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    • Saturday July 6   I work Saturdays so most of the day was working from home. Then in the evening we decided to run some errands and got dinner out. I kept it reasonably healthy with a shrimp rice bowl.    My weight came back down after the convenience takeout during storm cleanup. My weekly average is actually down about 2lbs from last weeks, which is awesome!    The other exciting part of the day was my mom, youngest sibling and I decided on our dates for our Norway trip. We're doing a 6 day guided hiking tour in May. The tour (which includes hotel) is booked so now I just have to get my flights.    Steps - 6006 Calories - 1675 Weight - 208.4
    • Have a gorgeous and safe trip ❤️ xx
    • Ahhhh thank you for your purchase, how lovely!!!!!   My stress levels were crazy last night hahaha xx
    • Camping day! Winnie was extra pumped up since last night cause she knows something is happening and extra cuddly this morning as if to say "don't forget me❤️".     I still have a good amount to do packing wise but camping gear is already in the car. 
    • done a bit more to the bujo. Today is a quiet day so generally chilling and reading. Going to get a walk in later but pretty tired so taking it as is comes.    need to do some cooking. Getting some healthy snacks and lunch picks in the fridge is needed. 
    • My happiest girl who was not soo happy when the vet said no doggie friends for 2 weeks.
    • It’s been several busy days.  Had to run Maple to the vet on Wednesday.  Poor thing has Canine cough. Vet prescribed an antibiotic and rest.  She also is a bit stir crazy because she can’t socialize with any dogs for the next few weeks.  So doggy daycare is out.  I feel bad so we have tried hard to get her out for extra walks. The cough also has her vomiting occasionally.       🏋️‍♀️ I am totally off the wagon here this week.  Monday’s PT session did me in with the knee, so I skipped Tuesday’s gym day. The hubs bought us tickets to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers for that night as well so I am sure I did myself no favors by hobbling everywhere and jamming to the music.  Wednesday was another PT day and the verdict I got was “this is going to take time so don’t rush it”.  It’s frustrating. Thursday was the 4th so I just relaxed at home and Friday the trainer was closed.  So blah…..I have also not been tracking my meals or eating regularly.  Hoping to reset this tomorrow and get back on track.     🧑‍🤝‍🧑 I am peopled out.  Monday was birthday celebrations, Tuesday a sold out concert, Wednesday was Scum and Villainy, Thursday my house was filled with minion friends, Friday I just avoided people but today was our monthly community dinner.  I am hiding from people tomorrow…..   💸 I bought some new clothes. I have been trying to make my wardrobe more colorful and more than just jeans and T-shirts/sweaters.  So I bought a skirt, dress and these buttery soft pants.  Other than that our budget is okay.  I do need to balance the checkbook before it gets too unruly.   🌻 Lordy so much here.  I have been doing a lot of  writing for the campaign setting I am working on (I really need a name for it). Lots of writing around our Eberron Campaign as well as mapping out some possible story beats for later sessions. I have 7 players and while I don’t intend to have complete story hooks for everyone I do try to give everyone a moment to shine and take center stage even if it is for a session here or there. I am blessed that I have very collaborative players who really enjoy exploring the world and roleplaying their characters. As a GM it has made my life easier in that regard. I also have some watermelon basil juice in the fridge to make sorbet tomorrow. I also need to feed Bougie and make some bread.  I have too many hobbies lol.
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