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    • It's raining a lot today but I'm kinda enjoying it. My brain's a bit fried from all the interviewing so I just had a mini pizza with extra cheese on it as I emotionally required it. Trying to find the energy to Dating App but it's tough. The FB situ is very infrequent and all I'm asking for is someone relatively local who's not a murderer, a decent lay and actually available to meet. But without me putting in any real effort Ā  Ā  Anyhoo, yester wfh interviewing... Did a load of bathroom bits, finished all the edge trims apart from a couple of very small bits, just need to silicone it. One last piece to cut for the pipe-boxing, and then the bath panel is the only real big piece. I do also need to paint the remaining walls, and there's the extractor and radiator to replace, but other humans need to do that. I did actually get into bed pretty much on time, but then with dating apps, fomo about a big singing event happening in the states I was chatting to people about, and chats about the election, it was more like 11:30pm when I turned the light off. Ho hum. Ā  Yesterday:Ā šŸ„—Ā 10ptsĀ šŸ’§Ā 5ptsĀ šŸƒā€ā™€ļøĀ 10ptsĀ šŸš¶ā€ā™€ļøĀ 5ptsĀ šŸĀ 5ptsĀ šŸ¦µĀ 5ptsĀ šŸ’”Ā -5pts Total: 585pts Ā  I feel a bit meh about it all right now - might be wfh three days, or the houseĀ stillĀ being a building site etc. Holiday next week though!
    • I know. It looks like a cake walk. Is definetly not a cake walk
    • This was a lot harder than the man-drawing would have me believeĀ šŸ Ā  Also did today's down and up doggoĀ šŸ
    • Following along! You're pictures (and pups!) are beautiful.Ā  Ā  I'm new to being in a place where I can actually garden, I didn't realize you can do blueberries in a container. Do you bring them inside in the winter?
    • Shoes are in the wash. I made Daisy's food so I'm more likely to go visit her. I "weeded" my blueberry plant that was being taken over by grass.Ā  And I watered my plants out the front.Ā  Ā  Ā 
    • I love the big sleeves! Well done @Harriet
    • Absolute diva @Harriet Ā  šŸ’ƒ
    • Friday Ā  Training: sauna x 2 Study: much art Chores: tidied, took rubbish down Mindbiscuits: uhhhhhm no apart from enjoying the sauna Ā  I did two sessions in the sauna. I think one of them might have been too long because the sand timer seems to be broken and the sand stopped flowing. Now, later in the afternoon, I have a headache. Will try to remedy with salt water and ibuprofen. Spent too much time on the art to do German. No problem. Germany game tonight with Bromethius and Mr Harriet. Will catch up later!
    • Oooh. Do you have any resources that you used to learn about it? Ā  Ā  Thank you!
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