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    • I forgot to mention a win I had on Tuesday. Well it starts with disappointment; I had a lousy lunch that was not at all nice to eat, so I was really hungry by the time I got home. But instead of snacking, I just had a little extra for dinner to fill the space.   Wednesday was terrible. I mean I did OK goals wise, but it was just a horrible day at work. Didn't manage to carve out any time for exercise (I didn't even get a chance to make a cup of tea!), but I did make an effort to only use the stairs instead of the lifts. For sugar I had a muffin I bought days ago and forgot about, so that's 26g, which is more than Mon or Tues but not outrageous. It was my turn to wash the dishes, Husband offered to do them for me since I was so tired, but I didn't take him up on it and just did 'em, so I'm calling that a choring win.   Weekend can't come quickly enough!
    • Me too!!!! ❤️    Work is smoothening out, which is nice. I might not have a job in January, of course (there are two cut points in the year: July 1 and January 1), but that's so six months from now.  In the interim, I am pleased and proud of the relationships I'm building at work, and pleased and proud of the work I do. Really, that sounds so small but it's huge for me.   I put the application in last week forthe Library internship and it is now in the hands of the universe.  There's a similar internship at a different university (also remote) that is more hours and a bit more tied to a traditional schedule, so I'll put my hat in the ring for that as well, and then if I get considered for the second one, I'll have a talk with them about alternating weekends to accommodate Vivian's visitation schedule.     I had my first appointement with the new reunification counselor today, and I think it went very well.  I'm looking forward to moving forward and to repairing my relationship with Vivian. Stay tuned, friends.   Tonight is supposed to be dance class, but I just don't have it in me, especially after the appointment this morning, which got unexpectedly emotional. Apparently I trust this counselor, and that's a nice surprise.  Nic wants his Settlers of Catan game back, so I'm going to go drop it off at the pinball museum (becuase apparently that's how mature people operate 🤦‍♀️). After that, I'm probably heading back home to pack up whatever for the dogsitting gig through Sunday. I need less and less each time I do this, which is probably my minimalism and Wise Mind coming out, but I also notice that the few things I do need, I really need, like tea and a kettle and my blood pressure medication.   The meeting with Philosopher James went very well this afternoon, and I'm glad. We are making good headway on the reading list, and this all makes me feel much more solid for the compressed schedule, or, as I'm beginning to think of it, The Schedule.  He had some time constraints today, so we didn't have time to talk about The Schedule today, but I feel pretty certain that we will be talking about it next week. Committee Chair Neal and I meet on the 15th (ish, I'd have to look up the specific date), and I know James wants to naikl down some calendar considerations before that meeting happens.    Overall, I'm feeling very centered and optimistic, which is refreshing. I'm still physically tired, but I'm feeling up to the things on my plate (but also feeling good about saying no to dancing tonight, because being in balance with myself means honoring my rest needs, too).  All will be well. ❤️ 
    • Woohoo for more sleep! Being rested is always step zero in my mind, but also, it seems like you'e been more physically active lately with the projects and the aikido. I tend to find a greater reservoir of energy after I up my activity baseline, and I'm wondering if this is part of it as well. I mean, I'm all for spending an evening lunging on the couch or in a comfy chair and knitting and woolgathering, so don't take this as judgemental.  
    • I'm sitting right here.   Garuumph! Feels petty and punitive.   I am a tad bit older than you, and I still don't feel like I have my Adult Card yet, and yes, it's always so satisfying when things align to reflect back some strength and positivity, as if the Universe is saying "it's okay, girl; you've got this." Glad you had a bit of that; you definitely deserve it.   Can't forget to call out All the wonderful fruits and veggies you've been dishing up along the way. What a glorious thing, and how different from Times Past when you would have "treated" yourself differently. #DruidApproved   Much love ❤️ 
    • Yes, this project is done.   I am thinking that we should also move the gluten-free pasta from the mud room to the pantry to make those more accessible for Cleo. I have jars of beans and lentils in the pantry that would be fine in the mud room. That would be a fairly simple swap which would let Cleo do simple cooking for herself if Elf is out of the house. I am the only one who cooks with dry beans, so I feel confident making an executive decision on this topic. [this is a new project, not an extension of the find homes for the baking tins project]     Not bad at all. So far as I can tell, no one has noticed at work. In the bigger picture, my knees are bothering me a lot more than my black eye.   I have not been doing my knee exercises for the last few days, which can't be helping. I think the underlying problem is still inflammation. More exercise and less sugar would be smart choices. I am trying to figure out a path to get to making those happen.   Over the past few days I have noticed that I have more energy. That could be getting more sleep or recovering from long covid. Whatever it is, I hope it lasts. I have plenty of things I would like to do.
    • That hedge maze is super cool! What a fun idea. Ugh, sorry that your employer is being an obnoxious Scrooge. 
    • Not everyone wants to tip on a card payment screen. Im very happy to tip people, but even when i pay by card i prefer to put change in a jar. Mostly as the minimum on card screens is often more than i am able to afford to tip people on a regular basis for small transactions. A jar full of 20p’s is still a decent chunk of money you wouldnt have had otherwise. 
    • Wait, whaaaaaaaat?!? This is not the kind of boss I had thought she was (nor did you, obviously!!). I'm definitely reading more and catching up before I make any further comments, but even thinking this is clearly a boundary violation of "good boss things."  
    • I'm glad you had a good conversation with Sonjia, even though she is still being inconsiderate of her employees.    I hear you on the joy of fresh veggies. My fridge is nearly bare. Tomorrow will be grocery shopping and veggie prep.
    • This is what I miss most about training. It's also what I like most about practicing an instrument.   I am sorry to hear about the family drama. Even though it was "resolved" shortly, this must have left you feeling at the mercy of the condition of Elf and Cleo's relationship. While things are smooth, I wonder if you and Dumbledore can have a contingency-plan conversation after he gets back from the work trip (possibly while working on sorting stuff together, becuase yes, this should not be a thing  you do only yourself). I'm sorry that the sorting is taking so long. Especially since it's not your stuff, but it's the bottleneck in moving to the downstairs, it can probably feel like you're at the mercy of others, which only echoes the situation with Elf. This is a tough space. Solidarity. ❤️    I truly wish I could sign up for a spot in the rotation!   I am curious too, and am sending good thoughts that communication is abundant and easy. I don't like the idea of you and Dumbledore being caught of-guard at home and saddled with more day-to-day work. This might sound uncharitable of me, and of course I have heaps of compassion for both Elf and Cleo, but I don't want the taken-for-granted responsibility-fulfillment to get lost, either.    Good job on the pantry project! I feel like there's never really a 'good' time to do these sorts of things, but I'm super impressed that you guys did as much as you did. Is the pantry sorting now complete (or at least complete enough to be considered done)?   I have done this, and yes: I hope the bruise and tenderness isn't too bad.   I full agree with Harriet's answer.     Hope you are having a good week.
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