 engines join up (note the different agencies that are responding - several different National Forests, Bureau of Land Management, local jurisdictions...) They appear to be staging to form strike teams, groups of five engines that will be under the command of a strike team leader who will coordinate their efforts as orders are relayed from incident command.     
    • No words for the family drama... not only at a loss for them, but also thinking words aren't going to make a difference. You need a good friend or three to show show up and batch cook for you. 
    • This weekend has been put very firmly in the rear-view mirror, and we are officially making a sincere effort to get back on track.   Health Bar (physical health) Extensive stretching/yoga session. Felt great.    Stamina Bar (Resilience/Emotional Energy) Resumed planning out details of trip to visit family in Sweden, and managed to book almost everything, all in one go. (And we are not looking at the card statement until the next paycheck comes in, because sheesh travel is pricey.)   Also, @Sovalis, this song plays in my head every single time I see your challenge title and I can't hold it back anymore. This must be shared! Activating subtitles is encouraged, but not required.     Nearly forgot: Content warning for mentions of rape, implied suicide, general violence, and some disturbing imagery. 🤘🏻    
    • Surely being proactive and taking unprompted initiative to sleep more will be a perfectly valid reason to ask for an extension?
    • Too much improvement. Too good at sleeping. My body now wants all the sleep. I had to go to bed before dinner for a few hours. Too tired.     Dude's gonna have to wait for the second half of his essay.
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