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    • TUESDAY: A Busy Bee Day Oof, I over-booked myself and I might have made a questionable choice by doing that. Yesterday I was so overstimulated by the time that I got home for real I couldn't do much of anything. Had to skip one of my classes at the Y so that I could really just focus on getting my head and senses back together. But, I filled the day with wonderful things so I'm happy that I did it.    GOAL # 1: HYDRATE OR DIE-DRATE WEEK 2: 64 ounces of water a day. 16 of those ounces have to be raw water. I gotta give my poor kidneys a dang break and quit drinking what is the equivalent of sugar-free KoolAid.  We... did not succeed on Tuesday. After giving the Big Boy Bottle a second try, it was great for classes, but not so great for reminding me how much water I drank, so we will be swapping back to the 16oz bottle. Still insulated and nice, but it's a lot easier to remember how much I've had. 4 bottles a day isn't hard to remember.   GOAL # 2: ALONE TIME AT THE GYM WEEK 2:  Go to the YMCA 2x this week to exercise without a class. Thirty minutes minimum, but brownie points if I do more.  Another day that I didn't do it alone... because, once again, I went with a friend to go do water aerobics! I don't normally do the Tuesday morning class, and I grabbed the heavy weights, which was a total mistake. We did arm exercises and I was NOT PREPARED FOR HOW HARD THAT WAS. She killed me. I was absolutely destroyed. Also, I found out my friend Carol (who I went to class with) is also autistic! Which we think is why we get along so well!   GOAL # 3: HOOKAH IS FOR FUNSIES, NOT ANXIETY WEEK 2: Rethink the routine: Really try and figure out why the Hell I'm smoking at the times I'm smoking. Am I tired? Am I bored? Am I hungry? Write down those feelings and look at them later. There might be a pattern. The pattern is definitely set. It's a combination of being bored, being on a transition time, and wanting to shove food in my face. I did not smoke past midnight (which was good, continue building on that!) and since I have SNAP funds I'm going to buy some gum today and some stuff to make little protein pack snacks to make sure I don't reach for the tobacco when instead my body is craving nutrients.    AND NOW... Inktober! Yesterday was the first day of Inktober and I present to you, my contribution to Inktober Day 1: Backpack. I took a photo of the picture I drew and then uploaded it to Instagram... and then took a screenshot of it and uploaded it here. I feel so old. LOL!   TOTAL WINS: 2/3
    • I 100% agree with this. We don't know people's struggles or dietary needs.    For me, I struggle with binge eating and eating too much sugar, to the detriment of my health, so I've enlisted the help of my room mate to help keep me accountable. They're kind of like my sponsor, LOL! But I'm working on eating with no judgment towards myself and remembering that food has no moral value. 
    • So, I decided that for the little stuff I would be putting it all on my grey sketchpad and 2 per page. Unfortunately, that means you guys are getting pictures of my sketchbook instead of scans - which is NBD.  The picture is actually much smaller than this but I have no sense of scale, LOL!   DAY 01: Backpack Ink, white gel pen, silver gel pen Grey sketch paper
    • Dad went home today. Hopefully I can get over this illness, recover, and make a new plan. Might take a few days off for non-improvement, though. Need to reflect on what it means to get better now I'm coming to the end of my belief in healthy lifestyle changes. 
    • It has been a bit. I am not quite ready to do my own challenge, but I wanted to at least say Hi to my friends.   So hows things?
    • Hi   It sounds like things have been busy for you. I just wanted to pop in and Say Hi.   I totally understand the "been thinking of people without being able to put words together." That is a common state at the moment.   I hope things settle for you a bit.
    • Neck does seem to be on the mend. She told me today that she requested Friday off because she wants to take a ride out of town for the weekend...no mention of "will you take care of the dog for me?" The last minute BS because she doesn't think I'm going anywhere is not going to work for me. I think I need to send her back to school. Overcoming codependency is proving to be quite the challenge...   I love  you too, and appreciate your faith in me  ❤️   
    • This is likely true.       I did get a walk yesterday, but just realized when I sprung awake at 3.30a that I was also supposed to lift yesterday. Oh well. 7/22   Sewing project has turned from 'Wow, this isn't quite working how I thought" to "How much of this can I salvage or do I have to scrap the whole thing and start over?" Racing thoughts about this as well as regret/guilt that I'm letting hubs down by not getting this done in time for a thing we're doing this weekend is a large part of why I was awake so early. I have some theories on what went wrong and strategies to have it turn out better if I do start over, but it has been a LOT of effort to this point. I don't want to try to chase a problem that isn't fixable and wind up with something second-rate, but given the stage of the project and the amount of seam finishing I'd done and curves I'd clipped to get to this point, trying to salvage many parts or pieces might be a very difficult task. Sigh.
    • sit up punches 🐝 dragon push ups 🐝 high knees 🐝 bridge taps 🐝
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